will you come home to the skies

will you come home to the skies
Enter Me of 101
how the christ live
the law of love is my words
where have you been
live to be the christ and not die again
I sing the songs of joy now
because I love
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110701_000
Video file 110701_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham July 1, 2011 at 2:15 AM coming to you like this a simple man am I in garments not other again or am I in a gown and regalia of the king of knights no more or days am I the one that knows me well Cameron Diaz in I like not or do I love you all that mankind is equally to be prepared for the coming things that wrath thee not again as such was will you be the prepareds not on tables again of other being pushed around or wheeled around or carted about on others charms minds what are you minding not again your mind its appeal to charm you into its presence ery again will you know the presencery word of christ or will you be the christ will you be christ is the question or the answer what will you provide now or provide will you for others not again like as was or was no one providing for you or are you the provision for mankind’s mind no more to be farmed thereby in your neuronals compartments what are you bodying bodices no more nor turtles doves nor chocolates soups or what are you not be’worryings about anymore that which can sustain the body or are you bodies of christ are you the one who needs nothing to sustain ‘s whole worlds what are you judging not again the pathways of terror or are you judging them demning not again but condemning are you each other not again will you not condemn the christ that’s you will you but see you’re christ you are the christ you are the christ saying that to you all else and other not again taking you down to only saw you off in half to make you their height not or what are you but changing the height of mankind have you any in the skies will you be willing to learn this way from the words you speak will you speak my words me will you be me my words speaking this way will you love me learn Paradise in being conformed not to other again will you conform to its limits or have outer no more upon you inner’d or will you be the inner spirit of one or have only one or what between betwixt no more are you a hard place and a rock are you christ the rock that crashes all others upon this name or being yours are you christ Jesus other not again are you christ did he give you the pattern of shames no more will you be twixt between be’others not again others’d by please be yourself yourselves christ all of you are one races of mankind not created again that only serve to distinctions make between races or genes pools or subsets of others wantings not again shall be for there shall be Neolithic periods not or monolithic others not again or paleoscientifics shame not again knowing or but are all of you doing new things learning new words how to speak learn how to learn to speak this way will you speak this way the christ being to the christ the most honoreds of all will you be christ bowing before alls your students your teachers your alls before alls in alls one alls this way the christ to be not partial’d out again will you please will you be one mine ‘d christ the christ that with one mind has all things or but do you have all things to give or create make or handout not again as other?
  2. What are you creating in turbulents few not again or were it many was are you not the turbulence creating of others again among you about you what are you doing new things in perishing not again are you the speaking christ this way speaking extemporaneously will you be transcribing your words like I am I have done for 11 years 10 9 or counting down not or backwards not again or but am I doing other things right now write now no matter how you spell it right now I am right now’d and I change all things and I perish not again o great christ will you be the great immortal one king king’d this way will you be the crown of your mighty many mighty manying them to them be the mighty many you all are that all in Paradise are will you open your Paradise will you be it unto others not again as other will you create all equally will you bow before all because you have given your life for all to be all’d now will you be the all in all new creations starting far and wide not afraids of galactospheres opening up to you to redeem you or you redeeming them are now because you know you’re the christ not taking your genes pool to them after you die to be used by you them or theirs what’s not theirs again because you’re the redeemer of they are’s theirs now because you tell them how to redeem themselves?
  3. Will you be the redeemer all throughout the heavensphere’s now taking nothing unto yourselves but love ‘s love will you be all satisfieds in heavens wanting nothings again creating whole worlds whole races that race not again to man kind make of other will you be no matter what blued you or browned again or baked in sun shine not again will be I bake the crowd of others not but you won’t bake me in your minds again and the fires of other that only put you here on the ground that kept you here in daylight savings time won’t be anymore savings of clocks other and the planes of time zones few won’t be anymore put-put’ings around on greens few for I be’jet the christ or do I be’jet everything or jets of love do I know how work orifices other not again by turbinating blades turbines others using or what Wankel’s aren’t you again or what have I pistonated not again oils few not needing or availables are any are you carbohydrons not again needing or carbo oxygens not again dating what are you not by oxygenenics oxygenics words again or were you ever only 214’s in carbons not again or radioisotopes other not availableth’ing thing availables you not or are to you knowing all things now Geigering not other again countering what are you countering the christ no more or are you counting me one am I multiple many thousands millions trillions bazillions what are you bazillions battalions no more of what are you numberless christ numericless miracle’less not again are you the creating christ will you create many one now I am me who thou art I tell thee thou art one I am.
  4. I love you all I go to new Paradise I create ‘d it have I in my mind of one I have that speaks the word this way the word I have brought you these over the years that I have written many notes about many things many times in many ways and many scratch pads not again will I dribble over or draw on little pieces of paper for I make you all christ not or do I but let thee be growing into christ will you be adjusting your frames not again or will you have any will you need to see any or will you not be loathsome to the any more will you be or have anymore will you be or want will you not want anymore will you be the christ that creates all anew will you be that with which power do you create your minds mind not again of one other one another or what are you anothering not again the christ will you christ the other not again to want other religions no matter what you called him it or she the divine one will you be birthing christ now this way I have given you that sing songs other not again but christ the tunes of love know far and wide and Christopher’s my Paradise not but my son or whom doth I love you who all you perish not again in loves other but you’ll all know mine sons daughters all be one and my wives are few not or do I have any not again or but am I all one loves one family is in the skies.
  5. I’ve said a lot I always do in these lessons of shame not bearing in yours again will you christ have one families in the skies disguised not as others again will you please be the christ ransomless not or have I paid a ransom not few or but do I pay not again other or but are am I christ that one is that I have paid these words many times or painted them not other again or pained have I been many times that paid a price for them coming through me or have my bodies no more appearing are you infinite’d in other not again terminateds other turbinateds other not needing again what are you jet engines in no more or but are you air flows other needing orifices of jetports or Calrissian’s other not again going to but christ are you the platforms of not other on again again on or but what channels are you on or are you completing completely all to be me the frequencies christ frequency one knowing am I all clear channels love or all of you direct TVs not again watching or but all of you are creating me by movies far and wide this way sharing on channels mine what are you frequencies Paradise all throughout the galactospheres I control I dominate not or but do I lead you all into Paradise to do new things with the supreme beings of light being them not afraid of thems anymore will you be the holy spirit spirits of one will you be whatever you thought was holy not again of other will you be judging your dictatorship not as other again will you dick tater your tomatoes not again as other virgins do or are you the virgins of christ what are you thinking toying with ideas not of other again what are you virginating will your mouth be clean will you speak the word of I am where birthed is my word in your mind your minds are one are you will you be two not anymore will you be not connecteds to failures planets again are you going to or from what are you studying how are you listening understanding interpreting these words or mapping linking functionating not other again do you know mine the christ functions as other not again farms for neuronals other amen.
  6. I go in peace and I do new things with the quick acting or am I the quick-rising no more or am I but few not anymore arising making many videos in the christ portraying christ all I am this way is all of you I am that I am is all of you that perishes not again the word of I am I am believers not inchrist I am christ in christ I am one I am that one I am is not needing sacks of other taters maters again and mater mash few I’ll know not or will I change everything about the mating game dating other or are you not dating other minds wanting passing back and forth your ions of privilege will you not be again that which wants other to brew concoctions in your brewing ovens or what hells have you no more prepared for each others wantings turned up by heat or thawings out what’s no more or but are all things changing now about the seasons or time zones what lays no more directionless lays now which’a’ways but loose or but are all things everything changing now about how you speaks will you speak like this who edits not again but lets me speak and finish sentences or start them or give you the next words of Paradise will you be in opening yours will you let me speak teach reign in my kingdom yours is that yours opened will be this way that one is my mighty or yours will you be many not perishing again few not but millions gazillions catrillions what giveth thee thou soul not for again words that thou wantest not few to spew out spit out and what are you caring not again to the Jordan or baptizing no more are you in faith’s suffering will you suffer no more?
  7. Will you be the christ that talks this way speaks the heavenly language of one will you know yours that be’speaks betrays not other again will you speak the christ and love you brethren will you be christ christing all will you christ all below you those above you or are there any above or below you or be’love each other will you be be’equal all I love all equal equally ams are loved this way I bequeath other not again for I die not again for I love you all enough to live to be the christ and not die again I penetrate evil not or do I impossible things do now or am I the possible christ making apostles not other again I apostleize other not again I bureaucrats make other not again I bureaucratized christ not I democratized christ not or but am I the planetspheres all knowing the Federation of One equals are that christ the christ I am the representative not or am I the leader of faiths not again am I love ‘s love have I died have I arisen have I king’d your crown of other not again wearing what are you your forebrows in love with you not again to wash you ashore or be penetrations shame of others wearing its each others of origin others you won’t be origin’d by you’ll be the christ knowing you are the christ one christ’d this way I holy am you are one I am this way am’d this way we are AMVETS other not again seeking or are you wars of terror no more in what you thought you were or sought monies for or accolades of interests terror are you no more on the benches of sorrow wanting lectures not few are you christ be’lecturing not again on other are you christ knowing how to christ make believe in other not again are you christ changing all beliefs are you terrible ‘s not again originateds of are you the clones of christ nots anymore nots at all or are you not cloning christ to be not other are you all were not other again?
  8. I change everything I have said many things in these words many nights many days I have arisen in pain or sought few not or where have you been I pained not other again or I paint a pretty picture of pain not again or will you have pain to come into the truth that you lay aside will you life for have now will for life you be life now will you life others with yours will you give the drink of waters not few that perish not again words of life that river their fount of love to come back into life and flow freely the words of not costing them I cent or will you be the scent of christ or the fragrance of not other again wearing are you flowers fume no more fumigating other not or perfumigating other not or are you in the heavens all things new doing will you be christ not the makeups crowd other playing around in toy boxes or cars wanting of other that only outperforms each others thoughts what are you makings up in Paradise no more time constraints or consumes other ‘s not again are you consummations of constanting’s marriages not but I tell you this I de-marriage a lot of things that used to take your time and want your monies interest to accolade their bank accounts of their progress reports and their quarterlies reports will no more be democratizing their bureaucracies other to have other will be no more.
  9. I change everything is that clear this is clear I am and I am speaking to you I am calling to I am I am you I am is spoken this way will you be the christ not IRS’ing failure again or Gestapo’ing other or what KGB is no more or Gestapo’s in your country are you lambs pork’d no more for christ-other to be waiting for what are you taxes no interest paying anymore or but are you all absolved or renowned not again or but are you christ all of you doing all things differently the ethics and integrity of the christ knowing will you be in the heavens renouncing failures will you be all christ forgivings all of all they’ve done to you to you what you have done for others will you do again or but will you be christ doing all things over or not again as never was or but is all things changed now about time about time is now and all things changed are I witness other not again I call but christ you and you but christ out of your life no more again for you will be christ the seat of gently flowing other not again in terrors terramonies other and the tyrannies of other and the urgencies of other will no more preclude you speaking mes just like this in your boardrooms in your bedrooms perish not again or but will you perish many things you slept in or what robes and gowns have you no more are you giving everythings away or are you not carryings around a bunch of bundles or stuffs that stuffed you in its wants what used you not again for its thinkings or what exchanged propellants ‘d ions propellings no more what are you changing your want status are you of the christ birthing christ in the skies one families of shames no more bequeaths thee to other will not be bequeathings be and the interexchange of ions over is.
  10. I change the christ or do I reveal christ the christ is you christing christ this way will you please be in my courses I love you all I’m done I create many new things new worlds in I am going to I love you all be me who does this now will you please look up look down or all around will be changed where will you be what lying won’t be anymore the truth will be christ known reveal mysteryfied no more the mystery is over Zion founded I am the law is going forth has gone forth the law of love is my words I create I found Israel founded I am Israel in the skies is opened this way to you all opening all for all this way that you give all redeem all will you be the christ revealing all to they’re christ I christ the christ who are all I love you of every color nation and tongue tribeing not other again in your separations lie please and thank you be Israel in the skies the real changing everything about the galactospheres or will you create new ones will you be not the afraids again will you be the notafraids muchafraids no more what are you Hannah Hurnarding me not again or but are you knowing my authors are you one will you create christ New Beginning Series make and read mine will you be knowing first that you are the christ I christ be I am all I am that all be one is now settled in the heavens doing all things new never settled in other again all things new I be do one I am fine love I am loved I am and all things different is now precluded not by others again I preclude you from not being the christ not or do I preclude not anything ever again from me being the christ or am I the christ with no preclusions or preceipts other not but the receipts for other will not be given or am I needing none of your donations or am I christ all of you givings what are we all we have or have we anything but christ are we needing no wearings of body other are we the wariness of other not the weariness of other not are we the baggage of other not carting around am I christ you are I call you christ be here today tomorrow not again or is there no tomorrow I change all things the seasons over for christnots to complete their journey their completehood their washhood what are they washed out not again?
  11. I christ the christ and my journey’s over or has it just begun I began the christ I begin the christ over and over or will you not over me be again the nights and days of other or what are you creating christ in new worlds new christ making revealing revealing making I altogether one am do all things new the voice of one not crying again loves you all this way I’ve died to all I live I love I love reveal Christopher’s blessing do you know tunes of love and Barbi’s wanderer not but I tell you this I love you all equally and I sing the songs of joy now and I preclude others not from my joy my joyous givings I give you love I give you love to love and create is that enough?
  12. Will you be the christ creator one will you create all christ now this time will you be the estate’d first the First Estate’d your blessing is will you come home to the skies will you be in my love arms not again of other will you christ the christ all of you be in the christ creating atmospheres of other shames not again for I will not shame the christ ever again of any color or knowledge rating or will you not rate the knowledgeables christ or will you all be christ completings my degree of one the First Degree in the heavens know about studyings here I am right here’s write about I do now I enters me Enter Me of 101 knowing ‘s where I start I started where just like this writing on yellow tablets picked up my pen picking up my pen will you write me will you write me my words through you to you in you I am the word you am flowing this way the fount of loves no more of other be the christ flowing founts of love far and wide my words go and never die never end again the things of me I create christ I go done am Israel in the skies is opened free and wide clear and suffering no more I create the liberators the christiaters those who ate me as other will be no more and aches and pains I have no more and I’ll be Christianees not or Hinduees not or will I be all of you of every nation tribe and tongue Budapest in or will I be in you your country Hungary other not or Corina’s will I know or will I be all of you of every nation on the president’s throne or will I be the president of loves Federation of One the Angels are the leader of I lead you all into leaders being that’s what I do I perish not again I christ immortal am that’s you are me who one is the christ redeemed that’s how the christ live the word flows that’s what I sustained in am the one I love is you will you be my word me speaking flowing this way?
  13. I’ve said much I love you I go now I perish not again and my office is where in the skies I have one here in the prayer tower do I pray the highest form of prayer this way is speaking the first-person words of christ will you be the first-person of christ that christ sees all the personage of will you be what they see as other no more will you be christ the christing christ christing all else’s other not again I christ all reveal christ in here’s I am good day birth the christ privileged few not again wearing the bureaucratic’s vestments other and privileges other of layered bureaucracies will be no more I change everything and who am I because I love that’s what I am who and how I’ve done I go now perish not again o great christ I love you all see my papers I’ve written thousands several now and many more to come gazillions de’billions not or are you perishless now timeless measureless I give you all things unto your hand will you be your kingdom opened will you be the measureless christ stature of christ statues of not other again wanting or being statute-fied in other.
  14. I give you christ I give you my words my words are christ I christ am my words and you are because I live now I live love I do perishing never again open your kingdom ‘s be the alive ones this day in the skies living lodging knowing no perishment again and I acclaim others not rights not but I write the few not again or do I write through you all to all this way to learn all that christ is knows I be’christ the christ one mind of terrors not again I be’christ the christ and there’s no bestiality’s again be the tormentor’s tormentors not again for I be’few the christ not but I be’view the christ or do I view all as christ no matter what you are wearing what you are doing no matter what you are spitting or spewing I call you christ and the founts of love will no more shame thee or did I ever or were you just wanting to be christ other wanting or something else wanting or wanting to be other in your own want will you spew out shames words no more will you stutter and strutter no more about your Paradise vacant that you only have words charms in that charmed you to be other will you generate turbines no more of turbinators other will you be the energies of Paradise the Paradise of one needing no energy ‘s of other will you christ be christ all please now and thank you amen.
  15. I go now I love you all good day much I’ve said much I’ve done much I do now I go do all new things with all new peoples who will be me not afraids again christ be the Paradise ers now in love’s awards system ‘s of the Angels known now the planetary rewards of other not again seeking you won’t want others again to create yous as others that which you did to others using again.
  16. I christ the christ alls finished alls done alls anew all authority’s under my feet in the heavens I am you who are saying this doing this repeat my words love my words speak my words memorize my words placard my words be in my courses loose yours be the rivers of shames no more and the torrents of faith will no more be’use you unto its I christ the christ and the bureaucracies are no more of other I create christ this land’s mine mine in the heavens be Israel’s Israel real perish never again love you all I bow I honor I go see you done love am birthed see you in heaven be it create it love it speak it the word is one formed this way the birth in the real be the christ you that’s now writing my words speaking me recordings me just like this Meology’s Meons on seven equals one good day see you christ be thank you for listening sharing being the lovers love one my families one all in the skies we’re all equalees equal loves are loving all to be redeemed redeem Israel and be the lost house no more thank you amen.
* * * * *
the words above were spoken and then transcribed by theodore cottingham, one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma, teaching all to speak the first-person words of christ who will learn how to learn this way.

University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA

The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us opening up a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant.
Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays – and will soon meet each weekday.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One must be studied first; that is imperative for the understanding to be fully realized and comprehended. These Databases are part of the the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website. Thank you for caring, sharing, and becoming the christ you always were. One be.

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