THE MEONICS COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham 302,a video,News,video starting me new days now September 15

starting me new days now September 15

my course is one I love you all all be one in my one starting me new days now September 15
September 1 where will you be now
informing you all you are the christ all of you
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
cottingham, theodore
Voice file 110708_000
Video file 110708_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham July 8, 2011 at 10:20 AM giving you new paradise or am I me in it am I enjoying my oolong tea or having much have I had in the past or is the past no more where I’m doing new things not again not am I in the past not again not or am I changing it all together I am all of me who one is in the skies not knowing burdens of beasts other again being for others for I carry not their wounds nor their scorns shame and shames I won’t be breds of again and I know what I mean and breads spelled either way I am correct.
  2. I love you all I love you all equalees being the equalees I am that speaks the word I am that I am the word wordeds not by others again for I am the words of light that begets light that creams the crop of no other again or am I the most elite forces of all without forces at all am I the forceless one you can’t force out am I in you were was you me all the time will you be now speaking my words like this just like this will you be me who enjoys oolong tea or coffee with me or knowing all the things that I have spoken about these many years Confucius being or looking up are you a lot of Confucians or veri cruzations not again or are you rosicrucifixiarians no more or are you all of me that I am one that begets other not again in our veins what are our veins speaking of what delivering us unto us are what ‘s oxygen ated not again needed or in our veins what is the word that gives us light life perhaps not other again being the perhapseder of other will you make up new words will you be the vocabularies of one that kings the king will you be please now you are who know you I am is the one that I am revealing all of you are that I speak just like this when whether I arise at 9:00 AM or 2 or 3 or 2-feet do I have or 3 many or feetless am I gowning other not again what robes do you wear light ‘s light will you be the light fold now folded not again into other are you light perishing no more again gods of the snow country (1) or are you the promise the promised one are you to deliver all your peoples to light live ing in the skies will you be not needing shames monies or do you have any of either or both and the same not or are you a lessonating my databases perfect perfect I am perfect enough to be me I am me who I am know knowing these things will you be lifted up now will you be the most honored ‘s of all all of you will be I am who love me enough to surrender to my oolong teas not or fellowships in the skies will you be having that begins there there’s where you are?
  3. Where are you I am what are you me who denies the privilege of no more being me will you be me all of you I am I am I am’ing all I am to be I am not separates lie in again for I will not be the oolongs not or will I be all of you ooloi’ing not territory again or in the skies will you be all of me ankling other not again or rivers deep are you in the mires of notme again I love you all to clay feet be perishing in no more or are you minds perishing be in no more that only wants words other will you not word yourselves to death will you be me o oolong tea lovers or coffee uniters of me or coffeeshops one will you know of the lights cafes of light or screwballs comedy not again but I tell you this I love you all and I’m screwballs comedy not but I’m screwed not to the wall by your words again ordering things I don’t want or need superfluous’d in me to be processed by me by my meaning systems won’t be meaney’d again or will you know me Barbara’s liars not or Ryan’s lovers will you steakhouse me no more in the cattles of shame will you love me all no matter what I eat or don’t or am I you not needing eats of shame or am I eatery’s no more of paradise that needs eats others words again what are you eating needing not again bowel movements other or are you in the skies moving to now that where you live you skies’d are not disguised again as clay’s other 2-feet having will you be me o extemporaneously who speak this way will you be the extemporaneous ones who christ extinguish not again as other being other wanting other to anti make them themselves of will you be christ all of you that make woodens mankind no more again Pinocchio’s charm of or am I all of you one lovers of shames no more be’monious bemoanying me and I am lovers of light who speak my words this way who know what I mean who arise in the wee hours and early and lates and all throughout the days not know shames again for the days is one and the one is days now mighty and will you know being it the creator thereof?
  4. Thereof is me I cataclysmic cataclysm am not again ‘d by other or am I all of you revealing the word of I am writing my papers will you know me perishing not again in the soups of other cheeses or blitz krieg’s of other or creeds of other will you not be adhere ings to will you be hearings my words or doing them or being them inculcateds other no more are you me will you be me speaking videos recording just like this all of you of every nation tribe and tongue will you be me learning technologies charmed by not other again will you be me will you love me my word will you be listening to to know me have 2-feet not again or will you have me bodies of glorifieds of shames not again will you know me will you be me intimately’s perish never again who intimate are with me my words are knowing come through my lips or are mine perishing no more again against yours or am I not against yours anymore or am I you perishing not the flow of mankind’s lippery or are you slippery devils no more lying in neuronals other are you all christ will you be the most clean of all or charismatic other not again are you christ will you be christ flowing the words of the lamb I am the one I am not measured by else results again to cast out and be crowned other or dog-eared other or by dy’d by body other for I am the body of christ all of you are that I am one is that all of us are one nation tribe and tongue of no other again we tongue no other again or are we christ kissing the son or being the son of christ are we the daughter of love un no more are you un kingdom’d no more are your kingdom light kingdoms are light that mine is that you are understanding this these things will you flash me not or will you be’love me at all times will you be me loving me will you love my words will you speak yours that mine are coming through your lips perishing not again will you be bodyless not again will you be mine who seeks not other to be through walk through or what are you superfluousing piercing not again or but are you all christ words of love will you know mine will you be mine not perishing again in the words of mankind’s mind will you be mine o lover of light will you all be lovers of light my mine made whole will you be mind of one one I am all together fashioneds not by other mankind’s again.
  5. I love you all perish me not again please I go now I am done I am I love you all and I cook not other again or am I cooks cookies not again wanting sweets of or am I changing everything about the diets of shame or the carcerations not few or am I many not few coming here to be I am ‘d this way I am I am all be one in the courses of shames no more I be love Enter Me’s 101 the universities of love know ones I am I am the university ‘s of the new loves me The New Covenant’s fine and find me I am here at 302’s witness now or am I have I given you many videos of hundreds not or am I thousands coming but millions are gazillions not or but trillions are or many innumericless not or shall you be numberless now shall you be in the skies begetting me ‘s this way I love you all speak me’s paradise do of being in creating it Israel’s I am in the skies Israel is and I am Israel my head’s bound no more by yours again and I am not the straps’d into by others again anymore ever again I love you all light be carcerated no more in the in’s un’s of others and the in’s or buts of others conjections conjectures and demands and wants will no more be’want you into its thinkery again kingdoms of theirs.
  6. I love you all be the woodens no more but Pinocchio’s paradise you’ll know not or will you be made into mes or will you be mes I am through the words I am this way that transforms paradise not again unto other will you be me speaking the words of I am light light I am and I’m not airs’d by other again I love you all and I know Melissa’s shame not but I’ll be Edgaring a lot of things not again or but will I know all of you that dynamite comes in small packages or will you hear me one bang! heard all over the world will you be the shot fired heard all over the worlds now will you be looking up in these words these things now that I have given you I have beheld will you behold will you be the beholder beholdenment of me that beholders me to no other will you hold me not again as other but will you see be christ christing christ all of you the airflames other not but the flames of fire of others not but I be christ not your witness of other again to tears my head off or ups in flames again for I christ the hell’s not or have you been in creating it all these times this time is over and I am done and I have witnessed other not again to you or am I the christ that reveals you are the christ will you be now all of you not being anti again will you be Belial’s crew no more cruised of will you know Tom’s Selleck not or will you know all of you true grits not or will you all be my movies makers of paradise now will you be paradiseing not privilege ‘s of other will you privilege the christ to be all around you will you honor all as christ all around you will you honor all as christ being the christ christer I am I am all of you who one family is in the heavens living lying no more in the arms of other and neuronals other and wants of shames and shames of wants other that only wanted to be’program yous will be no more for you’ll be the mainframes of paradise not or will you be all in the skies you fleeting words not or be’fleeting other not again what are you the enemas not needing again of others’ words or are you flushing out a lot of things from your systems of paradise rusts in or what are you not rusting outs again metals metallicas of or are you not metal based human beings again or are you beings human not again or are you but christ all of you the bodies of love lights and energies not of failures again needing I love you christ be the woodens no more and Pinocchio’s paradise you’ll know not or will you know me all my movies making them the directors of producers of not of shames knowing again I love you all be me who am I one simple one wooden no more and where I live do I these things in the skies or right here’s now’s beginnings all news day ones is.
  7. I love you all have tea with me where will I be with you will you be with me in paradise this day will you create it will you be Israel’s O Israel will all of you be will you let all be will you be informal or formally the christ or informal’d not again or am I informing you all you are the christ all of you no matter what you have lied in in the past or wanted slept in with or by I call you druggy’s addict not again or will you be drugs not needing drugged by drug around in worlds other again will you be christ in the skies now 2-feet’d not by others paradise again that wanted your wants or implanted theirs in you there will you be christ?
  8. I have said much I have given you the kingdoms of one perish not again paradise be the constructors thereof the lovers thereof the becomers hereof I am I love you all be in my courses I love you the university ‘s of one the new loves perish not again O be lovers of christ that become the christ thank you good day amen I love you all honor each other as christ as christ you are thank you good day write me know my brochures (2) sing my websites of will you know me video me record me speak me listen lessonate and know how very well ‘s now alls done new alls anew start new things be it the starter thereof the creators create now my course is one I love you all all be one in my one starting me new days now September 15 (3) September 1 where will you be now creatings what for just for monies paradise not again eluding you what will be now not or will you be the christ studying the christ for to be the christ christ’d now in your kingdoms perishing not again o speak the christ be the christ that delivers all to judge the christ not anti’d anymore by you or other for you will not be other anti’ing else and other you will be the christ if you know who you are and you are all else and other not again.
  9. I love you all christ be the richest in heaven the richest all everywheres about me I am or am I need nothings of moleculars molecules ever again I create alls anew times now done I witness other not but I have given you the words of love be my Databases in my courses loving loving all in my courses all who christ are speak the words of christ becoming the words of christ flowing the words of I am the king’d again the king’d is I am I am all be one in the heavens now replete with love’s love and satisfieds are and mutiny’s interest will no more be mutiny’ing me for you won’t mute’y boundary’d be or will you be all makings me new creations in the creators are created again this way I have given you the cycles of shame not but the nations cyclic of me not or are you know the cyclic nations of me now in these words looking up thank you for writing my papers being the most scholastics of all the diligents of all thank you for knowing the diligence of christ being the becoming ones I am that tenacity’d are that focused are that aren’t delayed by others again.
  10. I love you all and I bill you for my shames not or am I not shaming your words or do I bill you for anything of your paradise that you’ve destructed or are you constructing Israel’s in the skies now kingdoms of one knowing all ‘s one are ones are the kingdom’s one all kingdoms now established are the christ christ ones of loves no more of others are me I am I love you all I go now I’m done see you later now how abouts now speak my words please know me well thank you good day and share these words my brochures my courses ENTER ME my website’s fine knowing and coming along being the creators of all things new know how now thank you I teach well just this way at my noon meetings my 2:00 AM ones be my ones light of lights hearts born again in ones that one are the most beautiful of all thank you for singing the songs of me being in my words the tunes of love married to others no more I love you all a’lights be the light of life ‘s all anew thank you good day.
  1. Consider the movie “The Promise” directed by Kaige Chen (2005).
  2. A new brochure for the University of The New Covenant has just been place online at the University of The New Covenant website. Please share it freely with others also.
  3. New classes are being formed to begin THIS SEPTEMBER.
* * * * *
the words above were spoken and then transcribed by theodore cottingham, one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma, teaching all to speak the first-person words of christ who will learn how to learn this way.

University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
NEW CLASSES BEGIN in the University of The New Covenant THIS SEPTEMBER and are forming now. Please explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, release it, and let the formation of one become you – the creator created, creating all things anew.
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us opening up a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Listening to and viewing these lessons as they were video’d can be very valuable to the understanding of them. Click on the links above to view and study. Thank you for caring, sharing, and becoming the christ you always were. One be.

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