the christ’d waythe christ’d way
the christ’d way the happiest of all peoples everywhere cottingham, theodore. March 24, 2011 at 6:24 AM Reference 3.2.096 Voice file 110324_000 This is a LESSON in the University of
the christ’d way the happiest of all peoples everywhere cottingham, theodore. March 24, 2011 at 6:24 AM Reference 3.2.096 Voice file 110324_000 This is a LESSON in the University of
roaring lambs useless will you be no more cottingham, theodore. March 23, 2011 at 2AM 3.2.094 Voice file 110323_000 This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
I must go cottingham, theodore. March 22, 2011 at 4:12 AM Database 3.2.093 Voice file 110322_000 This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant A few excerpts:
the father is brought forth this way cottingham, theodore. March 21, 2011 at 7:28 AM 3.2.092 Voice file 110321_000 This is a lesson in the University of The New Covenant
This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant. The text transcription can be found at the University website as well as the mp3 file that can be listened
3.2.089 is the Database 3 reference to see the transcript of this Lesson Listen to the Voice file at 110318_000 A few excerpts: see the transcriptions affects not or will you
The transcription of this lesson will be posted on the University of The New Covenant website Click on Database 3, then click on Database 3 Volume 2 lessons. Thank
This is a lesson in the University of The New Covenant. I teach this way, of the christ, to reveal the christ – are all of you who will be
This is the video of the lesson 110315_000 in the University of The New Covenant. See Excerpts include: You’re not the ignorants anymore and Lula Mae’s you not making
This is the video in the University of The New Covenant of a lesson I spoke March 11, 2011 entitled “the teacher’s within you”. A few excerpts: I announce many
This is a lesson in the University of The New Covenant I spoke March 10, 2011 entitled “be recording the lambs book of life just like this”. For more information
Video of the University of The New Covenant lesson I spoke March 9, 2011. A few excerpts: the receivers who become me this way becoming the pattern of one be the