the king king’d this way

the king king’d this way
cottingham, theodore. May 3, 2011 at 2:07 AM
Voice file 110503_000
Video file 110503_000v
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
  1. Giving you me at the last musicale I am at not or am I in Parising Hungary not again or am I hungry now for the things of me more than food was appropriated not or has it been no more as it was in the beginning are me things now me that I am armies of other not crawling mes again for information particles of or are you knowing me mankind’s mind of not again only as an inevitable vehicle not or are you the inevitability of things not again of other as was of other is no more of other as other was treating you or are you me treating all differently now that all things are changed in your lives mine are or are mine yours that armies of other cannot penetrate or wine glasses other not serving again or am I wines of new life coming together now all one flow of me is The New Covenant this way spoken speaking am I the new regime of me not or am I regimeless no regimes again wanting or am I bureaules or layerless not again or am I layered not again in mankind’s mind throughout frequencies southern or northern’d not again am I or am I sphereless fearless and southern’d not again or am I all of you that directionless aren’t anymore or directions not mattering you to wind blows gunpowder smokes in or what Chester’s not me again are you following or Matt Dillon’s approach not but I make many things as peg-legs not again or did I ever peg the temples me or are you de-pegging a lot of things Peggy Lee’s or Peggy Lou’s not or Mary Lu’s are you fells not again or are you felling many a thing that fell’d you are you growing now into trees mighty oaks not or perish ing not again are you the Paris ing materials not or are you but one who oak trees perish not again in or Parising other not again are you singing in Hilton’s charm not again or various vicariousness not or inextricably linked are you now that I am mes are in the heavens that ones is that I am’s are that I’ve met tonights or are you many mes who you’ve conquered not but love to death not but life ‘s life ‘s mine that I know now one is that I’ve encountered other not again washing hands of or am I in soups not needing clean hands of other or pure hearts looking up are you of other no more done with or are you redeeming them all now that I worst before you not or wool are you not needing again of mankind’s mind to only itch or scratch a twitch or twitchy not but twitty’s other I’ll know not again or Twiggy’s charm not interested in again or am I all of you not fatties tissue ‘s wanting or am I you boneless structures or crystals skulls not again wanting bones of sorrow in connecteds to tissues of abscondrels other not but I abscond with a lot of things not again or did I ever did you were you minded of mankind’s mind not again that only scoundrel’d you in its or are you king of kings the kings of kings known now are you the lessons of the king reminding yourselves of re mind’ing yourselves of are you the mind of one ones are one’d this way that won are mighty armies are or are I laying down my life for the armies of other not to be destroyed again or clone’s clones not again cloning am I the ones of faith not in pews sitting again or destroying distructions not but destructions destroyings me won’t be again for I’ll be saw-tooth’s gnat’ings no more gnat’d or rat’d by for I will not rattings be gnat’d gnawed by again for I will numbs be no more in pains suffering for I will ratchets need no more placed upon me to saw my bones sideways or saw-tooth be in their frequencies appearing or what am I saw gnawed no more on or am I gnawing on no more bones or flesh’s meat am I eating not again am I soups perishing not or am I on liquids diets not again or am I on the words of faith not again that only gives me a prosperity’s other will you be in the skies eating lambs of other not again or words of were you eaten’s by other lions lambs or were you all the lion lamb ate or not were you all confused about these things who the lamb was lion were eat’d not’s again or are you eaten not again by the hearts of shame that only ate your hearts out or words that spliced miracle’s you into its or were you the simply simplex’d or chemical’d other not again be ing now web not again what are you the feet of the perishing not glued to or gravitationals other gravitons of will be no more or will you know protons interest or dissections other not again or will you be dissecting mes these words of to know mes perish not again for I withstand scrutiny not do I scrutinize a lot of things I question now I look up in these words first all things every words I do squeeze the perish not or am I the perishing not again squeezing turnips for blood not or am I simply ones who me flow this way that I am the word of christ of christing christ I am now now I am the christ revealed all of you are that I am one is won is this way or am I laid by no other or am I soft tissue fatties acid no more wanting or bicarbonate soda again or what are you knowing the digestions of perishing’s not again will you perish me not again in bi carbonates of soda or di selections cream not but I select a lot of creams not again to make my faces polished and I won’t polish my nails not or will I not have any or will I not be nailed to others words in crosses other or other crosses to by their words or will I come through it all making myself of no reputation now knowing what a priesthood is the priesthood of all that dies for each other all do that one is that all becomes the king of kings all that one is all are one’d this way.
  2. I love you all and I do new things with new peoples and I’ve given you their names or their clocks not but I make a lot of changes in a lot of clock ‘s making now the chimes of other not again I’ll be swinging 12 ‘s not again or will I be dinging dong ing not but a lot of dingdongs other won’t ring again or will my doorbells be empty not again will you be headed other not again directionless or will you be the reckless not again in pews other that only want a reckoning other to come to you to glory be reconciled by other ‘s flesh at a later date in time or having none will you have none left will you be now the christ that reconciles other not to you or will you be the christ that reconciles you first to be the christ that reconciles all other because you’ve laid down your life to be the christ that reconciles them to their christ will you be not glued to others again will you be the christ revealer christ all of you are who will be me will be one who in Paradise lies no more with other and I’ve said much Parising Hilton not or Parising other not again in my genes or do you know me who I am and I am Paris’s gene not again or am I in France ine’s charms not again or am I other or do you know Ca Sandra’s other not but I know a lot of beautiful people now or are you all one that know your worth ly lies not or are you not lies’d to again that gives you only humanity’s birth to claim or identifies with sorrow are you me who knows how to talk speak live and love now in the skies be me who does this now I promised a great many things or have I given you one to be me one is one me is with all I am and I have given you all I am is that enough?
  3. Will you answer me you will deem you worthy or not to be the christ I am I have given all things to all who will be not deceived ‘s others again for you will not be the deceiver of you first for you will realize you are me if you will be me the christ comes this way that I am revealed ‘s in that in I am all of you of every nation tribe and tongue not the devils again of religious’d to for I am not religions pew er nor tongue er again or was I ever or were all of you the christ negligent or ignorant not again will you be the studiers me in the christ school of one being the universities of The New Covenant’s me far and wide revealed ‘s is are you one that I am at in the school of one writing now works this way I love you all I give you many MP3 files or flash or video do you know anything about will you study please all my ways I’ve given you to be the christ one is studying the christ way the path of glory not again of other for you will no reputation make of yourselves or are you one that flows me enough to die to all other and else not carrying you away again will you be not forded on rivers other or affording others are you trips not making or taking are you in the skies me along with others not or are you separateds not again unto others not or are you me singulars approach not or do I have one I’ve given you in 3,000 words or 3,000 documents looking up or do you know anything about Database One or Two how many and how referenced are link ‘d and mapping are you my linkage’d system or how am I begotten not again by other am I begotten by you the christ now I are am all of you are one am I clear about this that you are now about these things will you be writing about smiling the happiest of all peoples everywhere will you be not aloneables again or seeking service of other to service you or bless you in theirs will you be the christ that’s laid down its life for you will you be the one that you lay down for other no more again yours will you be in the skies studying like this this way arising early’s making videos and perishing not again will you learn how ‘s this way that I’ve given you the delights of man not again have I given you mine will you be all mine that has have all mine will you all my mind made whole will you be mined not again by other will you not be the perishable again will you live forever o great king of kings be the king I am king’d I am this way I’ve given you the path keys glory amen.
  4. All yours am I am you who am ‘d this way is so you will know all things now or will you study harder than ever or will you be light upon light no more lit of other or will you know the difference a day makes will you make many now lighting other not again or will you be creating planets new regimes of other by not again do you know anything about these things that I’ve taught plaught other not but plotted a’many things I’ve a schema’d not but the schema ‘s me blueprints of not or have I given you mine my mind of mine my mind to have yours healed I’ve given you the way words and perish not again in parishment of others and I Paris songs Hilton’s by not or do you know a lot of tunes that perish not again do you know me who tunes is singing the songs of praise other not again do you know me who loves thee I am the I am who loves thee all I am all thee I am thee I am all that christ is be the christ being all the crucified are by other no more or are you words not putting in your genes again or splitting splicing other not again genes of others are you by their words yours reflections by are you christ all of you that begets other not again devastating other won’t be again for I’ll be christ healing all will you be the christ that heals all you first thank you for you first healing you first be the first’d now healed by all or will you heal all first first’d will you be that answers the question or ask the questions I’ve asked will you answer be mes ing will you be me meing mes I am alls everywhere.
  5. I’m done and I speak many times going many new places I am new peoples with doing new things that aren’t afraids at all or are we courageous sufferers not again or are we simply awardeds the stews of not other again stewing in I worried about nothing again and I’m the christ timeless and I go many places and do many things backwards and forwards time and times again or timeless seamless am I will you wonder not’s again or wonderment others beholdings not or will you behold me the christ in you the hope of glory no more coming of other or was I ever always you will you speak this way knowing me will you let me teach you being me that I am one is the father conceived the mother is or is the mother conceiving the father or brother sister one am I moons of no other needing am I reconcileds other not again or am I watching many movies creating the producers directors of one Harrison’s Fords not or am I christened kingdom skulls not again or am I crystal’d other not again needing or am I crystal clears through about these things?
  6. All throughs I am I’m done and I witness to others not or am I following instructions not again of other I am authorities under not again of other I am the christ all of you are that witnesses other not again in your genes to be spliced of them theirs I the christ am not shipped-offs again and who do I love all of you equalees be who loved are now who know love what is love love has laid down for no other again for I lay for all not or do I stand up arise now I do to declare your glory mine are or are mine yours are we all ones one one’d again the singulars never perish again or are I all christ not dualistics again shame in of ‘s?
  7. I’ve asked many things be the christ is that clear be the christ not worship the christ as in the past but be the christ be the priesthood that the christ is all new the covenant of the new the new covenant is instructing mes this way I release all to be taught ‘s this way I love you all and I change everything that was changing me into else and other and I am who am I I am you who perish not again eternal life knowing be the born again now christ reveals all you are ones I am who will be me the perishing not again in the soups stews of other so stew not other again in your words or will no others stew you in theirs?
  8. Be the christ healeds of all healing all you first thank you good day amen share these words bow before all honor the christ in you all you all are so honor all of every nation tribe and tongue of every school race and color all mine are and spectrums aplenty I know I know them all do you I know all by name face and color not or are all mine one am the king king’d this way is be the christ let’s go do new things right now’s the time and I’m where’s am I everywheres here’s in Tulsa starts now I do alls anew I’ve begun just begun new things doing watch me hear me be me write my letters tapes and files not or are you filing not away things of other to be lost in other again alls new now departings now I am for else’s other not but in the skies I live and lodge and I need nothing of else’s worlds again but I redeems it all who will be the christ I am alls you who perish not again mes I love you be the christ I am’s am the king king’d this way I bow I go good day amen.
  9. School’s now be me the doorbell rings not or does it in the skies be not the knockwords of other again and I won’t knock you or will you not knock me around again be the christ that honors all and every honor honors all yous will you honor all yous are the king king’d this way I christ all who will be you have to choose will you be the christ anti’d no more the beast of other no more be please and thank you write my words flow me be the river of faith no more no matter what you called it or cult ivated in your words before for you will be the afters not or will you be the now’s now’d now I am heards and the hurts of other no more afflict mes I heal them all everythings heal you first in your words be the christ writings me now thank you this ways I’ve given you the key’s yous be me who’s are I love you I am’s.
* * * * *
theodore cottingham is one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma
University of The New Covenant
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website; click on Audio Files.
The Fellowship of One are fellowship groups to study these words of Database One, Two, and Three. Each Fellowship group is a Chapter. Chapter 1 of the Fellowship of One is now meeting weekly 2pm Sunday’s at 302 South Sheridan Road in Tulsa Oklahoma USA.
Freely share these LESSONS with those who may value them. You can subscribe to the email list of these LESSONS at theodore’s blog site

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