1. It is with great joy that I welcome you to Eureka Springs to come see me to be me in my School of God for you to be it, where God doesn’t lie about his presence, or she I am a one her God is hurt not by you again who think it’s other than you. I am me and I welcome you to a little place that’s not so little anymore in your heart for I am the devastation of me no more that I take upon my shoulders and call it the head of Christ not but someone else with your name here or am I my name here Christ on my forehead Christ on your forehead in your head of one will you be Christ no other of.
2. For I change it all and I welcome you to be me with a mind of faith no more that says God is other than you, for you are God replete with joy my students are generating regenerating me and the health of your comfort will not go lagging again, your laggards styles with; for your blaggards will be no more or will you change and light be the oath of no darkness in you. I shed the light appeal over the Earth now over the Earth shall be, and I shall be a moment thee, not the promontory of, but I change it all no more the settlements of your Rudisill in for I change the libraries not, I change the Kingdom of Heaven and the library will be me who carry it around in them who are me my words with, not a force field of you wanting another for.
3. I give you me. I charge for me and my words. My School’s free not again to you, except to accept me not will be no more; for I accept the ones who be me who are me already in Christ life of one to heal it and Christ will be an acceptance theory no more, for I dismantle Christ of your suffering, and the suffragettes that only wanted to vote for Christ to be other in whatever party you may have partied with will no more part me from the waters me of, for I flow me, in bigamists fellowships not but I tell you this I have one love of me and I love you all equally who will stir the pot no other Grace with for my name is Grace Cottingham in two shoes healing a school to be it in love with light love and joy the University of one, the one I am, loving you all.
4. Oh here I am again after putting my video on pause to welcome you not but to speak to a friend watering her flowers offering me some giant grass plants that I just delight in. Oh well, okay.
5. I love you and I welcome you to Eureka Springs if you will be it springing into action to heal The Christ that’s you in your mirror heal the me that I am please and thank you be God again not far apart but in your mirror in your mind in the healing of me be me that does so and love each other equally for I am the Christ that heals me and I am all of you who will heal me you see for there’s no energy other, not really light of not again, for there’s no separation in me me’s of.
6. Meology will be studied in my school and it’s a hundred a month you see for I have some expenses too and income needed for many things to go globally I do with the message to be the savior I am, that’s no other of. We’re all one and this was my message all the time before Christianity Christianized it hobnobbed it hobbled it, wanted to authorize its self to be its sole distributor of.
7. I’m sold no more like you are with a soul. I’m healing Christ to be it in the lungs of one the heart minds heartmouths mouth of my heartmind will be the ones I am the words of faith no more but to live it in, equally, no more of sorrow.
8. Heal the Christ and be it is my message my name for you this day welcome to Eureka Springs the college of Gods goods not, but the college that will be me the inter University of all things me perishes not again. I am the University of the new Theodore’s One. Loving you all heal healed me be at The School of God Eureka Springs. Come, this day folks if you will. But I shall be me and whether you see me or not you will hear me and see me in your mirror if you must, if you will be the one I am loving you all. TheodoreCottingham.com in Eureka Springs loving you to be me I am. Good day.