THE NEW COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham Meology Will you take 4 hours a day with me, eight to noon in School be. 20231009

Will you take 4 hours a day with me, eight to noon in School be. 20231009

Will you take 4 hours a day with me, eight to noon in School be. 20231009 post thumbnail image

Theodore Cottingham with The School of God, Box 34, Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632

1. Hi. My name is Theodore Cottingham with The School of God, a unique school. A School of God to be it where you’re no longer just pushing buttons for other or standing in line waiting an assembly hall for, or are you changing where you are calling you to? Will you call you to be be made whole again so that you have no void within you, or are you superfluous to love no more, or will you become it in your two shoes loving each other to heal the earth being powerful and affluent and being who you really are you? Can you imagine that you are God? Can you imagine there’s a different way to operate here on this earth not limited to it? Can you imagine the words of power, beauty, and transformation coming through you to transform you as you share with each other the process as I am doing?

2. Will you heal each other to be in God School now and God crown the life of each one who will be it, not resisting it again in separation? Will you have no void within you? Will you have no God before you that you think is an enemy of the cross or The Cross are you not enemies of, or are you changing all of the Christian message, or are you changing all of them?

3. Who religion is, will be no more. For I am here and I stand as a simple man who’s come through the words I am no more wandering in yours, your books, your commentaries, your answers no more placate me. I’m not playing with religion. I’m not playing with God. And I’m not playing with you. I am plain in sight, not hiding again from me. You see the face of God every time you look in your mirror. The face of God is you who will be it, including each other, so that you redeeming them are who heals you will heal each other to heal each other becoming you again a one minded one of. God will you change the definition of God? Will you see you in purpose, scope and vision? Will you have a new one? Will you learn to see without these eyes comforting you as a gyrocompass should, or are you changing everything you think you should fly as or flight are you taking now? Are you changing what you’re afraid of? And will you be no more afraid of your power please.

4. Will you be no more afraid of the words of man or woman or anything anywhere? Will words no more conquer you that were written long ago or only a few seconds in some comment? Will you no longer deliver your soul to hell and fire flames of other your neurons baking in each other, or will you eradicate the soulish theory of souls? Will you be God who doesn’t need one, who doesn’t want one, for it serves no purpose but to demand you be subservient to another.

5. And I’m no more subservient to me or you. I am raising a race of leaders. My name is Theodore Cottingham in the cloak of me not wearing the cloak of you your thoughts of. I’m no more programmed by you, words with or not. I’m no more of your bombs in flight. I’m no more the threats of your power supremacy with. I am the Supreme Me. In humility I came into my temple. I entered me with the voice of one I am and I am spoke, to me not, but generated peace not but a dynamic flow. And I was willing to a new thing do, for I was desperate for the answers, not; I wanted to know God as a simple man I came and presented myself day after day in the temple of me, a cathedral in Tulsa, day after day from eight to noon. What are you willing to do, O God? Eight to noon in school be where there’s no other word pummeling you? Will you be in silence to still your mind? Are you learning anything about discipline or will you have any? Will you no more torment you dividing from you will you no more have a void, the chasm of life?

6. There is no separation between you and God, and the energy of God you are behind those eyes you see whenever you look into your mirror. Will you heal you with your thinking or will you not taught be by it anymore that you’re separate, or will you change what you create up there? The man upstairs not, but the womb is coming alive, the womb of my words that energize not a Paradise other. I’m no more in your cathedrals worshiping a God, singing your hymns to praise another. I am God in two shoes, God in two feet pronouncing you are this day if you will be it too. And many will be saved from religion now. And the Gods of one who no longer curse each other will be one who come into the one language of one that emanates from your heart not but your head the flowing river of me, no more in your gut. I am no more your gut the gutter in. I’m no more worried about it or anything else. Your circumference of or are you changing your size? Are you flight in that needs no form of other?

7. Are you willing to experiment with you to become the experiential express you, expressing you this way? I do me come to you for you to come to you and separate from you no more that you thought was God. So God will be a person not but the personification of other will no more be for you will see you in your mirror for who you are, what you are, and what you have to do; or what do you want to do this day O God? Heal me the voice within you. Heal me the mind of one. Heal me the students of righteousness not portraying other language of or will you need no language at all of syllables or who’s speaking here right now this moment? I am. And who is I am generating the words? I am. And who is God feeble no more in you will you be the speaker you receiving your words like this, where you torment not another beginning with you first will you see you all as God and we are a race not separate of Gods God we are God we one are a mind not fragmented by you seeking your free will to be separate. I’m no more soaked in your religion.

8. A lot of things change now and the unity of one will be apparent. And I walk in white sheets of grace not but the dimensions of you will no more carry me anywhere in your souls, your soulish realms of. I am not dimensionistic at you of. I am no more time tormented by nor space trying to conquer. I am me. Me I am a simple man with a womb, for my head has taught you or my heart. Or are you teaching you a different way without syllables again? Are you giving breath now to the words that you understand to teach you from the holy place that you are entering, not the abdication of anymore? Will you come into a healing School that heals you to God be the healers of that heal you first by you your word that you emanate the rays of and raise you off of the couch of blessing other?

9. There is no void in you if you will conquer it, or will you void you out no more? Will you see there’s a way in heaven or are you it? Will you no longer think Heaven is somewhere else, or that Heaven is an abode of other? Will you no more want God to be your purposes of? Will you no more create a dynamic flow of torment that keeps you in religion, that keeps you wanting God forever and ever, keeps you tormented, looking for the next day to come, a Christ, a Roman legion or soldiers of the Cross or whatever you want to make up your theories of? Historical accuracy not, or are you His story no more of a God that’s male. I female be divine, not, or do I design one that’s the truth? Are you designing you as a feminine divine? The divine feminine, the Gods of race one who need not your seed men. I’m telling you this. The cosmos no more creates me with the chronology of you nor the seed of your material matter. I’m no more your DNA of religion or anything else of this world that conquers you. I’m creating a new one and peace be still is no more my mantra. I am in action, and I ask you to be it too. A God you serve no more but God coming into God theory no more theoretical affairs of your artificial intelligence, things that you want to manipulate, control, authoritarian, be over the exercises of.

10. I exercise not your control but my love goes far and wide. For I teach a race of white beings of light to be all complete spectrums me of every nation, tribe and tongue so my energy is complete, not the DNA pegged out of you, your epigenetics with or will you change everything you know, or will you be learning school in a new way to learn? Will you speak me to each other instead of you speaking to each other in ignorance? Will you no more wear the robes of religion and collars of righteousness that wants your authority to be perceived that you profess? I’m taking your robes off, not, but I’m wearing mine and mine is light and light loves a people to develop it no more in horror, and your torment will no more keep you separate from me if you’re me willing to be, for I am one in two shoes. What’s your name? God. This day. Are you women in peace who will move in action now? Will you the Bible quit teaching words that law you into separation of other and subservience to men or God?

11. Do you know anything about God who you are? God who you will be is coming again not. God is here on earth in two shoes and you will be it not reminiscing about other romancing a seed of any stone. I’m no more in your temple that wants to worship a God of other. I’m no more the revelation of Christ seeking nor the revelation of you abating. I’m revealing you are Christ not led of anymore or any religious name if you will but be God who you really are, the real you. And that’s what I’m standing up for and standing in a pool of blood no more. I decimate you not. I declare the word of the Lord is null and void over me and you and the Lord God Series will no more decimate us in delivery systems of failure that weren’t complete to complete us as Gods we were all the time. We are no more placating an energy source of sorrow. So I heal the world not. I heal the world makers who design new ones and heal the women first, the girls. And the chronology of yours won’t be the chronological order of me, for I’m not your logical affairs of. I’m me, in torment no more by you and I go do what I want and I will empty hospitals, change governments, and decimate a lot of your brutality not, but all of it begins with me. Begins with you who will be you, the real me that God serves no more another.

12. I raise up God to be it. I call you to control you in a lifestyle no more that sorrows your sorrow and energizes your separation. I empty a lot of churches not, but you do. And you won’t be there if you’re me sitting on a pew listening to a message, a three point sermon, a way to get to God or heal your soul or redeem you from the curse of the law. For you do that to you. For you are the real blessing of you who will not separate and see a man as an icon other on a Cross holding an image to want that image to come back to you.

13. I am in feeble motion no more. I am powerful light in two shoes. Cottingham is my name. These are my recordings. This is my love manifest to you, to come into it, to free flow you this way, the river of life; love that needs not a form of you to be flesh in forming, so worried about your appearance, how much you weigh or what your hair looks like it.

14. Will you heal you? Will you heal each other? Will you heal the children first of every nation tribe and tongue and divide not yourself again. You will want no other love but God’s, for God will you be no more possessive case here? There’s no welfare state on earth again because I am, and I change it all. I died, you see. I died to bring you these words. Or did I live, or has life been given me through the words that I speak, or am I coming alive to generate life in you, that generate you to be a new person, a new you, without the form and substance of other being concerned with? Are you changing what you will exercise for, or will your right to be heaven’s best you come into now, not needing a heaven’s reward system of other? Will you no more want the Lord God series over you? Will you no more be equals that demand each other, control each other? Will you no more be under the control of another?

15. What if you are formless, and have no form but me God saying that to you, your inner witness of not sorrow, but the energies of one me am are sorrow no more driven by. So if you want sorrow, you will not afflict my people with it, for I go and lead Moses out not. But I tell you this a lot are empty places that used to be joyful with sorrow. But the sorrowful rejoicers who only wanted to feel good and placate their souls for moments will no more flee me not, but they will flee you and your control systems.

16. I live love, and I’m happy now because I know what it is and it’s not a fleeting testimony to you. You need to understand it’s not going to be like you thought. And thought will not control us. And you who wanted religion and came up in that authority system will no more be healed not, but you can heal you, but you’ll need no collars of righteousness and you won’t wear them, robes either, that demand respect. I am no more honoring your honor that wants to control me.

17. I am out in love in two shoes Cottingham developing a school that will change a nation. And that nation borders won’t be drawn by you. I heal the real me and I tax you not or do you incorporate no more or are you changing everything you send me love no more by waves other, or are you changing what you do today in your incorporeal source? Will the amorphous you arise within you being no more separate from? God, I go now and I treat a lot to marriage not, but many will be divested of that truth that faked them out, that tore their lives apart, that decimated their freedom. I change a lot of things not, I stop war and the brutality of you won’t brutal be to me, for you are powerless against me. And religion will no more kick my heel or cut me apart, nor you.

18. I live love. And love is here on this earth at this time, now, today, to tell you, to heal you by your word that you let generate a new accord of Satan no more for you’re not it, either one. You’re God coming into Godland, the Promised One, the promised you, the child of you no more sitting in a pew, the child of you no more wanting grace other to be merciful crying your eyes out. I heal the witness of me not. I heal mes who will leadership be and lead in the new earth appearing not over us, but in us we create new ones far and wide. And the universe of us is not sagging in you anymore sadly of.

19. I change it all. And my name is growth in peace not. My name is decimation of the system that thwarted me and put me in captivity of you. So I’m here and I’m a simple guy publishing on YouTube. I make my words free not or do they cost you everything? Do you lay your life down to be me? Do you lay your life down to be the real you, or will you and pick it up too and be the seamless one? Will you be incorporeal and breath too coming out of you that creates me a new you to be powerful in love being it?

20. I have asked you the right questions to be graceful, powerful, and in love with each other, who create the complete me God, serve no other, please. My name is Theodore Cottingham with the school of grace, not, for I am The School of law decimating and your grace goes bye bye that only tempts you to sin and sin and want another sin. For I send you back not to religion. I issue the call to be the mighty you in love with leading you your words of to lead you out of institutions of grace, mercy and peace that only want to wait on another God.

21. My name is blessing in peace that creates motion, a flow of dynamic dynamically me processing the transceiving of you not again. But my transcriptions will be rewarded you not. Or will you see my words on your website too, or are you changing where you lead and what you do with your influence, your power, your grace, the magnitude of one? Will you heal each other and rape the angels no more in your authority. Heal us all to be it of every color, nation, tribe and tongue. And the ones you are is all of us one who will be it. See the love of one in every person. See what they really are underneath that skin. Love love and be it healing love in them. Heal them, no matter what they look like to you, no matter what they smell like, no matter what their influence is or not. Love them because you love me, not, because you love you or you love us, or are we all one, incorporating love now into everything we do and see?

22. My name is love penetrating evil not again. My name is love in two shoes, healing the angels you do who will be them in a school that torments us not again with line by line, preaching precepts or memorization of your techniques, rituals or flow of your breath. I am mine, and I love love. I love live. My name is Theodore. This is the Lesson this day. This is a lesson. Lessonate it. What does that mean? Take your time with it. Rush it not. Will you take 4 hours a day, not your mornings, or will you change the cathedrals you praise in, or are you giving your words a mighty bath, not. But I change England or do I change every country in the scope of the world, or what vision are you seeing now with God new eyes to be new you, without a covenant of grace that needs grace or anything else? I’m no more your mercy portrayed. I’m revealing God to it to God be the healers of, to God be in love with God all of us one. And that’s my name for you this day.

23. Lessonate. Learn to listen with pen and hand. Learn to connect these words with your words that tear out the vines of unrighteousness not, but prune them carefully. For the tree of life will groan no more if you will grow it properly and complete God, serving no more other. You are a race of the seed of mankind no more limited to. See your vision expand now, see your power grow and your ability to heal and perceive things you never imagined, in grace, love and peace that in action is in motion me. For I give you my words, not. You generate them flowingly dynamically in love this way I preach, teach, and reach the girls who will be me, for I am one, for I am angels on high. I look like a man this moment or do I look like you, indigent no more, or am I indigenous of the heavens, or are we all one race, tormented no more by men, there’s no patriarchy here.

24. I love live, and love wombs its word and grows up a peace people not but light race of one. And light knows its name. And light loves School. And The School of Me is me within me. And I learn from these words, you see, I listen to them and made notes for years, filling notebook after notebook, filling my mind with not His words, but eradicating love that unlove generated. So you see, it’s time you discern. It’s time to grow up and be gullible no more about who you are and what you’ve afflicted, afflict no more. Be sorrowful not, be healing love everywhere you go, in the words of one, heal love. Create you anew O God this is the recreation me the regeneration of love, light and joy for all people of the earth no more limited to it shall be among the cosmos, mind of, that regenerates it and understands love, finally.

25. I love you. Theodore Cottingham with The School of God in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, USA. Live stream me this way, if you will, once you learn how, once you become dead not to law or will you in life be deadened no more by your pain, afflicted by apprehension other will no more lawyer make me of you. I love you all. Listen with the intent to be the creating I am of I am School and be if you love love and so choose. I give you me. Good day. Okay. See you later today? Tomorrow? I hope to see you in your mirror where these words come alive and the energy of you is no longer submitted to sorrow, for its validity no more reigns over you. Heal you, serve God no more. Be the graceful one I am in motion. Thank you. Good day.

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