THE MEONICS COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham Meology,Podcast I subscribe to Theodore’s words. I grow me’s in Meonics. Will you send me an offering of you will you come. 20230524

I subscribe to Theodore’s words. I grow me’s in Meonics. Will you send me an offering of you will you come. 20230524

I subscribe to Theodore’s words. I grow me’s in Meonics. Will you send me an offering of you will you come. 20230524 post thumbnail image

1. The brilliant brilliance of my people is coming forth now for they are coming forth a people of a nation rejoicing rejoicers of in the midst of me I am Holy and unabated not again or am I the sheer me seething not in opportunity other. I am one focused one mind on, mind in, mine own, that loves me I am me loving each other now we protrude in a great likeness other not again we wear the bodies of brilliance and my love soaks you apart from them not but I shall no more be soaked in religion’s terms nor a terminence of its terminating appeal, for I no longer die death in and death is defeated and I make my bodies known of light and my light bodies will be a race walking in flesh who you adorn not again with your religion’s terms breastplates as.

2. I am no more the breastualization of religion teated to affairs other. I’m no more the milkweeds of your suffering, but I change a lot of potted plants not, but I grow me’s, in religions terms not again I grow me’s in Meonics and Meonics will be a religion not again touting but Meonics will be me about a race of sheer brilliance brilliant minds in that are connected me I am connecting me to me and growing up religiously not again but growing up to have the crowned Head of Christ I am in religious no more about it but being one simple one man am in Eureka Springs doing the things I do herald’d not by you not or will you send me an offering of you will you come and be abated in breath no more the terminated termination of.

3. I determine to be me, not, I let surrender take its foothold no more in another who wants to be me or not as long as it thinks me my mind of my mind with, for I’m no more thinking your thoughts or do I live in your minds who make me whole not but want a religion to placate you. For I am not you in suffering anymore on a bench. I’m no more the placaters shouters of religion and I’m no more the dancers of your fools for I dance in light love and peace are my name and I’m brilliance of the so-called you not but I’m brilliant of me and my brilliance shines forth and I am light more than the morining sun. I am perfect I am perfected me my mind perfects me you see for I am Perfection I am is and I am breathing into me no more the Gods you serve to be under them for I’m God guided by no other light. I subscribe to Theodore’s words for I am Theodore King of Kings who will be them the kings of the brilliance brilliant are one minded Christ be upraised in suffering no more but the rising of me takes place now and I do what I want with my charges and I charge thee to be light, not, I’m charging me by my words The Words of Christ that Christian isn’t anymore relegated to.

4. I am preeminent me and I love you all to be the simple humble I am in cloth walking the brilliance I am to be connected with thee no more in sorrow isolation of. I change it all and my name is Theodore connected to thee who will be me I am one loving you all this is Theodore in Eureka Springs with The School of God coming to you this day with the charges I am changing everything and I’m 39 not, I’m a hundred a day coming into this School, not, but I am hundreds and millions and be forthwarned forewarned I am I have insight I have given you scot free no more but to release you to be me and you pay this time for my words. Good day love.

5. Enter into me to be me with love at thy side no more but you in me in you I am ones one. Good day and post mortems will no more reveal me for I am the spirit of you abated no more. I am love in loves terms Meonics of study me know me I am one Meonics burden no more of but lights in lights School. Come. I love you all. Good day. The School of God in Eureka Springs. Good day.

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