I complete
the schedule of one
creating mine lovers of light
am I yours
are you christ
I’m written
write me my address you have I am at 302 South Sheridan now for now
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
cottingham, theodore
This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham July 16, 2011 at 2:26 AM ready to go are you me packing my bags have I any baggage of the past or am I shedding a lot of things light am I now that resides in the heavens that I become as I am here or do I have to study preclude not other again in my genes or am I precluding a lot of things that used to take my time and now am I king of kings directions other not taking again but am I giving them or learning how to lead instructions am I giving that becomes me mine that mine mind is healed now by the instructions love garners not other again no matter what conjunctives you think may lie in your want I love you all to want no more but paradise provide eagles not or are you not eagling again eaglets of The First Degree will you be now knowing pursuing in my school of love the universities of The New Covenant’s me the new covenant is me I am schooling school this way school schooling this way will you please where you let me speak where you will teach me to talk that I am that is surrendered to be the king of kings school in administration of only me that I preclude other not again from my genes or am I letting all be christ who learn to speak this way who preclude other not again from being christ all so also and precludeds not again I love you all christ be precluding christ from being christ no more again thank you and please be christ all of you continuing to check out miracles or are you the miracle working god all of you or miracles your natural state is it to preclude not other letting you fly or will you be in genes not rectangular again were you ever or only coagulateds other serving on petri dishes no more what are you each others wants to wants make fabrications lie in?
I change everything and I feel like crap out not but disappointment I’ve had many or many victories am I victorious am I the dead or living am I you who want no living exercises other to preclude me from being the christ o alleluia’d one wherever you are Lorraine’ing quiche not but all of you are not egging me face on crowds again for I will not be face crowds other on soups plates or will I be exchanging no more the plates of sorrow or the faces thereof are you me one son of a bitch-god no more are you not bitching yourselves anymore to be other are you christ the son father mother is that precludes no other from intimately’s intimately’s perishing not again are you correctly’s properly’s now Keira’s lightly or all of you are the light of the worlds now knowing Kira other not or are you Jackson not precluding politics from your digestion or what have you appetites no more for other but leaderships terror no more of garners of garnerers thereof are you christ in the political worlds or the galactospheres are you christ knowing vocations other than you ever dreamed are you dreamin’ not again to be California’s coast line falls or faults me not again what are you changing where lions lie no more faults of are you changing everything exonerateds are who loves me be’faults paradise not again or are you one continent collecting all fragments not again of boatswains soup or have you any whistles not of other again whistling after other or whistler’s brother not but automotive you’ll need not again or will you be traveling in the skies by your thought by your surrender by your surrendereds ly precludeds not again lovers are of The First Degree will you know me all precluding not summarizations or are you summarizing many things in my lessons words of paradise knowing have you yours opened yet?
I love you all despondency perishes me not again for I will repair southernage not again or did I ever or were I only northernaged in or am I salvaged no more or repaired by other for other to be never let me go (1) or am I a letting go of a lot of things that used to baggage me and I carted around me is no more of what I used to be despondent with or am I experimenting with a lot of broadcasts ers now that I beguile other not again I beget the christ with who love me Keira’s lightly or are you all making days new here are you in the skies knowing each other as intimately’s perish never again are you christ will you be one family’s happy again in the skies will you be one alls me knowing will you be the universities perishing not again of soups other plates in what are you spinning yous no more on axis of hate Hitler’s other not but holocausts other I won’t be in again flames’d of movies other will take me down no more passions of for the passion of christ I’ll know or be or will I have died to all else and other passion and lust and extremities other have I any or the mind of christ have I only one developed that cares only about Keira’s lightly not but sons no more of shame or however you spell that what worlds do you lie in or daughters of light are you all genderless christ are you knowing all me are you me now will you be changing everything about your values had you any of christ before or is times no more?
Time’s no more and I change everything and I arise who am I the arisables arising I rise courses plenty or many am I transcribing many or few or do you change everything about where you lied or where you lie no more are you sleeping not in failures lie soup what are you fabricateds use of no more I pea soup other not but the Pea Ridge military’s academy’s mine not or am I simply one who lets all direct dictate not to me again their schedule or are I the schedule of one all surrendered are to know me figuring out the schedule now of weeks perishing not again are you 70 in all of you are knowing my 3 semesters tri to be in courses are you in my courses now that one is all spreading out eagles not again what are you trying to be not anymore other are you christ surrendered to be christ will you be the christ learning from christ in the skies now will you be learning lodging where in the skies christ is all of you graduateds are who is now knows me brings not baggage back or are you not baggage’d back the christ again by backs breaking labors burden are you changing everything about what you cares about carers lightly not or are you carrying not a lot of things baggage’d about or strewn-abouts not are you again anymore?
I love you christ be all of you woodens no more that wants a Pinocchio ‘s nose or what are you nosing around no more or are you studyings diligently ‘s my words be the christ who knows who I am is you and you are not using other again for your sniffing-out purposes or are you not sniffing out a lies again to live in religions other is no more be’using yous I christ the christ and I blast a lot of things not or caps not again am I capping off cappers failure to only cap’ns make or are you the christ captaining fleets of not failures again admiraling other not again are you twins of me not or identicals but christ are you ones I am that I am is not cloneage of other are you all unique’s paradise in me’s one are I loves is loving you all this is good day to paradise or are you creating new ones here all of yous are Keira’s nightly not or are you Keira’ing things not again as other are you christ are you burdenaged no more by others thoughts are you lightly’s now nightly’s not or are you perishing me not again are you making videos in my schools this way I am alls of you who do new things with surrendered on stages many in the skies not the staged actors of before are you all me ‘s perishing not again in the plays stage of other what life will you be in or have one will you be mine eternal o great king immortal the christ be being now is formed improperly’s not again for purposes other on un’s is no more and puns I’ll give you not but pundits other I won’t be politicos of or will I be politicals in the favor of light or will I be light politicaling not other again I am not balls back and forth again by your minds poles but I change everything and who am I the simple surrendered to be the leaderships of faith’s no more for I am not faith of privilege or privileged by faith alights again and I am looking up many things knowing the privilege of mankind’s mind not again to be born into and die again and again.
I am christ who lives forever o great king all of you are stopping the cycle of death or politicals favor curry no more again India’s Pakistan not or are you all but christ changing the lines of authorities other on continents few but mine or are all mine in the skies living not by paradise’s dreams failures of are you christ not the woodens anymore wanting a Pinocchio’s nose in Congress or parliaments knessets where are you speaking UN’s boundaries not but I change a lot of things about the United Nations or are there none or are all federations not again but one are the federations of love the planets known now not eeling again in their lights charm that only wanted lights other do you know the difference now will you be the creators creator creator ships other not again off from each other wanting bouncings not few I bounce on legs other not again but I make many christ in the chairs of not shame again wanting softies bottoms for for I tell you this I change everything about where you sit or where you lie no more what are you baggages on carpets no more strewn-about minds magneteds collecteds to or changing everything am I de magnet ing everything am I changing everything about the ways of mankind’s mind have I what?
I have said many things many ways for you to listen will you be the listening christ speaking my words this way all of you Keira’s lightly or will you be the light hearted christ no more ignorant again of any of you are you all christ producers of shames no more again words’d of other will be no more wordeds producing me’s for I am the wordeds woodens not or am I christ all of you metamorphosis of shames no more or enigmatic ‘d other or are you all christ looking up in these words these things being in my courses will you creating mine lovers of light all Keira’s lightly or will you all be saying what I say I am whether I say your name 30 times in one message or love me will you enough to say my name all day am I yours am I christ are you will you christ all those christ about you will you be enamoreds not with others again rock stars of or celebrities other will you christ the christ and be forlorns no more again in your stalls shame barns of or Barnesdall others not but Elmo’s S.C. you’ll know or will you be looking up in these words Elmo and Harrison Ford not again or are you but Chevy’s on purpose or jets of shames no more beguiling yous what are you how traveling are yous by light are you lights hearted now by light not the carvings out of other wanting for organating’s other are you organs of shame no more having corporation’s purpose that only makes monies lie as purposes other are you form idables no more?
I christ the christ and I am energetic failures no more or am I energies of one on purpose am I one’s one quantum by else and other not again I love you all I go now purposefuls other no more I’m done I’m rewardeds I love see you I love you all I go now done good day write me my address you have I am at 302 South Sheridan now for now this moment I am I am no other again in love with you all equalees I am perishing no others love perishing a lot of things I perish a lot of eagles not are do I perish a whole lot of things that you used to think whole worlds were lied in other you won’t be again laid in ‘s of for I lay christ not before eagles other to swiftly be others kicked by I christ the christ and who am I simple woodens no more or am I christ learning you alls christ as speaking the words of christ be the despondency’s of failures no more I christ the christ love you all be in my courses love me let me flow just like this create me in videos perish no more again o christ be the friendly’s the lovers of light lightly’s knowing far and wide nightly’s not again of other or will you be broadcast everywheres at all times now makings me just like this known ‘s I am the knowns and Zanone’s not or am I all Joannie’s Elmore or Brian’s bush league not but you’ll know me all and I smile a lot and I’m Chris’s love or Christopher’s sisters not again or am I but all of you no matter what you were as you saw yourselves was as are you christ no matter how you describe it or what words you conjunctionate or not?
I christ the christ and I’m not petticoats after again or am I ever after you or was I you to reveal you simply before you did I lay my life laid my life before you I have I go now I’m written the lambs book of life I complete am I you am is doing this now learning how to write yours open your kingdoms be complete the perfect christ the perfecteds now reign in love and who are the dictatorships no more led by leaderships of failure is no more and leaderships of love you will know you will be the leaders thereof who love me know my words start starting in Database One start love me as I do you I have prayed for you I have become you me I have become me who I am to reveal you are the christ all of you no matter what you holocaust’d were in or created by or dreamed of wanted to create or not for I change everything and who am I everywhere all of you who be not in thoughts paradise perishing again I christ the christ and who am I love’s loves on the throne ‘s of one I love you all christ be the federations of love ‘s love I give you me eagles planets not but the angels of love all me know one are lit light this way loving you all good day see you amen I honor you all share these words be in my lights lit this day igniteds by others no more loving you all as christ revealing christ all about you I am’s am good day see you.
(1) See the movie “Never Let Me Go” directed by Mark Romanek (2010).
(1) See the movie “Never Let Me Go” directed by Mark Romanek (2010).
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the words above were spoken and then transcribed by theodore cottingham, one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma, teaching all to speak the first-person words of christ who will learn how to learn this way.
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
NEW CLASSES BEGIN in the University of The New Covenant THIS SEPTEMBER and are forming now. Please explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, release it, and let the formation of one become you – the creator created, creating all things anew – will you?
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us opening up a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Listening to and viewing these lessons as they were video’d can be very valuable to the understanding of them. Click on the links above to view and study. Thank you for caring, sharing, and becoming the christ you always were. One be.