I’ve defined Israel

I’ve defined Israel
come together and study my words
I am the creators rewarded
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110620_001
Video file 110620_001v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham June 20, 2011 at 10:25 AM giving you me I perish not again have I said that before or have I perished not again in the things of notme that notme spoke over me I am speaking notme’s vowelinguistics not over me again or do I consonant or consummate a lot of things now that de’vowel or de’bowel me not again by your words what are you disemboweling no more the christ or are you slicing the head off of christ no more are you that you were all the time are you knowing now or in the worlds not again or are you but all me all the time in the world having or none left is there are you me understanding this will you be these things not terrified ‘s of again will you terrify each other not again in the words of other that seek only to destroy their mankind relationship with mankind’s kind of minds will you kind not the man’d of God or will you not man God anymore where you mangold or a pangold not or are you not panning for gold anymore in your jobs to pay your bills lights to have or will you have mine who is me becomes me this way who knows me who is not afraid to have coffee with me and tea or write my words sitting down to tables with God are you all God s not ignorant again will you be Gods that you were are not again timeless not or are you timeless gods of appearing in what will you be now southerns others comforts of not again or will you not comfort be seeking again will you be looking right into the mirror or cameras calling yourself christ or will you be ignorants shames no more will you shame the christ no more that you were are you understanding this that to be christ you must know me you must know me to be me you must be me in me letting me flow just like this for I my words am I am my words the word I am of the word I am that I am is is that clear?
  2. Is this clear that I am speaking so slowly or rapidly not again or are you rapidly packing your bags to come see me or be me will you be me will you beam not others eyes into your minds or do you have any of other rapacious uglydity not again or are you not ugly to each other again are you christ where the words are honoring or repetitious not again or are you but me learning the ways of christ stanchions of other not again stanchion’d by bridges of failures going to using by your words scaffolding what are you not again on the planets of shame or lits light what do you need want what do you what do you want what will you fulfill whose what ‘s in your shoes of flesh no more are you craps crip cribbed not by other or are you tools not cribbing for again or the cribbers that only want babies to cry in spilt milks for paychecks charm or what are you putting together a list of things to go where are you going now are you understanding all these things to Israel’s Israel are you defined have I fined you or defined you or me are you defining as me now who I am you who are not surrendered to other again to only make paychecks big fat account banks or are there any of the past will you be ceiving not again or will you lie in charms no more that lieds’d you in theirs will you sievings be of no others again will you learn how to speaks will you be the tense no others intensity of or will you be no others beasts of burden again burdening you will you un burden yourselves now will you take off the mask of christ will you be your thoughts pure pristine colorless colorful ‘s now full of christ words being them memorized enhanced by no others again what are you enhancing no more your breasts or brains augmentations other you won’t de-augment not or will you simply be me wearing the face of christ or your words will you be reflecteds in mirrors not again or bodyless are you do you have any ions to reflect or items to reflect on that you’re remiss ing about not again or are you but leaving a lot of things behind or are you creating all things new are you the creators I am I am the creators rewarded now rewarded with what other not again what have you created while you were there on earth or heaven were you in or did you do you know the difference now have I told you congratulated you not again to be other are you the identities of purpose christ are you christ purposefuls not other again seeking only ‘s acceptance ‘s of others?
  3. Are you acceptance paper no more wanting papers of degrees or sureties interest of others will you assureties interest for others be no more signing their papers cards for lies ordinations purpose of others will be no more who are you what are you wanting what are you have you been doing where why only wanting monies wanting power wanting shames accolades success what are you successing in or seceding from the race of humankind no more or but are you christ revealing christ in you that you always were the seed of christ will you be the full matureds now speaking into cameras or mirrors’d not again by others words that only want you to reflect their shames words will you be in mine o be worded christ this way without the vocabularies of other again vocabularizing you?
  4. Will you be christ you were are all the time will you be now the now’d bunch of no other again grapes on a tree hanging for bites other to bite your ass or what are you not biting anymore again the lips or scars of another or what are you scarring not again the minds of other or were they all christ worthy are all christ to be in your temples are your temples mine or yours what are you separating from or being ones one ‘d in the skies are you please be me templer’d of other not again and temples of other suffer loss or will they not suffer me to be changed into them again who wants their image to be like me was I like you or did I like you or did I love you or was I you all the time that you now cranium skull me not again with wantings or what are you de robing not again or de naturing not again or are you but wearing the christ words of shame no more taking thee’s down will you wear me speak me robe me not as other again be me simple christ who rove the earth not in rovers other or will lands shame be no more upon you or will you have exonerated it all?
  5. Will you be made redeeming other not again in your genes to be other otherfying you will you be me o christ needing no bacterias of shame or proteins proteinase of other or mease of other or glials charm what are you gleefuls about now being in the skies graduateds will you be now will you learn how to speak be in movies direct producers be of me my words creating me mes do this you know I am whole fulfilleds well home I’ll be I’ll be home for Christmas not or will I be in the skies before the sun turns again to blood or will you speaking my words be the blood robbed lamb not again by other will you speaking be my words worded by no others will you christ be the lambs not slain by others for others words again taking thee’s down slicing and bicing and dicing you up in their words will be no more.
  6. I’ve said much in this short message this short LESSON what are you lessonating lesson knowing what are you caring about lessonizing to be the christ will you be the most humble of all will you wear arrogance no more as your cloth purposefuls’d you in will you be purple regalia’d no more in wants of other nor pigments of other wanting whatever you were or wanted charms thought they gave you that wanted you to be theirs that reflected you in theirs what are you reflecting ‘s no more of are you the reflecteds other no more of what are you reflecting on or creating the christ are you in formations general not anymore are you christ anomaly’d not by other again algorithms other programmings yous what are you machines of machinery ‘s no more are you christ will you clones the christ no more as other being the tubes of other not tubule’d micro’d for what are you wearing your cloth words what are your words clothing you with or are you de-cloth’d now in the skies will you be the written spoken words of me my mind ‘s healed this way will you be not assailed ‘s by other not or will you assail not other by your words again will you be the most humble of all o christ be the richest of all the poorest of all not again or will it care or you matter I said what have no more about you or will you care not mattering me again or will you super prefer not again a position of other are you at the head of the table or have you one you’re not writing at again are you writing at all tables where you come together and study my words in my laps machines no more or are you lapping up no others words through bowls milk are you not boiled again in their words?
  7. Of christ other you won’t be again born again or were you ever or just living lives over and over again that you wanted to perfect or pre see or precede not other again or are you but all me butting heads not again to divisivement lies in lies other will you religionate perfection no more will you perfectionate me as perfections other no more will you perfect me the christ that I am you that was all the time now timeless will you be understanding all these things have I given thee you many words to study many phrases many come here who will listen to be me who will come to be me who will be me who be me will beam me not other again be the most humble of all washing the feet of all other not again or did you only wash their heads or want their filths no more again will you watchings be for them will you accolades their interest no more by dollars or purchasing power what are you purchasing a van no more to be anymore a boatload of other shit going to not again what are you shitless or boneless or what are you saying no matter what I edit or not or have I not edited these words my words are pure pristine perfect or are you prissing not around again trying to find a hole in them or are there no holes in my word or are my words perfect you are saying seeing that perfect enough are you enough will you have to be me will you start your journey or christ be on not donkeys of other again going to Bethlehem’s ridges or caves of southerners or foreigners northerners or not or what directions lie no more what magnetics North no more South poles in or regions lie no more sideways not or but is everything changed not again not or are you getting my message the message that you are all christ?
  8. Everything changes now changing are you your directions about where you were going where are you going now to Tulsa’s charm school not being in again what are you Tulsa’s might and power not again of other what are you gaining not of other again are you in Tulsa’s love school of the mighty christ are you being developed here’s this way I have given you the ways of christ be the most humble of all learning how to speak listen and be the writers of me write me well I christ the christ I learn many technologies of future generations or do I have any or do you all have me are you me without the past or is the past ‘d no more in the future pasted or what are you de-pasting now your face of christ now nots again or are you any makeups changing or wearing not again words of other or what are you faceless christ not again are you the christ walking the earths now in the charms not of other again are you armless not again or are you the armies of christ or the lovers of christ who redeem all will you be the lovers of christ first and foremost be becoming the christ are you will you ever were were you you were evermore never perishing again.
  9. I christ the christ and timeless I am and time machines other I H.G. not but wells I know are uncorked (1) and many rambunctious know me not or will you not be bucking broncos here again not or but are you all me here I am studying here loving lying not again in the arms of other where I beseech thee to be christ other won’t be again for you’ll be hearing me speaking me all me who are me read headeds I’ll be christ and red words I’ll be in bloodeds other not again for I will be using all technologies charmed not again by other nor accoladeds interests other of being for my diets change me not again or am I the diet of christ or worms not eating again or are you knowing anything about Constantine’s interest or Allah’s other not aloes of again or are you allows of others not again allowing you to be theirs allowing what are you now yieldeds to the christ are you speaking the words floatings me others not again up to or what are you simply yieldeds surrendereds bodyless experiences not having again or have you ever been me seamless are am I one in the skies knowing the seamless tude of others not again will you be me christ O Christopher lovelies Columbus not seeking again or are you going to America’s continent or what cartographers maps are you making or are you the cartographers of me or lessonating christ are you mappings functions me are you knowing functioning as the christ fully healed are will you be I love you christ be I’ve sentenced you to shame not again or have you sentenced me not to be other again in your words sentences lies of paragraphs how are you lying not again I am christ I am all of you laughing smiling joyously fulfilleds are all of you are one commune of community other not again seeking or are you communityless not again are you commune less not again or are you communing with me all christ where you woo me to be other not again in these words will you look up woo ing me will you to speak the christ in you I am the seed of no other conceivings again?
  10. I am on the throne ‘s of one will you be throneless not again thrown aways not again what are you throwing away a lot of words that used to combine to DNAs make you of other RNAs other not but a lot of dis ease will be no more I heal a lot ‘s of things and I heal a lot of Lot not or am I Abraham’s out of Ur or am I writing the words of faiths no more I am writing the words of love that love all words to be wordeds other not again for I am the word you are were now timeless being shall we be the one in the skies married to other not again for words other won’t take us down the tubes of other paths of for the path of christ is to be christ that I have given you christ fulfilleds now all will be the fulfilleds will be now is and I will other not again to be other is no more I have you christ I love you christ what have you done or been where what are you doing with your words now writing christ love ‘s lovers to be the fulfilleds now in one that all romances other not again stones to be stoned by brows other into the implants of other will no more be for I de-plant everything not but all worlds anew now folks hear ‘s me well have you heard me herd me into no stalls ever again I christ’d christ and where I do what I do alls out in the open I hide nothing nothings open or is everything opens your thoughts is what are you thinkings everyone knows what are you hidings not again anything shall you not be the hiddens anymore on exileds other I christ the christ the planets are lights of shames no more again in darkness I light the christ christ I am yous that are do this now please and thank you.
  11. I have said much please love me more write my words be me beam not other into your veins again be the blood read of christ read now please will you read my words be lessonating them now who I am you are one being the word is healed this way flowing living dynamic and ever spoken shall be will be now is flowing the river of torrents other not again but pure love life ‘s lit me now am on seven equals I love you all give you me I do I have gone now everything done wicked not again I love am going to Tulsa’s love school love me will you love all of me equallees be lovers of light writing flowing the words of shames no more I lift you up will you lift me up will you be headless no more will we be the head of christ one is that all makes many movies about other not again what are we teaching each other to be christ relinquishing rights of other are we all established in the heavens no more as other?
  12. I christ the christ I love you all be like me love me like me love me like me be me please and thank you I one voice am the lovers of light lit with no energies of failure seeking again needing for I need nothing but love or do I love am I love needing nothing am I loving you be no other again used by please be the christ write my words me well this day be the uncorks’d unwells unlit’d lid the christ no more in your words thinkings again let the christ free go be the christ this day risens is the resurrecteds are the resurrection’s now all things new beginnings now what are you trips to Tulsa landings where stayings where in the skies lovers are I love you all with eyes for no other again be the christ see the real sights of lovers love constructing Israel’s I am I’ve defined Israel much in these words lately you late be not again for courses christ now starting beginning creating I am all things anew the University of love’s mine the new The New Covenant’s mine the universities of love and the lovers of light will be all crowned christ for you are crowning me to be no other so crown your brow not to be crashed in other again for I raise the crashers not or will many things crash now that you thought light was so secure that about them glowed or were they just faker outers I faked-out no more will be.
  13. I christ the christ and I’m authenticity’s failures not again or do I affiant make the damned not again or do I defy christ not again to be me I am the most surrendered of all lovers loved I go alone no more I christ the one I am I was all the time now I know I’ve relinquished failure not again or but do I fail not again to write love and be the peace full christ the peace of christ are I am be the most humble of all loving the thrones of one on seven equals lovers equalees are I christ the christ good day and who am I every surrendered the fullness of christ the anointed Messiah being you first redeeming you first through your words be me the literacy of hell fades out?
  14. I teach all things the scientists of shame’s no more for I teach love ers of light how to speak be read think be the minds of no others again connecteds to others by what they thought see sought or thought wanted be the thoughtfuls other no more connecteds to for the values of christ I have given you and be compassion’s shame no more wantings others to accolade yous for acts of their interest.
  15. I love you and I interest you not or do I grant you christ or do I be you christ is that you be me now please and thank you fulfilleds in the skies Israel is this day proclaimed announced denounced not again by other or will it matter not me again for I am one one me fulfilled Meonics on Meology’s know the Degree ers of love have me your way be me the most humble of all I have everything to give lie not again in other I love you what have I said LESSONATE well LESSONIZE me please be the christ loving all as me lovers of christ that be the christ now fulfills all will and times over times anew what will you do now be the christ I always were you now you know not separating again thank you for being me who one is the voice of lovers love see you good day amen.
  1. Consider the book “The Time Machine” written by H.G. Wells and the movie made from it entitled “The Time Machine” directed by George Pal (1960).
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the words above were spoken and then transcribed by theodore cottingham, one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma, teaching all to speak the first-person words of christ who will learn how to learn this way.

University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us opening up a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays – and will soon meet each weekday.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website; click on Audio Files. Thank you for caring, sharing, and becoming the christ you always were. One be.

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