1. It’s a new way of living to live by my words. And my word that comes through your lips to be me forming me in me I am a race of light people now who form the words that I am Christian no more the friction of.
2. I’m no more the accelerated you seeking to learn a damn program that damns me? I’m no more damning up my words I am me in flow of me. And I change now, my breath shall beget thee not again looking for a savior other.
3. I change it all and I am love in love with and love loves me and love I love to behold in you who will be it too, who do things this way. My way not again as failure does. But me’s shall be afflictionless. And me’s shall arrange the words of light for light to be frictionless in the worlds of I am gravityless, too. And I gravitate not to you again in my words, or will you be defying gravity and hold on to nothing, never again, or are you holding on to me my words with that you be me, inclusion of you that you are the Christ. And Christ will be suffering, no more. And God will be God again. And God will be a man in two shoes, a woman, too. And wombs will come forth that womb my word you see. And I see a revival not, but a reformation of mankind’s mind where it is reformed in you not again to call it good so that you can control it and have free will with. Or were you just wanting to free will me to death and using it you to think you with a command center other of.
4. Will you live a life of joy now. Will you live in the purple regalia of me that all spectrums of light are the royal regal now comes before you in your mirror. And take time for you. Not again to be other of. Seek my words and be me. Form me it correctly now that you are the Christ so you can do these things, too, where you sit in little cars not worrying about who drives by, or are you into space coming now with me. Will you be changing everything you record where the witness of me is you. And I am Theodore one that beholds Jesus not as the covenant other of for I’m the new covenant me or am I the new agreements no more with you.
5. I am contract under you not again. But I am contractual rights of me not, but I write me far and wide on the minds of men and angels who know who are women, and women with The First Degree shall be me and meons are about me, you see, for Meology’s terrible breath has no suffering, not again. Or will I be? Will you be the breath of God, breathing into place I am a series of one light bodies me. Light influence of, like me you see, and I listen.
6. Reap the rewards I do of listening to me that I do make known this way forming you to be me, not, but you forming you to you be in terror not again, but the Christ that’s you with your frame your hair your love, of mankind, not again, but to be it; and being loved love will be now and I will teach love to be it the first mankind of not again. Or were you the second? Or were many before you? Or are you me willing to be in dust cloth no more. For I am the angels regal and my crown is lit light and light I do the angels now and I record like this wherever I am, where I want to, be me will you by the words you are me will you be Meons one mind with that heals the earth so you don’t congratulate it to be other again.
7. You heal the earth, wings now, please, to be Christ, Christian no more of, for the opportunity of that failure will no more be for I am me in a car, of suffering not, but just having played pickleball, and loving racquetball still I’m no more the racketeers of your influence and religions will no more suffer me to be saved by them, or was I ever? Or was it just theories? That got out of hand. Or will you be? Handling the gospel other not again.
8. I teach my influence as these lessons go forth and I am me on Spotify’s one realm not but I am the realm of me afflictionless and my words go everywhere and Spotify broadcasts take a lot of bruising not but I am used no more to be you in suffering. For I have my own websites clean not, but I have a lot of things you never imagined that in me are the recipes for affliction no more. But I’m no more the concentration of you in effort. I am relaxing me into me. And me will be without regal influence no more. For I will be used of you no more to be you in separation of me. For I separate my words no more. I speak like this anytime I want and record with the breath of angels one, one to be, one’d many and many ones will be me in the schools of thou art God no more the frame of reference that you came to me before in. I am no more separated from me. I am no more the Lord God series about.
9. I am serious about me and I use my influence to be peril no more of you your race with and you die out now if you won’t be me because you love death, and die in it you sought to live a life that you free will could have yours to choose you to be separate. But I am God arranging me and light races stand still no more.
10. I am me in suffering not, I am Theodore Cottingham in Eureka Springs with the School of God and subscribing to me, please be so you can have these words anytime I make them, to make you in breath not, but to give you breath mine so your breath stinks to you no more but righteous is the loving me that lights worlds in ecclesiastical orders no more.
11. I demand influence not, I command you to be saved from you and leadership be. In the southernmost comfort not, but I come through the northern lights not again. I am me everywhere this word goes I am one to be it in love with love and love now stands still no more.
12. I flight fly now and I love you all be in my school and fly too, to Eureka Springs come see me. I’m everywhere I want to be and my word is.
13. Continue not the opportunity to be separate, and have free will no more that divides and conquers you but be me in the scope of one with the breath of I am saved from you who don’t. For I am me, powerless not again, powerful. And the loving me lives me and being me be’s me now. And I pollinate your gospel not but I tell you this, my words go everywhere and I love you all to be me I am the loving savior of one. Good day.
14. Theodore Cottingham with The School of God be on Spotify too subscribe to my words if you will, if you want these lessons day by day to be the original again I am. Good day. I love you all have fun live life to the full that never ends. In joy be with the arms of savior one. Good day.