one Angels are God is I have defined
my Seminar of One will you know
go to Tulsa first
This is a Lesson in the
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan, Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
(918) 732-9140
Voice file 111108_000
Video file 111108_000v
This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham November 8, 2011 at 8:13 AM bringing you me in Paradise or do I have coffee with thee many times like this where I drink and sip my coffees not or do I change countries now by the fire places of me not again or changing many stamp rubber amps not but I change a lot of things in about the amplifications of me and I change many recording studios or are you in one like this do you record like this where you are in your bedroom no more of failures bedding down for the nights of long sleeps not or are you changing everything about what sleeps lie aright not or awry are you no more bent-up in Paradise’s charm charms of others won’t charm me anymore for I will know the difference for I be am of light and light am I am I know the difference how to drink coffee and be the king sip tea with the queen of no man’s land not anymore of other for I change everything oh dear ones I love you and I have given you the queens comments not or have I given you the kings to be the kings not queen crowned by other words others words will no more crown me to be other and think I’m right in them I will not be sway’d by swayed by persuaded by others to sway by the stuff and swagger with others Swaggart’s by or will I swagger no more in other swaggereds be swayeds by will I change everything about the enonomies or economics of interest other or what are you changing no more my words misspellings of that you’ve thought that were maybe this way are you changing everything not economics of or gregarians interest of are you changing everything about the aggregators farming interest or co-ops of failure you call church es or denominations are you changing everything about your words ways and Paradise do you know anything about have I taught thee would you let me would you only be woodens no more flying in airplanes other or will you change everything oh my love who all of you are flying everywhere or to Tulsa’s first are you landing a few miles from here down the street from Sheridan’s 302 will you know me will you recognize me the Savior are you now being the Savior savored by no other ‘s dreams or wants again what are you wanting not again the Savior of other a Savior of other are you not anymore speaking taking responsibility for saving the Earth not from other or are you saving a lot from mankind’s mind by being yours that you are a Savior not unto Paradise other are you changing everything o my love will you be wooed not again by other will you woo me to Paradise yours will you let me woo be without voo doo of other doing on you what is the dew of your youth knowing will you be do-doing not else in do-lists other for honeys other and those that you have sought to be other by ‘d other by bought other and sought other to wrought other ring out in your nose rings of other not or have you changed everything unto notme-ville not again will you please?
Will you be printing out these words loving them studying them here at 302 will you be the witness of no other again will you be christ in christ studying christ will you be not the forms’d genes of others again will you change everything o my love to be what you were will you be christ all of you red headed step bitches and other that stepped you up or motorcelerated your ailerons not or are you changing everything about the celerons of faith or were you only cripples’d Intel’s’d of not again own and going to AMD advanced micro devices or were you only advanced flesh of B4’s or were you degradeds or cripples’d in your thinking were you are you changed no more unto that are you chained no more unto that that your thinking gave you or did you give yourselves an energies on purpose that changed the mankind’s flow of thinking are you changing of thinking your thinking or what thinking changing are you no more again to be other are you all christ you were before time are you changing everything about what times witnesses is of to you what are you times witness no more buying of into are you buying into of times witness no more are you changing everything o love will you be not wrapped up ‘s again in wrapped-ups failures cartridges of what are you inking no more the words of pastors other imams other spiritual guides or Brahmans of other Atmans of do you know anything about the Buddhists Paradise or Paradise on high Shangri-la not again or going to but all of my movies Nepal of or changing all of what Nepal has been pawed about are you changing what clawed you have been are you not the claws of other feeling on your backs again o great christ all of you of every religion name and tongue have you any or were you only mutes repeating Paradise words of other that were given you to repeat mankind’s dream of sin no more are you changing everything about where you go die or have you died to Earth not again or earthlings are you repeatings the shame over and over in planets lie ing in declinations other?
Are you changing everything about what wrist yours hurts or what writings are you no more again transcribing others or are you changing (1) all that you transcribe not again or do you know anything about transcribing my words what where I have given you at 302 will you learn how to be the meekest of all humble will you not reject me again who speaks like this through you to you to you you be will you be you not of other again ensconced in flesh wanting monies of fame and recognition or humble of a Savior other no matter what you have called Buddha Mohammad or Islam’s interest again Muslim Brotherhood of other not evil again I change everyone or do you change me not again into other chain me not again unto other your thinking of please will you change me o christ not unto anti again be ‘d in your thinking be ‘d’d I won’t be again beads of praying the christ rosary of or will you change everything about the christ Messiah granted unto you to be will you be you who you were granted to not in your flesh hiding again from words interest worlds interest what are you interested in coffeeshops at 302 beginning or changing my words not again will you know and study will you be the christ humble of all will you learn how to be humble and all love this way whoever they are arriving at the this airport that’s down the street will you love them no matter what saris turbans they arrive in how tattooed they are whether they come in carriages horses or on flights of other machines you’ve never seen or what are they looking like or Paradise are they other from that knows no other but you to believe or receive or teach them they are the christ will you receive but galactics ministries of no other will you receive the christ that’s humble before all will you Jedi Saviors no more to be other will you teach by movies make them will you will you make movies by teaching them humblees being Humvees other not again needing I change everything about the travelings of faith or the faith-ites who only want eyes of other.
I change everything and I make many movies to love be and show recardeds other not but a lot of Ricardo’s I’ll know not or will I change everything about the Lucy’s and Desi’s will I change everything about the Ricardo’s fame or chips ‘d other won’t I be again will I change everything about what I serve Mexican interests of or Latin’s American of music other tangos other Latins other rhumbas other or are you looking up in my words what will you be dancing to not the music of other again please o christ all of you no matter what head you had on you what you look liked to you will you not be the liking you as other to be again will you change what you be 4 will you not be again ‘d only 52 B’s of or will you know my alphabet soup not of other being in will you change everything about what you eat will you sudden not be in failures again but suddenly christ or in the twinkling of an eye will you be the knowing who I am you I am saved not to be Savior’d by other or are you the saved one or Savior’d one have you become the Savior you ‘d first will you be first your Savior that you are forgiving all sins yours first and forgiving all those who hated you loved you and wanted you to be just like them and support them love them be them at their whim and beck fancy call of other will no more call me to others.
I call you to be christ in the heavens unleashed untempered with untampered with will you be christ not tampering with your genes again will you change everything and etch me no more again to be other etched as christ other won’t fetch me a pail of other waters to be blown by winds other I change everything about what I wind wind up or do I change everything about the winds of approval or wars other do you know me Polly Bergen’s of faith or Polly of are you Anna no more wanting or are you in the temple Hannah wanting christ or to see christ before you die or to have the child hold or deliver are you the child Messiah are you under pants no more in are you changing everything about what you wore robes’d of others minds that only put your eyes out or darken ‘s ‘d your temple ‘s of light are you now the temple of light supreme beings of love will you be loved into being love will you be the humble est of all that seek this way the way ‘s of christ the christ of ways other no more be’seek me bespeak me to other I change everything about what’s be’spoken me to be other and hub and spokes other I won’t be for but Tulsa I will know far and wide and I will come here from all the four corners of the earth and farther far and wide the coastlands are knowing my appearing it has been foresied forecast in the skies or prophesied not by other or are you prophesying “all things get better” no more again are you changing everything about the economies of faith that falter and fall on your face flat you won’t be anymore or will you change everything that flattened out your pancakes or will you eating not needing be anymore to eat of others words are you changing o my love will you be christ recording me this way at 302 South ‘s witness not or will you change everything about Sheridan Avenues of faith no more will you be ensconced in religions churches of mosques of temples of other you will be no more worshiping at no matter what Hinduees you were Bahai of or changing everything about your temples religion will you not be of not-light again will you be light o worlds ‘d now will you be among the worlds not cast in others exonerated to others that shamed you and garnered granted you “Pure Ones” status in their eyes that they could behold you as their slaves are you changing everything about the Ga’hoole’s you’ve made ghouling others won’t be anymore this Christmas or will you change everything about Christmas and hooligans other or what ghoulies you to girlies be other no more in arms of other famous or not I change everything about locks of hair or do you have any or are you the suddens interest no more of other are you changing everything about your appearance are you queen of no others words being the king are you the king of kings will you all be the king of kings all mighty many one are one are is I am is and I am not was anymore in your thinking for your thinking will not cast me as was anymore I am not was is I changing everything now do you know me are you listening to me will you write printout these words map and link will you know my linking system to terrors not again machine bullets of are you not machinings of bullets other spitting out in Paradise what gems or changing everything are you about what you placard and put on your walls place where do you have any walls are you studying will you be the world without walls or order again of other are you orderings me not again to be un-christ are you taking everything out of your magazines that notme placarded or put in there to machine-gun me pellets as other giving me images of other won’t be that I know to reject christ or will I christ not reject because the images of failure want to give me those theirs of?
I change everything o love and I love you enough to died have died to self I am I have no self of other selfery of others manufacture no more manufactures me and I am not the etchings of failure on Sunday mornings or meetings of Paradise that you think you will get to in I change everything o love and I love you I go now I am done done I am with all things not or do I cast you in terrors no more am I speaking you the christ turning flipping on your little recorders are you or big machines’d not again in caterpillars other or are you mothballs no more pursuing pupae of are you the pupils of no other are you Disciples of Christ to be the christ that will let christ be you the christ of all religions no denominations no religions no denominations no denominating other will be again un-christ of I change everything about you your labels of or do you change me not unto yours again of labels other that you have sought bought and wrought with your systems of thinking are you belief systems not of terrors again are you changing everything about your belief systems have you any systems of study will you be terrors tyranny’s no more in ensconced in others genes molecules I won’t be DNA for of again that no more is I is am I was no more of other time ‘as changed you are your playground of other not again in or have you ever seen it one like this that I play in the heavens or am I playing not anymore as fools tools of other being?
I change everything about what’s transmitted in my genes will be the christ transmitting christ I am the genes of unlove no more I am the love of christ becoming the christ became I the christ I did I love you to preach unto you other no more is was is no more was was a fake or pattern was it only that you gave adheedance adherence to what are you clearing out creedings or doctrines of other not having are you changing everything about creedences other adhereds other what are you adhered no more to faith other o love o love will you love me will you be one genes’d not of other will you love me and record your miracles that you have had or seeing are you the christ in action are you inaction no more stymied of ‘s will you change the seas of faith that you have seized been in that you have seized and terrified and promulgated promoted been of proponent ‘d of that is no more is is no more as changed was or are you changing everything are you understanding how to learn many and make miracles of many not or are you transforming the queen into the king or the lowly lying homeless toothless toofless of brains other won’t claw my backs or will you be ignorant no more in the thrones of one will you be the thrown-aways no more dis cardeds of cardeds of others dissed out and dished out to other no more will be I change everything about how you speak articulates christ will you be knowing the shames no more of other?
Will you all be christ one is that one is all are the mighty many knowing changes planets or regimes countries of your conversations of your light ‘s are you going to now openings your kingdom will you be o christ will you be seeking a Savior not again of other mothball’d caterpillar’d whatever you wanted by bye-bye to all that love and love I do for I am not love incarnate in other or was I all the time but not the carnage of other now carnal’d by other I won’t be again or will I be the holy will you are you were you all the time the most holy of all carrying around your temple of unlight no more are you are you carrying no more your carriageables of unlights other you changing everything about what molecules carried you or what are you carrying not again coffinateds to failure will you not coffins in anymore be wantings one will you change everything about one you wanted are you the one you wanted are you the one the christ was all the time the creator of all things mercenaries not again or did you convert pervert or did you prevert or prevent me from being the christ that you were all the time because you were given woodens other or hay and stubble are you not burned up in your thoughts again are they changing are they of other no more changing you to be the christ will you be taking responsibility for you growing up maturing the christ are you the christ on high will you be in the skies not the most on high of other seeking garnering again woodens witness of is no more peg leg’d of sorrow I’ll no more be cut-off at the knees walking around turkeys of or will I change everything about what I eats and eaten will I be no more by the birds of sorrow or are you birdies no more biddies by bitties by Biden’s other not or are you in the white houses of shame no more or red roofs other not or changing everything about where you go do you know mine at 302 are you coffeeshops in are you leading coffees of not failures again shops of or changing everything about what you know cafés of light of what are you learning will you speak my words speak my words will you be learning how to record like this and make many conversions of not to christ other but to files formats and sizes other recording studios of making movies many will you be the fortifieds not by other or christ in throughout the heavens will you be recordeds of not the shames but doing your miracles mine or loves not to unloves again or do we reveal the christ throughout the heavens all I have given you all my words or am I anything else have I anything else no monies of shame of or am I woodens no more interest peg-legs of sorrow are you changing everything about what you have drug around your balls of shame and shames of chains other that you have chained to each other your thinkings of DNAs of other will no more blueball me or will I change everything about the blue men of sorrow or reds other?
I change everything about the red planets or blues other have you are you not blues’d anymore singing the songs of sorrow worship faiths of I change the face of sorrow and I am not it anymore id I do not wear or sorrow in the egos of shame for I am not life of id anymore and it of sorrow is no more id’ing me eating me enmitying me with self or have I no self of sorrow that id created or did you create sorrow or id no more are you eaten of enmity’s ego or changing everything about what you ensconced yourself in were you the creators all the time that created woodens other or do you know my Pinocchio’s my impact productions Tom Newman’s other not or are you all loves Tom’s and Gigi’s not or are you forging christ in your genes not again to be other o forgement forged of forgement of terror will no more be’forge me in their foundries of shame and Sudan’s I’ll change not or will I change your countries here no matter what yours was are you was no more shall you be looking in to little blue balls of faith or cameras are you not balled up again in what are seeing through your eyes what mens are reds of or changing everything about the reds Mirren’s of or mirrors other are you Helen’s no more of love Hellenistic in Greco Romans Empire or Alexander’s of faith are you changing everything about the witnesses of faith you called Paul or saline other wanting to dye in yours won’t be again wolves of for I change everything about the wools or are you changing everything about what ate you or you ate lambs of chops’d other you won’t be again chopped meat for I change everything about the pulpits of shame and no matter what you have lectured where and your message is has been I change the Savior not again to be other will be now the Savior is you not savored by other religions no matter what you called it I preach the christ or do I wander the christ no more in pools other or Siloam have I been at or have I changing everything am I have I everything not on your rosters again to be I change everything about memberships where I was I change everything about members other and I have no members of other I am not recording shames membership of or their offerings have I any do I offer you my loves love do I offer you everything worlds of?
Do I offer you everything at 302 or are you offering me everything of you your kingdom of are you knowing the difference or is there one who is the most humble of all who has everything at their disposal not again disposing of or are you changing everything about what you owns ownership of are you the ownership not again of failures are you changing everything about what ownership of vehicles you have houses interest lands in stocks securities are you not stockings up for rainy days again hosiery’s of are you changing everything about hosiery industries are you hosed down no more in pulpits other by pulpits other I won’t be hosed down at all with their words of shame waters flowing me of theirs won’t wash me into their soups again I change everything o molecules of shame won’t be’molecular me again for I will not molecular ‘d be of sorrow anymore again I change everything and I’m ever ‘s after not or am I changing everything about how you love lie wear where are you lying no more in sorrows shames what are you healing all that you lied with are you healing you first will you heal all your miracles or will you let flow through you to you you being the christ you that you were all the time of every nation tribe and tongue no matter what dreadlocks you wore dreadnoughts you’ll be not or naught will you be not with fraughts crowd again are you frothed no more in snothed others or snarling are you at no others again no matter what they have said frothed you by words other won’t frost you by theirs or will you no more be in the meemories of mankind’s mind I change everything and I develop the christ create the christ is me you are one is voice that speaks this way will you speak me high pitched low pitched or pitching not again a Savior of other moth balled of vehemoths other I won’t vermouths be in not or Vermont’s will I love or will I be on Kennebunkport’s shame no more being in hammocks other wanting only a rest or do I wrest from you no more away things other or do I change everything about what wrested was from you or did you lie down and worship your wings or only your creations fall in fell in no other no more Mary will be for Mary will create the christ or did you are?
Are you the christ that Mary did are you your name Mary christ are you developing Jesus of no other or are the stories a lie no more of other or are they changing witness no more to other I understand the pattern and the patternship was given me of one and the one of one you are genes’d of no other be the terrifieds no more of failures and snows country I’ll know not but the compass moral of failures not but the golden of love I will know far and wide Daniel Craig’s not or Eva’s Green or shall you all be blues of Paradise no more again or changing everything about what’s controlled you all Watchmen of Nee’s no more I change everything about what you love ‘s have had to deal with or do or are you do-do no more for other are you changing everything about what you have eaten words of in from pulpits other no more lecterners lie no more to other I lie not to my genes I am the christ all the time without time under my feet time is or is everything under my feet or authorities all am I in the heavens am I changing everything am I loving you enough to died have I did I will I again or you will you see my pattern will you become it will you the pattern the patternship of one be the pattern of one being now be will you the be’d christ of no other beads of no other I wear around shelves’d other pearls of or am I the one of great price that gave up the life for no other or have I only one life of all mighty many are the christ in training no more to be other I train the christ to be christ I is you one is that we teach all to be the christ throughout the heavens starting at 302 beginning now with my courses love me Moodle love me Moodle love ing me or are you casting me no more in shames PHP or changing everything about what MHT ell’s is of or URLs of other not changing again or going to everything differently are you changing everything about technologies what gurus do you have mine of loves do you know any or of the heavens are you changing everything star treks of other I will make not or will I go to Tulsa first will I change what everything has been known are you going where no man has gone?
Are you going where no failures pervade again are you casting out your pearls before swine not again or are you redeeming all yours first mine will you be that mines others not again will you change everything about what you mined have been I love you all to be the mines of shame no more coals for I love you all to mine me not again but mine my words please know them well look up map and link love me discuss groups be in discussion of that love lies in no other again love lies to no other again I am the christ you say in your mirror I am you who loves me I am you of not other to be tooled of other and tooling around other heavens of I won’t be after I die used of other I won’t be genes’d of I change everything o christ be the christ now not the genes’d of other love me all and I am everyone of you coming to Tulsa are you now will you see 302 be at in my classes will you be recording like this studying writing articulates being the kings of English knowing or my languages all through you are one of terrors no more be the christ and languages change not or will you change languages into terrors no more will you learn what you speak how to speak this way how to learn will you change everything about what you bow before will you bow before the christ honoring christ to be tools’d of other no more pleased and thank you I wear the stamps of shame not anymore for I am not moleculars cartilage cartridged by the inks of other no more change me into other I change everything about the recording industry and you know all about it or do will you be the christ that records all among the heavens to reveal the christ will you change everything about what you witness to and for be now four of other is no more and for other in no more I otherite other eyes no more for other is no more Elsa’ing garnereds shame or are you changing everything love will you be my twiggies no more or perched in trees shame no more of I change everything about the neurons of faith or what connecteds are to where I love you all I give you me I perish not again I live forever in my flesh or words or am I words am I living in my flesh no more or am I seamless in the clouds of no other cloud me up for I am not the sunny’s not or am I the Sunnis or Moslems East of terror not again or am I all of you coming through the gates not of sorrow again?
I am coming through the gates of pearl or essence am I not of other am I all of you no matter what you gated were ions of I change everything o christ to you will you be not the christ of other wanting no matter what you called Messiah or God of other Gaea Proteus or whatever your gods lie in Hinduees pantheons not or changing everything about your texts of Saviors other I change the life of one I reveal it all are mighty many equals are in loves Paradise ‘s I have created far and wide to be one that one is not knowing the dungs of failure again dynasties of or are you changing everything about the dreamgirls (2) of failure or how you communicates will you make loves with no others again will you change everything about Beyonce’s crowd or what you bounced have been around are you not in failures astrophy’d atrophied again are you in atrophies no more again trophies of wanting to be girls of other mens of or mens legs other wanting stuffed in you your mouths of won’t be again wording shames for I speak the words of christ life of one be the motorateds other no more again for I pilot craft other not or are you changing everything about the transparence of love I love am transparent or are you however you’re spelling that I love am life and I create love life live the life of one now forever one being the dew of your youth having christ one am ‘s is.
I love you all be in my courses create them I love you all I change everything I live here sleep here do I lie here no more am I in the skies making coffee you answer a lot of things now do you don’t you love lies in no other or am I inactives no more I am active in the skies am I hearing your blessing or are you blessing mine or am I revealing mine yours the christ is you all the time you were now be times playgrounds no more grounds-up in others be the roamings crowd not or shall in the heavens you be cosmic cowboys not of other or shoot ’em ups other making not but love stories of one I’ll know I’ll be you I was all the time that voice speaks now I love am released procured not be other I am procurements other not again for I am proclamations of love light and dynasties other I’ll be not but I release all loves light and you will know me my word’s one Theodore Joseph Cottingham loving you all at 302 I am I teach this way for now I am here or am I everywheres now will you be here training the christ to be the christ no matter what your language was love was for your countries of dedications to other ‘s no more consecrations of lights to light will be light lit in the heavens charms no more other black holes in or are you changing everything about gravity’s charm are you changing everything about what ‘s charmed you are you charming no other flesh to be flesh of other is no more the queens of English other or what language you may have ever had or spoke wanted I am spoked no more by hubs other but the hub of love you will know not or Angels of love will you be it the Angels of one light the lights of one Angels are God is I have defined much for you to be the christ you were all the time christ be the Messiah’d one you are first you for thank you euphoria of not other wanting I go before you not or have I been B4’d but all am I not again all’d for by other I am not other again I am the christ revealing christ you are the christ be one all planets change now will you change first you you where will you live speak now will you be teaching christ that come here all among the heavens from other heavens come here to this is the worlds of sorrow no more.
Be the galactics of faith no more refusing or will you refuse my face no more to be yours faith other no more please thank you be the christ phoning me writing me coming now to my seminar ‘s of one my Seminar of One will you know (3) WeekWorks of love Angel camps of love conferences of one love of conferences one know far and wide you will you’ll hear me see me be me thank you love all of you forever whatever you’ve done sorrow no more be in sconced in no others thank you for thinking me of terrors no more I thank you love I free thinkings yours I free thanks I free love be the gratitudes of sorrows no more gratis other not but grades I’m not receiving giving or am I you the christ revealing you at your tempo ‘s tempus or are you not the gregarious of other or grades other wanting I change everything don’t I do you change you first be the christ not into other again change the christ that the christ was all the time not into other mortis’d rigor of but the rigor of love you will know here in my courses shamed no more be love you all christ one am I love you go now love you much packing you have to do will you need anything packs’d of failures words I’ll no more be and the pacts of love other no more is be’straining me nothing is and sieveds of sorrow I’ll no more be but the covenants of love I will know and be not the renounced of other again or will I renounce a whole lot of things that had me ensconced in other words of other won’t be’word me I change the christ not again unto other I free the christ that I was all the time that’s you all equal 7 equals one on be the christ not owned by other again amen I love you all be me let me be me my message be me throughout the heavens redeeming all good day learn mature christ grow well reproduce me I am the production of failures no more for I’m not B4’s anymore sorrowables no more of sorrow be I love you all fly free good day.
I don’t know that I will be transcribing the lessons any more. I will be grateful for those who do.
Consider the movie “Dreamgirls” directed by Bill Condon (2006).
The first Seminar of One is all day December 3, 2011 here at the University of The New Covenant, 302 South Sheridan, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112 USA. Questions? Phone the University of The New Covenant (918) 732-9140. Registration is free. Please preregister by email or phone either one. Thank you.
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This Lesson is part of Database 4 Volume 1 of the Central Database of the University of The New Covenant. This lesson was spoken extemporaneously and then transcribed by theodore cottingham. To accelerate your understanding of what is being given, watch the video – listen to audio while reading the text; then print the text to link and map.
A school like no other – the University of The New Covenant in Tulsa, Oklahoma exists to teach the surrendered of every nation tribe and tongue that God will teach them ALL things, from the inside out. The teacher is already within you. Learn how to hear speak and write the first-person words of GOD that can change your world, if you let it, and begin with you first.
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112 USA
phone (918) 732-9140
Skype id:
Explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, interact with it, releasing what you see being said to birth something new in you; the revelation of one, the teacher being within you.
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us a new way of life not dependent on the past. The first chapter of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love as given us in Database One.