website of one

website of one
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
cottingham, theodore July 5, 2011 about 10am
Voice file 110705_000
Video file 110705_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham July 5, 2011 with the hiccups coming to you am I a simple man with no airs or are you progressing me or regressing me know are you in your voice that mine is will you be one whether you have the hiccups or not recording my word ‘s to be me will you be me in all situations circumstances the circumstance of the king now knowing developed is that comes into my presence me whether you have anything to do with the hiccups or not or are you not hiccuping again in the gospel of Jesus christ or do you know one or one are you that Jesus is became that Muhammad Ali is not or Allah all of us are or GOD what are you exclaiming reclaiming no more of other are you christ will you be the anointed Messiah that hiccups your blessing not again will you be speaking the anointed word of GOD will you be one that speaks this way that anoints me to be me in you will you be not cataclysmic’d by failure again?
  2. Will you come into my presence no matter who you are with what are you where not where you were with who you thought are you not who you thought are you me will you be me granting me privilege ‘s of the most high will you be me excusing me for hiccups or will you be me at all times making no excuses for the king will you be me hiccups perish not or will I perish them and seeing me be me will I perish a lot of things about what I thought I were or was I just one or two minds in one what are you speaking coagulating not conflagrating again in your thoughts what are you connivance not of man of any more or woman of deaf or dearth or what privileges do you have in the skies with all my mighty many will you know me will you be me incarcerated not again will you incarcerate not yourself in thought again will you sit me record me just like this letting my mind speak flow to the masses crowds of whatever or where over you are no more things of other will you forgive me my hiccups or will you forgive your hiccups or my sins or yours or will we be forgiving each others that christ is you redeeming yourselves first will you forgive o mighty GOD your sins that you were incarcerated in as you woke up today thinking you were extra and excess not or were you just babbling about through your minds enigma’d bagpipes or what baggage’d bag are you no more in your flesh suits of horror?
  3. I love you all to know me no matter what I speak how for I love love became and became love I have I give to you all freely and this is my courses love me on the new University website of one or are you websites of terror no more in taking your downship king’d or kinging your website with such or what are you knowing investigating exploring now are you how to have one of your own are you me will you be me not technically disadvantaged again technologically or will you logically have the mind ‘s of christ will christ you be speaking the one one being the mighty many afraid not again what will you be doing seeking perfectionitus not again in the eyes of man where you’re recorded or not will you be me all of you of every nation tribe on earth and tongueing not the mind of other that only wants you to lack a lackluster appearance not or are you lacking nothing as the king that has your website prepared or are you one in mine now learning how to learn me speak me this way that whether I’m in hiccups appearance not or what you think is flesh bagged man I am christ you are that I am one is will we be one minded now will you let me speak will you learn how to surrender will you let me come and heal you that heals me that one mind ‘s we have together that one is the kingdom perishing never again will you be inside me inside you or inside you no more as you separate from me will you be me who perishes not the word of christ again o flow now the fount of privilege ‘s not again of other.
  4. Will you be me perish no more again o great christ all of you and I love you all Enter Me ‘s ready for a course of one to know all my others will you will you know all my surrendereds christ are will you christ me be christ’d be the christing christ please and thank you amen.
  5. I bow before you all I honor lift and obey you not or do you obey my commands or do I have any but to love to live in me being me will you enter my kingdom or yours will you be pushed out no more by appearances schemes other what will you master no more your bait finish or will you bait be for other no more or what are you baiting your hooks no more in mankind’s mind of other each other to be otherfieds by no more be please please be me who love is incarcerated not by circumstances again that want to laud you only as other and appear regal in you to give you cloth ship of other and the rings of other will no more be’pull thee around on chains to be burdens of beasts and beasts the burdens for other I love you all.
  6. I exonerate all christ will you be me speaking will you whether you have hiccups or not I’m sorry I love you not or have I given my life for you all no matter no reputation having or forming again as was other what will you be now the king’d king the kinging king that will king all else and other that will surrender who will surrender will you be the surrendered king of king kinging all in your kingdom letting them know they are the christ will you please be me I love you all.
  7. Hope you’re laughing enjoyably enjoyable enjoying my sermons not again or have I ever preached to you or have I given you the first person words of christ so that you will be them incarcerated not in other again speak my mind being it freed this day in you I am I always was I love you all I’ve said much in this little hiccuped word I love you all I appreciate you not or do I love you have I given you my life ‘s my love ‘s in these words my love is these words expressed and not diced by other again will you be be the christ king’d now hallelujah glory amen.
  8. Enter my courses see my websites clean and changed new courses in will you be the university of one in The New Covenant’s me I love you all I am it’s cleared for takeoff and landing where in the skies not other again will you be me o seamless one not son of a bitched mind again that only wants to bear incarcerations lie with yours forming your own over you that GOD was will you be me again that one I am is please and thank you I have said much loving you all I go now see you later tunes mine tunes fine my life’s one altogether’s one and I love you Christopher’s not or are all of you my lovers love I love you all equally and I bell southerns other not but I tell you this I make all things change in me or do surrendereds fly in incarcerations bells no more will you bell me not as other again or dames wanting bellows of not but I tell you this I change everything about your appearance and how you speak if you will be the king ‘s kings the kings of one king’d are the entrance of me given fortified by no other again and drinking shames fount of words other will no more form other in you I love you all christ be risens this day see you I love you all good day amen.
  9. Share these words freely and laugh but get the message know the lesson be me christ all of you saying speaking placarded well at my table I invite you to one in the skies now see me you I am one good day amen.
* * * * *
This Lesson is part of Database 4 Volume 1 of the Central Database of the University of The New Covenant. This lesson was spoken extemporaneously by theodore cottingham. To accelerate your understanding of what is being given, watch the video – listen to audio while reading the text; then print the text to link and map.
A school like no other – the University of The New Covenant in Tulsa, Oklahoma exists to teach the surrendered of every nation tribe and tongue that God will teach them ALL things, from the inside out. The teacher is already within you. Learn how to hear speak and write the first-person words of GOD that can change your world, if you let it, and begin with you first.
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112 USA
phone (918) 732-9140
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Explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, interact with it, releasing what you see being said to birth something new in you; the revelation of one, the teacher being within you.
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us a new way of life not dependent on the past. The first chapter of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love as given us in Database One.

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