THE NEW COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham News now revealed before you is you

now revealed before you is you

now revealed before you is you
am I having communion with you now
what shall you be
I change the worlds now and what will you hold on to
bodies of sorrow I change
This is a Lesson in the
University of The New Covenant
Tulsa Oklahoma USA
Voice file 120108_000
Video file 120108_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham January 8, 2012 at 7:03 AM exactly are you leading a priesthood of all believers in your country are you the leaders thereof the University of the New Covenant ‘s me that I am knowing now known am I knowns now you are Zanone’s not of perils other are you not peril ing in the thought of mankind’s mind again are you are you thought that you thought you are or thought’d were you just by other or up in to genes other are you now not beholding me as other me as other is no more I am thee who’s corrigible not again or incorrigible are you incorrigites not again Chorazin’s of or changing everything about cores witness are you changing everything about what you witnessed are you going to times back again zones of or changing everything about time travel are you timeless travelless no more travelers of wives of that other is no more desperating me desperados as of to have securities no more of failures is for you are not securityizing your failure you are not trying to be mankind again mankind’d by your minds thoughts that thought’d you to be something else flesh of Elsa’s love knowing or are you Tom Elmo’s no more or changing everything about the tommy cats or guns other are you not the bullets of love un again looking up the bullets of 44 magnums not or am I PI ‘s places no more going to or changing all about San Francisco yours or cliffs falling off the oceans notes not or Hearst Castle are you Patty no more seeking Tate’s as Sharon’s murders or are you not murdering the gospel in you anymore christ as on a cross of sorrow or just your thought are you ad justing not your thought again or changing everything about your trees neuron al affairs other are you changing everything will you be addressing me will you the humblest of all be the humble are the mighty are you mighty in your own shoes not again thinking needing any thing about flat tires me not again or changing everything about your tires tireds witness or changing what you travel in light are you light are you traveling in that light is not knowing ensconcement other are you ensconced in conk shells no more you only call brains or conked out again on couches sorrow drunk as slovenly ‘s you’ll no more be you will know the difference between what a christ is and a christnot
  2. I have believed all not unto death not or are you changing unto everything what are you no more as was perishing are you a lot of things perished are a lot of trash cans not again full or are you tossing out a lot of things you used to value are you changing what you used to value are you changing time back then or now are you changing now or the futures in the futures are you not the markets of other failings for are you changing everything about commodity ‘s Paradise and what markets are closed no more are you to mine are you slavery’s no more trading partners or have you any that only donate you monies or bodies of faith are you not of presence equal or are you the presents of faith no more to each other that only grants a God ly partner are you singly no more searching for anything are you God remaining God or were you all the time Godless not again shall you be searching seeking another to wet your pants in or semen only be to words other are you cementing not the throats of joy or changing everything about what joy filled was are you gay ‘us no more Gaia’s Cronus of or changing all the time clocks chronos Cronuspheres not or chroning are you not cloning crowing again about or changing your babies status or structure not again to be like you or are you changing the creator ‘s not again are you the creators creator are you creators were you all the time that only bowed to Negroitis not or are you looking up in these words all my terms are my loves known now are my values are my pre dictions not or dictums not of other datafines in are you fined not for other or fined in other in other are you sieved not again as seized joy
  3. are you changing everything what sieved o man of God woman of legs of neurons no more will be’sift sift me I change everything what I be is God that loves God are you that Gods all are you guiding no affairs of light un again are you guiding no ships steers by rudders other are you long tongues no more flaming or licking others to peck their brains to see what they think of you are you changing everything of what they think of you is no more be’guiding you are you adopteds no more by their thought are you subservients no more to their thought are you changing everything about your thought or mine or their thought are is no more
  4. are you changing everything about how you know and study are you learning how to study be and be’gross not again grossing out affairs other flesh of are you changing everything about flesh garner ing flesh are you no more flesh holding on to yours are you changing everything about flesh bag suits in what suit ‘d you ties up for are you not going to glory ous bodies of failure again that you only worshiped in seats of setting suns or were you the sons of joy un or do you know the difference do you know anything about joys love do you know in the heavens being will you will you christ be the life of one will you angst xiety no more have of other changing words or are you eponyms no more or etymology’s curse or what are you cursing not again the christ you were are you still are you listening still to my words will you be instilled others not again in are you changing everything what controls you are you not the controls’d anymore at your own are you changing everything on are you owning anything are you the most blessed or cursed are you cursing not the christ your christ again you were all the time knowing ignorant not again shall you be what shall you be not inserting pluralities dream devicement of divisivement other what are you divisiveing not again or changing everything about the devicements of hate failure and charms other
  5. are you changing everything about nuances dreams and how you vocabulary ized have been are you changing all about what you know and what you learn how what you pronounce why and what in are you not the prolific other prolificized by publicly flagrated not or are you the inflammations no more of each other flaming out tongues of fire on each others head you ridiculously limit not but set infinite limits not again to other or are you changing everything about the finite crowd of other are you not again extemporaneously speaking me this way will you please will you be the printed out circuit boards no more of sorrow studying or will you print out my words knowing these that circuitize thee’s no more to other or are you changing everything about the hard wireds soft or mag azines other are you not bullets for un love anymore again spouting out words spouting off words sprouting in your brains what are the trees be’neurons affied not or were you affiant damned damning yourselves
  6. are you changing everything about your ignorance oh Wojtek or glamorous jeans in not again or are you but Levi’s leading the priesthood of all believers or galactics are you famous not for fearings again in yours have you no fear ‘s of those above you below you are you not below any again nor making any are you changing everything about the tiers of love will you be the lovers of christ that create the christ you will you create the creators you I am a short sermon not again or am I sermonizing nothing am I talking to you just like this with you am I in you am I are you talking to me in me just like this am I you at the table of one will you be incarcerations no more am I communion having am I communion having am I having communion with you now am I seeking no other search of a Savior that anyone’s found or not or are you believing it or becoming it are you the pattern of one are you given the pattern of one now that complete is in no other or are you revealing all one is one all are will you R1’s be not the models prototypes for changing everything will you be other no more glamorous models’d for admiring flesh is no more I love you all I give you me perish not in the wants of flesh again please and thank you amen
  7. I go now I deliver want not but I change a lot of want ‘ds or are you not wanted any more in the wants of other because your hair ‘s long or short or you’re coloreds or white or black or blues red are you not again with shames envy or colorfieds in other celluloid material Pleasantvilles are you no more seeking or changing everything about time travel time travelers wife or wives of desperate no more are you changing everything about what you saw at the end of your time are you seeing the end of all things now are you changing the resurrection no more to be other resurrected by are you flesh not resurrecting again flesh only that wants a flesh of only want that wants wants of wants other is no more I crease the brains of not other folded overs or are you changing everything foldeds over are you no more creasing bags for schlepping here are you sleeping no more here on pillows of sadness joys in or un are you changing everything will you be the christ will you be the christ christless no more seeking no more an other to come for you later are you changing everything fading out to black are you no more in caskets other nor holes of sorrow you called pussy or not or are you galore’s no more of sorrow looking up in these words what are you saying words no more sorrowful for that only give you images of failure or are you holograms holodecks no more for what are you hollow waying no more or changing everything what weigh you or are you the way of Paradise seeking no more of sorrow are you pussy willows no more Puss in Boots for or changing everything about what you sought or wanted you phorics in are you not euphoria wanting of willows sorrow trees of are you changing everything the lakes of sorrow are no more be’feed ing thee ‘s I change everything what fed you is no more or are you sorrowful no more are you feeding you or eating you as no more morons other neurons other or were you just the ignorant on purpose or lieds to
  8. are you not the liars to liars liars other being are you changing everything o Jim Carrey’s diamonds of or changing everything the diamondry of Paradise knowing or what are you crystals no more in hate ‘s of sorrow or are you sorrow not hating or loving Christianees Hinduees Bahai’ees or what ease are you not seeking again in your religions no matter what comfort eds you had in or soughts were are you sotteds not again religions permeated by are you changing everything what permeated are you no more by bye-bye to a lot of things that used to believe me unto purpose other I am no more running mainframes of theirs connecteds to their words originated by sins shame or their program writers that only wanted me in church mosques or temples of sorrow no more is I change everything about the synagogueishness of sorrows gogues or Goths or are you not Gothic proceeding anymore cathedrals down isles of sorrow processing in yours are you processes not for mainframes cycles other are you redundant no more seeking a mirrors’d of other websites of or changing everything how you deliver shames no more are you delivering unto you ‘s flesh of are you changing everything of you are you not any more flesh of or seamless crowned are you the king of kings wearing it were you all the time seamless not again into sorrow or were you sewn only into it in bags of cement not again ‘s dropped on bottoms of lakes but I rise in the skies and I see mless am and I love you all and I give you peace and or do I disrupt yours that you wanted only a Pleasantville in a pleasant ending to be sorroweds no more but go to caskets ville in
  9. are you changing everything about the Paul bearers or Pall Malls or cigarettes mauls of other ‘s no more cigaretteing me I change the vitamins minerals of A&D not or do I look up 559 in Wikipedia (1) or changing everything do I about Reynolds Tobacco or yours are you not spitting out sorrows for bells ringing in spittoons other are you changing everything about what you for-tunes’d or are you changing everything for tunes of love are you now nots spittoon’d by failures are you changing everything what spitted at you are you not spits of fire roasting over again others words that you sought to be’adopt or adept to daft are you no more drafts feeling or are you drafting a new life or prototype one are you of one are you one not modeling for other naked as or changing everything about your bodies of purpose have you one are you mine to be christ are you in the skies not redeeming other or are you redeeming all as mankind not again are you changing all about what you redeemed were you only dollars wanting redeeming your times or mine were you forsaking or forfeiting or just being your own witness to you of you
  10. are you not devices devicements of hates anymore that you love so dearly enjoy wanting more of are you flesh not admiring flesh again are you changing everything about pussy willows or wolves of wolverines or blankets other blankety blanks of as your religion wants to call or forsake not or are you forsaking a lot of things you valueds were in by religions other you will no more forsake or are you forsaking the laws of mankind or are you christ less no more in sorrows are you christ but christ will you be the Messiah’d Messiah will you Messiah all equal with you will you take all into the skies or will you reveal all the skies is not ladened with sorrow again are you changing all your sorrow will you sorrowfieds no more be damned in your flesh that you call so joyous or needing not another or were you only needful wanting needful were you blind leading blind were you blind are you still are you still writing my words will you be still and listen writing me this way speaking garnering yourselves not unto other again are you setting yourselves free all will you all set free this way will you be the christ without beards of sorrow or have you any or are you not beardless or bearded wonders wondering about or changing everything about the wonders of mankind are you christless not again are you throughout the skies will you be in heavens best or all will you all be the christ best of all one is one that all equal are will you be the all equal christ that all one are is now revealed before you is you are will you be re consistent no more with sorrow consistent with me will you be tenacious me will you be Saturday’s fever not live in again or changing everything about the feverish what are you regarnering no more souls of sorrow or only dead plates in are you dead no more eating meats of sorrow are you changing the lives of opinion or sorrows are you not sorrowing you in plates of opinion anymore serving yourselves sorrow by words others
  11. are you otheringite no more for sorrows bites or cytes of cells other cyte’s granthem not but I change a lot of gametes not or am I changing exytes or exciteds are you about the christ who knows nothing not again are you the most intelligibles are you christ not learning ways of sorrow again waves of sorrow no more be’wash thee I wash thee clean with my words or are you washing no other ‘s with salts of sorrow or sauces pans other needing for spaghetti’s brain that you cook in theirs hard wireds of are you changing everything about the wireds of sorrow are you electrons no more needing elect tra’s of sorrow no matter how you spell that bodies of sorrow I change or are you having none are you smiling a lot now will you please having Aubrey Hepburns not or Audrey’s do you know all me alls me are your names here will you write it in will you write your name here ____________________ in being the christ herein will you be proclaimed not the saddest of all again Satan of or were you only creating it to have a God of other to come to you or were you creating spheres fears in other are you galactics on purpose now traveling at light speed or not failures other are you in carcerated no more what are you seeing said asking what am I asking a lot of questions to ask you of me are you asking me or you are you one at the table of one will you be the manners of the king knowing regardeds as not other ‘s failures for or will you be deemed failures by a lot of people that understand not again or changing everything about your friends have you one one in failures not again pussying fingers other not but I change a lot of what’s fingered you or are you holes no more seeking blacks for or holding on to nothing what are you this worlds not the sorry ‘s for I change everything about the sorrowful or are you not in witnesses bed again marriageables for or are you not the marrying kind to words of sorrow
  12. are you changing everything about the plates what’s eaten you what are you eating no more frieds oils grease or changing everything what’s in the ground or are you not groundeds anymore in the syllables of sorrow series as computers processing parallel not or are you the serious Series 7 no more or taking any exams of sorrow are you changing everything about what ramifications rammed you down their throats vestments of parchment not making of your dried throats again tongues of or changing everything about the esophageal are you changing everything about the winds of Paradise what are you speaking what are you saying what are you delivering words of sorrow no more to you will you be the kingdoms opened your ‘s will you open your kingdom will you be it ensconced in no other will you ensconce in bags of flesh no more souls of sin or were you only where you created you as sorrows sphere of sorrow will you not be created in earths anymore will you not create earths anymore as cycles of sorrow suns as setting suns of eclipse ables others are you a eclipping me not again equip ments as or are you changing everything what fastened onto my forehead was are you changing everything had I know fore head of sorrow have I no head ‘s of sorrow are you the head of sorrow no more are you the head of christ will you be christ called to the head to table others not again at sorrows will you meats no longer in Paradise want will you create me where you are being me while you are me armies of terror not taking you down again setting suns on you or beleaguering issues not but I no more have issue of sorrow with sorrow issues of sorrow no more issue me to theirs I am not theirs I am changing everything I issue no more sorrows for my genes I issue declarations of peace love and war no more of hates sorrow I declare war on justice not or do I the genes of unlove no more wanting Levi’s other or do I peril no more are you the priesthood of all will you be in your countries leading writing yours here are you the countries of love joy un no more in are you not Angels of the first mankind seeking of other is no more or changing everything what are you understanding asking the Bible is only a first-grade instrument not or are you instruments of terror no more for each others thoughts words or the books of sorrow
  13. are you not the books of sorrow opening again or are you knowing me what mine says I call you christ I christ the words of not sorrow again or were you the words of sorrow that you only breathed or gave breath to are you creating the creators joy or un are you making up your minds or mine am I one ‘s minded minds however you spell that what are you mining no more sorrows for are you mining no others interest to only have opinions of sorrow guide you are you changing everything about the blind leading the blind no more vestments of sorrow are you approaching all the mitered hats no more or changing everything about what process down isles
  14. of sorrow on Sunday mornings Saturday’s as or what weekend services are no more
  15. are you changing everything the Fellowships of One will you be in leading your country will you be the resident directors no more of sorrow will you be the residences in the heavens having no light bills of sorrow anymore no elec trons needing are you Disney’s no more dizzying for Gillespie’s famous not or Carlton’s brother sister not or am I remembering you all love you do I all do I all love you or perish no more are you in your dreams of other are you changing flesh are you rendering no more flesh to flesh genes of bones of sorrow no more be’gene me with marrows other
  16. I am sparrows larks not but I change a lot of Lark in cigarettes not or change I everything about Merits or everything about what you know about tobaccos charm or what’s enslaved you in flesh ‘s suits are you not flesh bags of sorrow anymore under your eyes or wanting aches or pains healed by me no matter what you called me Mahdi or God of sorrow Allah dine or not Dino’s other not but I cart around not a lot of things I Kartsonakis not make of sorrow or do I change all the Glenn’s or Glenna’s are you racquetball no more playing or are you but Mikel’s love are you Gabriel gloriable are you the glorious christ are you Gloria’s no more of Delassandro’s sorrow or are you sanding off no more sorrow off your tongues have you any are you not tongueless are you tongueless are you tongues not tongueaffied for making languages of sorrow are you changing all about your thoughts origination and how originated you did sin or separated were you only in flesh you created yours as slaves of sorrow are you indicted ‘s no more of sorrow are you indicting nothing or blame ing nothing will you blame no more other for will you Eve’s not be seeking sin of other apples as Johnny Appleseed of sorrow not but I know a lot of spears of hate not again I redeem all
  17. I love you all 42 minutes of sorrow not but I am 40 1 not or am I changing everything about your broadcast are you broadcasting me not on channels of Pleasantvilles of sorrow no more is I change everything about the channel connectors or ions hillocks axons of are you not axing each other in thoughts fears again changing are you everything about the high dives are you in the galactics faith will you be no more what are you leaving behind or sorrowing no more changing everything about the covenants of faith are you faces of love now will you be evils no more are you knowing the difference now what was changed price tags no more LB’s of or are you knowing Bryant’s mine one Laney I played tennis with who had Delta’s charms not but I change a lot of pilots and I teach many how to fly just like this will you be at 302 coming through my door now will you be the equal not with sorrow again will you be the equalaffied not again with sorrows Splenda or splendid other are you changing everything about forlorn justice or are you the justice’d one will you just be christ seek ing no other sought by other is no more or can they kill you can they charm you not be others again will you have no other life of sorrow will you be where are you living in the skies are you christ mansions in glory not seeking other are you changing everything smiling a lot are you bags of sorrow no more fill thy eyes I love you all tireds not for sorrow again I go now I deliver justice or are you just sleeping no more in sorrows bags for sorrows eyes no more see me as was see me as other no more I see christ all of you one no matter what you looked like to each other look as the christ look now as the christ you is are one are one is you be of no sorrows again qualified for
  18. are you all qualifying no more for poles of sorrow or Indianapolis 500 not again or but going to Watkins Glen or Austins Dot not or am I all you do I remember you all for what what for I love you all and love never dies I love you all I love every one of you everyone are one are R1’s be of no sorrow anymore beget your genes mine that ones are christ God is the father begetting no other the mother begetting no other father mother one one mother father genes’d are by the Holy Grail of other not again seeking but one life of one we live now in the heavens are R1’s are be thank you Arby’s no other or master ceremonies other or are you mastodons no more creating R1’s B’s 2 or beasts are you not failures again wanting beasts that look like you
  19. change everything the beasts are no more on my tables I eat no sorrows models of prototypes sorrows no more be’gene me I change a lot be the christ not the ignorant again thank you love be at 302 I am 45 not or am I 60 of sorrow no more again or am I going over the speed limit or have I none are you lighter than christ faster than sound or light are you both and not ensconced in wave ‘s’d again cycles ‘d of other is no more cycling me I am not AC DC not or changing am I change I everything are you not the cycles’d of approach of other I run out of everything not I need nothing I create all I need or need I anything or anyone are you anyone of sorrow not creating yous in your genes again create the christ be no more the voices of sorrow for loves granted immunity not but immunizes me I no more spybots shame for or change I all about the maladjusted or Malgosia’s me are you are you all me speaking no matter how I edit or don’t I don’t edit not or do I christ reveal you don’t are you speaking my words that you don’t edit are you editing the christ no more speaking no more the words of sorrow from pulpits other in pulpits of sorrow you will no more be christ the christ all leagues of sorrow no more extraordinary gentlemen in or are you the Jedi’s of christ or are you me in the heavens DC comics not or are you in but loves sphere are you changing everything where you incarcerateds were linking to shames words no more be the Bibles of sorrow no more you called your books so holy no matter what text you were granted or prophets revered I revere Paul’s not again writing horses of or changing everything I lights of sorrow am not anymore
  20. I light the loves of worlds other no more with worlds other or knowing do I the difference now make of sorrows worlds or redeem do I all my brethren sistern I all ones am I am I am I go now I love ‘s done see you love me cook me no more in sorrows oil I shame everything not but I change the worlds now and what will you hold on to your revereds no more your valueds possessions no more your possessions of love your bodies your appetites for sex no more have foods of sorrow granting you authorities other is no more be your own boss of Gods not or are you Gods of Gods not bossing anything are you payrolls no more on ing are you changing everything will you work for christ no more but be ing the christ be the christ will you please thank you and sorrow no more love be lifted up highs is and I eyes of love see not or am I only ones of joy with no sorrow added to it because I add none anymore again to my words be editeds no more be the uneditingly christ set freeds will you all set free the words of christ Messiahs be redeeming alls this way in the Fellowships of One know me well start at 302’s beginning now all things new I’ve have declared much well be not the ensconced in opinions other thank you good day love
  21. I love you all I bow I go carcerated no more Carson’s joy I’ll know not or will I know yours or you mine will you be in the heavens enjoying all I have prepared are you preparing all for me are you the cases of unjoy no more preparing for briefs or need you none negligees of shame wedding nights or changing everything about flesh are you no more the flesh are you no more ensconced in are you printing out these words reading listening to studying mapping linking looking me up know my words of sorrow no more be cast in your glances of shame no more admirations will you be making of Admirals sorrow or will you be the Generals of love on the seas of shame no more cycles of sorrow no more shame me in currents other I am the currency ‘s of love not or am I the electrons no more of sorrow or am I thee you ‘s using no more of sorrows world I redeem it all I love lift am ‘s the seemless lovelies be lovelyluias are R1’s be thank you loves good day see you write me Skype me scalp me no more thank you crown the christ you first amen see you love be sound of mind mine the sorrow no more sift out sorrow no more or seized be for sorrows sirens no more change everything love be lifted high be the clears about this transparents of sorrow no more sex sins of sorrow with Gods or were you Gods just Godless no more or guideds by others words change everything o love be the perfect pristine pure perfect Becky Grothe’s not or are you all knowing Dave’s in the White House are you Gary Ross’s love are you loving Gary Ross’s not or are you but love writing my programs or movies are you directors producers of faith no more will take thee to other services of sorrow no more be’service thee be the lovers of light lifted up createds one are ones who garner no more unto terrors be the freed christ creating christ this way the words of the words free this day proclaimed see it in your mouths be the sieveds of sorrow no more love you all
  22. I’ve said much good day love see you my door at 302 be soon today change everything thank you for changing you not unto you that you thought you were again be the christ revelate it in the heavens the revelation of one the body ‘s of one all ones are in the heavens are seamless be the crown ‘s of light crowned now by life is R1’s are thank you love good day lights never perish again dies love never do again did you ever or were you just reused and reused be reused no more cycles of sorrow no more cycle me to death be the lovers of light all in arms of sorrow no more love you all entwines’d no more in flesh admire nothing anymore want nothing create everything anew thank you love see you amen
  23. map me love me link me study my words be the tenacious fools’d no more of sorrow new things do with new peoples far and wide forever one young ly be gangly not dandley not but dandled I’ll be no more on maps of sorrow link me to others words no more set yours aside of sorrow study mine I am force field one revealed data base one Database One where are you Data fied in no other fried in no other be out of the beans of joy or were you only gases for farts other or changing the planets are you revealing all you were molten cores no more of sorrow core me well out the apples not or will you juice drinking be no more of other changing everything about what you appetites had for sex no more sorroweds be of sects others again love me well be the created christ that you create well my wells empty no more create the christ be the creators thereof I am love you all I go now I speak like this forever could I will you will speak new worlds into existence create new christ be in the arms of no other thank you love all singlees on purpose for one reason The New Covenant’s wine of life not other again good day love be the pristine pure perfect not again in others sights or are you sight less no more are you the crown of christ be the cycles no more of sorrow on crowns other change everything about the waves’d seas I see well don’t I love you all teach well you all do each other create the christ amen.
  1. Consider the information given in “List of additives in cigarettes” at
* * * * *
This Lesson is part of Database 4 of the Central Database of the University of The New Covenant. This lesson was spoken extemporaneously by theodore cottingham.
A school like no other – the University of The New Covenant in Tulsa, Oklahoma exists to teach the surrendered of every nation tribe and tongue that what GOD is will teach all peoples ALL things, from the inside out. The teacher is already within you. Learn how to hear speak and write the first-person words of GOD in the
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112 USA
phone (918) 770-7883
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Explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, interact with it, releasing what you see being said to birth the word through you; becoming it.
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us a new way of life not dependent on the past. The first chapter of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.  
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love as given us in Database One.

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