THE NEW COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham News messiah revealed – at 302 beginning this way

messiah revealed – at 302 beginning this way

messiah revealed
at 302 beginning this way
love lives here
forevers one me
gene’d by love
my new teaching
are you teaching you
me burdened not again
not molecules dependent on
living new lives with others
lives of one life
you’re it
This is a Lesson in the
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan, Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
Voice file 111223_000
Video file 111223_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham December 23, 2011 at 7:14 AM and I arise in a new way now in you I do this these things now who will be me who will be me beaming not other upon their faces in their genes are you realizing all I have said these many 3 years or 7 or 9 now that I have been doing this are you to me as other not again two of me not be again please that with two-minded christ you are were or are you ignorant not again suppressed as christ are you christ now being the christ what are you understanding now that you have the mind of not other again in you will you be the real one will you be the real in the real will you be know anything about will you please will you study will you diligent be belligerent no more arrogant no more in your own faiths face and face not religion be will it you of changing everything are you oh grace of great love will you be the greased no more in parlors other wanting only to slide into home base a Satan from not or are you going to your worst dreams or nightmares not again are you changing everything about Halloweens and Christmas are you changing everything about where the Savior lies and where lies are spoken are you changing everything about witches brew what are you concoct ings no more the crow ings thrice not or are you changing everything about how you speak ‘s what of where and how you do things with new people new things in?
  2. Are you recordings me just like this makings are you changing everything about what you deem punctuationless or christless not again in your dream Chrysler’s of or changing everything about your dreams now will you extemporaneously arise speak the christ speaking the christ will you arise in your genes not to be flesh anymore what are you me doing this to others not again as was or were we ever just suppressed ‘s or oressed in other not or were you caressed and caressed by freedoms knight followers not or were you the deemed suppressed or liberated liberateds were you or just suppresseds knowing the difference are you now where who lies in planets not again to change their direction flow or are you flowing the christ molten cores of not other forming in you ‘s are you use of others no more or changing everything about how they used you used you they did?
  3. How are you changing everything with new peoples are you going to new places changing everything about how you speak what you witness to perceptuals not of organics interest again that only wants a heart of flesh given to them to carve out others won’t be Carvers Media Empires or will you change everything about bonds interest or moleculars or how you teach rot ‘en in bones no more are you changing all about your marrows marrow are you changing all about your apostrophes burden and where it goes before the “s” or not are you changing everything about how you English know or understand different cultures or punctuations less not again are you saris turbans knowing turbinated sugars not again sugar shacks of or are you shacking not up with christ other again that you call deemed ignorant only a flesh mankind of are you seeking woman’s legs of neurons not again in your brains or were you only mistress’d by religion ‘s were you religions no more will you be of a part of or will you be mine Baha’is faith not or are you changing all about the face of religion are you religionless or christless no more seeking another are you changing everything about Chrysler’s building do you own one or changing everything about Mazda what are you Corvette’d no more vetted for vetners other not but Craig Venter’s me not or are you inventing a lot of things in the heavens are you changing everything about where you go at 302 are you wit nessing not another again in your genes are you witnessing no other witty’s have are you changing all about your humor or what you smile at smiled at?
  4. Are you honking no more for honkey’s care ing for me or not what are you caring for carrying me to new planets not or are you changing everything about the address ment system of me hex a decimal not or are you hexadecimal’d no more in decibels other where you only hear a mankind’s kind of charm going off in your bells of burden not or are you changing all the cilia in your airwaves of your esophagus not or are you originating words no more as other what are they come from where do they are you wearing them not as other flesh that premounded thee not or are you changing everything about the mounts of the holiness are you prongs no more in diamonds wanting this Christmas or selected spheres in made of carbon ited materials ated of I change everything about the Apted’s or are you aptivospheres not again avids of or are you not the avids burden of interest other are you changing all about the scopes of mankind’s trials are you trialed not at scopes events forever me burdened not again are you changing everything about times scopes or crosslines crosshairs not of other are you changing the Cross rifles BB’s of or CB’s BC’s or AD do you know me not ADD’s again are you holy tenacious are you the tenacious holy will you be were you all the time that only sought another other won’t be in your genes again seeking other for you will be in white houses holy not or will you change all about your countries will you have one will your kingdom be opened will you be open to my new teaching or you are you teaching you will you be this way where you learn how to be surrendered are you surrendered the M.O. of not operation systems again procedures standard of other is no more poors pooring me I shall not be pores of flesh again I shall change all of the standards and poors and the indexes of me will change all of the oo’s loi’s and ots not or are you changing all about what you knew or know Octavia’s butler not again but Robs Bob not again going to or are you all knowing me now come ing are you at 302 do you know me remember me Ted’s not here again but theodore’s one who used to be or are you calling your name here ‘s?
  5. Are you are you hearing me will you hear my words through your lips will you lips not be for another smacking or kissing other words again spheres of are you changing all your ions are you ionic no more iconics of or only wanting to be celebrities famous or secure in your own words that you called perceptuals not or empirical divine not or were you your own God were you God judging God all the time were you God not in the courts of failure shall you be again or shall you deem everything witness of not other again shall you change the white houses of shame or your countries parliament Knessets not of or changing everything about your bi cameral natures or bye-bye to a lot of love that you loved in the past that you sought legs between your neurons minds of copulating or neurostruating menstruating with each other bloods of purpose other won’t be again I change everything love I love you and I give you me perish I do not again I again am love who love is knowing the difference I mature matured have maturity I seek not or have I become it that I teach through my own lips because I am surrendered to be the christ I was all the time I was all the time not ignorant now I am the christ I always was I invent other not again Craig Venter’s of or am I changing space or are you opening up mine are you changing my mind not to be other again are you changing all about the fuel osphere are you feared not anymore from yourselves originating it are you Satan no more venting system vetting other not or thrust reversers other nots going into my genes but I change everything oh love will you love me will you be me having coffee with me will you in the skies for at 302 beginning this way will you change your colors your words your form and fashion will you fashionated not be by fashions other will you change everything about what you subscribe to in the mail and not will you mail the armor of not mails again to you or changing everything about bombs witness or were you only devestations devastated upons yourselves?
  6. Are you changing everything about the millstones on your house not or are you houses no more milled for by others that only put you to a place and harness you to their power for their interests are you changing everything about your income are you in coming freshman not again to schools other are you in UNC’s not again of other are you C’s not again of other are you B’s or A’s are you A’s Angelic for are you the Angelic force of one are you the most humble of all to be seeking not other again what are you wearing your words not again of other are you flesh appearing in or will you be seamless with the new will the new be you you be seamless now R 2 not or are you changing everything about R1’s are you D2’s no more 7’s wanting or are you perfect but perfect will you be seven equals one even on will you be parity’s not of distressing again what are you stressed no more about again are you leaving no behind anything of wills other or changing everything about what you left behind or are you behind in your studies no more clocks of or changing everything about what you’re learning here are you at 302 in South Tulsa ‘s charm not again or were you ever but ensconced in other or what your South or North lies in what are you changing the poles of polar rabbits not or are you multiplying me are you changing everything about the gestation periods of love are you 70 weeks delivering me are you changing rabbits oh Australia’s not or Nicole Kidman’s are you coming out of Africa or writing diaries not again of other or are you but writing my words penning my words will you pick up your pen take up your pen and cross not other out again crosses of or are you walking through but miracles making or letting yours come through your lips are you miracleaffied not in perceptuals other are you perceptionaffied not in the affiant other damned by your own wanting to verify your empiriveracity are you vericity ‘d no more Verizon’s of or changing everything about mass communications media are you changing all about the masses are you massless will you maths be no more studying or will you change everything about English not again or your words in what ever language you want to know or understand mine will you be that speaks straight from into the hearts of others not again by airwaves other or are you changing everything about how you commune icate?
  7. Are you communicating shames no more are you pauses for reflections no more Cokes of or not coking your veins in religion anymore are you changing everything about cocaines interests or only what religionaffied you or gave you perceptuals other to empirify verify vil icle not or are you the vile no more seeking a christ of other or religionless being or are you a being not seeking religion again to empirify you to other created by our other is no more or are our loves one not of other or are hours gone there is time no more to speak the christ or are you learning it will you be who she it is divine one no matter what you called it hair had or not buns on your head or toofless not again speaking how are you without lisps or contra dictions again are you contras no more to contrastablishmentarianism or are you changing everything about what you see printed here have I transmitted poorly not again what mentarianism is or establishing what are you anti no more establishing other is no more establishmentarianism of or are you changing all of the antiestablishmentarianism or ribonucleic acids not or are you DNA’s of other no more dyno dynamics for as of are you changing everything this date are you dated me are you dating me or becoming me shall you know my words let flow be free will you freedom be fighters no more for other or are you fighting nothing or surrendering are you but surrendering to be the christ who speaks flows teaches taught this way are will you be one will you all be one that ones are one one’s one is one famous not again seeking or suffering are you changing everything about honor what you must or are you must ards gas no more seeking or changing everything about what put you to death or sleep are you religions no more boils ‘d of are you changing everything about what took your lives and put them to sleep?
  8. Are you sleeping on lies no more bed frames of four posts other will no more dimension me or will you change all about directions lying what are you facing North or South East or West or what poles reversals like in your framework of no other again what is your perceptuals decreasing or nonexistent or real are they now will you change everything about the real not again to be incarcerated in what you deemed perceptual worthy to be see or die in I Diana’s am in not but I change a lot of Paradises or do you choke me not to death with chokers other diamonds of your gifts or what you wantings to perceptuals want convey your love to other won’t be by the christ not again or will you change everything about how you arise arrive will you be being the christ cross through will you cross through or over be divine not anymore again of other are you gaining no more of other in your genes what are you creating speaking are you christing the christ will you be the vehement others not again that empiricists isticy wants to evaluate or convey as divine not but create it by some force of other are you not forced by to believe other are you changing everything about how you understand and know what empirical is are you changing everything about the forces of nature are you natural not again to be other are you force ‘d not by mankind’s mind again to be religionate other are you changing everything about what you record oh love will you oh love be not stymy fied again in your own words genes of love other will no more be’jean me as other.
  9. I change everything about what you wear or will your words wear you as other no more what are you changing your diets of Scopes trials or monkeys other are you not swinging from trees in religions other or what were you Scopes no more tried for Tennessee or changing everything about BC’s origin or birthplace are you in Tulsa are you loves love will you be arms’d not by failures armchairs again in or changing everything about how you record are you laptops flipping on cutting on are you recording me will you learn how to be surrendered most of all will you surrender the M.O. of not your operating system or will it windows be no more to the worlds of other or are you only thinkings no more of shame ‘s words and M.O. modus operand I of are you changing everything of your Latin schemes or how you Latin’d hieroglyphic ‘a not or glypha’s other glyphicals of are you glyph’d no more or changing everything about how you transcribe are you transcribing your words or others passing around others files not again to peer to peer networks make or changing everything about how you distribute everything are you digitals no more seeking or about the appearance of mankind’s are you changing the reflecteds concocteds or what are you formulateds no more for formulaic interest other is no more.
  10. I change everything about how you print out and know these words or are you changing your atmospheres or ambience other are you Leslie Wards no more or changing everything about Chuck’s Chuck and teeth not but I change a lot of dentistry now or do you change your heads do you change your teeth fillings or filings what are you filing taxes no more as poors standards as or changing everything about what you know or create are you massless will you be going to mass no more or changing everything about what religionated you in carcerations other Carson cities not or changing everything about nuances of terror or mass confusion what are you laws no more to cause you to stumble are you law books no more studying mine or are you mine love will you be love perishes first not again did it ever I live forever never I die again I die fornications words to the death not again or are you fornicating not again with your words by your bodies of faith copulate in no mores of More’s failure or are you mores of the king will you Maury’s of the king be that knows Tuesday not or will you be every day mines the simple christ that knows clothes cloths of not other will you be the seamless christ not molecules dependent on are you changing everything about what how you speak how you live what are you cast on breads waters no more are you changing everything about your income are you coming now here in are you the communities of faith no more the communities of love are you Hispanic not or every nature of christ Mayan or not are you my on are you on will you be owned by no other?
  11. I change everything love I ring fingers hate not again or do I de ring a lot of things are you chokers no more wearing on your axons hillocks are you DNAs ribonucleic acid no more taking into your veins of others words are you changing everything about the helix coils of other are you double ‘d no more of anything are you changing everything about what you’re stocked up on are your stocks empty are you needing no stockings of faith again this Christmas of are you changing everything about what goes in them are you flesh no more putting on any are you changing everything about what clothes you are you closed no more to the word of the gospels of o’er or are you changing are you creating it are you the gospel of ease not preaching again wanting a gospel of comfort and ease is no more I change everything about your slothfulness and your sloths of grace or was it only demandings that you took and encountered are you encountering grace or but love are you love ing grace are you grace to all mankind who bows not to other again or are you but bowing to all because they are the christ because all you are have other not again before you are you no Gods before each other again are you knowing God will you be will you be God knowing God will you creating God be are you God were you all creating Antichrist not again are you christ christing now will you be everythings new the new beginnings here at 302 I am ‘s for now and I am ‘s I am and am’ing I am am ways of other is no more I purpose dictatorial trials not again as pyramids other or are all pyramid schemes gone or just selling as other usual or not are you changing all about commerces dictums and dictates are you mandates not of failures edicts again going to or eating what are you on the tables of failure no more scraps as that want dogs of other will no more be scrapping for I change the table scraps of food or do you change the mice or what ran around in your veins or heads are you not cheese holes in?
  12. I change everything about the mouse traps or mouths of commodes are you no more vomiting up ‘s each others words are you changing everything about what you repeats and repeat repeat ing others won’t Pete pistol me or will you know Maravich’s care or concern are you concerned about you first will you be the christ not devastating other will you call all christ no matter what you record and what you say comes through your lips will you be beneficial finance no more to other are you changing everything about what you finance are you none financing none of cards other what you sign where are you changing your name not to be other or are you all christ theodore’s one who changed his name not to be other or are you changing yours signing your name here ______________________ I enrollment processes speak not of other for changing am I everything of your love not to be other again forked by fork’ed by other tongued won’t be again I change your languages or do you mine know and understand?
  13. I change the mind of one or do you have one will you be the crossed out no more of other I change everything about how you map and understand the worlds the heavens are you going to are you going into the worlds are you going throughout the heavensphere galactosphere not of other being carcerated to are you Carson’s Nevada no more going to or are you going everywhere but Paris not again Sarkozy’s of or are you cozies of interest no more on Monaco’s coast or knowing Grace of Kelly’s not heroes not or are you all the grace of loves one of Monaco’s not again Diana’s of Paradise seeking or are you all knowing me the grace of diamondry’s not of other are you the pearls of the Orient not of other are you changing everything about Haiti’s or Rwanda’s Sudanese or the poorest of all the richest of all are you flip flopping now flipping on your little recorders your devices Ubuntu‘s shame not again knowing are you changing everything about Ubuntu’s shame love are you listening to these words loving them are you changing all about what you know and understand are you becoming wisdom will you flow freely with your brotherkind of mankind not again of divisivement are you making new laws or revoking others are you living new lives with others in the skies will you be printing out these words sharing new languages of faith not again or all but one in the mind of not other again are you communicating love ‘s love will you lie ‘s not with other bodies again of loves un will you copulate no more with interest other are you changing all the fornication of shames that’s given you pulpits from other won’t be othering otherite ing me for I will be writing the words of faith not again upon my faces or will my lips be frozen chosen no more for suffering or will I let free the grace of loves come through my lips suffering no more are you changing everything about what you suffered have and had you anything but love are you originating it now are you the sources of love will you let flow freely will you change everything about how you breathe need you any to breath of other have in your nostrils again won’t be or will you change everything about want?
  14. I love you all coffeeshops appearing not or are in my schools you are you in my schools me will you be learning barista’s trade not again of other or coffee cups miracles not but I change a lot of drinkings now and merriment other won’t be for devastation ensues for the christ will be revealed and you’re it you’re it you are it if you see it will you be it will you be benign no more or cancerous will you be to the christ nots or will you be simple loves love not dying out in the wilderness again will you see no caskets again will you christ raise the christ will you be in every nation tribe and tongue will you be the christ revealed that you thought Mahdi was for Allah’s other what are you seeking Buddhist Gaea or Hinduees ease of other not wanting Baha’is other or are you all christ messianic’d no more by other are you messianic are you christ the Messiah are you all no matter what you looked like to each other are you liking each other or loving each other will you be the love of one ‘s one will you be living in the skies altogether will you be seamless christ redeeming this planet all planets are you making all things anew are you changing everything about time ‘s time ‘s times anew or is time no more?
  15. Time is finished done and I am appearing or are you appearing in me am I you was I you all the time that you sought other not again shall be’gene you for I jean the christ not or are you all Levi’s priesthood of one the priesthood of all believers become me who I am who I am is that’s how they believe their words through I am the words of faith no more I have said much and I love garner not to myself of other I have no self of other will of other no more is I decrease the will of other not or do I have no more will origination ‘s in me of no other is I is am I am is.
  16. I love you all I’m done I go now I’m 44 not but 44 minutes of love have I given you 44 magnums not again of loves un am I shootings no more shots straight or are you the shot fired heard round the worlds now will you be going throughout the coastlands afar will you be no fearings of other again or feared will you be or the most humble of all simple will you be loving all to redeem them will you have given your life first will you have the life of no other incarceration in will you incarcerate the flesh no more be the one that did that to you are are you R1’s no more seeking or D7 won’s on approval not but I change everything about the wars of hate and the terrorists of love un’s Linda Hardy’s not but Hartly’s I know of loves or do I know you all Linda’s Lovelace of or are you Deep Throat’s no more clitorises of or changing everything about your words bodies are you changing everything about what Deep Throat’d you religion did fornicated you unto other are you changing everything about what pornography you lie in on Sunday mornings worship in your faith face of other will no more be’flush you royal ty other is no more royalty other is no more Nicolaitans is no more Nicolaitanism is no more nickel laying you no more be’robs you or will you change all of the metalry’s appearance in magnetics other is no more perceptuals of I change everything and you are not ignorant again.
  17. I love you I have told much said much verified much or are you verifying me in your veins will you be vainous no more will you venom no more spit-up and spew out on each other Christian language of or religionated other no matter what Catholic poles you wanted or magnetics other you wanted to describe are you changing all about mass appeals where funds you raised for others or absconded with changing everything about your books not again will be or changing are you everything how you studied are you the studied will you be the studied christ will you be the diligent honored will you have no life of other but into the skies receding not or believing not all a bunch of bull of other are you changing all about what sacrificed were was you not are on the altars of other again I change everything you are not altar railing other you are altering not yourselves to be christ un again.
  18. I change everything ignorant no more is my purpose or my mission or am I missionated no more to be other gion ated of gene ated other I’m not but I know the genes of christ and I religionate not again but I originate loves love and love I will know be gene’d by gene’d by love is my name or am I Dr. genes no more in other are you the jean’d christ however you say that spell that are you the christ in your language will you be seeing your face faith of love no more as un’s other be regardeds no more as other treat all as christ for that is what you are be’messianic messiah revealed are you this Christmas I am telling you you are I am telling you you are if you see it you are he she it the divine one no matter what you called it in your faith face be of love redeem yourselves first redeem yourself first be the christ speaking this way that knows the word of the lambs not be incarcerated in again underpants of little babes babies of wetting pants other in pulpits other no more will be.
  19. I change everything I reveal loves love and I am here at 302 and I witness other not again or do you in the skies be go now are you packing your bags need you none are you needing anything for this trip are you tripped out no more by drugs other are you changing all of the prescriptions subscriptions to ascribings other not again are you ascriptions no more needing Rx’s for DX’s other not but I change a lot of RX7’s now or are you the Wankelest of all not winking at sorrow or are you changing everything about combustion chambers or spontaneous loves on intact not or are you but loves needing no jet fuels of sorrow jets of love I know not but orifices of love I know far and wide my mouths are clean or are my waves’d no more waves’d am I changing everything about the seas of hate are you loves love can I speak this way forever through you are you willing to die no more to other are you changing Christmas are you changing this Christmas are you changing loves this new year are you loving all or redeeming nothing at all anymore or are you redeeming all throughout the coastlands going being your loves throughout the atmospheres of other not incarcerations in again?
  20. I change everything o light love be love light and I am not the darkness of peril approaching or am I devastating loves un I change religion there is none or is there no worlds of perishing again or what are you changing all that you deemed worthy to be the christ are you worshiping christ no other again as are you changing your words spheres are you fearless will you be are you changing your lives life are you lives of one life are you originating source of loves un no more unaffied by other will no more be perceptuals other garnereds by I change all the Stuarts or stewards or are you me granting privileges of christ to each other not the exclusive rights of Satan affied by other again I change all the pope ery’s of mankind’s mind and the poorings of other will not pur me I change all the purifyings of Satan or do you not put yourselves through hells again?
  21. I change everything o love be the risen christ this day this way I have given you much in 9 years or am I summarizing not again or going to a new place with new peoples I am good day I am new loves me new loves made here are you made love or surrendering to be the lovingest of all will you love all no matter what they have done to you for you or not are you changing everything about how you speak are you the speaking christ will you be the living est of all not in living rooms of hate wanting fireplaces for or changing everything about what fired you and baked you in their words chambers chamberless not again pots of or chamberlains are you knowing Wilt’s not of unloves again wilt no more in the heat of other I love you all and I’m basketball shames not but I pass back and forth a lot of ions no more to be reflecteds other I change everything about the metalry’s of mankind’s mind be the metal placking no more or are you the petal to the metal or changing everything about cars 2 interest not or are you Pixaring me no more to be animateds other what are you in the dreams trons or computers other not needing or recording me are you like this in the heavens will you be seamless christ will you be walking your streets or mine in the heavens golden or not where is the gold and streets not again seeking other need you nother is no more again.
  22. I love you all christ be appearing in me that’s you beyondaffied not by other personified not by other Beyonce’s me dreams of girls not or are you all the Dream Girls or movies knowing are you changing the Ingrid’s christ or Bergman’s other Borgnine’s of or knowing my Ernestine Dennis or Mary’s Frank knowing my all I love you all and I have not forgotten you Leila’s of or changing everything am I the lovingest of all this Christmas or forevers one forevers one me that’s my name that’s what we are one me me on’d I am not owned by other again I love you all set free all love does I go now all does set free love love sets free and I enig matic not be again I love you all enigma’d not again know me love me be me.
  23. I go now I’m done I’ve given you one hour not or have I of love be incarcerated no more at 302 join my interest not but enrollment be enrolled be my rosters full not again or are you fooling not again with other be the christ royal in the heavens redeemed lifted ups now seamless are christ good day love I honor you all I honor you all I honor you all good day redeem me be me who you are is me was all the time timeless now are good day love see you amen you have my address my way of contacting me are you Jodie Foster’s not or are you all producers of love redeemers of love loveliest of all are you royal teaching the royal loves redeeming Chow Yun Fats not or are you Wai Lin’s or are you bonds interest no more martial arts of or are you changing flesh of bodies other be no more carcerations to for I’m Carson Nevada’s not but I know a lot of Carson’s and I love honeybees Dale not but the dales of love know me unloves of siestas no more I create loves life and life of love live here in the skies through the portals of heaven be portaling not other natmans of other or Glenn King Cole’s not but Miller’s of love I know you all Natalie’s loves mine is yours face of mine be every color every charm not again of other know the difference mature be the christ.
  24. I go done am love you all see you Skype me love me contact me UNC.BZ priesthood of all believers or are you TV not watching again or changing everything about transmittals failures without the christ waves of other or are you the unwaves’d christ benigning all not again or are you cancerous to all not again or changing simply everything are you redeeming it all be the ignorant no more I love you all good day see you I love you thank you for coming going are you to a new place with new peoples are you changing everything extemporaneously speaking the christ will you be willing to be first-person words delivering or consuming not other mouths what are you speaking through originations shame no more of love ‘s waves’d be not other again by I wave other not again or do I decrease the miracles not or do I reveal them through you are you the face of love will you be the redeemed christ anti no more be the redeemed christ this Christmas reveal you are the face of love redeemed resurrected now all will be through your love your love be all of you one ‘s one redeemed in the house of no-loves not again but love lives here see you love good day amen share these words completely fully be me whole healed and well good day.
* * * * *
This Lesson is part of Database 4 Volume 1 of the Central Database of the University of The New Covenant. This lesson was spoken extemporaneously and then transcribed by theodore cottingham. To accelerate your understanding of what is being given, watch the video and/or listen to audio while reading the text; then print the text to link and map ‘s make.
A school like no other – the University of The New Covenant in Tulsa, Oklahoma exists to teach the surrendered of every nation tribe and tongue that God will teach them ALL things, from the inside out. The teacher is already within you. Learn how to hear speak and write the first-person words of GOD that can change your world, if you let it, and begin with you first.
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112 USA
phone (918) 732-9140
Skype id:
Explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, interact with it, releasing what you see being said to birth something new in you; the revelation of one, the teacher being within you.
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us a new way of life not dependent on the past. The first chapter of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love as given us in Database One.

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