THE NEW COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham 302,News,Tulsa I call you love mercy and grace

I call you love mercy and grace

I call you love mercy and grace
the face of love be
This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 111022_000
Video file 111022_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham October 22, 2011 at 7:07 AM and I am bringing you peace or am I the Almighty of destruction no more of other or am I changing everything about how you learned have have you learned how to have me are you me’ing me now are you meon’d seven equals on do you know anything about what I have taught these seven years or becoming the articulate me have you can you could have are you me having all of me canning me now not unto other into other you won’t be into ‘d again for Intel you will be not or will you be a lot of AMD micro’d devices not again or changing me altogether will you not change me into other again that only wants a micro circuit-board of other to be’mind them in their forebrows brow browser’d of other I won’t be but browse my words will you or know them will you will you be the knowing containment not of other container’d not of other again are you the christ you that always were that you didn’t know who you were because you were ignorant you were ignorants ignoranters that only made more ignorance in your pligh ‘t and your blight of each other that you blighted each other with with whiteout not or are you changing a lot of things looking up knowing learning how to learn learning me are you of The First Degree that will take you beyond the stars or do you have any in your crown or are you only motionless or staticless no more are you changing everything about how asking questions you are?
  2. Are you asking questions about you are the christ aren’t you that you are sitting beside or on a bus or star lit train or are you changing all about the train ing of me trains coming here now full of people boatloads of containers not of other stuffed in sardined in as other for sardines cans you won’t be canned in again bodies of flesh stuffed in stuckers other and Stukey’s other you won’t be gasoline’d of or will you be changing everything about the fires of mankind’s hate where you’ve only poured petrofuels on to each others peckings and wordeds by unicorns of other not again but I change a lot about the antennae’age of me and the tonnage of me won’t be tongued again or will you change everything about the oral sex of me or were you only wanting words to copulate with and minds be have are you changing everything about the behavior of mankind’s mind minds do you have one or are you changing everything about the connecteds to what are you doing speaking reliving not other again but the christ life of one will you learn how to speak articulately and speak conscientiously not of other or consciously not of other are you awareness of a consciousness dream of mankind’s mind streaming into you unto you what are you no more unto ‘s privileges other are you changing everything about the privileges you had have you any of the past or are you changing everything about the past learning to click on your recorders and not be self-aware or are you aware of the self of no other self-destruction are you no more destructioning each other self and each other taking each other down clippity clipping each others wings there about others you won’t be again but thereabouts mighty are you not again or are you learning how to video files make and convert a lot of things notme unto notme not again are you changing everything about how you study learn and will you not be the conscientious christ of other looking for will you change everything about looking for what you’ve found on your computer will you have one will you learn how to operate me the operating system of thereof of me will be the new ly written written I am upon tables of stone no more that only want an operating system of other and the others of other that only want to windows me to the worlds that they have not seen yet or want to know about or learn about through my words are not coming into view not again not at all or what are you seeing knocking around the heads of no other again that only want to contain container you containment make of your words or thoughts ideas or conceptions what are you conceivings the minekinds of mankind’s no more are you changing everything will you please?
  3. Will you have coffee with me will you be the light cafés of me will you be in or my coffeeshops far and wide beginning at 302 will you now or drop by for a detainment session no more of other anywheres for that’s done and you know the difference and I am not detaining not or containing not a lot of theories to detain you with facts and figures of base balls stories or fallings not of mankind’s mind twines of twingings other won’t Twiggy me in others again strings of or will I G-thong no more strings of terror or will I have your FG of no more approvals FPG of or am I changing everything about the stock exchange symbols of notme will no more be me thought of light that of o’er exchanged on the open market commodities of will no more commodityize me and the commodities of o’er will no more future ize me perfect tense or will you be the tense no more perfect will you be the perfect becoming were you all the time that the real new that you were the real combobulated and no other will you be the dissed no more discombobulateds of will you excrement no more step on and shit each other into’s your words of each other dust will you not be excrements of or excreting juices of other will you not be the sugars of mankind’s mind wanting only a sugar sugar to hug hold and bed with lie in lies arms rubbings of rubbers other wanting or duckies are you flying with no more that only neurons want to tingle or tangle with other entanglements no more are for I change everything and who am I one son government no more of a bitch of other or are you not bitching about the government of other are you changing everything because you’re the son are you the daughter of love are you now hates no more bitching about anything complaining about anything governments religion or religions government ized of other are you not eyes for?
  4. Are you changing everything about what you have admired and ridden on are you changing everything about the two wheels of faith or gliders are you in the sky not needing powerfuls of shame jet engines of or do your fuels never run empty are you changing everything about what fuels you are you changing everything my friend are you my friend are you friends to other no more again knowing the difference are or changing everything about what you have died for while you’re living are you learning to be the king to escalates no other wars in his kingdom your kingdoms her kingdoms of other not or are you all ones ones one’d will you be wand’d by no other weighed by no other and found wanting are you christ who’s given your life for everyone all each other are you christ bowing before christ are you christ not bowed over again walking in disharmony dis-harmonics and harmonics crowd of other are you changing all of the discords of harmony e or whatever you want e to be in your light theories or theorems or formulas not of mankind’s mind again what are you limits no more limiting or experiencing are you changing everything about the mores of faith cultures of mankind’s mind will you be not vultures of pecking orders out destroying demanding or cataclysmic suffering in that you have destroyed not but perpetuated wildly contagions of not or am I changing everything about what you have influenced?
  5. Are you changing your words now all of you all of you are all of you changing all of your words or are you the christ that redeems all of you words are you speaking not the same as was is not the same is as was are you terrifieds no more to flip on your little recorders clicking on the faith of not other heels again heels of love you will know no more spiked in the knee of other nor stake into my temples I change everything about what spiked I were or lee’s of other not but I change a love of tenors voices not or are you the baritone basses no more or changing everything about how you communicates communes and will you commune with me will you be my communes not of other or will you change everything communistics about thereof or social organigraces not but I change a lot of the graces of mankind’s mind or do you treat all equally will you love all equally will you be the king that kings all will you not be worrieds about what thinkings may turn you into turbinators sugars or what are you changing your diets of shame your words of mankind’s wordlets piglets not or are you changing everything about the pork minds of faith rinds of others I change everything about the Rhine’s not or Bonn’s Germany do you know or Danube’s yellow other not but a lot of changes I make about how I communes icates and the floatings of other won’t be in my eyes roundings roundeds of moleculars cylinders of faiths hates and all of the things of notme will no more be for I will be the christ will you be that I am one is clicking on your little recorder with mouse buttons amighty or are you changing all about how you control things are you controlling not more the things of old are you bodies no more controlled by plants or light plant life other not or are you plantings no more of the saviors of other wantings plantings of or are you not the cutoffs of buddings of other pods pea pods other not or are you changing everything about the potbelly ‘d stoves or the pot bellies you’ve worn carried around are you changing everything about what you bon appétit for or are you changing everything about the chocolates famous or not movies or not going to or are you making them are you changing my land scape of no other scraped to be by are you scraping by no more are you the honest of all not the f-ing of all words everywhere that only wants to f-up your minds and intercourse with evils again that I speak not the f-word about now not or are you changing everything about what you f with ate with eat with are you changing everything about what you eat so normally ate so normally are you the normal christ now eating in the heavens are you will you be no eateries of failures again or will you change everything about the landscapes of faith permits of or are you needing anything to love by love will you be born again the skies in will you be the skies not the skies’d over with graces other anatomies of or Gray’s other elegy not but a lot of dirges dearth no more dearthalyze me in the dirtalyze of everyone else’s mind will no more connecteds be to theirs or will I not be connecteds there’s to theirs will you not be connecteds to a lot of things you used to value and develop deem valuable and wise?
  6. Are you changing everything about how you learn why where are you learning in the skies will you be at 302 will you be not a moron of help other wanting are you changing everything about what motive ated you are you the motivated christ are you motorated by no other failures again I change everything and I speak like this teach like this grace like this do I bow before you all do I grace you or do you give me grace or do I honor all or do you honor all do you christ the christ do you christ all as graces love do you let flow do you flow graces love are you mercy full and mighty are you all wither spoons not again Reese’s of peanut cups of butter other not making but I make a lot of things new with recipes mighty at my cafés of light mixtures of or drinks not on tap of other again what are you India’s revenue reckoning or changing all of the Pakistanis packing or are you not anywheres where you was were’s again worstings of other wool you’ll need not again or changing the sheepherders am I everywhere that sheepherded you hurt you and stalls into herded you won’t be again hurts of for I know William ‘s not or do I know you all actors of faith or comics not again of failures do I know Lucy’s blue or Phil do you know diamonds me of diamondry not but I know a lot of Nelsons now full of love with no full nelsons on me holding me to wrestlers view purviewers of no more will be wrestlings demanded of where you wrestle each other ‘s words to the ground or were you in your temples wrestling with lights another of other are you not more again born of?
  7. Bornings of other is no more Borneo’s of or have I spoken in these words about many countries presidents and love many times of you each of you to you will your name be here _________________________ will you will you be speaking your name here and calling out your friends to love and obey not other again to obedience be school and other taught by others that only want you to be obedient to them will you change everything about what you develop christ will you be taught this way by christ developing christ mediuming christ no more to be scholastics horror in I change everything and I scholasticize the christ not or do I plasticize no more your mirror in plastic surgeries other or only wanting a finances dream to attend schools or revenues have to pay your taxes are you taxed no more on dreams other are you changing everything about what you taxed on burdened were for are you not former perishers again parishing another in your cultstream or lies’d in whatever you liars’d were of another are you not other’d by wanting an other are you changing everything will you please be in my school of other not again or will you be in my school that christ all christ?
  8. Will you christ all the christ all of you no matter what you look like they do or shame will you not be in again will you know my values will you bow before all as on the train station you get off or will you be in changing everything about the train stations of terror will you not be the matrix’d again going to and fro Neo’s not or worlds are you changing transversing traversing are you travail ings not again in horrors memories of others you are not programmed by again or are you the programs no more terrorizing others are you changing everything about the written ‘s operating system of horror will you be no more computers for computing algorithms other shapes of mankind’s mind Fourier’s transforms or trans mutings not of others transportings where are you my friends I love you all to my friends be and I friend ualize all not or do I change everything about the French or the Russian or where were you from another planets dream of lies are you not resurrecting out of fires other or are you not burning up charred invisibles or again inflatables of are you changing everything about what you infatuateds were of are you infatuated not with dreams other again that only gives you lies of other lives ‘d of are you livestock not again for other that only want to feed upon others words and teat each other tits to are you changing everything about what you admire and admixtureds are GODS in other you are no more I am God God’d right or are you guided by no others words are were you christ all the time all of you were you making mistakes memories no more or mistake’a’istic other no more are you changing everything about the sushi’s of faith or the Susie Q’s of memories not but I change a lot of things on Charlestons shores or Mount Pleasant’s dreams or Mitt’s love or Cathy’s do you know all of me all over the skies?
  9. Worlds of other you won’t be limiteds to again I call you here’s I love am and I love am born again this way born agains I am of Borneo’s not or do you know a lot of coffees of the worlds or other planets are you me espressos other not or are you expressing a lot of shame not again for being other in or what you recorded ‘s were by I change everything and I’m the Ashkiric records not or am I changing everything teaching you a lot or are you teaching me or am I we the same ones that one are in the skies not needing helmets of failure again motorcycles on or are we all of communes not of other transportations needing or are we gliders at light gliding at light are we at light are we light from no other again are we faster than love me all to be I love you all here’s my name I love you all equally be the christ the christ be equally loved I love you all good day now.
  10. I love you all be in my classes dream me with other not again will you dreaminess be not satisfieds with other or were you ever only the non compliants wanteds of or changing everything about your appliance amplitudes of or browser’d ‘s not by failures again I change everything about the wavekinds of faith and the faithalytes of other will no more acolyte puncture me with their words or lights other spinnings words other into my brains no more will be drilling mes use of that is no more yous of yous is no more I change everything about the mankind’s faith or dreams or perpetuations of mankind’s mind are you changing everything about the copulateds flesh are you changing everything about the values of?
  11. I change everything and who am I one simple who have spoken I have spoken has I Haqqani’s other not but I change a lot of things I love you all no matter what you’ve killed me or not with or not for I am you living forever were you ever immortal are you ever always are and equal will you be the king of kings now knowing needing no machine guns of failure bombs of powders other are you BC’s no more but knowing other or dating always are you every communiqué and every action every letter note and recording you make are you me giving honor to Haqqani’s network not again or what you were suspendeds of in were you all the Antichrist no matter what you were thought of were you thought not born of failures again that only make christ non’s are you changing everything about what Al Qaeda you were or kiting not in the heavens again with ones other are you changing everything about the windlets of shame or piglets of your mind tails’d to?
  12. I change everything about the appetites of shame sex and other won’t sexualize me to breastualize breathalyze other or will you change everything about what you admit or admitting nothing to your gates through shames walls again are you not the capillaries of pores other or are you Hillary’s love or hills taking not of San Juan Hill again or changing everything about the wars of faith hope and charity of love do you know anything about that forgives all of everything have you laid down your life for others will you lay down your life for others no more that trample tromp and tromple yours tramplings others will no more be on trampolines hate or will you be the springboards to faith no more of other will you are you changing everything will you speak the christ life of one will you be the one one’d in the heavens will you not be afraid of heights depths or my love knowing the surmountedness of other not again but surmount me of evil no more will be mounts of shame for I will know the mount of assembly not or the summits of shame not again will the summits of love you know and be organizing now far and wide the lovelies are lovelyluias be my graduates are one the school of new shames not again being in but the love of the lovelies are known far and wide I graduate and I speaks like this my diction and grammars not or do I change everything all of you not changing me into other I am you your face of love be to each other be the face of love be be of love graces of mercies of kindness ever day ever new ever new everyday everyday will you be new and sunshines other not again needing for petrifieds other you won’t be warmths needing of others words nor rays waves again.
  13. I change everything and who am I the communes of faith never more wanting again or do I change all Charlemagne’s Charlotte’s or am I Debussy’s no more or Bach’s inventions not or am I tunes of failures no more recognizing others not but tunes of love you’ll know far and wide in my cafés of light and love my cafés of love and light are love and light my words are lovely luias be Llewelyn’s other by Q’s not but I change a lot of pianos tuners not or do I change all of you or do you not change me into other again where do you live not at 2139 or do you ever go back to your houses of shame or are you in the skies or planting flowers with hates love not again what are you the buddings for pea pods of other no more flower me into ger maniums other for I am the geraniums of hate not or am I uraniums no more needing or am I the nuclears of hate not but love pure pristine perfect are you the perfect will you be in my seminars of love conferences in will you be in my schools classes of creating them will you love them learn how to leaderships be of countries stars and planets not worrying about again or will you change everything about the magnetic pulls of faith will you not be the magnetics again magnetic’d of faith of others is no more I change everything and I who click on my little recorders am learning this way a new way and I have learned through what I speak what I have spoken what I have read and witnessed to not or have I witnessed many miracles along the way been beaten not again down by or have I been beaten by many things that expressed intents of hearts not again of other or am I hard times no more on am I the richest of all success ful most of all full of success of other not wanting but the success of the king rides on me not again of other or am I a gain of no other wanting am I the king of light producing light giving light love of energy not of failures again.
  14. I love light and the petrocarbons no more fossilize fuel me I change everything do I love I love am that is what I have become because I love the words of faith no more I know what is I died to all else and other for it was not producing me or was it only sapping me my faith of or had I no faith in other or did I do everything they wanted gave my life to them while I could I did I did I could I was them their errand boy no more for monies bringing to them their plates of are no more spinning my change in for I change everything and I had dollar bills not or do I wave nothing again I change everything and I’m not the waves’d of failures again.
  15. I love you all Christopher and light love tunes of me Amy’s one the leader of me all are the ones of me you are that are me ones of not armies again of failures I change the gunneries of targets other not or are you targeting my loves to love are you my cities of light on hills not be hidden again the head of christ are you all the head of one one head is christ be woodens no more woundeds no more I heal the christ and who are you me one who heals you first me one am I love you all bow before you all I do I go now I’m done amen.
  16. See you at 302 be training the station not or the station that trains all not to be other or are you floatings in or flowings in through all meaningful ways not again of other or are you flooding the highways or coming by cars floats and planes not or in the skies are you needing no jet fuels of other or changing everything how you come are you love will you love bow before love will you be love words to all fueling others no more intent of I travel lightly in light cafés I am of I know I create everywhere now’s love see you record me well learn how be afraid of nothing anymore ever I’m everwheres everywheres I’m where’s Ted not but theodore’s one at avenues of love thank you love be love here’s I am talking to you no matter what your name was I call you love mercy and grace peace be to you christ christ be to all woodens no more alabaster’d by no other the bastards of bastardry no more bastardize yous you will know who the kings are for you will be the kings that kingize all and give the eyes of the king back to the kings to see all as is thank you for being no other ensconced in by again.
  17. I bye-bye now a lot of things and I buy other ‘s words not again as was on the open market sold I change everything and I value love life and ensconcement other is no more for I break open the seed of price not but time before your legs not or am I at your feet or your head am I in the temple of one the temple of light not made with hands be no more ensconced with other by other is no more be the christ risen resurrected now amen love me be me the one voice of one no more in the wilderness crying for other amen good day see you love me love you first love me that died love you that died die will you to all things and id no more have of egos and all of that stuff you have accumulated stuff me no more with words of other nor stuffings of gravy’s turkeys of.
  18. I change everything I love light be the light cafés of love at love me well espresso ‘d by intent intent of love and no more tents of other will you ever need air conditioning or tools for again fences around I change everything loves delight are good day amen fool with other no more again be thank you amen good day good riddance to other not or are you changing everything my love my love be wooden no more or are you changing everything about the metals of mankind’s mind or the periodic chart of elements the periodic tables of elements periodic other is no more be’perioding you I change everything without punctuation I change everything who am I the language of love not the enemies again for you will be yours no more of terrors save you’re the christ save the christ be the christ woodens no more go to terrors of other terrorize the christ no more that you were feel the shames no more be the loves of loves all of you of every one one christ redeemed Elohim love all good day Adonai El Shaddai love loved once more everywheres now never ends again shame love no more love be good day honor all I do you be me one king of kings amen write me love me Skype me enter my classes develop the christ wand the knees no more bow before others no more bow before all as the christ bows before all honor the king that you are in one be all are one thank you thank you very much good day amen.
* * * * *
This is one of more than 3,000 writings extemporaneously written and/or spoken by theodore cottingham over the last 7+ years. Each of these writings is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant that forms our curriculum. A school like no other – the University of The New Covenant in Tulsa, Oklahoma exists to teach the surrendered of every nation tribe and tongue to speak the first-person words of GOD that will teach them to be not separate from what they were before the foundation of this world.
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112 USA
Skype id:
Please explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, interact with it, releasing what you see being said to birth something new in you; the revelation of one, the teacher being within you.
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.

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