THE NEW COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham a video,News,video teaching all to be the christ this way

teaching all to be the christ this way

teaching all to be the christ this way
you won’t silence me again
Israel O Israel in the skies will you be not the ignorant again
the lesson of christ
the return of me
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110518_000
Video file 110518_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham May 18, 2011 at 2:17 AM giving you me I perish not again or do I all things new now do completely new with the new being the new will you now please will you hear me hear and understand me hear me and perish not again o great fools of other be not again please I thank you I thank you I am you who know me I am you I am who know me I am whether you put a question mark there or not for I will not receive the mark of other again on my fore brow for I will not brow’d be by other that wants a browbeaten one to brow beat me again with their words ions shame and the beamers me that only wanted a beamers other to be and ion them others to shame villes be in will be no more is that clear?
  2. I love you all to know me I am extemporaneously speaking these words that I then type not or do I produce not again as o’er am I typing or processing them that through an arrangement with other not again am I processing many things through the heavens are the pipes of me no more of o’er that stopped-up are now unstop to all glory ables will you be or Cain will you be no more able’d of Able’s to kill your brethren with their words or yours you will not spill the blood out on the ground again or will you out of your kingdom be no more or mine will you be opened in being me who I am the king of kings speechmaking again (1) speech making again speeches many or lecterns not few are you turning over uprooting many things are you by the words of the lambs freed that are roaring not of other again in pens mighty for you are the writing not of shames words again for you won’t shamus’d be by others words will you shame others no more what you thought they were writing or not or whether it be of God or not for it choice you make to be God or not and God chooses not or are you God forgotten not anymore are you genes’d by not on purpose others again that only wants to use you theirs to be will you not be the genes’d groupings of o’er that only wants to XY your chromosomes or 23 24 not or are you on X or Y aren’t you on me I am seven equals on I am knowing these things the planets are shame not anymore stuck to for I am in the skies and who am I the disguised no more for I am christ revealing christ you are the christ that one is I am we are not separates again is that clear?
  3. I am the christ revealing christ to all of you christ to be to be no more that only wants a to be ‘er to be later for now is now the time and the time is now to move here or are you moving a lot of things out of your lives that used to be center central to understanding what you were in or are you not in your kingdom are you understanding now that the Promised Land is that has promised you a victory of other not again are you dying to receive The Promise being the promised land in that promised you o’er no more or will you be o’er suffering or healing relieving it or alleviating suffering not again or are you but relieving all mankinds of their suffering or creating are you a new race of christ that knows no suffering sufferers again are you suffering not to be saved again in a religion of other that cults you ivates other not or what are you capitating no more again or captivating or captains of industry are you extemporaneously speaking the God words of christ are you that come together now at tables of one to speak extemporaneously this like me are you christ who know how to act not anymore a role on of other that only makes you a culture al norm of cultural norms other you won’t be otherfieds again by for bye-bye you’ll be seeing or saying to a lot of things or will peoples see you waving to them or will you be arriving in their bedrooms just like this where I am speaking now or am I in the skies relieving you of all suffering or are you me not suffering me again to be you of other as other are you living the life of no other again are you christ was all the time you now not ignorant again will you be please Israel O Israel in the skies will you be not the ignorant again who look straight into the camera and speak me extemporaneously first person ing words of christ that give you the person of christ in you will you be saved this way or relived by no other again the suffering of sufferers lives will you be suffered suffering no more will you be buffered no more into the buffers or parameters shames or perimeters others wanting will you be me dissected ‘s not again will you be me bisexuals bi-secteds not again or will you be me knowing the sex of christ have I any do you know me am I gender less or am I the king speech making or loving you am I giving you the lesson of christ given have I the lessons of christ in this Database this way are you me 4 or 3 2 or 1 are you now that knows one database first that Database One is clean giving you the clean kingdom of one not perishing again?
  4. Will you be me who speaks thusly the extemporaneous words of christ first personing the christ to be first-person christ are you now all of you of every nation tribe and tongue your sister your brother christ all one tonguing not other again to be tongue-in-cheek or have you one are you bodyless now not or are you body suits perishing or suits of apparel not needing again appearances of what are you making in the skies seamstresses other not again to be seamed by other you won’t be again you’ll be seen as christ all of you christ being are the christ not-christ’d this way not again you will be christ is that clear or will you insist on being anti not again please.
  5. I christ the christ is the name of this one who loves me wears my forehead my brow ‘s of not other again for I am christ you are the christ is revealed this way is the return of me or was I there all the time where was I in you or you you were you me ignorant will you be no more the ignorant one perishes now or will you be ignorant no more the king or will you be the king that is no more ignorant now being Israel in the skies the king of the Promised Land opened is by the ones who love me flow me the words of me revealing me to me I am this way that you love me my videos not or are you perishing a lot of things the way you used to speak or do you speak like that no more like this do you speak open your kingdoms now you who are christ open your kingdoms one will you be the opening can of not other again races of christ will you need no other again genderless sex or cans of other opening yous again no more forebrows eating of eating out of?
  6. I love you all to know me well and how I record like this these things that I say I speak extemporaneously the christ giving being the christ reveals the revealer I am reveals you are me I am being me I am meon’d this way and I am not mesons bosons again or am I bosons singing boatswains mates other not again or am I not the mates of other mating again am I yous who are in the skies knowing me I perish not again I am great one happy family that grates on others not again nerves of nor belies the devil of or is there no devil in your genes again you creating it your words being the author thereof or Arthur are you at the Roundtable or me are you christ being at the round table of one or are you me rounding no more things in your genes or are you right angles writing no more of other are you writing me writing no other surfeiting of skurfiting other not or will you be surfeited not by other again please and thank you gluttonous no more for words of other.
  7. Sights unseen not or are you going places you never dreamed or saw thought this way or will thought not saw you that way will words not saw you that way the way of the perishing will no more be for I will be christ you will be christ will we all be christ who loves christ be christ who flow the words of shames no more for you will not shaming be the shamers other again that pull others down to be other otherfieds othering other will no more be the wing-clippers me that me ignorant were for I am no longer ignorant I am the christ revealing you the christ is you all of you all of you are one ignorant no more I proclaim the christ ignorant no more is that your name across your forehead now ignorant no more ignorant no more will you be the actors me not or will you be me simply acting not on the role of other not out of mankind’s brow again will you be me the connecteds christ speaking this way the christ words of one will you be the God of no other again seeking searching for or alienating not other again in your genes of other or are you afraids of nothing at all anymore will you be christ who knows how to speak wearing the cloths of shame no more on your groins or do you have any loins of cloth or g-strings not again or thongs other donging yous won’t be again for you’ll be christ knowing not the christ of other to worship yous again will be christ all ones are who know these things how to witness other again ‘d dials of not or what are you dialings no longer of Dorothy’s (2) shame not or how are you ending your many movies or are you making any many I am all of you are who know me I am doing new technologies things with learning new ways to speak I am covering the globes not with other again or am I lights lit revealing ‘s you all throughout the spheres that you are powerless nots again are you christ powers shame no more are you powerless no more of christ are you the christ seed matureds now the most powerful powers all are you christ the lambs no more soaked-up sucked-dry by others that only want your monies productivity or your productivities monies to bear buries theirs not again.
  8. Will you know me will you be me again and again’d by no other will you be will you be me christ serving christ will you be the christ that serves no other again in your genes or will you be servicing other not again words of wants other will you have no wants other will you be christ that christ the christ that’s you first being the decider thereof who judges all to be the christ that’s how you judge you first to be the judger first of you that first judge you to be the christ christ judge you now all to be the christ will you all judge christ to be the christ just’d now adjusted not by other again will you christ be having no more adjustments of other or adjustment bureau (3) not having to go to again or be controlleds by will you be the christ all knowing me Matt Damon’s crowd not or are you demoning me no longer again any of you who christ is will you be me who live long ago or far away in a great land or will you be opening me now the land of the kingdom of one the Sands of Persia (4) not again or times now in a bottle not again but Jim Croce’s you’ll know or will you be looking up in these words in these words will you be timeless no more or time’s in a bottle not again or are you not the bottled-up’s crowds again are you R C colas not again or RC Usary’s or remote controls little trucks not again are you driving or crafts in the skies are you the pilots shame no more of are you Boomers (5) other not southern’d other not or are you Sooners now mighty me are who come here I am’s who campus other not again in their genes for my campus is green not or red blue other not or are you color spectrums of other no more knowing or are you all opened up now to see know all that I am are all of you I am that I am all of you are am’d this way.
  9. I love you all and I thinking am not or am I thinkingless no more am I the solid ified christ no more are you in your genes not stuck to again man’s of other or women’s of other hosiery not looking at or are you seeing me simply one who wears nothing of but the christ clothes of christ do I make revealeds of christ I all make the bodies of one perishing not again all bodies need cloths of not other words worlds again of for you be the christ not bodyless not ‘s or are you the bodyless no more seeking refuge in of other are you christ not pigleting others again in your genes or helio X-ing coils or chromosomes are you knowing the difference a day makes are you light lit now will you be the christ not making X’s other or Y’s other being forgottens not again are you the christ not forgetting anythings anymore or do you need any things any anymore not using you are anythings again will you be not used by others again nor words of Paradise are you flowing Paradise ‘s words now will you be the christ who smile this way or will you mustache me no more again or will you be me no matter what you look like emulating other not again will you be me who roles the mighty not again with dice other on tables card ‘s of or will you not be the card table’d or will you be the tabled christ no more or will you be in the skies at the tables of one this way beginning now ‘s me where you are speaking at the tables of one this way I am speaking that’s how I speak through you I am you that I am you speaking the christ is to me all me me’ing are Meons now mighty shame not living in again for you won’t want moleculars other again or will you be redeeming it all extemporaneously speaking speechmaking speeches making mighty many to be released now will you write mine my papers knowing my assignments reading my papers regarded as Europe’s best or Israel’s finest or will you be the most elite of all all of you are the christ in the skies not needing intelligence of other or are you teaching all to be the christ this way where you’ve died to all else and other are you not understanding the christ not again are you ignorant ‘s ignorance no more controlled’s by others you will not be again for you will be the christ who love me flow these words this day are you listening 24/7 will you know me 32 or 3 4 or 1 mighty are you 117 perishing not again 11:11 will you look up and know me perish christ not again in your genes o Isaiah or are you all christ Abraham leaving not again Lot of Ur’s not again or are you all christ in the valley of shames not again decisions Shinar’s of?
  10. Are you christ in the skies will you be creating new ones this way new planets of shames not again for you will not limiteds moleculars be or will you not be moleculars at all or molecularfieds other not moleculars stuck to again or are you demystifying christ mysteries of no other again searching for or demystifying are you a lot of things now will you be the myths of other no more stuck in to others no more be wedded to’s for you will not whetted be for others again and you will be wedded others not to words other again for you will be Ishmaels other not again language of or will you not be creating Ishmael in your genes will you be christ will you be setting the christ free in your genes dialling other not again will you be h-bar knowing anything about one I am the full christ fooled by no other again fully conscious me I am the one healed by I am is I am one and no matter how you fool with these dials you won’t silence me again for I’ll be christ all of you are knowing this now for I be christ not silenced again the lambs of christ are roaring now speaking me reading writing being the intelligence of christ not saved by other again not cult ivated by other again be the christ that needs no neuronal farms of other again farming yous be the christ who am I the christ revealing christ I am not silenced again no matter was I or was I only ensconced in genes or dreams or words other clipped my wings or was I horses of shame no more or flying unicorns not or crafts of mystery not again am I de mystifying all things now are you de constructing Israel’s not again to dials be made of others clones of others you won’t be makings again fooleds of for you will not be fooleds clones again cloned of or will you be the christ that sets all free to be who I am is the king of kings king’d this way this day is set freed all of you?
  11. I proclaimed am the christ proclaimer am you I am that you are set freed freeds this day will you be all of you genderless sex not having again or will acts of matrimony to words other whet you no more again for other or will you be bedded shames no more in the bed farms of others farmed by bedded others embedded in yous will be no more for used you won’t be by other again you’ll be the christ knowing me contractionless now having babies words not or sesquipedalians do you know anything about will you smiling be the actors of shames no more or will you be naturally mes Meon’d am’s I am ‘d this way I am’s I am I am knowing seeing the deliverance me takes place now I graduate gones I am or do I toll the bell for no other or do you are you looking up in these words all these things first be me firsting me are you the first christ all of you are firsting second’d not again in the genes of other for I’ll be christ the fourth not or will I be the second not again to mankind’s love or did I have any or were I only using you or were you me only using me as other to worship you or were you worshiping your words of thought were you ensconced in thinking you were worshiping other were you worshiping me or yourselves?
  12. Did you create me or are you me creating other not again in your genes be me the christ healed this day will you heal me please I am you who speak like this or will you have diction and grammar no more of other or will you be speaking me all sorts of ways in your language or mine are you christ knowing all I am now I know all of you not brow’d by other again nor beaten-down in the worlds by other again you be the christ I am healeds this way healing all I love you all I go now I lamb am king of kings roaring now simple’s me I love you all I am Theodore Joseph Cottingham or am I you all of you saying your name here printing this out drawing out a line mapping these words placing your name here _________________________ are you speaking me will you be the notafraids not again will you be the afraids no more notafraids now cultivateds christ cultivate christ will you be the cultivateds no more of other will you christ develops christ developed be the christ that develops all christ are christ now beings the supreme beings of light lits are new planets making new races being the racing christ of other not again for races all I’ll be one in the skies not geneless not or will I not be genes’d of dials other oar’d me I won’t be again for I will need no paddles of shame neuroning me or trees being of others implanted me I’ll be the righteous one of loves awarded to alls who love me flow my words create mes I am mes this way created I am mes one conceiving mes I am Meon’d this way that Meology is about and that’s what this is Meology is the graduates of shames no more ensconced in I’m not ensconced in my words again nor falling for shames way of life ‘s again.
  13. I am the lives of one who one is in the skies the collective christ all healeds are this day who is me I am one the simple surrendereds one of ones one’d again christ is I love you all this way I perish not again and who am I the simple surrendered of christ revealer revealing the christ revealing you are the christ of no other seeking searching out for again for you’ll be in the kingdoms of one the Promised Land yours the kingdoms of one kingdom is kingdom yours will be opened this day will you create me ready for me are you me are you the king of kings knowing will you be developed this way creating constitutions of love garments not again needing or are you constitutions of christ recordeds not of others are you studying knowing me I am the declarations of not other again and I am freed decreeds not or am I decreeing all of you christ now are christ being the reconcileds to no other again for you will not be the dials’d of dials other again controlled by nor manipulateds by again and lips other you’ll need not or will you be the speaking christ tongue’d by no other again Ishmael’s love will you know not or will you hate all not again will you be the speaking christ using me not again for other will you be the christ that’s not fallen again will you be the christ felling nothing not or Mary will you conceive me all be me I am the christ not needing shames looks glares stares nor affirmations again for I’ll be the sprinkled not or will I be the submerged not again in neons other not or Meons brow not or will you have no brows beaten beating yous again will you be me o raptured christ or enraptured with not other again will you be me floating others not again in your brains will you be me creating christ where you are in the skies be me all of you I love you of every nation tribe and tongue and tongue other not again nor give voice to others words deliberating in again won’t be or will you be the christ that knows the difference what a difference is a day makes will you create all new calendars of shame not using again and you’ll need no pinup girls or boys not or will you all be christ divine matrix’d not again or will you be out of the wordship of other will you be Ishmaels no more creating Ishmael’s Belials or Belial’s creator will you no more be anti’d of other be no more please.
  14. Be the christ that creates the christ saved this way creating the christ will you create me creators be creating me I am this way Meons know meon’d is Meology’s fine find me well and where will I be in the skies teaching alls this way I love you trust me be me be trustable of other not again using you trusts will you have or trust will you be or will you not be others needing dials of affirmations affirming yous will you be the christ studying hards here or softs not again will you have the hearts of love will you be one hearted now one loves brow not of other again using beating yous be the christ all one body ‘s one one’s mind ones is all ones are the christ healeds this way be me the actors of shames no more stages on or will you be me all creating movies or directors producers will you know will you produce mes of others not again be the christ teaching alls the christ I governments of shame not again know or do I transform everything now transmuted not by others again be the christ the real ‘s in the real your kingdom’s open open mine that ours is we ones are doing all things new.
  15. I love you I go now I’m done be the done one in other no more be the freed ‘s who frees all I love you I amen you I awoman you not or are you the genderless christ begetting christ this way I am in the skies one I’ve given up everything do I have everything do I want anything I create all things anew who am I the christ revealing christ that’s all of you one am I love you all good day the opportunity’s here the opportunities great The Great Opportunity’s here to be the Mighty Many looking up in my words be here I am here’s I am the lovely lovelyables most of all dialeds not by other again call me be me write me flow my words be the christ healeds this day the father is the mother of christ being all of you one is conceived by shames words no more be the christ the languages of one healeds this day the hearts of love united in one’s one all one being the christ christ again mist other not mythed by again I love you christ be the risens this day glory hallelujah not bonded by other again be the christ singly’s me I love you good day amen I bow I go I’m done bow before all christ all see all as christ that’s what we do how we do the values of christ knowing far and wide go create new ones be me not donging other again in minds be all ones one thanks amen.
  1. Consider the move “The King’s Speech” directed by Tom Hooper (2010).
  2. Consider the movie “The Wizard of Oz” directed by Victor Fleming (1939).
  3. Consider the movie “The Adjustment Bureau” directed by George Nolfi (2011).
  4. Consider the movie “Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time” directed by Mike Newell (2010).
  5. Consider the dvd “Battlestar Galactica” Season one disc one, directed by Michael Rymer (2005).
* * * * *
theodore cottingham is one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road in Tulsa Oklahoma USA
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website; click on Audio Files.
The Fellowship of One are fellowship groups to study these words of Database One, Two, and Three. For information contact us. Thank you. Freely share these LESSONS with those who may value them. 

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5.1.089 (Database 5, Volume 1, Lesson 089) This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant This Lesson not yet transcribed; Theodore Joseph Cottingham April 26, 2012.