I paint with words …

I paint with words … post thumbnail image

I paint with words … sometimes better than others. I feel like this often when I post something of my heart that wants you to open, for you to know me, for I want to know you, and how can we know each other without syllables and colors, some arrangement of? How do I paint a few brush strokes into sentences to form a meaningful picture for you to see in yourself one of great worth and beauty? That is often what I desire to do as I craft a document, pare it into a post, attempting economy of expression sometimes better than others. Sometimes I ramble and splash too much ink of one color here and there to match and contrast hues that define textures of beauty to one’s internal view meter, feel meter, yielding less of a communication than I desired. Sometimes good, I think, I do. I try. I fail if I don’t try; I fail to establish connection, connections that are possible, reflections of beauty created for the beholder. I enjoy you seeing your beauty, expanding your capacity to understand and operate in your power, increase your willingness to learn from your own inner voice, increasing the development of your own confidence and authority to be who you are, who you REALLY are. That’s just me. It’s who I am.

So I paint with words. I give you me. What else do I have to give you? How can I give you what I value, with the work of my hands? My heart? Expressed? Can I give you my inner self? My thoughts? My thoughts of you? What I think you are? … Creatures of The Cosmos, Creators of Reality, with potential unlimited for healing the universe; your neighborhood? Even one lonely lovely child?

However you paint, I pray this day you find increasing release and increasing pleasure in considering how to expand your creativity, your tender heart, your unconditional love, and that you not fail to commune with your own presence, because underneath your flesh I believe you’re the loveliest of all, Creator of Creators, All One. Expressionless no more. Love be. Unlimited be. Confident be that I love you.

I’m a thinker painter, thinker-painter painting my thoughts for you, of you, with words. Paint yours this day in an expression of only you. Thank you.

Loving you,
April 15, 2020

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