Theodore Cottingham with The School of God, Box 34, Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632
1. My name is Theodore Cottingham and I turn things upside down now because I bring the truth and the truth shall set you free, not; I redefine it. As truth that does more than talk about it. Truth has action now in its veins and truth I am standing here not the social of you or am I all over the globe, in every government, in every person? Am I every person me? Is God a thing you recognize no more to be other than you, a race of? Gods are you upside down no more in your theories? God, are you willing to be God learning from God that God is you, that you are a race willing to be a race of leaders are you now who will lead out of Earth and into its charms not again planets as or will you see the stars twinkle in you no more? Are you changing your universe? What do you see Truth, O God, are you willing to see it? Are you willing to be it? Who loves you are you, and you are the one, multiple, plenty and plural, and my name is joy stricken from your books not again.
2. I am changing all of the studiers of heaven to be heavenators award system in if they will be it to themselves teaching each other they are Christ not Christian of again but Christ, fools no more for a religion, but Christ eats crumbs no more from your bread table you men, you fools. I am women on high turning the tables on mankind not but angels will be seated at the right hand of no God other of but God in one the Table of One at I announce my seminars start now my dualization no more exists for I am one, a new race, not the hybrid of your television series your electric cars with or wanting to be plugged into two at one time. I’m no more your heaven and earth series who don’t know who it is. I am no more the dual of your polarities. I change it all and I redefine Christ as who will be it and the women first of the children of God who resist it no more, who revoke it no more I am and I am is a race I am I am series of one. I am a blessed blessing opportunity given, chosen by me.
3. I choose to be me, you see I choose to have coffee with you and transcribe these words I do make them known. I have on a website that bears my name children of the most high that study there become me a consciousness of right standing me writing my words at the Table of One will you be no more feeble for your mankind’s race.
4. I change it all and I am a simple man who walks with power and authority because I am love in place and I love you to take your guns off of you and lay them down and not shoot another with your words bullets or dreams of conquering them. I lay my life down for you not. I picked it up. Or do I live the life of a lie no more?
5. I turn things upside down and I redefine God. I redefine your purpose, your scope of joy to alienate the heavens no more. Will you no more be aliens in a proper land? Or will you legal no more be the means of or are you changing your transportation series? Are you light, with lit love? Are you willing to speak like this? And it be your energy this be your energy that you imbibe, that you energize, that energizes you? Will you see you are the one that speaks me to be me? Will you form me a God too? That’s you being you? Will you speak the words that I am faith no more lead of, bred of? Will you breathe into place, O God, the mighty miracles now will you do them because you want to stop wars, heal children, laugh, love with.
6. I change it all and my name is afraid no more of you or anything else because you can’t kill me. I’m sure you would if you could if you want things to stay the same and be the definitions that you have proposed propositioned promulgated powered by your hate. Love of law? I demolish your strongholds people of the law. You people who want law instead of love and say you love me shall not be here for I cleanse the temple now. I clean the temple.
7. I am a simple man. I walk with Joseph not or am I he or am I God one She a miracle working God no more that’s not you she will you be who wears a skirt and justice does among the heavens not having two legs of you or neurons are you no more afraid of man’s? Will you no more be afraid of what they speak? Will you no more be afraid of their law? Are you changing what you’re hearing this day? Or willing to hear? Or willing to perceive? Willing to receive? Willing to speak? Are you willing to speak about these things and teach others to do so? Are you willing to shed new light upon things that perceptual means give you no more the receptivity of antennas other? Will you no more be transceivers of shame? Will you dualized bands no more have for your short waves or are you changing everything the long earth of? Or will you no more be applied, mathematics of? Will you change your algorithm’d mind? Will you no more light led be by fools?
8. Will you surrender your light to be led by fools no more who give you darkness and claim the light is theirs? Will light you know the difference between what you are, do, say now? See, sign? A miracle working God am I or am I just one who preaches like this to bring you the message, of faith not but love? Law no more here in you will you see what I am saying? Will you see what I am preaching? Law no more lives in you me of and law will not be needed here rules, rights, rituals of I’m no more the rights of you proclaiming. I have written my law. Or have I written my love in my veins that I’ve given you scot free through this broadcast, 500 videos on YouTube, thousands of documents; have you read any of them? Will you read them? Will you study them? Starting in DATABASE ONE first DATABASE ONE a university of light have I given you? Will you speak it, be it, live it into existence? Will the power of love you be powerless not again? Will you speak the light into place? Will you be willing to love law no more? Are you willing to love the neighbors, the lawyers, the defenders, the prosecutors? Or will you love law no more legal systems as or are you changing yours to in the heavens be? The legal mes do. And I am me one, a simple faithite no more, for I am faith in action not again the stupid of.
9. I change what? How naive I was. Are you, naive no more? Will you be gullible no more? Will you change what you do with this day, O God will you pumped up be no more to be sorrow gleaming a dead tooth of? Or will you no more bite you? Or will you change what your words do to you O God? Will you no more power them to be sorrow of? Will you heal the institutions of grace no more talking about something that makes you passive. I am no more pastoring the passive resistance of faith or faith that swallows it up in death or death that swallows up a grave? Or do I change the atmospheres?
10. I change your words not, but you won’t design mine, nor my life, nor my lives, nor my angels of peace, nor my leaders who lead out of earth this mess will be no more. I am no more dumping cowardship into your pencils of shame or did you ever pick up one and write me? Will you pick up your pen? Will you write me this day at Box 34? Do you have a postal system, a legal system of faith? Are you no more led by laws? Will you heart be to heart, scratching it out no more an existence of? Will you see what I am saying? Alluding to preaching metaphorically not again. Or am I the metaverse me? Or am I no more the dualized bands of you in a purpose of marriage to other that populate the earth, how ludicrous are your gems, O God? Or how transparent are your ways, O God? Will you love living love be the lovers now? Will you heal the earth and dumpsters no more be religion’s for?
11. I am a simple man who stands here in Grace’s shoes not or is my name Grace? Was it when I was a woman or dressed as one? Or are you spiritual paths on no more to be other than God, himself not again but her she one. I am Graced with love I stand before you all and give you the opportunity to be you and I pull for your monies not but you can give some. I appreciate it. I need things like you do or am I in the heavens of me? Am I recording different things now different ways? Will you see you are Christ? Will you see you are a race of Gods, THE race of God? Will you see Gods exist before time I did? Will you no longer be under law? Will you rule your atmosphere no more by algorithm? Will you no more search the laws of grace trying to be passive resistance of will you wait no more for God to come serve you? Will you beat your path to adore other not again going to a neighbor’s? Or will you change the heavens award system of you? Will you love each other? Will you give each other confidence not again to be of sorrow? Will you no more courage deflate in each other and rip each other’s wings off or skirt injustice no more?
12. Will you change the way you use words or words use you? Will you change what you do with your time, O God? Will you languish not in the languages of other again? Will you no more need language to communicate if you’re me speaking may do you feel my love for you this moment will you love each other? Will you let feelings no more get in your way? Will you love law no more the rules of? Will you love love and judge accordingly? Will you judge each other Christ. Christian no more. I defeat Christianism. Christianity’s nationalism of Israel will go bye bye because it’s not built upon the law or the rules of you or your politically demonstrated drama.
13. I change it all, and you will hate me if you love things the way they are, or if you love law or you just want to be sure you’re right, so damn sure that you damn each other, you damn who don’t think like you, you damn rules not but you promulgate them and your blessing not but your rule bearing mechanisms. I defeat law not, I live love. I change it all. I define love as me in two scopes not again of you two heads with. I’m no more the dualized of your blessing giving and receiving. I’m no more needing your monies or am I changing everything because I have no need, no lack? Or what are you creating this day on the heads of paupery no more? Will you create your head as the head of Christ, the head of Church no more. Will your head be full of lies no more infestating you? Will you infestate no other with your lies, your laws, your love of mankind’s ways to be passive resistance of or are you activity in the heavens of the genes me? Will the genetic of truth you finally bear a child of truth, the tree of? Religion’s not again.
14. I heal people and I destroy your law not. I heal people and destroy them no more. I tell them they are God. I tell you this day you are God who will be it because you were, are and again am is a race and cyclical Israel will no more be the metaphorical you forgotten or stomped out. I’m no more the race of the oppressor, and brutality will take a backseat not, but the quelling of all of your races that wanted to brutalize each other will come to fore no more or will the mind of God no more be turned to Satan? Will you no more have the upside down law of you? Are you willing to change what you define you first as will first you be love love will you love to learn to love each other? Will you learn to hate not again? Will you love to pick up and fondle not the genes of other? I’m no more the genetic of your manipulation. I’m no more the DNA of your Law or blood. I have mine, light it is light lit light energized by me who know the Law not, but who know love exists in them and they transmit it, transmuting it no more to be sorrow of your transubstantiation. I’m not your ridiculousites anymore. I’m no more the ludicrous you and I’m luring you into heaven not to conquer you your ways of or am I changing who leaderships perish with not again. Or am I speaking because I’m the belligerent no more? Am I the humble me? I’m Theodore one who loves you all, and this graced period is me preaching the law not but love and I turn things upside down in your temple house of law and it shall be empty, many shall. But you will empty me no more of my love.
15. My love goes everywhere and redefines a nation Israel and the love of the Law no more that legalizes it or wants a property settlement of. I’m in the skies of Me thank you. I have peace in Jerusalem because I have formed it. I have created me anew and the blessing of life other goes bye bye, for you have conquered it and you will take it to an early grave. But I live forever O King. And you could too, you could have.
16. You will live love if you’re me, and you will cheat not again on your taxes or any exam. You will not be the integrity of the blessed fools that love duplicity, to teach the mortgage payments arranged by now are? I’m no more your payday loans. I change all the interest rates of heaven. I change it all, and you will no more stomp out my people, nor bless’ed make them of your algorithm. I’m no more your mechanical ways. I’m no more the mechanics of your race, trying to dominate it, with a stock market, the valuations of? Your bullion goes bye bye. Or does your gold bull me around no more? I’m not the bear of you or am I changing who lives? Am I changing who enjoys life or joy will you enjoy now the life of one? That dualizes it not again heaven and earth in, a Satan and hell of, a God of purpose? Or are you all something else not again going to or fabricating justice on the minds of men?
17. Or will you change everything? Or are you willing to learn anything from me to be me speaking like this will you be the educational system of, the education of one? Will you learn at the table of joy? Will you come to my seminars in Eureka Springs, a little town in Arkansas, USA on the tip of your tongue not or is God there? Is God in you the energy of is God in your head? Or are you it? Will you no more be separate from your energy? Will you desire no more to be the destitute other, desiring a God that will heal you, bring you medicine, bring you joy, change your life, your dollhood? Or will you change what you’re willing to admire? Will you no more admire your poverty? Will you no more be destitute among the heavens? Will you live, O God, and flight take now? Will you fly with me? Will you interact? Will you love me? Will you sit at the Table of One? Will you drink coffee with me, and enjoy a movie? The Matrix, coming out of, Neo are you finally recognizing who’s in your mirror, who’s in the phone booth not again or are you no more talking about the Trinity? Or are you all but God? No more populating a race of sorrow?
18. I change it all and I am no more your flower girl wanting a shilling, a shekel, a pound of you. I’m not afraid of your law nor your atomic means. I have begun my race anew, and it’s God’s one, plural and mighty. A God equal to one is one and one are mighty. And we sprint, split, Joel’s 2 not again, but I’m no more your Jeremiah 31 or am I the New Covenant me? I lift up The New Covenant me, for I’m yours no more in arrangement of marriage to your truth or your breasts. I am the breath of God healing. I healed it. Or did it heal me as I came day after day and spoke these words and wrote them on a little yellow tablet when I began.
19. I see you are God and you will be a race of it too, if you will be the simple, humble who love law not again, but love and grow up love with, to love be the leadership of leading love to be it, leading leaders to be them, leading God to be it again throughout the cosmos. And the shameites won’t law us down again. I love rise, in the eagles not, but the angels. And the metaphors of you will no more crystallize me in your crystalline form. I change it all. I am breath in place and I take law into my own hands not, I legalize love and love will be here. And love will stop wars, love will stop tanks, love will stop a lot of things now and cleanse its temple for it’s not the binary’d gendered of you.
20. I am love in place and law stinks to me not, but I have mine. And love will love. The legal means of me I have given everything I have? I have given all that I am. And I am me now, a simple, humble God in place. And I destroy your means of you not, but I’m no more meaning to be other. I am God in place, two shoes with, I stand in joy. I stand in joy’s shoes with a recollection system not of you, but I recall joy or do I call up you for a draft not again, but I call you into the service of the king, to be the king, in the king’s clothes, enwrapped in no other’s words but yours.
21. Will you originate Christ? The church of not again. Will you originate law no more? Will you love love? Will you love each other, the old men, the dreamers, the young, the sewage dwellers? Will you dwell no more on that which takes you to them or will you be them no more that has a sewage mind, problem of?
22. I change it all and the scope of my joy is vast because not afraid of you, I go now. I do the things I want to do. I walk through walls not or will your walls no more keep me out? Will I walk through love, and in my veins be it the light of? I light my love and I love you all of every nation, tribe and tongue; no matter what you look like to you or each other, no matter what you have done, no matter what you have fooled with, no matter what you have killed or birthed. I love you because I know what you are. I know who you are. I know what I am is an energy of faith no more. I am the Gods race of one, and you can be it no matter where is now are, but it takes life and you give yours. Or are you dualisms no more the broadcast of? Will you no more think there’s a heaven anti matter of your AntiChrist goes bye bye. For I’m Christing mine who become me and my award system is in place. And heavens I go to with the words of one and you will see my miracles and do them and be unafraid of my powers to be my power, in love joy and peace, if you will but come.
23. I have said many things to you in this broadcast this day. I broadcast my love and my seed goes everywhere. For I germinate me or do I pollinate me or am I the flourishing me with the love I am I water my word and cleanse the temple of you who will be the birth of the new beginning, The New Covenant Me with your name in your place and the walls of you no more keep you out.