my coffeeshops of love

my coffeeshops of love
will you be at 302’s of schools mine now in session I classroom one’s here
in the heavens be learning me speaking me learning me
This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 111006_000
Video file 111006_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham October 6, 2011 at 7:47 AM giving you Paradise bringing you peace in big 747 jets not or am I bringing you peace in capsules other not again ink cartridges of or are you only looking me up not again as other or looking me up but in the skies are you looking me up in the skies but are you me in me am I me in the skies now you are knowing all these things that I have taught about these years and lifting my head are you above the clouds skies again that clouded yours to be not-mine or are you changing everything about what you saw ‘d in half won’t you be anymore?
  2. I change everything not or do you arise early and change everything now in your schedule mine or what’s mine is yours not again of other are you separate divisives no more again divisiving each other are you changing everything about what divisives split apart are you split-aparts no more eagling Angeling of atoms other or Adams other are you not knowing again but love or Bauer’s love not or KK’s love me not or are you changing everything about the witnesses of love crosses burning no more or but walking through are you the white headed bunch no more that blacks were darkies of or are you all one colors of one spectrums rainbow not bowed in other again weaklings knead of are you changing everything about what’s buckled you or buckled you in seat belts other not again or but having aircraft of futures not again past’s I change everything about the pilots of shame or unions are you no more unionaffied against each other me are you one in the skies united for shames not again constructing yous as other I change everything about the wheels of flight or do you not fly me Angel wings other again or are you changing knowing about the broomsticks of terror not again or only sticking rods in each others eyes were you brooming around brumonds strumming Angels not but a lot of brummels will know me brown and not or will you change everything about the butters of mankind’s mind and the fats of oils lipids other and proteins ase extract are you not extracting extortions other again by contracts contractuals other contractualizations other will no more be contractualize yous to be others slaves for will I change everything about your commerce will you have anything about what you used to have and sorely needed?
  3. I sore you in the clouds not or but the skies are you gliding paths of me not on others again that only make decisions for you to make a big fat paychecks scheme of ponzi’s not other but what Social Security is no more social security of or are you not social ites that in the past like was are you changing everything about like was or what you lighted not again with your likes or dislikes are you changing dyslexia or dystopia again into notmes not again or changing but everything you lexia’d Lexi’s of or do you know me remember me a lot of Destiny childs of other not being again but I tell you this I am the maximized potential group or am I the graduates of love the graduaters of love are you loving now knowing me who I am that arise who arise just like this will you arise who arise that arise me or am I arising me you or one are we now that arise in the skies speaking this way with ease not again seeking or were we ever just lying around wanting comper cabanas not but I tell you this a lot of complices other will no more accomplice me to accomplish other in aircraft other standards of or will you change everything about the highered maths flows of airs of other will no more construct me or will I change everything about the airflows of hate aero dynamics of will you change everything about the wings of faith have thou any of me will be left not or right behind not again or will I be thrust reversers no more needing but aircraft of shame uniteds not or am I changing everything about the fleets of mankind’s mind will you not be enemas needing of each others mind or bowels fouled syndromes of each others spewings of opinions other won’t be opinionaffied pinned to me or pined to other or what are you knowing Admiral to Pine or everything about Tulsa’s charm not again in are you loves love all about Tulsa North and South East and West are you coming from to be here now in my school will you be me o sitting on my benches not again in rapids decline others descent of or ascent are you no more giving to other that ascended masters only want to make you of their degrees?
  4. Are you changing everything about the degree istics and the istics of education other are you highereds math ‘s no more lookings for or changing but everything in the skies are you how flies me here’s at thy doorstep not or am I changing everything about the doorstops of terror or the windows of evil havest thou none into thy minds again of other or are you changing everything about the portals of heaven not again to be other or speaking me are thee just like this thou wilt be of no other again who love me wilt thou love me keep me in Paradise not again of other what art thou constructing no more cages of unloves or air crafts other are you changing everything about who you flew for or loves airlines knowing or uniteds not in the skies anymore of other or AMR’s other peak service not but peeking into me you’ve given me a peekers review not or are you changing everything about what you’ve reviewed contracts of are you learning how to write read and speak me ease of not other seeking are you writing my words in mankind’s form not again or but art thou learning to speak me heart to heart ease of ease not wanting again combining combobulations of not again I change everything and I take aparts not or split-aparts not up’ables not or are you changing everything about the upables hearts of me had’ist thou one or were you only wanting your own constructing it as your wanted heads were you headeds necks ‘d not to each other or were you siambenese not again or Siam’d other not but the king of I’ll know or will I be all of you Indonesia’s not Thailand anymore or tired are you not all of moleculars degrees or are you tired of mankind’s charm ing each other governments of are you changing everything about Heze kiah’s charm or are you knowing me do you know me who isn’t who is Ezekiel’s other not but 34 you’ll cherish not again as other interpretations of for you’ll know mine now and you will be mine or will I be yours or will we be one’s one in the skies knowing not terrors again mystics of molecularistics other will no more be’molecularize mes for I be Mickey ‘s mouse not but I change a lot of Mickey’s mouses or do I change everything about your houses schemes or schematics blueprints of the heavens are you not studying again now what are you studying how learning to read blue and print ing me not again being reds of or changing everything about color spectrums what have I told thee I have thee all open kingdoms for or are you for me opening mine or am I mine one that mind one is not terror fieds by others again?
  5. I go to the christ or do I christ become by christ methods of one that I have given highered maths for not again or given you words of love have I programmed you not to be other or am I programming no other churches roster with names other or am I yours in the skies opening your kingdoms mine are we ones one the father is of life words of not other again lifeing what planets are you on or going to not by aircraft other were you or only incarcerations were you witnesses of others wants or dreams or Heinlein’s mysteries not but the muppet masters of terror will be no more or terroristic’s puppeteers will you know no more or what will you change not again to be shortereds longereds or what are you knowing now not the mixed-up of terrors again?
  6. I change everything not again as terror istics did to me do I forgive them all are you me I am forgiving you are me forgiving I am I am that I am was that I am wanted other to be I change everything but I understand everything not or but do I learn this way how to understand all things and be the christ christ’d are you the christing christ will you be the christ christ’d now in the heavens knowing all things being all things to all peoples not again of terror are you me in the skies will you be clueless not again I love you all speak the ease of me not again wanting or will you ease of hammocks no more lie in hammers other or distribution centers of other know me not but my student centers will be ones or in the heavens will I be one’s ones at 302 South Sheridan will you know me now belligerents others not again affied by belligerentaffieds other will no more belligerentize mes.
  7. I love you all I go now I’m done I’m terrifieds no more and I speak the ease of lambs mixtured no more and I am not the mixed-up on your tables of compounds other again nor the dials’d up of other ‘s again I change the worlds of mankind or the mankind of worlds other not control ‘s’d by again I change everything about the armand mixtures or the terrifieds wall streets or the Dow’s of disricts other not but the Tao’s of 9 I’ll know not or will I benign no other as christ un’s again will you be christ neutereds not again please will you christ oh be reproducing christ or christ are ones in the skies one ‘s are ones ones reproducing me or me are you me reproducing me my words just like this spewings out others terrors not again of?
  8. I love you all to be the most kindest of all will you be God who is will you be the loving est of all will you love all equally will you love all terrors fieds and nots equally will you love give your life for all will you life have give to all freely equally will you be the equalaffied all in terrozzatall not again terrorizing others not but Lazarus I call forth not or do I call you all forth now to come to my school to know how I live look and live life not of other again or speaking my words will you please will you learn how to be commensurate not with evils again but exponential me accelerating into lifes work of other not again will you be declined no more declinations of or changing everything about the accelerations of lie ‘s school no more will you accelerate into the clouds or be among above or what’s no more keeping you anywheres galactics shame no more terrifieds by restricteds by other you are no more or changing all the laws of mankind’s success or failures are you changing everything about how you speaks me did you ever or know how or were you just constricteds neutereds by religion are you changing everything about religions governments and governments religions that mixed-ups are that are mixed-ups no longer again in mixing bowls other or what are you changing the bowling crowd of not few or greens of Kentucky not but I change a lot of things about the divisives of lakes or are you not the Kentucky Derby’s again going to or but what Watkins Glen are you looking up in these words I love you all and I’m Christopher’s Blessing not or am I all of you tunes of glory love or love of tunes other not again but tunes of love you’ll know far and wide in the skies loving me Christopher’s blessing are you your names here _________________________ your childrens of love or are you all begetting parents not of loves other are you changing times time and times half up not but time’s over and I change everything and who am I the witness of other not again I have told you many things and much I go now I have I’m done love you all be in my courses shame no more swallow and swallop again and dollop other upon my crystal cheese not but I change a lot of things about my oatmeal terrors or o-rings not again swallowing moleculars of am I changing everything about your diets of?
  9. Worms other will no more de-worm me or was I only ever be’wormed by other that infestated my minds as other be ancillary other not but I change a lot of things about the ancillarious crowds or do I de-ancillary a lot of phosphorus glens or changing a lot about your fluorides toothpaste of other or waters of shame not dippings in I change everything about your moleculars hydrogen or nitrogens other not oxygenating again or changing everything about what compounds are where lie ing in the skies are you no more of ease hammocks in wanting siphoning sipping not but I change a lot of things about the fuels of terror and how knife and fork were invented not or changing are you the diets of the past or the futures are you back to the future ‘s no more of sorrows or the past of mankind’s mind programmings overlaids on you not again templates of and I change everything about the websmanship of terror or the webs of URLs design not but a lot of HTTP will change me not again or are you changing all about the HTP5 or all of the red or blue pills white or not I take none again to be’merit other but Meryl Streep I’ll know not or will I know all of you in my movies will you be or my words first will you first know my words love me being me will you beam not other again unto the stages of life other what planets are you on lying no more of other I change everything about the joys of mankind or do I know one or do I know all you who pure love are now joyful and stripped of other not again your kingship lies in others hands no more for you will not be neutered in terrors again I will castrate no other or did I ever or were you only me castrating my power or powers of other not wanting again are you experiencing the new birth now in the heavens are you the castrateds no more will you the new birthers be in the heavens of The New Covenant’s me that I was all the time galactics enterprises knowing galactic fears not again of but the spheres of me will be unloves no more again.
  10. Loving you all I go now I’m done I’m red-eyes special not but I love you all and you’ll know what I mean looking me up I’ll see you sometime about now dropping in are you or will I be dropping in on you not again as other or will I be right into your heart speaking straight to you will you be me in your mirror being me looking at christ the christ will you christ the christ o christ be the christ speaking me this way arising early speaking me arising me contacting me love me Skype me call me drop by I’m at 302 South Sheridan for now love you all in Tulsa then where’ll I been be on South Lewis or South Theodore’s Avenue or No. 1 will I be at 10 Downing or loves theater not or will I be on the Prayer Tower’s campus or the campus of loves in the skies will you know me from here’s I am at 302’s now now at 302’s love me well speak me record me evils not again for I’m 74112 not or are you all knowing me zippereds mouths not again of I open my mouth for terrors not again but I speak mes ease of love not but love ‘s know me the tenacity’s of one I arise and speaks early transcribe and love post and demerits other I’ll know not but merits of other I’ll love streets bakery of not but I’ll know a lot of loves sweetery not again of other for I know the difference and I love all Meryl’s not or do I love all of you of every name nation tribe and tongue I love you all forgotten or not what you think or not for you are not forgotten any of you I love you I am you be the real me arising early speaking my words coming to Tulsa what are you changing now your schedule your life ‘s life lives of other not living again are you in or being connecteds to other I’m not webs of deceit in I’m changing all of the air crafts of life of what thoughts are in cartridges of ink are passed down to others not again the symmetries of I change all the symmetrics or do I change everything about Fourier Transforms or are you changing everything about differential equations calculus or matrix’d are you no more again of other?
  11. Gaining other I’m not but the whole worlds I’ll know or will I know all the worlds everywhere and universes fly not in other again universities of love un for I change everything and I change your workmans schedules not or do I but change everything about your big fat paychecks lie or what you want therein to buy I buy not the words of shame for I bye-bye to a lot of things say now and I say a lot of words not or do I listen speak and record the miracles of not mankind’s again over me or was I miraculous other made by me or was I stupid shames in or morons ic other not but a lot of things I change not again of other or do I change everything but you or are you changing me not again to be unchrist I am you me one the father is that mother is of no other again we ones are split-aparts no more again by other atoms other will no more be’spin me spun us on webs limbs other I change everything and who am I the terrors no more of other tapestries making me tappets on tappets other for I’ll know camshafts of other not but Cam Floria’s mine not or John’s Celebrants not or am I all of you celebrating in the skies the birth of new loves love that I am new heavens in will you be ballistifears no more again afraids of changing everything about what you winked at or loved or didn’t know about?
  12. Will you love me in the heavens be learning me speaking me learning me speaking just like this learns and speaks the terrors not again of terrifieds other I speak the saints not of others again or do I saint ize my words no more nor religionize them or do I change everything about your eyes red eye specials will you no more be in or dilated pupils other or will you be mine disciples of love that become me the teachers of love in the skies that speak straight into your hearts this way that I am ones are ones one we are we’on’d not by other again or weaned by are we not again to other or weaning am I off you the milks of mankind’s mind or connecteds not to others are you mine lovers of light now will you know the difference not being the agreements of terrors in again that knee you and knead you upon their pews and rugs other won’t be stirred ups or will I be changing everything about the magic carpet rides of faith or will you have none or only be me in the skies the resurrecteds are?
  13. I change everything and who am I one simple at 302 that’s my name or am I simples love or theodore’s one will you be too or innumeric less not or will you be numberless not again or will you be my seven equals on altogethers one love all know me as one one the father is mothered by no other again conjurers other lecturers of other will no more take me down and lectern me in their moles of other won’t cule me again cure me of other not or will you change everything about the cures of mankind’s mind that’s promoted now I change the philosophies of faith not or do I but change everything you thought in mankind’s mind will you not be containerized in ink cartridges other aircrafts of or changing everything are you about the moleculars of faith the moleculars of mankind’s mind of other I will not be projecteds projections by I change everything about the magnetics of everything I magnetic nothing not or do I but change everything you know and knew?
  14. Will you new be now The New Covenant’s me be the glorified now Savior of one beginning with you first be me Meryl’s Streep not or are you all knowing my street or Theodore’s Avenue or Sheridan’s love right now will you be at 302’s love school’s mine now in session I classroom one’s here two’s here three ‘s mighty loving me all I change everything and the accordion shop’s no more or are you shopping in the skies or need you no shops of terror or are you but in my coffeeshops of love coffee houses of terror not again but I love you all equally and you’ll not be working for peanuts again for I change everything about the skies loves me well United Airlines be or united in loves will we be all loves not flying elsewheres on jets paths other or glidepaths other knowing not but I change a lot of lightways about the paths of the past and the lights are no more of terrors lighting me of theirs I change everything and I am who the ions not of terror again I change everything and I’m ABCs love not or do you know my 26 letters of love I love you all christ be the christ’d one christ me all of every nation tribe and tongue your name here ________________________ please write me this day love you all garnereds by no other be the christ lovelyluias are amen good day love me love you write me be in my courses BZ UNC.BZ thank you good day on Skype the web de-web a lot of things in your life now visiting others not but changes I’ll make in your lives not or will you make no changes in mine or will we be one ‘s one in the skies let’s go terrifieds be no more adventurers and explorers be thank you good day.
* * * * *
This is one of more than 3,000 writings extemporaneously written and/or spoken by theodore cottingham over the last 7+ years. Each of these writings is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant that forms our curriculum. A school like no other – the University of The New Covenant in Tulsa, Oklahoma exists to teach the surrendered of every nation tribe and tongue to speak the first-person words of GOD that will teach them to be not separate from what they were before the foundation of this world.
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112 USA
Please explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, interact with it, releasing what you see being said to birth something new in you; the revelation of one, the teacher being within you.
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays. 
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.

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