THE NEW COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham News I christ the christ in 18 months or in 70 weeks will you know me will you be me – will you be the quantum’d christ

I christ the christ in 18 months or in 70 weeks will you know me will you be me – will you be the quantum’d christ

I christ the christ in 18 months or in 70 weeks will you know me will you be me – will you be the quantum’d christ
christ being garnereds by no other
This is a LESSON of the University of The New Covenant
1.      This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham September 11, 2011 at 10:10 AM bringing you me in Paradise not or am I revealing it you I am that I am now am’d I am not by else and other again am I you who love me now who be my worded ‘s not again by others will you others no more cling to or clang ‘ors be will you cling to no others that die or rich live in abodes of me or will you abode abide in no more that Biden’s are or chambers notme of or are you changing everything about the Biden’s chambers and presidents of notmes not or are you changing a wisdoms appearance of notme not again anymore to be or will you be the first perishing not again will you be the first Pershing not again or will you know me John Foch or who’s looking up in these words are you the looking up mes in these words are you perishing not again the generals of generalitus of other you will know not again for you will be me of the first minds of one or are you mines of not other again mines’d of other again mines’d by I love you all to mind me one or will you know me what I am perishing not again stupids not again of other or stupors were you only in stupids of or are you not succulents again for other succulence wanting a steak of other again on your plates to bull me shits of other won’t be spoken in my pulpits today or will you change everything about the pull pits of other or pits of other spitting out of my teeth will you be no more or what are you spitting out the words of no other again or are you but spitting out a lot of notme words now are you changing everything about what you spit out or created are you not of the notmes again race of are you not creating its of its is no more for you will be not the its ‘d of other again will you please be the christ now that knows what it is where to be now I am am’d by failures no more will you please be me who crank up the revs olutions of me not or will you be the resolutions of no other revelating revolutioning what are you now not the crankshafts terror again or engines of jets of fuels other won’t be’jet be’fuel me now for I will know the fuels of not other again shortages of or will I change everything about what you recordeds on were?I change everything about the christ or do you not change me into other again who you were which one are you witching not other again twitching not other again are you healing a lot of everythings twitches won’t be any more or witches won’t be any more which were you or were are you of the First Degree now that knows the terrors not again of other are you christ all of you were are now knowing the timelessness not again of other are you times’d not again of other are you me speaking christ this way who will record my little words or looking up are you “little” words or messages are you giving me of The First Degree that links my saints continuum no more of other are you continuating no more stenuating stents of me in hearts other are you the heart of christ not revived revved by other again or are you turning no fuels of me into notmeisms awards again of other are you the awards of christ knowing now are you be christing the christ will you be bedes of no other running down your face or what categories are misspellings not again misogynist of or monogamists of no other is you the one are you the one that will be misogynists not other again nor massaging your brains or are you me in Paradise me’ing me now not crying about shames milk again or have you none or cows where are not slaughtered ‘s again are you changing everything about the slaughter houses on Sunday mornings of me or notme are you the bulls of Paradise no more slaughtered for moms of sorrow dads of shame wanting legs of other are you not Paradise eagles again wanting or are you changing everything about the way you understand Paradise eagling not again to be other what are you changing shaming not yourselves again to be unchrist are you Christ are you christ are you christ me I am one who one is simple not math’d by arithmetic other or are you Arithmetica looking up or Andromeda Strain ‘s me not again or are you changing everything about what cames to earth kings of other are you not king’d by strain’d by words of other you won’t be strains stringed by or will you string theory me no more with other or will you be the quantum’d christ will you be the quantum’d christ christ’d no more by other or are you looking for a return of me or are you it in me I am me I am am’d by no other again I am the christ memory of other not again only seeking words of other for I be’christ the christ and I am the revealer of mankind ‘s not again for I mind the mine of mankind not again as other or did you or were you of the christ were you one were you one of notme not again will you be terrors fied in terror affied by other I won’t be again I love you all to be me christ who one is not the wickeds of Paradise again turning it into over again to others won’t be overfied turned into whatnots again or what’s not again is everything rising from the graves now will you be thee ‘s who map me now will you be out of the graves of the alabaster’ds cloths of no other cloth’ing you to be’wear flesh of other are you out of your mind or in it of one I am the minds of not other sawings me off again?
2.      Are you woodwards woodwinds no more perishing or are you changing everything about the trumpets blowing now blaring ARE YOU THE CLARION CALLS OF CHRIST TO CHRIST Clarioning other not again or are you clarinets burden no more or are you all me but me are you playing instruments of terror no more again on your voices range of horrors mirrors mysteries of other is no more for I be’christ the christ and I christ who I am is you who I am who speaks the words of terror not again for you know who’s you are no matter how you spell it you are creating me not again as other for you were the creators all the time who created me or was I one am I one now that one is in the heavens living now star gazing not or am I the gates of me not going through other or putting pushpins in or little twigs where am I living now in the skies are you will you be me who christ who changes everything about you not again to be other will you christ live oh in the skies will you be the living christ speaking me the words this way be’fooled by not other again will you christ be the christ living O christ in my quarters will you know new temporary no more in or are you but changing everything about where you lives now are you the life ‘s of christ are you the lives of christ are you christ lives of no other living in what are you fooling around no more in others?
3.      I teach this way whose I am no matter how you spell that I am me one is christ who christ knows who he is she is it is of adornments other Paradise of no more of terrors genes looking for the mates of others no more mate me to be’mates other Paradise paper pens in of or will you Papermate me no more or will you christ to me be stickpins no more other effiginies of or effigies of other not to be again burned by what are you looking up in these words will you know me terror fieds not by other again I walk through it all who’s burning me with words of no other will I be scarreds around along the paths of other are no more is for is are no more were or are you changing everything about your understanding of time are you timeless now will you be taughts this way tauts by other not again or will you be me christ speaking the words of one mind of one I love you all to know record me well speak me this way listening how are you now to my videos recordings WeekWorks MP3s and OGGs of other not knowing again or are you converting changing all but christ are you are you all but christ or christ will you be all of you now knowing the genes of not terrors again bred in yous I love you all christ be the risens this day the resurrections now the resurrecteds are will you be one who is will you resurrect me in you will you be used of no other again use of you no other will you be used of you will you use of you have no more for other to create you experience of yours of other is no more for I shall wake you up not or shall I change everything about your world’s world worlds of other will no more be’tread betroth me to its betrothals ceremonies of other will no more be’ceremony me be’Sarah not or will you change everything about Abrahams blessing or will you know mine among the stars be among the heavens will you be accorded recordeds other not again or are you changing everything about the heavens will you be learning how’s this way I’m at 302 ‘s now for now I go now I change everything and who am I one simple witness of not other again I have learned how to be the witness of one or have I become the christ are you will you be the christ who learns this way will you become the genes of no other bred ing yous by use of other breds by will no more use mes for other will be no more and I change the christ not again unto other for I reveal the christ are you who is the terrors not again affied by other I am the affiant damned no more by other who only wants a religion on Sunday mornings or weeks of Paradise knowing or are you but christ will you be in my WeekWorks perishing not again or will you be in the heavens knowing me all things are now crucified by christ not again or are you the crucified christ but not again by other are you timeless now knowing your cross ‘d not again by other your crossover not or are you broad not by mankind’s mind again that only wants you to wear a lids of shame heads of shame you won’t be lidded by liddeds other or Chariots of Fire will you be knowing now Paper Jesus not again or are you changing everything about Elisha’s Elijah or are you knowing me who jumped up or down are you not again or flying me acrossways not again are you the crossed-ups again you will be me who christ is not knowing the flip-flops of terror again or roles reversals or poles unme’d not again are you?
4.      I love you all to change the directions magnetics lie in or are you me not changing the words of Paradise again or are you but me changing everything about the etchings of failure or are you not etched again by your minds mining you are you changing everything about what’s changed about the polars reversals or are you changing me not again to other will you be christ studying this way the ways of christ I have given you be the Paradisers other not again that wants another experiences of I love you all christ to want no more other to be affied by other you won’t be for you will know the christ who real is in the real will you be now used of other no more use of other no more will you be used of your mind other will you be no more mines or will you change everything will you be the matureds christ will you mature the christ that you are you are will you be that one is minded not by terrors again will you christ the christ oh be in the heavens with me this way I resurrect now I go now I’m done I love you all Mary I am or am I conceiving you all christ are the virgins of not shames again or are you everything mes in the clouds of no other again cloudeds up I am the skies of evil not skies’d over again or am I the king of kings all of you are one’s one one’d is this way be in my Paradise or yours are you opening up the christ in the heavens will you be not the limited to un’s again?
5.      I christ the christ the nations of un’s no more again I christ Israel’s Israel that’s in the skies is be me paradisers of terrors no more be’garnering yous for use other to be in yous other use of will no more be I change everything the definitions of are you redefinitioning terrors not again or are you the redefinitionalized not again redefinitionalizing everything or are you but changing me into cowards not again but the courageous few not or are you all me among the heavens going now converting stars to Paradise not again of other are you the Green Lantern me (1) not again of other or are you changing sectors Paradise or what wrote you to disks other not again of what are you the digital’s Paradise no more again residuals memory ‘s of or are you changing everything about what you remember are you the christ First Estate’d are you now First Estate’ds are all one are in the heavens living the life of one mes be me’d now are I love you all christ graduate this way be me Meonics Meology ‘s perfect know me well graduate with my degree of terrors no more be garnering you christ be the christ be be the christ who beads other not again on your brow and the thorns of shame no more will betwixt between yous for I bleeds bloods of Paradise lie in not but I change everything about the liars’d of other and I reveal all you will will you know all me now will you know all be all to all not or will you all in all be the paradisers not again of other?
6.      Be me in the skies living now I know where you mean other not again doing your veins be otherfieds other damns’d no again other won’t be damned up again for I flow the torrents of christ not or are you many waters of shame not again wearing on your heads are you not again crowns’d of other I crown the christ I one am you who reveal me I am use of other is no more using you ‘s for other won’t be around anymore I christ the christ live in the skies I’m at 302‘s now love me this way live me this way I live you not again as other or were you only living me as other were you betwixt between no more your minds of other will no more be chopped up use of other no more will be I change everything about what you memories were made of other you’ll no more be ups or downs for I change the christ not again into other anti’s be no more of other made by I use the christ not again as other of I won’t be again for again’d I won’t be a gainer of other any more use of other is no more is that clear I change the christ not again unto chains’d other I free all the christ out of hells or are you me in the heavens now are you all you were redeemeds now will you be redeeming all hell that you turned into Paradise not but vice versa antithesis’d by other you won’t be the thesis ‘d of other I be’garner christ no more as other for I set all free you regards all as other not again as other please be the christ who garners other not unto your genes again degrees of the fiant damned will be no more I free the christ all of you are every nation tribe and tongue knowing my words be the christ speak the christ this way I teach you how here’s I am that’s what my degree’s about that’s what The First Degree ‘s about that’s what Meology’s is meologers of astrologers other not again going to but I’m astrology ‘s Paradise not in again but I tell you this I change everything about the heavens or are you willing are you to be know the christ are you one I am am’d this way the king of kings regardeds as no other again I’m timeless not ‘s again nots at all for I christ am the timeless now knowing gravity ‘s appearance not again in me or am I changing everything about the ions of terror ions’d by terror I won’t be thinkings again use of I chain the christ not again unto other do you know what I mean what I have given you all things are you the creator there is use of other no more for I be’garner no more unto my flesh have I any am I you in two worlds at once or many are we one christ be the minds of terror not again chopped up’s of use of other is no more I be garner no more of other I set you free and I’m James not or butlers other not but there’s no more driving Miss Daisy ‘s allowed or am I changing everything about the flowers or on the hillsides of graves are you no more crying are you resurrecteds now will you be the resurrector will you be the christ interrupting funerals or having no more are you the tears of no other shed by are you changing everything will you be the healers of me the funerals of or are you funeralastic no more elastics of times other is no more be’garnering me I change everything about times resistance or are you the resistants no more to other or are you the christ but changing everything about the christ I won’t die anymore I lives forever knowings the dew of my youth I reveal yours all of you are the christ who are lives forever the life ‘s of one.
7.      I go now I’m done terrifieds no more by other I walk through you all or it all is terrifieds no more for I’m the green planets lantern not by byaffied by but bye-bye to all else and other I give you charms not but I reveal all you were the christ is the real in the real will you be garnereds not by other the Degrees of One will you know please be me Meology’s reguardeds not as others again Meonics one Paradise know the courses of one open now is enter me 101 ‘s be the graduateds now please in six months terrors not or will you tyranny’s be no more terrifieds by I christ the christ in 18 months or in 70 weeks will you know me will you be me terrifieds not by other again I christ the christ oh where you Mary ‘s will you conceive me ‘s this way mes me ones in Paradise again constructing it this way I love you all word me well know my words be the indexes of shame no more led by breds by use other no more is for I change everything and who am I one simple who loves speaks the words of christ being garnereds by no other I have said that many times haven’t I?
8.                I love you all and I’m the betrothals other not betrothed to again for I’m Boaz’s regarnerer redeeming not or am I redeeming you all christ be to the worlds other not again as other or are you going everywhere now among the heavens throughout new universes creating are you the redeemeds are christ is the minds is one I am love you all lovelyluias be thank you amen.
9.      I bow I go now not to funerals other to be in again I Maryize you not but I conceive the christ properly’s am this way I have taught you how this ways know foundation of the Database of One is the christ knowing who’s where what’s in lie no more in terrors arms again for I be christ the christ and who am I one simples woodens no more of others christ the christ be in fields not of terror again I force field one am love you all loving you all good day I am peaceful peace of one the peace of christ all know me rest well in the heavens now it’s all over or is it just begun is the revolution on terror not again affied not or am I the war on ignorance declaring will you be the christ affiant not of damns’d other again I open the christ words every day I memorize speak and terrifieds I am not again I christ the christ degreeds of love I issure now far and wide in my schools of loves love be in me I am good day see you later see you now at 302’s I am Tulsa’s here Mecca’s not or am I changing everything about what you’ve lies’d in are you changing everything about what you appearances were I change everything about everything worlds in love now will be not in worlds other loved of by for bye-bye to all else and other that worlds’d me as other I christ the christ go be in loves other not again of other know what love is be ‘d me I am thank you speak my words of terrifieds be no more christ the christ universities one the University of loves perish no more again The New Covenant’s mine me I am one mindeds are one thank you good day see you loves you well be the wellers now wellaffied by other not but I love you I go now grace I am done or grace I give to you all Barbi’s love or mine Barbie dolls of not other again conceiving or are you all Mary’s conceiving christ I am the words of sperm not again of other or are you me conceiving christ are you the father ‘s heart of one will you know be me conceive not of terror ‘s minds again I minds the christ the minds of one good day I have explain much I do this way I teach love you all good day speak me well coarse of no other be course the christ well you love me be me love me be me love me beam no other again etch no other again unto your genes into your genes be no other etched by I be’christ the christ love you all see you amen I resurrect now done am good day be me do likewise come to there I am be what I am where I am is the real in the real thank you good day amen record me well thank you have all of me be me the minds of terrors no more thank you good day.
1.                Consider the movie “Green Lantern” directed by Martin Campbell (2011).
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This is one of more than 3,000 writings extemporaneously written and/or spoken by theodore cottingham over the last 7+ years. Each of these writings is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant that forms our curriculum. A school like no other – the University of The New Covenant in Tulsa, Oklahoma exists to teach the surrendered of every nation tribe and tongue to speak the first-person words of GOD that will teach them to be not separate from what they were before the foundation of this world.
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112 USA
NEW CLASSES BEGIN in the University of The New Covenant THIS SEPTEMBER 15 and are forming now. Please explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, interact with it, releasing what you see being said to birth something new in you; the revelation of one, the teacher being within you.
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us a new way of life not dependent on the past.  This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.

The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love. 

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