THE MEONICS COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham a video,News,video the way to be me christ I have given you

the way to be me christ I have given you

the way to be me christ I have given you
Meons being me on’d will you be
the intelligence of christ
what will you be faced with
what are you facing new crisis or christ
singlees on purpose
who learns this way
be the christ educating christ
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110601_000
Video file 110601_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham June 1, 2011 at 2:45 AM giving you me Paradise am I in it constructing it am I in it me I am for the long-haul or eternally grateful am I for all things perishing not or but am I perishing a great many things that has brought me to this point that I used to value so greatly that used to grate upon me or my nerves or had I any of steel or did I surrender to be used of no other again am I used’s of no other again am I use to no other again of other or am I not interested in the world of other but to redeem it to reveal it to me or me to it am I one with the same and but no other going with as before to crosses over or what am I crosses over to the other side now I am crossing over to many things that I’d crossed-out in my genes not or but have I crossed-out many things in the past I thought was anomaly ‘s not or what am I anomaly’d not again or anomalies benign not or cancerous not to other again or am I revealing the truth that upsets a status quo that will think me cancerous its or am I not worrieds about what anyone may think or do or feel towards me or my family ‘s in the skies my family’s in the skies and I know what my brother sister mother father is I am creating all of you that one is that one is all of us that one race of christ is that I am clear is that clear to me now I am clears about all things I’m ready and I’m departures other not waiting for again I am me again’d I am not the whole world by other again for I am not other’d by the whole world again for I am worlding not by worlds other again but I am worlding now new worlds or am I wielding love have I become it of the First Degree of the University of love am I the University of The New Covenant ‘s me that I am that I am covenanted with shame no more for shame shall not exert its force on me anymore and I shall not be enmity’d to at nor millions thousands coming here to see me or witness a miracle not or in their genes will they be witnessed other not by again what are you listening to be willing to to witness me will you that I be do many things differently will I let me be me who I am that perishes not again in the sea of other will the seed of your authority no more be seed for other or see ‘d for authority other to cover you no more will be what vestments will you be wearing or will you be willing to instruct mes not again or but are you willing to share mankind’s mind not again but yours that mine is mine is that yours is not separate again from mine the speaking christ the living life of one that christ is God is the father is healed now that all one are knowing these things all are perishing not again are you going to new worlds doing new things in new peoples with what are you now the holy spirit of one that one is not the holy vest iges of other again wanting nor vestments soup soupings yous will you be who needs no none not or are you not the perishing fathers again that created new worlds not or but are you the mother sisters of no more cantors cantations or what are you Beth knowing or Israel are you all Elizabeth’s other not again queen of or are you all but one queen no more of others words but all fathers kings are that one makes Paradise frozen no more are you open are you rigid’s stance no more stance’d in?
  2. Will you speak me no matter what I say through you to you will you be you speaking me I am this way I am I am’d am and am’d I am this way I know what I mean and I am blued out no more nor whited out as other for I am whitey’s darky not or darkey’s white not again night or am I all white light of all colors of every nation tribe and tongue am I you speaking will you be knowing the difference will you create new worlds now new peoples all christ all colors of mankind’s mind not again or are we brown race of christ no more or but are we Arabic or Farsi speaking or fars away places are we not worrieds about going to singlees on purpose perishing not again are we going to new worlds creating them will you be speaking their languages mine or creating new ones altogether we are that one is our minds healed not fused by others again that wants to use us for their empirical privileges imperiallying them won’t be again for I’ll be the emperors empire not again or will there be no emperors of faith empire umpiring again will there be the vestments of large vestiges of vegetables no more that benign were or only wanted carcerations interests in themselves to vestiges be of no other again or but are you willing to change are you willing prepareds to be?
  3. Will you prepare for the great coming of me will you be me what have I said who is willing to go to new places be leaving behind all things or all peoples are you creating new ones for to relieve me not again what will you be creating new Paradise ‘s in Paradise of suffering not again will you be in are you redeeming it all but christ are you being christ are you not butted out again by heads other that only two forks tongues wants to give you of theirs that speak their religions shame or but interest are you redeeming you no more of other to be in their carcerations interests lie will you lie in interests other no more will you be in mine force field one making all things new will you perish not again the things of other will you sojourn in others no more as other will you be other’d’s no more other’ns no more us’ns will you be who cousins are not or are you cussing not again nor ranting about mankind’s mind nor what may happen to you are you caring are you christ?
  4. Do you word me will you word no other will you redeem all christ as christ christing all now will you change your attitude or mine will you not be of other will you speak me whether you feel like it or not no matter how tired will you be no-mattered again will you exist in no mattered state will you be matterless horns not locked by again what are you de tangling or entanglements are you no more in creating what are you de-tanglements of affairs of state or are you in state departments the chairs of authority not or are you in the leading positions of state and secondary other not education of or are you educating the christ in every country of shames no more are you Israel’s Israel in the skies educating Israel christ is that Israel is all of us not two horned rimmed glasses again or but centrality’s central or do you know the central tenets of me or theorems of me not other theorem’d by theories’d other again what are you tennanting or do you know Andy or others southern not or but Victoria’s other not but secrets other I’ll have no more again for THE MYSTERY OF CHRIST IS FINISHED and I’m affairs’d not other of again for I am the affair of other not mankind having with that only minded me with its to court me woo me of its shame no more for I be flesh’s flesh lying in no more wanting flesh ‘s lie and I will not lie in flesh anymore with other or be with’d other again for I am not looking for your mankind’s of lie again to flesh you or me will you be who knows none other again?
  5. Fathers of christ will you be christing christ the mothers of the word that has worded you that you have gotten this way begotten this way begetting no other again this way will you be the the way maker making me reliving me being me who am I you who perish not again will you be serious or light will you be smiling will you know what I’ve said through you as you say it through me are you me saying me I am now I am I am I know the christ who I am you are that I speak to with am I speaking with to you are you one one will you be that I am not mirroring other again that wants wanted by to bye-bye be saying now will you to a lot of things you used to perish not again or but hold on to are you ones one now but two not again will you be TWA’ing not or airlines perishing or but me will you be the Angels or railroads other no more needing or but are you wheels of shame no more steaming around on rollers other or but are you christ creating christ new things in will be what are you end ing now what are you beginning new beginnings me will you be the new beginnings christ will you be learning how to speak will you be learning how will you be listening taking time will you care with your eyes closed or open will you care will you speak me will you study will you redeem me will you speak and ensconce not other again in your genes creating christ-other again as you were or did?
  6. What are you did or doing no more again did or do didley’s do do-little’s not but I know a lot of Little’s shame no more nor big E’s other in mes again for mease of other I won’t be again but mes I’ll know perish not again for I live forever o great christ all of you being christ who I am one is I know I perish no more again I know what Psalm 110 is for and is about and all me I am perish not again I shall not want I became the christ I was all the time that you are will you be now who you know perishing not again are you the real me be that being me will you be me of no other again that beams only other into your genes from ray on guns not or are you not rays on guns again will you gunnings not be sergeantry’s of other or sergeanting at arms no more or but are you guide-on arms no more or guide ones right or right face no more left flankings you what are you in services charm no more or armies of the heavens do you know anything about the clones not cloning you ‘s again to be them will you not be the cloners clones cloned again will you be not the reused genes ‘d of heavens miracle working services or scientific shames or do you care know about you any of these things do you care to know learn what will you be faced with not again or will you be facing all things new will you create the christ no matter what you looked like to yourselves or others thought you to them looked like will you be reflections not of ions beamed other anomalies of that only face you to christ other or faced East or West not again what are you facing new crisis or christ will you be all christ crises not worrying you again will you be christ christing the christ christ be the educations of one knowing I speak this way the educations of The New Covenant’s christ I am revealing christ the mysteries of no more of other exists or did ever it did or did it ever evers after not or what are you Sean’s pen no more or are you all picking up your pen no matter what I am saying and how I say it are you writing will you be willing prepareds will you be will you speak fast or slow or will it matter are you not protocol’ing other again after your genes emulating other?
  7. Enamoreds you will be no more with other that only celebrities want to lie in or follow or will you all be me governments of shame no more ruling in the heavens will you be prepareds for will you be reading my books writing them that I write just this way the lambs book of first that yours is redeeming you your lives first in will you redeeming be all you hurt or writ of other will you not be habeas corpusing in or will you know the difference what will you be rules of order no more Roberts not or robertsing other not again lairdons of or will you not the lair of other be lyings in anymore will you flyings be me in the Chronicles of shame not again what are you Chronicles of Narnia (1) not seeing again or but do you know all me I perish not again the Shadowlands (2) empty not again or but am I christ all of you are will you be me copulating with other not again thought in thought of master baiting your thought to carots only go after and want shame’s dollars and dollar’s shames and thoughts that accolade you your interests of to empirical visible you in yours mirrors?
  8. Will you not be the differents not or will you be different will you be willing to lead will you be the leaders of out of heavens hell that you created there that you’ve lived in for years centuries eons will you not be the bacteria shames anymore or backed-up others in’s or what are you flowing not stopping up again the dams broken and damming not again I’m the christ and you are the one and the sames that John is not revelating other not or are you John the Revelators all or christ are you your names mine Israel is creating are you the new creators me christ is are you saying speaking me christ is no matter how you feel are you getting up arising speaking me recording not shames again are you courting will you court mes or will you uncork mes will you speak me Meons being me on’d will you be not corks’d other by or will you be bosons learning or mesons not again or strong forces not but weak’s strong or do you know the difference what a day makes what am I is perishing not again fooling around or interested not in ‘s are you or ending all things are you beginning all things new are you the christ creating me GODS IS GOD IS ONE alls are I am is heals this way whether you believe me what are you speaking at or listening to no more again that conversants converses want to make with you or conversers other not are you of other?
  9. What are you governments of or about or are you governing no other again governesses of or throttling backs other no more what are you letting loose the words of my shame not of for I will be the flowing christ that redeems all the rivers of love released are through you to you am I I am now that one is speaking I am the voice this way of one that one is redeems all who loves all I am is all I am I love you and I perish not again did I ever or did you perish me no more again will you be Paris’s charm not or will you be in Hilton’s Hotels or in the heavens will you be speaking me just like this will you follow my instructions or will you follow me or be me I will help you be me or will you help you be me that I am christ is regarders of shames world not again but to redeem it all will you christ in the heavens be not needing monies or governments shame again will you be the governmenters me without governesses of failure or governize other not are you Israeling not again or are you Palestinians interests not or but are you all me one I am mind of christ healed all Arabs Peninsula not or what are you Arabia’ing Caspian Seas not or Knights of Columbus not or but are you all me whoever I sees I say or will I not be seizings anything again circulars interests of or what am I not circularing again or circulars pamphlets leaflets not or but am I writing tomes of christ not being in the tombs any longer am I catacomb ‘s’d not by other again combing for words other am I letting christ speak this way who christ one is are all of us now knowing redeeming the christ are we arise this way in the wee hours we speak we meet at noon meetings for no other purposes again but to love christ reveal christ be the christ educating christ christ being the one only I am are all of us I am that only one is not perishing again the universities of universes of perils not again in for I’m solidified others not again in moleculars other.
  10. I christ the christ I know what I mean meant I have and minted of not other am I again clones’d of and cloning cloners I am not again or was I but ever or were I ignorant you will I be not ignorant you again will you not ignorantize me again in your ignorance wanting ignorance so it will be not sewn in your genes again for you will not the sowers be of righteousness un’s again for you’ll be un-christ no more.
  11. Will you be christ christ’d christ christing christ will you be the anointed Messiah redeeming you first will you be I love you all write my words speak me anoint me anoint you be you who I am perishing not again o great christ the privileged of not other again wanting will you be the christ the seats of governments shame no more on the authority ‘s of christ will you operate with being it redeemeds is redeeming all will you seat all the christ in the heavens will you seek all as christ other not anymore again will you authorities be over ladened by not anymore again will you redeem them all where are you going what are you doing why carest you for your soul or theirs or havest none of other do we ever we are soulish no more and soulless now we are who we are not ego driven nots again not or are we knotted-ups no more worryings about worrieds other not worryings us again no matter what they write say think about us who are we the niggards no more niggardly are we or are we all christ the courageous discouraged no more or are we not discouraging christ are you not discourage ‘d me anymore are you me who will be who’s encouraging who or who is who will you know the difference will you be me movies making will you be me about my fathers business in the heavens redeeming aircrafts other not or what are you craftings other not again shippings off to or will you be redeeming the heavens all commerces open will you be galactospheres afraid of no more will universes you redeeming be going to will you be not the languages of mankind incarcerated to thinkings other that birthed it in spheres other fears of fearing yous will no one anymore will you be the solidified charming christ no more or will you be me walking through windows or wall or what windows of time is open to you or what time is no more or what are you window washing no more or doors of opportunity or what’s opening an education to you?
  12. Be of christ christing christ is about ours fathers business being one the mother of christ the word is we have wombed this way that we womb now deliver and deliver we are to the christ delivered ‘s we are delivering christ all knowledge ‘s is and knowledge is not ensconced in others again for we are the knowledgeables christ and we birth the knowledge of christ birthing us that births us we are the christ the wordeds wombs this way createds are The New Covenant’s Jeremiah knowing Confucius not or am I all of you John’s the revelator are you Beverly’s shame not again or but visceral ‘s viscera’s not or but mease’d meiosis of not tied to again or am I cell reproductions not of again dividing what am I the divided christ no more split brained or have I one of you brainiac’d or ENIAC’d not of other again what am I advanced perishing not of other again or what am I christ you are I am one who’s healed will you heal me now am I you will you heal all others will you heal you that hit you or will you not be hitting others again with others looks words or perishing items again or perishing vegetables not again or are you healing the states of Israel not vegetableizing others again that only vegetable-isms states wanted to be in that immobilized others or rendered them benigns not or what are you armorizing not again or but need you any armor but love?
  13. Will you walk as christ christ being the christ not worries’d worried wordeds other again by the christ will you be christ revealed christ is that’s all I have to say or am I just beginning to make movies will I be the christ producers of directors taught this way will you be directing me to be no others’d again by will you bye-bye be saying now to a lot of things will you closets be of others no more or your closets empty are mine heads of state knowing you are you ambassadors to countries or countries being renewed or relived or reinstated not other reinvigorateds to what are you IMF’s no more failures of or will you be recollecteds no more or regarding shames no more what are you starting anews service not service ‘d by other what are you harvested no more by other for the harvest is now not or what are you creating all new worlds again cyclic nations me will you be me who learns this way will you be me unediteds who speak this way will you be me who learns how have I started begun seven years ago I did or 8 or 9 are you making 10’s no more or but are you do you know my movies makers am I afraid of christ no more am I christing christ God is that God is I am I am all of you who perishing not again know this and say no to other not again or but are you saying no to a lot of things that no’d you or yes’d you into others shame again you will not be doing that again for you will be the courageous christ or will you be the surrendered christ who learn this way to instruct others not again by other will you be christ’d christ who learns the way of christ the ways of christ not weighteds down again being will you lift ups the christ in the christ skies will you be speaking articulately’s slowly ‘ly’s or not I am you christ reds headeds or not blues or greens devicements no longer taking me ‘s down.
  14. I love you all I tireds am I christ am rejuvenateds other not again I’m doing all things new I’m ready I beg not again have I ever I did to leave to go to not live to die not again am I but christ all of you no matter what you’ve been through or perishing not again what is your temperature ‘s not again affecting you or fevers for christ not again or little babies will you be not again babying other nor babbles other be in languages of faith ‘s not again I make all things new I change other not again into other otherfieds by reflections interests of other will no more benign me for I am the cancerous christ no more or am I cancers healing everywhere that divested me of my powers or power do I have to be one with christ being christ healing christ I am be I now am I am’d this way the schools of one know the fellowships in of one being the Fellowships of One christing christ will you all know be in now starting creating what are you all things anew without debts of other again balling you to chains other what DNAs no more remaking you or sold again on the open markets are you not again by words other?
  15. Bye-bye to words other what are you new vocabularies of shames not again will you christ the christ the vocabulary ‘s of the king the languages of the new will you be learning higher maths shamed no more will you be the brightest christ all intelligibles intelligently speaking of new things will you be conversants of no other again conversing about me being me becoming me will you I am be me I am not ignorant again I christ the christ I study I apply my selves self I self the self of no other again and puffery’s other I no more smoke on for I’m not the smokes fires of fire smokes other again but I put out a lot of things out of my lives now how many do I have or am I infinite-less no more am I infinity’d the infinity’d christ will you be infinity knowing numberless not or innumerables not or unintelligibles not again will you be the intelligence of christ christ being the minds of one that all one is the intelligence of christ reinstated or redeemed or rejuvenated not by other redeemed junk by no other will be junked by again and junkerages other will no more de-bunk me not or will you not be bunking as not-christ again will the beds of shame no more lie in you be croppings crops’d as will you farms of neurons be not farmed by again will you be the christ needing not bodies of shame again will you flesh me not again will you flush me down toilets not again or will you be speaking my words this way being in the heavens all new bodies of faiths not again will you faith have in other no more again will you christ the christ redeeming the christ redeemed will you be starting with you first will you redeem me that I am you I am all of you perishing not again be the tongues of faith not again ensconced by babbles ‘lons other again be the on’s seven I am all perfecteds christ I am perfection series knowing new booklets mine new seminars conferences other not going to?
  16. Noon meetings are you I am in doing new things are you stretching over the worlds are you out of the worlds in your mind the christ is doing new things without others not or are you doing new things with others you never thought in your minds about again before or after or is all things new times over I give you christ I be christ you are who develops me who are you the developed christ developed of no other again will you be ensconced not governor’d back again will you have no throttle-backs collars on you again collaring you coloring you to be something else are you not all christ christing christ will you be the smiling est to all will you be the best of all or will you know quality standards of the king or quality of no other are you reduced to not again will you be christ the kings standards of one one education knowing will you be me who floats no other in your bloodstreams again or will you be cocaines no more tainting or whatever’s anesthetized you will you religions no more be dollars wanting will you be in dollars plates no more or dollar signs in your eyes wantings what are you used by not again wantings want?
  17. One ings me will you be the one’d now the one I am you always sought or wanted or thought didn’t exist or but did would come later or be metamorphosis’d into something else will you be christ christing christ I am all know me who I am is you surrendered to be no other again I christ the christ I’m done I’m gone I go now I leave or do I come back or am I here am I trying to be you not again or am I but living the life of one no matter what you think of me where I am at 302 South Sheridan am I starting school being in school am I have I ever left when I began the series when I began writing on yellow tablets picking up my pen spending my mornings have I spent out not or have I just begun to create new worlds understanding all these things piecing together other not anymore again I am the pieces of peace not again or am I the peacefulness not of Satan again or hells bells other not belling me again is there no Satan but me that I was other in my genes when I thought christ was something else somewhere else am I a man not again God’d by other or guided by other not am I again am I christ all of you christing christ me is the one souped of not other again I am suited to no other again or am I suits perishing now the ties of that binds other to bounds be?
  18. Glory of the christ I will know now for you will be it for you will know be me I am know me be me be me know me love my words who love me knows my words who loves me be comes my words life love and fruitfulness of other no more takes thee’s down I love you all christ the christ smiles loving me I’m christ the christ and I’m not lonely’s anymore I know what ensconced silence is I know what isolation is I know what rejection is and I’m not the rejected christ anymore I love you all I bow I died I’ve risen I rose and here I am I’ve writtens the writs of faith not again but I tell you this I’ve written many booklets of love not but several will you know me my NEW BEGINNING SERIES my new series on christ being christ being the selecteds not or will you select me or will you be the most selected of all not rejected by others or will it matter caring not or but will you care but not matter you will you be the no-matter’d christ?
  19. I share all things or do I reveal all things and cataclysmic to all else and other your worlds crumble who you want to conceive all as else and other remain as other no more for all your worlds crumbling are who want to remain in as was for is is all changed and was is no more.
  20. I change everything and who am I the simple surrendered who will repeat the words of faith no more to lie in their genes’d coverage’d of I christ the christ and who am I revealing all new the covenants new I am of The New Covenant and that’s what I am the Everlasting Covenant dies not again and I am Ur of Chaldees from not or am I going everywhere past and backwards not again or but am I time is no more I am timeless and times no more overs me nor throughout my genes again I christ the christ who am I authority’s over me not again I have the authority of christ I am the christ that you are that you are one revealing you are all else and other belonging to not again did you ever or were you just ignorant of your way the way to be me christ I have given you all one is John 17 knowing or memorizing are you christ the revelator all of you are be writing me the lambs book of faith will you be repeating or recording just this way speaking names recording dates recording others not again genes’d of will you be redeeming all you know will I be knowing all I know through you in you am I you the minds of one all minds’d ones are one ‘s mind is the christ healeds revealeds this day on the thrones of one ensconced never again in others I free all the christ be in worlds other going to now not the worlds of other by-and-by ‘d later for I buy no other not or but do I need nothing of this worlds commerce or but do I create all things anew?
  21. I’m not fraidy cats again nor afraids others of I walk through the christ I be christ so I walk through a lot of things I’m not afraids anymore I walk through all things I flies now and all my lands mine given me or do I redeem it am I The Promised Land afraid of not again will you be the creators me go create creators me I enjoy you I authoritize you the authority of no other has any authority in you over you again will you be the christ surrendered to be the christ the king of kings known all knowns now is I love you honoreds be will you be tested others not again in will honor test a man or woman or will you all be christ not needing others legs again in your brains the visuals other no more ensconce thee ‘s I christ the christ the wombs of Satanage no more will reflections be that imaged you on plates of glass or will you need no glass es of other or wines of new life are you toasting not again to others or but to be christ be christ all your emails say reflections other not or do you wear Band-Aids not again or bandages other or but do your foreheads say Israel Israel are you all Israel in the temples of faith no more but cleaned outs I am and cleaned I am in the heavens now Israel’s for foraged never again
  22. I forage for nothing ever again.
  23. I christ the christ there is no tomorrow there is today’s today how do you read this speaking are you the living christ will you speak me living me be me the body of no other again in what were you making visual images of or wanting no more of other again what are you christing revealing using new technologies will you be trainings in trainings what for crafts other not again or craftsmanship other or are you christ creating the christ heavens in new worlds going to redeeming with all worlds knowing all languages are you mine speaking straights into the hearts Georges other not or kings other not or but will you know all of me no matter what my name was I am christ Israel’s king in the skies not bearing heirs of other again I am not Ur’s going to or am I going to all yous you you be you not of other again for I be be one me am am is healed this way I straighten out all things not or but do I reveal christ are you but creating christ create the christ this way all your families shame not again you’re all one race of christ on planets of shames no more the heavens healed will you heal them be one me all I are one is l love you all.
  24. I’ve said enough for one email do you get mine (3) do you pass it around (3) do you study me I am mapped this way remapped by other not again or IMAP er other not but I tell you this I know the heavens and I map alls I am re-genes’d by other I’m not electrifieds by again and Elektra King I’m king’d by not or am I the king of kings electrifieds other not needing any electricals of circuits of other no more circuitryize my eyes and I’m the neurons of beds other not climbing in again I christ the christ and I free alls I free the freeds free be alls me I am freebies be or does it costs everything but I realize the kings the king and I’m not benefited nots anymore again I christ the christ all the worlds mine I forfeit other not again I heal all beginning with me that’s you saying this knowing who you are Israel’s on your forehead the temple’s clean be mine ensconced in no others again words ‘d of I love you all christ be the risens this day the resurrection’s now proclaimed declared decreed freeds I am loving you all speak me whether you feel like it or not or whether anointed or not I anoint you all to be christ the speaking living be christ being christ the living spoken word and you’ll not be ensconced in others tombs again ever.
  25. I love you go with christ be the peace of one all spreading everywheres now religions other won’t be again I christ the christ who am I one simple surrendered bitch of religion no more for I bitch you not but I give you your birthright not or but do I reveal mine or do you reveal me was I you all the time I am you who reject me not again your birthrights privilege your privileged birthright soup me not to Satan’s again for you are not Satan’s Satanage again for you are not creating it in you again you’ll be the christ be the christ you are courageous one o blessing all redeeming all will you now be Gideons army not or will you be Joel’s or will you be all me christ are ones we’re ready be the soups’d not of other again christ be at the meals of one the tables of faith not again and remembrances other I’ll not be making for again for I christ the christ in now’s the now now’d I am at the tables of one speaking this way the Fellowships of One in creating the universities of love everywhere The New Covenant’s me and the universities of create me who creates me I love am in I am I am them I am whose one is one’d I am this way be the christ on the kings state of one Israel is and the authorities of other no more be’miss thee up again for you’ll be ups not or will you in the skies living be live my life of one being the king of kings you’re invited ensconced in no other again will yourselves be christ you’re self’d of other no more again self of self no more self’s you to be others and George’s strait I’ll be in not or Picken’s Simmon’s not or will I be Thomas’s crowd no more faithfuls of or will I snotty noses no more be running in or will I but be redeeming you all in child like faith not again or will you be the surrendereds surrenderers all christ surrenders this way to speak the words of loves first to be love’s love loved this way I am’s am good day amen.
  26. I go now I’m done I do new things so will you be receiving all my daily emails new ways will you be writing creating new christ will you be christ’d this way will you study me Database One first knowing me all I love you lessonating me lessonate well know all about me know me by being me I reveal alls I am no mysteries anymore be tainted nots again and no intertwinings other will interfuse you with others again be the christ be the christ please be the christ no matter what you thought you were or who you were taught by be the christ everything changes now new worlds beginning be ready the prepareds I am this way go be in the skies live with me the life ‘s of one my father is redeeming all we’ll be one’s one with the arms of other no more around us for we won’t alones be we’ll be christ with christ being christ the new worlds ordered not by other again order me up order me down no more or order me other not by again will I be free’s free the authorities of other no more touch me I christ the christ for I am pure love light ‘s lit good day amen.
  1. Consider the “Chronicles of Narnia” movies made from the books written by C.S. Lewis.
  2. Consider the movie “Shadowlands” directed by Richard Attenborough (1993).
  3. For over 7 years I have been emailing out these Lessons almost daily. If you would like to receive them by email send an email to info-1 [at] with “subscribe” in the subject line; and forward to them to others freely who may be interested. Thank you.
* * * * *
theodore cottingham is one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road in Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website; click on Audio Files.
The Fellowship of One are fellowship groups to study these words of Database One, Two, and Three. For information contact us. Freely share these LESSONS with those who may value them. Thank you. 

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5.1.050 (Database 5, Volume 1, Lesson 050) This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham March 18, 2012 . . .