I give you christ the real you

I give you christ the real you
for my words are christ
announced and proclaim delivereds here we are
will you knock on my door
the fulfillment of christ will you be
the regeneration’s now
will you be me in Paradise
I have become the christ this way
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110602_000
Video file 110602_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham with the University of The New Covenant bringing you me I do this day at 5:44 AM today am I you June 2, 2044 or 2011 are you me now thinking about these things will you be where are you in 40 seconds or 40 years or knowing the difference a day makes or are you me right now writing my words will you be me who perishes never again in the sub sidy of other or will you be subsiding me no other to others sides to only let my words fall out to the ground or had you any or were you only ground-ups in others and your ground ‘s went languishing that your kingdoms lie on for you are not liars anymore that because you know the First Degree ers are me and I’m from Ur’s not or am I Chaldean not mixed up again or am I all of you not mixed up again about where you are from or what are you do you care about being are’d not by again Ardmore’s other not are you starting a campus there too also will you be me everywhere in Oklahoma City ‘s am I going to am I being you in rich cities or poor am I changing everything about what you used to think about rich and poor what was and wasn’t are will you be me now who are’d not by terror again tackedamonies of strategies theorems of o’er will no more o’er ‘er ize you for your eyes to be healed by thems and them of other eyes only that wanted to give you theirs that to think like theirs there will be no more for you’ll be the healeds knowing the difference and you will heal you first you forgive you first you learn to speak this way and the ways of christ will not be foreign to you alienated from you anymore for you will not be the aliens christ was or will you be knowing learning about all these things not alienistic to others by their thoughts or what have they cut you of from or what are you cutting off no more your lineage of christ will you be every christ is learning this way where who loves me is who love is loving this way who perishes no more again in other.
  2. I am the light of the world you are that you are not worlds other light perishing again you know the difference now and I’m the university ‘s of the new and the universities I am of perishing not again for I Paris not Hilton’s not or do you know the names of my companies or my commerces in the heavens am I opening ‘s up to you all have I given you all things to Hiltonize Parisiens not or are you openings your flesh in or what’s in your flesh or has been no more is equals me will you be that opportunity izes no more again to be others izes fulfilled will you eyes’ers not be of each other again geezers of or picking your nose or closing your eyes need to do you sleeps at all or are you picking out the sleeps or the eyes not again of others are you seeings me seetheings not another again will you speak me extemporaneously like this will you be not worrieds about a hair or a harebrained idea or a particular itus that one wants to label you as theirs or not will you be ridicule ‘d mocked scourged scorned dethroned or will you have mine what have I to give thee who will be me will you perish not again oh great Paris or Germany what hands are you in no more of the great conclave of other Italy or what are you Italianing no more the steaks of sausages other being grounds ups in ideas what ideologies are you casting no more yourselves of in what are you have you been in plasters of no more cast of other what are you casting no more of other plasters of or going what to are you are you me will you be me who speaks like this just the one being who I am at the table of one speaking will you be the the right righteous eous of not other again will you be the righteous king kinging all else and other not existing in your kingdom will you be opened it I am opening all these things to you how have I spoken to you are you listening will you listen will you be arise me will you be arising out of the cells of other are the gates swinging open are you jailers no more in Paradise wanting only to incarcerate your brethren your sistern lie with and lie to each other will you lied not be to each other again will you set all free will you engender sex ists not or will you be free from all that thought you into its thought will you be no more thought’d of thought’d’s Paradise ‘s wanting?
  3. Will you Paradise be construct Paradise will you be constructing thought in no more that thought you to be other will you use words no more as you was is will is be no more used was as will you listen not be an ass of other will you be arrogant no more of other or were you only other in pompous circumstances or were you deceived’s not shall you be again shall you listen ing be to my words will you speak me just like this are you listening will you care to listen will you speak me will you learn ridicule not ing again will you knock on my door ‘s of Paradise not or will you be in Paradise opening your doors to open mine will you be the same ones one that we are the door is open to each other that all opens out to Paradise not of other again are we christ we are christ who do this you know now you’re not ignorant and you’re not afraid if you will be me you not afraid of the timid or arrogant for arrogant you’re not anymore afraid of or being and what you’re being not afraid of other is now now’d and you’re not creating others arrogant Paradises in them that they only want to think in so you’re tearing down crumbling their walls not or are you are you but tearing down the walls they have encased themselves in when you think they are the christ when you christ them when you reveal you who you are them they are too also and not two’d faced again or heads two having what are you will you be one ‘d of one again will you be the christ who christ is all one are T-H-E or T-H-E-E are you theodores not or are you but one all of you your names here will you be write the christ will you your name here ____________________ will you speak thusly just like this whether you’re ridiculed or not mocked or not scourged or not?
  4. What have you given up your right to be king not again given up write me o king to be your king of kings will you be kinging all your kings will you love all as the king loving them all will you redeem them will you love me will you not be worrieds about Paradises strength of mankind’s mind again or charming purposes of other will you not be wrapped-ups in actamonies or activitymonies or monies of moneyiousness that only monies want to give you of charms other to be enraptured ‘s in others will you care about me who I am is will you sniffle your noses not or will you not turn up your noses at my words be ensconced in others no more will you please and thank you amen.
  5. I go in peace and who am I a one simple surrendered am I christ you revealing you to me I am you the one voice of not other speaking through you again are you honoring all as christ you are that you are honoring all as christ not asses again that only want donkeys to speak words of other confusing you will you not be again the confusions Confucius or will you know mine or me mine will you be mind one perishing not again in the sub stantial of other what are you substantialling no more again are you smiling witnessing other not to again about other what are you to going now from or what have you come from where are you returning are you will you be the will of no other again tuned to again or the tunes of love will you be tuned to mine speaking mine words this way that are frequencies of other not reconciling or oscillating yous or are you oscillations perish perishing ‘s now no more again not or but are you perishing no others thoughts in yours minds of one temple ‘s are you clean perishing other not again or but are you uprooting whole lot of things that you used to think so thought secure would be in your temples anchoring it to Anchorage’s Alaska not or but what are you walking across the Straits of the Bering Sea or the Bering Straits or what are you bearing certified others not being again?
  6. Will you bear me christ or will you bare me christ who am I what are you speaking saying spelling thinking writing reading will you be the intelligent christ that I was am all the time is speaking like this who will you let me please be the christ who does this now who will be with me in Paradise constructing it constructing Israel my name is mine now praised not by others or is mine revealed that yours is that you will be not other otherfied by again otherfieds’d by again will you not otherfying be otherfieds by buying other again will you need nothing ‘s from this worlds commerce at all will you be me who new creations are lie ing not again in other will you be me needings no rest of wrestlings other or will you wrestle not with the words of mankind’s again will you be mine will you kind be to each other will you love each other will you be in Paradises love of other no more creating it other to be will you be other ‘d no more will you be christ making movies or palatial’s Paradise not or but are you the richest of all man in Babylon men in Babylon hells no more in you what are you of genderless sex no more or sectless not or are you but christ no matter are you again matter’d of caring for or redeeming it all will you be me who’s laid down the life of another not again for peril imperiled in or are you me who cares for my soul or will you not soul’d be to another will you not just soul each other creating souls in each other talking about Paradise wanting to be one one in sometime at a future time no matter what you have called it Nirvana or Briana’d atman or brahman not again or are you going to christ all Ghia not or Gaia’d other not again ether’d by your thinking what are you miss ing not again or missing all everything not again are you me who sees Paradise not again as other will you be other no more constructing it as others was is no more of other is constructing what is you see for what you see is no more for what you were constructing was Israel’s not again revealed everything will be will you be see ing Israel now see ing Paradise not or constructing it will you be the constructors of the builders of Paradises other not again going to or redeeming or but redeeming but redeeming you first will you be the redeemers of you first that the redeemers all become the first first’d of the ones one ‘d this way will you win not others seaming to your charming smile or your winsome ways will you Winston’s be no more perishing or what are you smokings no more in the gates of hell or gains of hell not wanting again what are you commerces not failures again only wanting quarterlies reports to enhance your images or theirs destroy of others that you compete with destroying their reputations not or their commerce whose what one is lies where what is the judgment of Paradise are you now judging Paradise you in Paradise will you judge that you created you in?
  7. What are you judging knowing understanding will you be the redeemed worthy to redeem you worthy will you be to redeem you worthy will you be to you christ I call you christ and I am looking right at you writing the words of christ because after I speak them I transcribe them I be them I post them on email out on internets of shame no more for I will be incarcerating shames words no more in others for I free all as christ I tell all as christ they are whether they want to be want no more incarcerated in ‘s or not for they will snotty faces be no more running from their christship not or will they know now will you know now who you are whose you are no matter how you spell it what have you come from where are you what are you the christ christing christ now will you be not from a far country again not or but are you going to redeeming first now me are you me that you are I am knowing understanding these things the fulfillment of christ will you be the words of not otherfied ‘s again by will you otherfied be the affiant ones no more that dammed are or will you not damn me again to hells bells or what are you the music of perishing not again the symphonies harmony or are you writing symphonies of loves tunes do you know of tunes love will you be the tuned love of mine or be out of kilters no more are you will you be christ no matter what face you have or wear or were?
  8. What are you futured or past no more in 40 years hence or whence what came you from or where are going to are you are you going to hells bells no more be charmed in are you charmless now will you be ions’d approach no more of other rays of light other incarcerating you that you didn’t know the difference of will you be light’s light now lit will you be lits light now Schlitz not by malt other or will you be Coorsing me or cursing me not again will you be me who knows the lambs book of life writing it that sets yours free will you be the writers of life creating it’s all anew all anew I am I am you who ‘s I am and who belong to I am you I am free’s of or am I redeeming the curse of mankind that mankind’d mankind with or are you setting free the christ are you the christ being freeing the christ within you that was all the time not incarcerated in times zones again what are you christ freeing the universes the universes freeing christ or are you understanding all these things going to many to all to all will you be the redeemed redeemers redeemed redeeming I am will you be the christ anointed of alls to alls be the revealers thereof that christ are one’s one will you be sexless genderless not or what are you but giving up but what are you getting being or receiving not the rejectership of other what are you shipping off no more to hells bells or are you death knolled no more tolled for?
  9. Are you christ will you be christ redeeming christ the families of will you weep not in terror ‘s terror again will you terra of earth be no more or firma ‘d in other not again what are you affirmed by the christ to be the christ now I affirm I terrorize other not again in my genes nor theirs for I look all as christ being the christ to reveal to them they are and I am you not starting universities not again for I am starting universities everywhere that christ is the universities of one in peril other not again imperiling others to be impaled by their words and you won’t words other again to be wordeds used by theirs again for you will know the difference and who will you be what will you be doing in 40 years or 40 minutes or but 4 seconds have you to be me or 3 not again am I ever Trinityized not by failures definitions again will you know mine will you let me define your worlds for you or mine be mine words that reveals all things to universes will you all be mine that mine is mind one healed this day will you be me in Paradise not of other will you be separations no more lie in will you lyings be liars to liars other no more liaring in your lairs will you be dens of lions no more chompings on your teeth of each other’s words or wantings want will you be wantless now will you be the wantless because you have all things given to you on silver platters not again or but wanting silver are you at all or coppers perishment not or are you but all minerals or perishing all things are you not moleculars wantings at all are you not moleculars establishing again what are you molecular want no more?
  10. I christ the christ I speak just like this extemporaneously trying to look into the camera or mirror of other not be controlled by or what they may think or tell me what are you mirrors’d by no more in your soul or having refractions reflections not reflection’d you in right-angles of others peril awards given to or being the givers of life will you be me who speak this way not worried about a foul syllable or will you not be fiouled anymore by spark plugs of other or what are you sparking not again ignitions of or Paradises fuel injection system not or what are you injecting into your veins no more drugs of religions or thought’s thought thoughtery ‘s of others will no more be’thought you into tanks theirs and the others that only wanted your flesh to lie in theirs and be lied to that gave you a christ of other religions or Hindus Hindaic Parthenons or not Greek Medes or Persians or whatever you thought you were Greeks were of Plato’s or not Aristotelians or not sesquipedalians will you be not any more again of chopping off words other or will you know the christ that reveals all things and be not afraid of syllables war ‘age or whoreage again what wharfs are you from no more or docking into port stations in space are you crafts of other not again what armies are you knowing invading yours not again or are you bacteria’s shame no more or speaking my mighty words of christ are to others not again or am I Paradises in lying no more waiting to invasions be over will you invade the christ not again with your words will you be invaders marauders not again marauding desperadoes of what are you desperate for no more monies accolades shames what are you shamings no more again of birthed by?
  11. Will you love your brethren will you hate not again will you love all as me christ being the church of not other again no matter what you called it in what language are you having no birthed in you again that birthed your language of fame shame or what vestments are you no more wearing or languages of faith not immersed’s in are you again will you be mine speaking me just this way my mind healed my minds is one that one is healeds is for we all heal each other or do we heal me first that I am you that you redeem me first in you to be I am ‘s am am’d this way will you be am way of no others again the way of christ will you know be me not multilevel selling christ again to finance your incomes vision or wants dreams that someone gave you to peril you in their wants of their streams of their incomes piling on you shit deep higher rewards wanting to be accoladed of others and have your ease interest in others is no more and I change the clouds not or but do I change the heavens or do you reveal yours in me not again of other will you be not gains of other wanting quarterlies reports of or balance sheets unbalanced again are or what are you knowing income statements no more of or income having are you of the First Degree will you need any know any?
  12. What are you saying yes to or no to what are the two most important words or what is christ what are you where being now what are you being in ensconced no more in will you be the enraptured no more in technologies dream or quarterlies reports or public testimonies or corporations to witness other ‘s profits in you what are you profiting or losing the whole worlds or what know you about kingdoms yours perishing not again will you o king be the righteous king who righteouses others not again or but are you writing me so you know yours open are you learning how paradise is waiting not again being the christ will you christ me my words be ones in Paradise constructing it Israel’s is Israel is is Israel you my name yours my name’s Cottingham not again or am I you all of you one that one is Israel’s our name in Paradise constructing it new worlds going to being worldless not again or are we worldees no more again worldless or are armyless not again do we need one will we be the christ needing all things or nothing will we be nothings anymore to anyone’s anyone or will we be christ knowing the words of shame no more programmings us using by used’s by others no more will be choppings up our kingdoms of christ for christ we will be all one kingdoms known the kingdoms of christ restored this day are in you in you will you be that christ is not the isle of planets other going to or what are you straightening out or energizing not again bunnies of other wanting or playboys girls or girls boys plays not again or what are you playing with no more fire crackers of ceremony or pyro techniques of other not again what are you techniqueing no more trying to perfect yours so you’ll be accoladed or wearing the robes of gowns other or what are you see through in Paradise or invisibles no more are you the visible’d visible christ that wears testimony not other again to righteousness un’s will you be healed healing yous first will you not used be by others words again will you be christ christing the christ will you be sitting here like mes do speakings the standing christ will you be in the heavens studying at my campuses my campus is christ what am I writing on painting perishing never again will you be the art ists of christ will you be christ in residence here ‘s I am I am’s am I am’d this way the christ returned returning is you to your former ceremony no more will you tethered not be to other again?
  13. Will you cease the christ being the anti’d of other or will you cease me no more or will you see me as you you being me the real you I am that always was I am not ceremony ensconced in again to take me out and post me to a bells ball or balls bell again for I am not ballets of other again or am I jumping terraces not again or into planets charm not again being ballet’d by what am I hammer and sickled no more or Armand other am I not armed in other or am I tanks perishing again needed not or am I walking all through your terroristic equipment or what are you invading no more arms of others or giving them heads lies in to be reproached of I circle everything nots again or but am I circulars not again circularizing diaphragms of or words mouth projecting shames no more projectiles of what am I missiles of approach no more or see-through I you do I all?
  14. I see what you’re thinking what are you your thinking are you what are you thinking now not thoughts of other what are you will you be christ thinking the thoughts of christ writing the words of christ not thinking words of other thoughtings you using you will you be christ knowing the heavens in will you be constructing them that’s you inside you of other no more will you be programmed by witness of other thoughts thinkings ions’d approach being?
  15. Will you be me no matter what you have been sneezing at or not will you be me who takes testimony and turns it around not back at you not or what will you be saying or backing no more backs up backs of in backed-up chairs not again or are you standing not against walls other against firing squads or what are you perishing no more the christ will you be in easy chairs no more reclining or wanting easy boys or girls to flare their dresses or yours or what are you flaring no more minds of mankind’s what are you flaring words no more testimonies of what are you ignitings no more of what will sayings you be led by no more will you christ be the perishment of testimonies other or are you perishing a lot of things now will you be uprooteds are will you be constructing Israel’s I plant in the skies planted others not again vineyard mes for I am the vineyards of christ the wines of the new I speak the christ words I am that christ are breeding this ways bred by no others again am I christ reproducing christ revealing christ I am yous was all the time supposed to be or what were you doing or thinking what of your temples were you in or only templeaffied of others are you not worshiping theirs anymore in theirs ways thoughts are you not thought’d by their ways anymore that gives you a cultural norms theirs what are you normalcy ‘s of no more are you christ in the skies will you be going to planets charm not anymore programming yous?
  16. Will you be the christ who regards all as christ will you be witnessing not to other again as other used to will you be me not the historical of other historified in historicity’s other or synchronicity’s charm or wanting synchronitized other or mastosisms other not or but what are you mastering the simple simplicity of hearing christ will you be me not stirred-ups again wanting soups of other will you be me christ at the tables of one this way at the Fellowships of One in will you be creatings me this way my universities of never perish again I christ the soups not again of mankind’s mind or were you only souping me to be others giving up your birthrights no more will you be the christ will you be who see me speak me this way will you be the christ’d christ who cares about how fuzzy your picture is on your monitor or not or what are you monitoring no more the fuzziness of your bank accounts have you any?
  17. What are you concerned about perishment no more are will you be christ is will you be are’d not by other or tethered not anymore by other are you Ardmore’s dreams not or more’sville Paradise not or are you the mores of christ knowing creating the christ I am the universities of love and The New Covenant’s mine freed and I am the Everlasting Covenant of shames not again incarcerated in no matter what you’ve called it religions yours will no more ensconce mes for I be christ I reveals christ I am all of yous not used by other again I arise I speak I words witness testimony other not or but are am I christ will I be christ not the words rising not or what are you rising to your opportunities now christ being the rulerships not in terror again will you rule your christ not with an iron rod of other again testimonies of others ironing you out on their boards of shame will you not be used for consciences other again or will you have one of other no more will you be programmed by will you snubs snubbers not or will you walk past all will you thumb your nose no more at others that think like you or don’t be the christ honor all honoring all be the christ I am knowing my words writing about the mores of shame no more will you simply be the christ revealing christ all honor christ as christ revealing christ will be now revealed who all are I am one who is the planets of the Angels now knowing redeemed are that you change everything.
  18. Who am I the surrendered simple the simple surrendered I am I am’s knowing yous I am I am yous not used by other again I christ the christ and I’m arids roll on not or but am I rolling by no others words again or am I roled by on their boards not again shames of I shame the christ not again for I am’s I am the christ revealed doing these things this way I honor the mores of christ I am the values of christ knowing writing about I am programs’d not by others again I religion no more shames am of I religion christ not again I am religion blasting caps not or have I but destroyed it all or are you destroying me no more your kingdoms of that I am the door or you are the door of to no other again what are you isleing no more again of are you the planets going to redeeming them all now knowing the curse of mankind’s not again what are you cursing no more again that which cursed you will you be the witches brew no other that thinking like mankind’s mind wants to do will you be me christ will you be trying to energize others not to again with their words or yours wants or eyes empiricaling what are you visible ‘d no more or are you christ in the skies commerces other not starting or are you the heavenlies knowing being in not ensconced in underpants other running around as toddlers will you christ be the rulers terror’s no more will you be the Gulf Wars no more again or what gulf will no more ensconce you or will everything be turned overs not again or will the tables in the temple be no more of others that only want monies ensconcement vestments of investings other vestment meetings and meetings of vestments perishes now no longer are?
  19. What is changing what are you being where in 40 years or 40 seconds or 40 me or perfected are you 70 not seeing again but seven are you perfect equal on are you perfections ceremonies of other not ceremonying you to be ceremony’d by will you ceremoniously be tethered not to other by terrors charm or will you simply be me who arise in the wee hours and speak like this whether it be 6 AM or 7 2 or 3 or my Noon Meetings will you be at internets shame not again or will you be me who post your words on not afraid of other what any may say or ridicule mock or spit at or try what are you worrieds about no more the words of other will words no more beget you as others theirs will you beget the christ will you forget me no more will you be the christ out of the tombs will you be the risen christ out of your bodies of shame and shaming not your bodies of each other again not be incarcerateds thereto will you be the christ risens this day will you arise me or you will we be the same one ‘s one one’d I am again my father and I are one and I am the Dr. of no other again or am I doctoring paper walls not or do you know Paper Jesus not again or but are you looking up in these words all these terms of my universities of loves perish never again and the Central Database you will know of my Databases are perfect or enough will they be perfect enough for you to be perfect now?
  20. Will you be the risen christ o christ be risen not in other circumstances of terror taking you down again will you be worrieds no more wringings your hands do you have any do you care about me what are you perishing not again my thoughts theirs or yours or are we all ones christ christ ones in the heavens constructing Israel’s I am not the Arabs of terror or are there any or are they all you your brothers sister fathers mother what are you one christ bloods of no other bloods again wanting or divisivements thinking in are you all one blood christ is one families is in the heavens be not the warriors of terror again on al Qaeda’s not or turf’s other by what are you religion’d no more al fundamentalists of not but what are you fundamentals no more perishing or are you uprooting alls that majored in mankinding you will you be mankind’s of religion no more not the humanities perishing again or but will you not be humanity’s experiment again experimenting on are you christ will you be the Gods in the heavens are you all were all the time were now will you know be not the underpants ‘d God ‘d again that only wanted other.
  21. Be the christ know your role mine rolls not in words other again for I rolls the christ in smokes not again or do I in hells bells no more charm ash sink in or what am I volcanoes no more activating activations of or what perishes no more the seas of floors other or tectonic plates what are you looking up knowing in these words what are the christ revealed you are I am is knowing all these things we live in the heavens everything’s new the regeneration’s now will you be the christ christ’d christ being christing all christ will you be no matter what they look like to you or what you looked like to them what they have said may have or not will you be my Mays christ not again ringing around posies or June’s other not again or but what are you ringing or knowing me or ringing in your ears not again healeds tinactin is not or what are you tinacting or Tinseltown of other not going to are you christ in the skies the real be the real I am using technologies charms’d not again by.
  22. I love you all I’ve given you many things to think about to ponder what are you doing in 40 seconds 40 years not again there’s only one you that I am perish not again in the genes of other invade the christ bodies no more of bodies wanting body’s flesh agains of blood for the dollars of yens other and the yuans rubles and stuff ‘s other that’s stuffed you in its frame of reference will no more reference you as un-christ again I christ you all no matter what you’ve said done or thought with other again you will not be the otherfieds christ wanting no matter what you called it for I be christ Muhammads Hindu not or brahmans atmans not or what are you christing Jesus christ are you or one are you no matter what you called it that God you wanted to be something else of God a higher power or what powers are you no more seeking will you be the surrendered christ that creates all anew speaking into mirrors not again that reflect only your words wants in others eyes will you be me the speaking christ all of you no matter what sexless or sex you wanted or were born of or thought are you thought born of no more the identity of christ are you no more perishing in your genes thought of other will no more be borns there.
  23. I love you all I perish not again who am I the simple surrendered who will be the meek christ are learning meekness is at the center surrender is Surrenderology knowing meekersology not but I tell you this I course the christ I universityize love I have eyes of love open for all now I love all as christ being the church of no other will be for the firstborn are mine in the skies and you’ll know how to lookup things in my words being them revealeds is I heal you all healing me I am that I am you are one the father and I names are one that yous are ones I am my father and I are healed for I healed my father or did I conceive my mother or were my words my mother that my father conceived in me or am I ones one all brethren sistern are conceiveds this way delivereds full-terms birth now are announced and proclaim delivereds here we are I am’s ones one good day amen.
  24. No matter what I speak will you hear me no matter where I am will you hear me will you be me speaking doing all this these things revealing all the christ to all now my fathers business being about that our fathers is that we are have become the father is of all things anew will you think this way not be the thoughts’d down of other raise the christ be the christ arisens the resurrection’s now the resurrecteds are who will be me will perish not again but the thoughts of other are there now no more thoughts of other be the christ revealeds this day in you being you the real you I am I am you one and my father is one who you will you be conceiveeds of no others by?
  25. I buy the christ not but I sell a lot of things not or but do I give away a lot of things that used to perish me also I perish not others again or but do I write the words of christ I write the writings of christ I have become the christ this way I have given you the way perish not again o souls of other for you will not be sold on the open market as souls other again christ the christ be in the heavens free ‘ds this day I love you all I bow before you all I call you christ I go now done to another place afraids no more be the christ muchafraids gone for I decreased christ not but I have no fear for what you can do to me say speak or think be my multiple lacerations not again of my words for my words are christ what are yours birthing being what are you in now times no more times mine alls under my feet or am I alls in the heavens are you christing christ Israel is that’s my name is you ones I are art am I christ of not others again the universities of love all know me I am the universities of love not perishing again but all else fails the income of for testing I’m not being the income test of again inured by or inurements other wanting nor sexist other garnering for presence on pews other nor rosters of shames donors again I donate the christ not I develop the christ I create the christ the love of one in you that I am was all the time the powers of one the power of one love regarded not as others again I regard I call you all christ the anointed Messiah you being you first redeemed by you first to be the most Messiah’d of all Messiah’ing others over you or under you won’t be again all equals on seven are christ all of us are one one’d again the planets of the Angels the federations of love love loved again all into being the real I am in the real be now not ensconced in others again wants of other no more be’Paradise you as un’s hell’s no more heaven’s heavens here now we create it we be love I am love this way love all equally equalees be I love you good day I’ve said much don’t miss me pass me around eat my body drink my blood my words are my blood’s yours what are you perishing not again our bodies one the fathers is create alls anew Gods is God I am love you all good day amen.
  26. Speak the christ be the resurrecteds now thank you see you at my temples yours cleaned will be by my words I am know me well pass me around and eat me as other not again be the christ and bulls of other no more give me meats of flesh again I give you christ the real you revealeds are this day what’s today perishing no more again in thoughts of other I christ the christ and what are you doing in 30 seconds 10 in 10 minutes what have I said or 30 40 or an hour no more have you to get ready prepareds be what clock is running you no more are everything is changed I clock the christ not again or are you clocked not by temples other or words other programs divisivements other what are you christing your words first christ me well I love am the words birthed this way womb other not again good day amen I call you christ and I bow I arise you are one I am revealed I go I love you I loved have become love loved I am love all equally good day.
* * * * *
theodore cottingham is one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website; click on Audio Files.
The Fellowship of One are fellowship groups to study these words of Database One, Two, and Three. For information contact us. Freely share these LESSONS with those who may value them. Thank you. 

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