the dew of my youth having

the dew of my youth having
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110703_000
Video file 110703_000v
You can listen to this Lesson by clicking on the voice file link or watch the video as it was spoken by clicking on the video file link.
A few excerpts:
is someday now
the dew of my youth having
editeds not again
where are you what are you writing
spreading your wings
the angels of light known far and wide
are you begetting christ in the skies
have the dew of your youth
create the christ be free
see me now see you
I love you all
theodore cottingham
July 3, 2011

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I must go cottingham, theodore. March 22, 2011 at 4:12 AM Database 3.2.093 Voice file 110322_000 This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant A few excerpts: