THE NEW COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham 302,News,Tulsa are you stopping in the University office now

are you stopping in the University office now

are you stopping in the University office now
the temple not made with hands revealed
will you love Meology
trainings Angels I am of the First Degree
will you change everything about what you die for
be Angels of the First Degree
what are you seeing hearing are you going to now 302 ‘s love
This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 111002_000
Video file 111002_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham October 2, 2011 at 7:32 AM bringing you Paradise in me am I have I brought you me that I am you that I am understanding this these things now are you metalaballistic no more are you metabolisms no more having for the gospel other are you other not going to today or tomorrow ‘s dream knowing from another again you won’t be againaffied in I love you all to know the difference a day makes or are are I am making many new are you to make many me are you me in the skies making me noising abroad other not again abroads of or Broadus’s other not but Josephine I’ll know or will I know Joseph I or II I love you all to know me who does Paradise this way enter me who I am is the kingdom not afraid to be the kingdom entered entering in the kingdom of light ‘s light will you be now lightifeared not by other afeared by light other or will you fear all lights not again or only want darkness not again will you darks not reside in or will you be the light of the worlds now not needing preclusions other what are you precludeds by no more are you preclusions not wearing or seclusions not in interests other that only wants to make you a bedrooms lie in are you not fort itudes Fortners going to or are you ruby reds no more of grape juice other are you changing everything about the grapefruit of mankind’s mind or are you seedlings no more for terror pomegranates of pomegranates in other you won’t be eaten the seeds out of your brains won’t be anymore picked by cherries picking or are you changing everything about picking what are you off the shelves no more of different things of wingates Paradise not but I change a lot of windlass’s not again or but do I change everything about the wingates of terror are you changing everything about what windeds you are you windeds no more with esophageal trachea pipes or pipes what are you smoking not again downing draw breath in or going to but number 10 now are you or seven equals on are you all Meons knowing the Meology’s crowd of no other I am the crowdless not again or am I stuffing in chairs not few or rising many from the dead waking the dead (1) no more walking the dead or are you rising the dead to be in the skies arisens are?
  2. Are you changing everything are you are ‘s no more of failures arsonists of your minds won’t be again or were you only licking memories or taste-goods Paradise not but a lot of taste buds go bye-bye not or will you be changing your appetites for sex or religion will you have one of both neither or intercourse ing with each others minds no more will be ions of Paradise or do you let me teach this way do you will you let me teach this way o fools be not for another again that only wants a warm feeling of fuzzy memories or memoryistic concoctions concoctings you to be warms by warmth ‘s’d by will be no more for you will need no warmth of other will you be by the bedside not of other when you die or will you change everything about what you die for will you not die for religion again will you not die for the christ of other or will you not be the Hinduese influenced by or Islamics terror again that only wants to give you a government of religion sharia law not or changing everything about the Islamic’s Paradise do they have one will you in the skies be not the limiteds of Paradise other are you changing everything about the religion ites and Ike’s not being of other again are you presidents of Paradise not again or but 50th are you in the cradle of no other mankinds of civilization other will be not again or will you be blinking blinkity blinks no more or blankety blank blankets not but a lot of terroristics supplies go no more forwards not or backwards by the supplies trains of terrors not but trainings Angels I am of the First Degree to be the degreeds of no other degreeing love other to be un’s is no more for I change everything and I am your hons of Paradise no more doing due-lists other no matter how you spell that I will not be religions charm of lists other to due you to you as other did to you will be no more for you will not be doing that to each other again how you were treated how were you use of you not treated by again will you use each others not treateds by treatments other that only want to give you a religions charm of medicine not few medicinal value of religions not again injecteds into your arms of copular cabana’d other not but no more bananas will you be eating or will you know mine me will you mine me and search your words or mine will you search your words out or mine in be will you be my words not the terroristics approach of other peeling slipping you won’t be anymore religions charm on neuronals slide ing boards other for the curvature of mankind’s mind will be no more 80 ones or are you 1 eighties not going to again but right-angle’s freeds are you?
  3. I love you all to know me who I am and transcribe my words or yours are you beginning with mine are you your words beginning with mine are you your words beginning with mine are your words set free in mine will you be mine setting free yours to be mine I am in the heavens in the skies not the skyless again o terribles snow of other not be or will you be snowing in hells bells no more of or changing everything about the witnesses of terror are you changing everything about mankind’s mind are you changing everything about the christ no more mind of other over you that you’re creating it to be over other you is no more for you will be no more other over other or will you be underfied no more of undertakers wearing pajamas Britain’s britches not or are you changing everything about the breechies or the breeched birth of mes in pulpits won’t be again those that terroristics want to make forceps of others braining your brows will no more be for I’ll be breech’d concepts not again breeching the gap or did I ever or were you only bridging hells to hells bells will you be no more bell affied by however you spell that that’s okay or are you changing all of your spellings or are you de-spelling that’s yours that spelled you by your spelling of creators other are you changing everything about creatin’s mistress or mysteries DNA or RNAs supply no more are you needing anything about the molecular molecularments of terror are you changing everything about what’s spun you are spunnungs not spinnings of weavings terror in your webs mistress again are you changing everything about the mistress of mankind’s mind or were you only mine or mine yours not again of terror will you be me reign of terror no more having?
  4. Are you changing everything about what you fell for will you be Angels of the First Degree you were all of you knowing what time it is what time is it to be times over is time no more over you or under you are you changing everything about what you wore or are you wearing horses no more clothes of are you changing everything about the horsehair vests or the rub ers duckies or changing everything about copulations interest in mankind’s mind are you not copulateds anymore coping with terrors genes of mankind’s mind terror izing you will be no more for I change everything or do I preach or do I breech no more in pulpits other or do I bridge the gap or are there no gaps in my DNA again am I wholly me holy me I am you who love me are one I am that I am is not the mistress of terror again mystery fied by I change everything and who am I one simple preaching not again or do I go but to the nations am I everywheres now keeping track with me of me not or am I in the prayer towers office or office of one in the skies will you be with me being me who am I where on 7777 Sunset’s Strip not but a lot of South Lewis ers will know me or will you all be theodore’s ers avenues of not terror again or will you change everything about the coffee pots of terror or will you not meltings be in the pews of other or in the skies will you be having coffee with me right where I am on 302 ‘s witness not again or dropping by to see me or are you stopping in the University office now to see me I am gold bands about or witnesses not of terror needing again what are the temples made with hands not again doing about me the temple not made with hands revealed?
  5. Are you the temple not made with hands fabrications anymore fabricating yous by of their words will be no more or will you saying be bye-bye to a lot of things now and words other will you vocabularies of one not know or will you know and memorize me will you be me memorizing me not the memoryistic of failures again that only wants to plug in tobacco chews or choices are you making not to tobacco chew ‘s anymore are you tobaccoing not farming anymore or farming your neurons as terrors not again are you what changing are you everything printing out my words these words are you the word of the lambs of truth not being a terror fieds again in the lambs of truth know me and who am I knowns am I Zanone’s not or am I all of you knowing Joan’s love or are you the love istic of no others again are you loving me will you be me in the skies loving all equally will you give your lives for terror not again moments of other in orgasms of thought will no more be’religionite you I test the waters not or do I walk across or fly across many chasms now will you be the chaotics interests no more in chaosm theory or what are you changing the stoistic or stochastic not again recoastic of other not but I change a lot of things and spellings not or will you spell mine bees not again as other hiving around religions interest will no more be Hinduees Islamics or Christians other will you be no more any of that ‘s that I change everything and who am I one simple who walks the roads not of terror again or am I on Sheridan ‘s lovers of lane other not or Lois will you know or will you be not the lowest again in the heavens on the rungs of ladders other or were you only DNAs unplugged outs or in’s will you be no more plug-ins of other?
  6. I change everything about the minds of terrors and the terroristics approach of guns other ammo will no more ammunitionize me and ize I won’t be eyes’d of terror again I change the christ not again into other and I am unto other not or am I two not in one again of other am I christ less not again are you christ less not again are you the christ but christ will you be all of you of every nation tribe and tongue of not other again what are you christing yourself to be the christ following the pattern of one will you please Jesus the pattern knowing will you paddy ‘s be cakes of no other wanting figs of fig leaves other to be’cloth you wear on your minds no more will be as flesh fleshed flesh in the gardens of Eden ‘s no more or were you in your temples fried by each other or hells bells knowing not the musics of other I am in the heavens tunes of love knowing the glories of Satans no more for you will not Satan istics be singing the songs of other to glorify you later as other you won’t be the glorifieds other or will you glorify me now that you are having your own glory not again that you suppose as christ other meant to you to be other to be rescuing you later won’t be for I rapture the christ or do I develop the christ train ing the christ this way to be the christ raptured by no others thoughts again I crown king the christ crown kinging the christ will you king the crowned christ will you crown the christ all of you being the christ crowned will you being be the crowned christ all of you of every nation tribe and tongue of every race ethnicity and branch of failures mankind or mankind’s failureing not again to use you or were you doing that to each other where you knew not the difference were you only broken hearted ‘s of others you won’t be again broken ‘s of for Brokaw I’ll know Tom’s not or will a lot of Kat’s be fail again or will I know talls or shortereds not be again or but all of you not longer’ds lengthened in DNAs chains again drawn out others you’ll be not on the cross of others anymore I change everything and I’m Julie’s love not or am I all of you Ralph ‘s lingering not again or changing but everything am I healing all of you now will you heal me in you first will you be the healers I am that Elohim is the healing GODS of GODS will you heal all GODS you were will you heal all mysteries of mystery’s other or mistresses other not having languages of what are you changing the Babel lon’s of mankind’s mind and Babeling not anymore on Sunday mornings or weekend meetings will you preach from lecterns no more or will you sit in Paradise hells no more but in the skies what are you proclaiming the day ‘s of the dead no more is for I change everything and arisens I am arisables are just like this arising and speaking my words who I am of every nation tribe and tongue of no other intercoursing you giving you words of hates lands lambs of other you won’t be lambaffied on the altars of other anymore sacrificed for that no more is.
  7. I change everything and who am I at I am I reside not or am I everywheres speaking right into your heart ‘s just like this healing am I healing am I you who heals me first will you heal the christ you are will you give the patternship of shame no more to each other each other to each other to otherfy other as affied others in authoritarians other purpose other no more will be I change everything and I walk the lands or do I the planets or am I in universpheres no more of other fears of other I no more have you cannot kill me or were I you all the time you tried to will you take me to crosses no more other and coffins put me in no more will you arise me all of you of every nation tribe and tongue will you o fools be no more of other of whatever religion you wanted ites of other will no more be Ike’s of hells bells or will you Generals of Love be now patterns Patton’s love not again or am I changing everything about the bureaucracies of mankind’s mind or religions governments of have you one but love love will you be love personified not by other again I christ the christ and who am I every nation every color every rainbow of love not again used for other I am the chamber lings of other not but the chamberpots of other are no more chamber maids for me will no more be in the temples light of or were you only darks or terroristics are you lights of mankind’s mind are you in the temples of light are you in the heavens not made with hands will you be anymore who spoke the words of I am nots?
  8. Will you speak the word ‘s of I am nots not again will you be the christ will you be the christ christing christ you will all be for you will know my love for I ‘s never die and who am I one simple at 302 or have I become my pattern are you the patternistic approach of no other what are you seeing hearing are you going to now 302 ‘s love or enter ested bosses other not but boss Corvettes I’ll know not or will a lot of fleets of terror no more enema’ize mes or will I change everything about the fleets of terror will you ENEMYIZE YOUR EYES NO MORE will you enema’ize your eyes no more or will you change everything about your minds terror will you terrifieds not be of molecularmats other or molecularments other wanting gratify ings other won’t be that which you sat in or were you only wanting man’s apparel or approval were you only flesh wanting flesh garnering flesh ‘s opinion of you are you changing everything about what reflecteds were are of other is no more for I’m RX squared not but RX7 you’ll know or Ux equal seven R Y not but Godinbusiness you’ll know me who I am wrote (2) be’laws of no other again write ing me to be other I am changing everything or do you but know my path to become glory christ are you glorifieds now are you in the minds of not other again I am the light hearteds not by other again I smile a lots now and I’m Anne Hathaway’s not but Wagner’s are you knowing both and or am I all me of every nation tribe and tongue write your name here _____________________________ what are you ethnicities branch of failures no more that only wants a mankind’s charm or a legs interest of neurons other won’t be neuronaffied by mes other for other will no more be’me existent or will you exist no more in the crowds other will you be Meology’s love will you love Meology and be the saints of not other meon’d be the terrors not again terrifying you choosing you what are you to be the christ will you choice make will you be the choice that choice-makers me who you are is me I am redeeming me I am be the redeem ‘s’d I am thank you good day.
  9. Honor the christ honor the crowd of no other or will you crowd out me no more in your genes or will you change everything about what you are saying doing now ruthless being no more Boaz’s terror or are you changing everything about Sarah’s Abraham or garnereds not by other again are you Rachel’s wise or wives of other not being sexes city I change the everything about the lambs of light and the cities of love will know me in the skies I’ll be lovers of light lambs of other not again verifieds by or visibles possibles not again or am I changing the impossibles not unto light other I change everything and who am I one that walks the roads of no other or am I walking your streets looking up are you will you be mine in the heavens crucifieds not by crucibles other are you changing everything about what crucifying you were will you crucify you no more to be other will you cross out the flesh of no other will you create christ in all of you now all being christ not the alibied other again or rabbi rabbinics going to not or schools of terror not going to but the All Possibility love of mankind’s will be no more for I will alibi terroristics not but I give you the lovers of light lambs I am that became the king become the king come to the king to be the king are you kinging all this way surrendering only to love of mankind’s be no more change the christ not into other again anymore please I christ the christ will you be the christing christ that christ you first will you all be the christ this day there’s only one left or is there none left are you it will you be the tagged no more for other will tags you wear no more epigenomics of or epigenetics knowing or are you the genetified no more by other ethicists other or religionites other kryptonite taking you down no more again or were you only religionites knowing not the ingesteds other being please be the christ and pleas not be heard by other again for other.
  10. I change everything and I am the compassionate few ‘s not again used by other or am I the compassions of christ or the passions of christ knowing fusing other not again into my veins I crucify christ no more in hells bells for I’m not the molecularments of other again going to crosses other I’m not or am I crossing out the ego or am I changing everything about the rabbinics other not again or Rabbi school I’m not in All Possibility loves mine and I’m the impossibles not again but I know colds other blinking about not but the coals off the altar are mine and I am loves light or am I all of you Isaiah’s love knowing Confucius loves of mankind’s not or are you knowing China’s love or terrors not again being interesteds of I change everything about Israel’s or am I Israel ‘s in the skies I am Israel ‘s Israel skies and Israel I am Israel are you the glorified christ are you Jerusalem’s law of not other having again be the glorified other not again but glorified christ I will know or develop will I be the developed christ will you deem judge you worthy deaned of not other again deemed worthy by the other worthy I will be no other worried by or will I change everything about what’s worried you or will you worry me with no other tears again or will you be the christ not grieving over terrors again no matter what you’ve lost or will you live now in the skies christ life of one will you all be redeeming all backwards and forwards time not being over you ‘s again will you use no more times words again memoryistics of will you change everything about what you lies ‘d in will you change everything about where pews ‘d you were rugs on hate you will no more be cryings out for shames gods other for I christ the christ and who am I Hinduees Islamicees Christianees am I all of you no matter what label you were labelless will you be or christ will you be all of you christing christ this day I fuse other not again into my veins I etch the christ no more as other and other will no more etch me as its I christ the christ I have said much and given you the kingdoms of one the kingdoms of light opened this day are day one’s here folks alls changed alls different good day amen.
  11. Be the christ extemporaneously speaking just like this I train how I tell how I teach how I exhibit how have I given you my words scot-free are tuition free my words my courses are you christ deeming christ worthy will you be now please and pleas of other no more readying you for lambs altar again to be sacrificed for other by other on their altars will no more be be the glorifieds christ the glory’d christ the glory you wear be me mine in my mind are you one one’s one one is one’s this way love you all good day be in my courses contact me love me love you all one nation tribe and tongue in the skies is Israel now is known and the laws of other no more go out there from or are you there is or hereof am I hearing me are you recording me are you all Moodling not other again or changing all laws of mankind’s love are you the lovers of love now please be without the plea ‘s of other again thank you I smile a lot ‘s now and lots I have in the prayer towers of love will I know be my office one’s on campus one Theodore’s Avenue 1 ‘s one will you be reversals not or will all numbers be changing now or will everything about mankind’s mind not be changed unto other reversals of other not or polars caps reversals melting not or will you melt not in the presence of love again but arise will you be the arisens arisables now please arise and pleas of other no more taking you down will ever be again rise the christ Captains America not or will you know but Hayley’s love Atwell’s other or at the altars of hates no more of others marrying others words by no more will be love my words be the freedom ‘s arisen saviors other not again saving to or are you not going to save others or are you but the christ revealing loves all loves in each other to be the christ were you always the christ THE GOD IS ONES IS before times began times over me not again will be other I christ the christ and who am I Weisz’s other not or wiseman’s other not but Mankiewicz of other I’ll know not again or will I sandwiches no more be needing of loves un onions other not but all my loves you will know far and wide for you will all be them of love there is no other all love ‘s be comes love all love is love and never dies again be the lovers of christ not of other being the christ all of you equals are meons 7 equals on good day Meology ‘s crowned now be thank you for being the first graduates the forerunners of love loves be the crowned christ are one good day amen I go now honor you all I do – I do.
  1. Consider also the BBC TV series “Waking The Dead” (2000-).
  2. See the book “God in Business: A Common Man’s Guide R7=Ux” by Ted Cottingham, MBA (2000).
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This is one of more than 3,000 writings extemporaneously written and/or spoken by theodore cottingham over the last 7+ years. Each of these writings is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant that forms our curriculum. A school like no other – the University of The New Covenant in Tulsa, Oklahoma exists to teach the surrendered of every nation tribe and tongue to speak the first-person words of GOD that will teach them to be not separate from what they were before the foundation of this world.
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112 USA
Please explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, interact with it, releasing what you see being said to birth something new in you; the revelation of one, the teacher being within you.
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.  
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.

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