THE MEONICS COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham Database One Differentiating God and Lord God. I School you who will be a simple angel in truth to know you are God starting as Christ. 20230814

Differentiating God and Lord God. I School you who will be a simple angel in truth to know you are God starting as Christ. 20230814

Differentiating God and Lord God. I School you who will be a simple angel in truth to know you are God starting as Christ. 20230814 post thumbnail image

Theodore Cottingham with The School of God, Box 34, Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632 USA 

1. Shall we dance, in the light, of wisdom and truth? Shall we dance no more with him who condemns it? Will you dance with light me, me the light of with meons shedding light on you to be you, the real me, the real you that one is, in dancing, no more partners as but one Tree of Life that will supp ‘lement no other please supplant me no more with you your words of. Will you be the words, the energies of? Will you heal me and be God too, in School. God, a romantic notion not again dancing with or are you but Christ who will see School in you to have it you coming forth in you the word of your words, the energies, of the truth that set in motion a me not, or are you me changing everything about your motions, commotions on the earth?

2. I motionate you not, but I inactivate heaven no more, for I am the active vision of me. And the vision of me goes everywhere and quells the truth no more, for I am activision of you not. I am acting on my own accord not. I am one of many whose believers no more control thee, so I am not a romantic of you, not, or am I romancing the Savior to be born in you that saves it from you that you are the Savior of the coming King? The King coming now to rescue you, are you, your words mounting no steed of other to supplant me, to rope you into laws, to do your things for you.

3. I’m no more the to do list of you looking up or am I looking up in Database One School no more the things of you, or are you but the linkages no more to the perishing. Will School you be in looking up the School a School of perishing no more. I defeat the Savior’s not, but I defeat your influence of me that you use me, your words of, to tolerate other not but adamant be about the Adamic race and who established it and what for? To do your bidding, task, mission, role do you know anything about yours, to do it who will be Christ?

4. Christian not again I defeat that mess not or do I obliterate it? Or do I ask you a lot of questions to dance with me? Your thought, miracles, life in your words I preach like this I do the things I want to the way I want to because I love live and I’m quelling war not, or am I obliterating it from the earth and all the brutals of your brutality.

5. I heal the earth from all shame and sin will no more be here for there’ll be no rebelling against me the energies of light, love and peace School will you be in, to see that I’m mosaic not of you? I’m layered not of you your tendrils with. I am no more the tender shoots of you getting bushwhacked by religion. I’m no more the blades of your sword, your two edged truth with.

6. I am but me one. I am a simple man, a gardener, of truth not or am I the carpenter me, building houses of light, no more on frames of wooden stubble? Of are you changing the metaphors you see of, to see you’re the Christ, Christian no more. Christ is a God who’s not grown it up quite yet. Christ is in suffering no more. Christ is instituted by you not again to be separate. Christ is you who will be God, a race of God, in supplantium no more of you. I am the plantations of your gardens not, but I am the Garden of Truth raking over your coals no more, your energies of.

7. The adamant are no more here, and the Adamic race will no more supplant me, you of. I am light bodies truth, in truth of, and I seek no other. I’m not worried about your institutions, your grace ‘fulness or not, but I quell a lot of things and I disrupt your truth that you were so adamant about. And the Adamic race will go bye bye, not, or am I instituting a truth higher truth than you’ve known the higher ways of? Will you be no more religion cast down by? Will you seek their truth no more that wants to institute it, where you obey them, their laws of, their rites, their rituals, their authority’s burden over you to control you and what you think. By what you think, are you no more controlled by thought them theirs of?

8. Will you be the influence of you upon you? Will you emanate? Will you originate the truth? Will you speak it like this into little cameras and share your words with miracles happening all over the world? Will you see it? Will you be it Christ? Will you wake up? Christ, will you get off the bench? Will you get off the pew? Will you get off the rug and quit praying to me and start being me who lives the truth, who will love it and let me speak, let me dance with you, where we interexchange ideas and we grow the trees of life together, in romance not, but families of one who cross time, space, and miracles now doing, at the edge of your sword not again. Or am I Savior’s Truth in action.

9. I am actionating truth, not. I am it, actionating me, actuating me. And I’m not acting on you cowards of your truth and want to pummel each other, punish and obey. I’m no more the dilemetryof you. I change the earth now and its world will no more be in the suffering you that created me to be a separate race you called mankind or not. I’m no more the influence of your evolution. I am no more Eve in the Garden of Truth that doesn’t know what it is.

10. I am love in action. I walk in two feet, truth with, doing the miracles. I change my posture or do I change your grace no more into doing miracles or are you found but me the energies of are you finding on your tree that you will romance not but you will eat just the low hanging fruit no more of your quandary? Will you grow up? Will you EVOLUTE to no Savior’s other or will the evolution of the storm no more be the consumption of you or what are you consuming now, no more your own lust on your own lust to luster be shining of the darkness?

11. I am no more Lord God theory about. I am no more Genesis 2 ignorant of. I am no more Database One omitting from me my life of. I dance with truth, wherever I find it, not; I find it in me by dancing with truth words that romance not a Savior to take it to death again. I no more die as your Saviors did. I no more romance your religions nor rites or rituals have of thee. I’m mine, and I take my clothes off not for you again or do you rape and pillage no more the girls of this earth or are you changing the heavens or what you know originated me?

12. I am truth in action, no more worried about your time table. I am the table of truth at where I dance with legs not over me again. I am no more the conquered concubine of you. You will no more use my bodies to be burned in Hell and call it humankind earth of. I change the Saviors, not. I change the angels who are them who angels are a race of Israel on high that knows not your brotherhood not but is no more conquered by it. I romance women on earth or do I romantic be with truth? Will you romance the Savior’s not? Will you dance with me? Truth! The tree of! Trees of life will you conform to no other neurons neurotic structure of?

13. I’m no more at the timetable of thee, I’m mine and I’m here, no more worried about your prophecies, your prophetic disruptions or interpretations. I’m me and I do what I want, not listening to you not or do I listen to you each day? Am I you in your words? Am I the energies of your words? Are you using me no more to be you thinking it’s you the separate race of that crowns the God of light not but darkness calling it light The Lord God Series of? The theories of you no more intimidate me. I’m no more your concubines. I’m no more your whores of truth that don’t know what light is that religionate themselves with each other’s words that darken a planet ‘s dream.

14. I’m Database One infusing, with you not. I am the truth of it not conquering you by or am I submitting you to truth words that you will listen this way so that you romance the truth and be it the energies of. Will you be the energy of one? Will consciousness you have complete finally of the Christ that grows it up to God be in your flesh changing this earth? Will the miracles you deny no more? Will the miracles you do O God? Savior will you be first you saving from the truth of other? Will Lord God you differentiate now from all other? God of light will you be in your shoes who look like you?

15. Who are you? A race of light no more succumbed to follow other. Following by other means is no more. I surrender to love, and love I surrender by to know the truth that love is romancing not hollowness again your hollow gardens of. You will no more demand the truth of me and have anything come to you, of light. You can, your demands be made by no more, that tolerate the truth? Or will you wake up, and come out of your grave of flesh graven images with no more controlling you your words by?

16. Bye bye to the language that conquered you. Bye bye to the interpretations of the dreams of Joseph not or do I lead a great army or Solomon am I no more your vast ‘less regions of? Or am I truth worlds in, conquering yours not but defeating ignorance because I know the truth. I teach it. I lived it, I live it again now in front of you. I am doing what I want to do in this century, the 20th of yours not or am I the 21st Century Christ or are you the 21st century girls Christ in waiting no more for another. I am love married to me. I am love in place, waiting for thee to come back, not; I’m going ahead. And the Head of Christ is raised, against me no more by you or me, for I defeat Christ not again. I am the feet of heaven’s best and I suffer not defeat of you in your mirror, your neurons with. I’m no more the neurotic of your Saviors wanting a makeup base of or changing plastic masks or wanting mud faces. I’m no more spittle in your eyes. I heal the miracles now because I am miracle God forces of one.

17. I heal the angels you see. I light them. I love them. I light your tree, not on fire, but light I light Light School with and I school the angels to be them. I School you who will be a simple angel in truth to know you are God starting as Christ. Not a religion again, but Christ, who knows; who realizes he is the Son of God, not; you are the story about, you are in purpose you, the mission, task and role of you is to be you. In dancing faith not again but realizing the disciples apostles were all wrong not but your messed up mixture will no more admixture make me of your soup.

18. I’m no more the ether you limited to. I am no more the either or binary’d of you. I’m one in love and I have babies now of truth because you see the fruit thereof healing nations me about time it is now and my time is now to heal a nation and truth be the Israel of you not, or was it always in the skies, of you, between your ears first where you see it, and you obey not the accord of other. You develop you the powers of your power light that obeys not other, but able to differentiate now God from the Lord God series? Will you, the Lord God series no more be adamant about, that you know a thing about it. Or will you not be shed with mankind’s light again that takes a Savior to death. Or will you no longer be healing God, not will you no more kill it? Be in wars with yourselves no more. Heal the lands and the rivers of faithfulness dry up that only served the Lord God series of.

19. I heal the earth and it disrupts a lot of things and you no more develop your ways over me to use my energies. I develop earth’s atmosphere not, I develop mine in the communities of peace and you shall bear me a child. You shall bear children of light, love and peace not your acorn theory with or the great oaks, of light, not lighting with, or shall you see that the Tree of Life is you in your brains will you not manifest other? Will you change what you manifest, what you imagine, what you bring forth, what you do to you this day in the kingdom of God will you be it no more separating from it will you be the Christ, Church no more of will you be the Christian religion no more of any religion or anything that they say you must do, be or comply with?

20. Will Christ you be, the metaphor no other. Will God you be that which was God before God was born as a concept in words that you have a graven image of.

21. I preach like this, I teach like this, I exist like this. And you shall too, among the heavens, if you’re me. If you will be me, you change the earth now, you first starting with you first and The First Degree of this School is Meonics breath born, where you breathe the Saviors into place because you love each other, and you hurt and deny their Godhood no more, for yours is a blessing of you to create the Trees true and faithful now to no other God be.

22. I’m your God not, I’m the reflection of you, not; I’m God saying you are one too, if you will be it in your shoes, not the hidden frame of reference of you. I am no more seeing eye dogs with. I’m no more the dogs of your religion seeing a Savior born for me? For you? I healed me and I heal you not, you heal you. I give you the message. Isn’t that what’s Christ supposed to do, not or did you die no more for a Savior other? Will Christ you be born, in the church not again swaddling clothes with. I’m no more the stories of your infant ‘ile paralysis. I’m no more the analysis of your words, your commentaries shit of. I’m no more your circumstances limited to, nor abasing you. I’m freeing you from your words if you will but free me from mine that you cast in your light so that you would see me in your image and call it good.

23. I change it all and my name is Theodore Joseph, for the church not, but for God to be God again light from lit light, that saves an ancient theory not again of ,but activates the light with the vision of one peace School be in. I am the School of God, the new covenant me the Savior’s School of blessing to heal the earth and ancient weeds of yours will no more imply I’m other or cultivate a word based school you say was in a book of the law.

24. I’m no more your laws with. I’m conquered not by your contractual relations. I’m healing earth to be it the Saviors of who heal themselves you first and healing each other in Schools of joy healing communities and new cities erupt with joys, life and peace. I’m grace found in me. My name is Grace School not for you to abort me, you of. I’m love in action no matter what your laws say or try to do to me or you who want to be me. For I’m not afraid of your molecular actions nor your winds of shame. I’m not war putting up with. I’m quelling the heavens not, I’m delivering light peace in my School to be it you the creators of, who create you all over again, manifesting, beginning with joy in you who see it the truth bears no reflection of other.

25. I am no more the concubines of your truth. I am no more the attached linkages that destroy my marriages to faith not or am I changing all of your polygamistic efforts or magnanimous are you the Christ who will defeat you no more in your mirror? Will you see you today brushing your teeth, eating meals, talking with comrades, company officials, authorities, of Grace will you be he who knows the answers not but she who has a vast wisdom reservoir, not; but the energies of peace are not alone again.

26. I tell you this I am in comfort not shielded from you, for I have no concern of you not. But I have brought you a message of truth, peace and deliverance. And my name is Moses not but Theodore, on a Cross no more. I ascended and I came unto the righteousness of me writing on your wall no more. I’m no more the feast of your approval wanting a bunch of listeners or followers. I’m Christ in church not. I’m Christ who develops it. I’m Christ the Christian not. I’m Christ in two shoes Cottingham calling you it, if you will obey you not to be other seeking worshiping, following followers of another God ceases me no more.

27. I am out of the church and all of that mess and those messages will no more inhabit mes. I bring God to a standstill of your theory. I bring healing miracles in place and I do them myselves of, or will all of you do them too, who are me, changing a nation, changing God back into God circumstances of and we no more defeat Saviors who love us or hate us, for we are not powerful, not again. We love live and the power light we are, not the low hanging branches of you on. I’m the healing love of one in the nations of me. The light circumstances you not again to be terror with, but light lives in the gardens of shame no more.

28. Light loves me and dances with joy, grace and peace. Do the miracles now, please. See your joy complete and full. Have no needs before you, for you’ll be supplanted not by shame’s words again who let me flow like this and live the love of joy, peace, and good looks? Or are you not looking at me as a man again? Or am I women? Or am I formless, you, are you the form of that needs no punctuation to decimate these words? Will you grow up and not need paragraphs either? Or are you numbering my reference points not or are you but Christ God in School, Goding it now guiding the crown of blessing into place, your place of your kingdom, your light blessing you your families of, healing your kids, healing the kids of the community, healing the parents, the aged, the aunts and uncles, who know God not as them in their mirror or will you but blessed be changing all things, but the law not. I change it all. And I’m no more lawyered by you.

29. I am me, exonerating me from truth no more. I am the truth in two shoes Cottingham and I obey me my laws of. And I’m the law of love first and foremost healing you who will be it too, healing each other. I am one, in place. I do this now. I have brought my message. My task, mission and role is known, and I accept my mission. Do you? Will you accept that you’re Christ now? Will you the exception no more be? Will Christ you birth in your School now? Or will you be a new one? Or will you be in mine for a season? Or are we birthing Schools all over this nation and around these worlds to no more encompass encirculate thee otherwise?

30. I’m no more the circle of influence of you limited to. I am mine bursting forth because the waters gush forth now and the winds of change will no more create wars for you. I devastate the wars territory. I bring peace, and shame will no more live here killing each other, living in religions charms, and the magnetic influence of you will no more pummel mes.

31. I am delightful and the light I am of Paradise and I create it in my School first I teach like this between your ears is the kingdom of heaven and Israel rejoices now that light is and the metaphors of you birth nothing in me anymore. I am the King of Kings granting exoneration School to admittance I’m surrendering light to be it.

32. However you interpret these words, be no other of or will you be the light knowing the difference now between darkness and Schools of God that preach you must obey and serve another? Will the kingship of Christ you arise in, crown you with it, crown the light. Let the thorns of your brow no more be permeated by lovenot. Things of your neurons no more infect mes. I heal Gods to be it God’s light and God knows the difference, and God will be born again in the simple common people just like me.

33. I do a new thing I deliver light from love no more that separates it. I king the girls first. I king the kids. I’ve king’d this message not, I am the King of Kings, kinging you with it, who will king each other too. I am back. I have come back and this is my shield not. This is my body, broken for you no more. My body is light live I do in it for awhile that you look at and think is me, say is me. I’m you who love is, who love will be, creating it all over again. A School for joy like this in Eureka Springs The School of God changes everything. I do now it with love at my side. Love, pummels you no more with the grace of other fellowships. Heal the ones I am and be the lights lit Schools in creating communities of peace everywhere. And study my words. Study these words and have you flow yours. Let your gates be open and hell will no more be defeated by them nt again. There’s no Hell held here anymore to preach against. There’s no God that serves you or obeys another.

34. I am light lit love in two feet. This is my message and I’ve examined your Cross not, but I know these words quite well in Database Two, Three and more. I am all 17, 20 to 21 not or am I changing everything? Will you see how to learn from you the Christ? Christian no more be. The birth of God depends on you, for you control the seed, not, I am it and I have given it to you, and I birth a mighty Savior’s club not but the clubs of heaven will no more beat me to death with their memories or their assumptions. For I create God’s appeal not. But I appeal to all Gods to now be the sources I am. And the universe of peace will be established again in the lovers of light that dance with me this way.

35. I love you. Learn from me, to be me, the original you. In suffering no more, come out of slavery to the flesh and serve no other Gods. Please and thank you. Theodore Cottingham in Eureka Springs this day with The School of God. I have given you my mission not. Or have I given you yours, to be Christ too. To heal the Gods, to serve no other. Heal the earth and its rivers. And the people of God said yes and amen. Light from light let shall be now. And I change it all. Please do declare death null and void. For I am the original light. I’m back and I lived forever not. I live for me to create me. New universes shine now, and you shall see my joy and my glory to be complete Christ. Christendom no more in, but Christ’s School goes forth with joy. The original me School of God be. I love you.

36. Free the Christ that’s in you, not, but you to be it, for you were all the time. Timeless be seeing the metaphors not derailed by other, but the original light of me showing forth the light of dawn School this day in you be. Good day. I love you. Theodore in Grace School be the one I am. Please free be and free each other. Heal the light that’s you first, God. Thank you. Good day.

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