the king’s speech

the king’s speech
one voice
will you be trained this way
I would have given you more
cottingham, theodore. May 1, 2011 at 2:18 AM
Voice file 110501_000
Video file 110501_000v
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
  1. Giving you me I do smile a lot now speaking extemporaneously not or am I de-bastarding you now so that you are not thinking like a bastard should or have you ever thought of yourselves as that not again are you thinking or whispering among yourselves to yourselves about yourselves all the time are you selfing not self’s self again that only wants to self self with a id’s ego or an its ego that you claim as it’s you or what are you knowing not again about the bastarding appearance of the man upstairs or downstairs are you living no more again are you one whose me is me is in the skies not lowering other again or are you not storking lowering again mankind to be mind abased by are you not willing to abase and standby that of other standby’d you that you were standby’d by or are you not standbuy’ing the stuff no more or know more will you be the ones that know more now than a bastard’s mind approach wanted or will you learn to be the king of kings that kings all with the king’s speech of no other or will you speech-making not be off others lambs terraces or what are you shaving no more the words of other or legs lambs are you eating no more the thighs of or wooden’s interests what do you know about wooden’s George or not are you George’d again or by benevolent monarchs interests not or are you not benevolent monarching again or are you one monarch benevolenting again all your subjects to be the king you are that I am is in the skies this way equals are that become the king I am I am’d is by the words of no other I speak this way whether I speak you think or not or will you not think of my words as else and other again you won’t thinking be by for you will not railroad ‘d be by others again or will you own many now commerces changing that you change a great many production standards or will you produceings be of no others again productions of theirs thoughts mankind’s wants wantings yous to glisten glean or gleam in their sales records using their minds you won’t be again or will you be the minds of one man or one God all of you are one that one is whether you count me thusly or thisly or seven am I all one perfect one God is perfecting all perfect is created again will you unperfect me no more will you imperfect be no more will you be M perfect not or will you be receiving my commands or dictates not or will you be my voice in the skies creating it alls this way that I’ve given you the ways of christ to be the waves of no other again on surfs seeing like this or are you not serfs of other again on or wanting what are you subservients to no more are you me in the skies kinging all o great king all of you every red headed greened or blued are you the spectrums of no others wave lengths behind you or B4 you not or are you B4’d data or what are you Dataing not again Star Trek’s journey or venture are you into faith no more building a land of other but you’ll be there before me or will I be before you now all of you are knowing my words I bow witness before you all one single man or one simple christ that all of you will are becoming now be the one that is the simplest of all not or simplex time being chronometers not but the kronemeters of other will no more cronemoss me or will I Noel Moss’s be not but you’ll know a lot of things or will I be all of you answering these things that I’ve asked or answered these seven years or 3,000 documents have I given you of christ language appearing many videoed just like this that I’ve given you many MP3’d more shall be now but make me all movies producers of the First Degree that I will cover the earths lambed with or will lambed you not be again blasting caps of or are you caps of thoughts no more laboring for devices other for monies shame you won’t be again wanting wants of for you won’t be the wanted or will you be the surrendered christ will you be all of you extemporaneously speaking just like this who comes through a training program will you be divisive others not again will you be the christ who produces mute dummies not again that only wants a dumbed-down gospel or will you be the gospel errs of no other again will you be the christ who knows all all intelligibles are you the christ intelligence of the thinking thoughts of no other again are you the thinking thoughts of no other that has taken you down are you contractions no more of bubblings up or seeing my words across a screen not or are you but one who does speak my words this way all of you red blues greens not being again in or are you rasters rosters not again on but mine will you be the roll in the class of one now rostering other not again in your genes will you enrollment in mine be enrolled now will you enrollments of other not be again that only dumb you down in sentences shame to limit your vocabulary nor speech you off or give you theirs to think with or be their lie ers for you will not be li ar’d again to you will be the christ for you forgive sinners not or will you forgive you first to forgive all you bastardization made of you to sinners regime make you the outcast others not or are you not othering outcasts again to be are you the christ that redeems all first you beginning with you first will you first first’d be the First Estate ‘s now knowns in the skies are mes who do this now this way and I’m extrapolations other not or am I one sons of a bitch no more bastardizations approval wanting or are you not comfortable with mine mankind’s mind or are you not mind having again of mankind’s mind are you mine split in two no more are you mine not bastarding yours to be other bastard’d by the thoughts of other that has given you one of to dualism’s not or are you not the dualistic’s shame anymore wearing are you not stuttering anymore stammering in the courts of shame will you speak to me in the heavens being me speaking am’s this way am’d this way is I’ve given you the formula ‘s not or have I given you alls I am and I would have given you more if you’d been me or are you me one son of a bitch no more are you wooden’s interests meadows in not or are you country gold no more or wooden’s manners of other not seeking alabaster’d’s flesh in are you one ‘s sons of a bitch no more you are all ones whether you are girls or boys men or women or race of the first christ are you all that christ all this way I’ve given you my all to be my all given before you is this day May 1st of Jehovah’s witness not or will you Jehovah be the witness of other not but christ you be all one that all one is all of you of every nation tribe and tongue not twisting you up again in twisters other to twist your genes in double helix coils for I am not the wooden’s reflections of other or poplars bluff going to are you now for seasons of suffering not again are you limiteds no more to christville or are you in the skies christville making unlimiteds unboundaryless not or are you all unboundary’d christ now are the mechanisms me or mechanistic other not being again the dualistics bio’d of other are you biographies shame no more wanting or documentaries me do you know making will you please be me who bows before the king or be the king will you all in training be the christ is this way I’ve given you pass these words along along alone be no more be the christ not alonables not or Ilona’s me perishing not or are you stammerers no more again the tongue of with me will you be me with me being me who I am not worried about a stray hair or syllable again please and thank you amen.
  2. What a paragraph or not ‘eh or will you have many A’s on your report card here’s I am not card cataloging other again to words only file to use make of mes later for I am mes me and I am sesquipedalians not or am I sesquipedulians not or dilutings am I a lot of things no more or am I full strength interests in the skies being not the popular’d of other again wanting I will be me christ is developed this way who I am returns no other again to or do you return other not again genes’d of do you return me to me now not bastarding other again will you have a heart for no other again Hartford’s insurance not needing or liberty mutuals not again or are you one christ in the skies needing no insurance of other again words of or dollars interest needing none are you the christ that creates all anew be one who is I’ve given you the way path and doctrine not but documents many have I given you the faith of not cordiality’s other or are you the cordial christ not leading not or are you the nights over days now day one’s here folks I the christ am that you are I call you christ I witness to you to be the christ to you that you are were all the time and now you understand the way I teach what I teach is you christ be ing the christ christ’d now this way now is the time here’s all this is done in your hearing will you be listening to my words in my words be being the christ taught this way that you have something to say a voice speaks now mine will be in the skies speaking to you being me will you one voice of recognition now be heard in the skies all throughout spheres atmospheres other not carcerating yous again?
  3. Will you be the smilers me o great christ or woodens actors not again wanting or will you be me all creations anew news is I am and I’m not afraid of reporters other or what you think of me or my families one for all my families who do my wills or words do you have the wills of no other worded by are you my words cleaned I am refined the king’d is articulated this way the kings are one I am taughts now not ignorants’ bastards again for you will not bastarding be wanting monies to legitimize you nor make you wanteds interests other nor payings others interest not or are you not needing ‘s borrowing shame again to be identities other that split your minds from you or are you not splitting mes anymore that I am was all the times one and one’s here folks a day makes sorrows not again with beings in for beings in yous no more will be sorrower’s sorrower making sorrow again your accord of life no more again will be I makes all anews and I speak extemporaneously ‘s just like this and I go now and what you do is of no accord not or will you make no accord with the enemy or will you be the language of one speaks this way I do that I am now the lovers of languishing not in other again for I am the languishment of appearing not or am I the language of one christ that’s yours is opened this day the kingdom of one is that you are the king of will you be trained this way to think be the reconciliations of no other again reconciles to chairs of other boards not but the boards of other will no more bore you or will you know reconciliations interest not of mankind’s mind again to make you theirs of its or its of theirs not again will you be the christ sitting in the halls of shame no more will you be christ in the skies creating new ones far and wide this day now’s the time.
  4. I’m gone I go I do new things with who wants to who will be me who studies here I love lifted-ups am I am lifting up and lifted ups be the lifted ups are who will be not subjects to other again for I will be subservients to other not again for I am all christs all christ review knowing writing my sentences shame not being incarcerated in again will you love me be me who am I am the christ lifted up shall be now in all of you who return me to other no more again of mankind’s mind that’s splits you into me-you for I am you me was all the time without time but you constructed time or did you want time to be to give you all things to master ceremony not or but are you going to ceremony in the skies now in Tulsa ‘s charm be no more or are you in Tulsa’s study school or are you studying christville there in me will you be in my words flowing this way I’ve taught you and I change many things about websites of horror be no more enrolleds in for I’m enrolls others not but I make many christ here’s I am and who am I one simples Negro not or am I one whose my brothers not again or am I IMF’s wanting not again but loans of approval I’ll make never again for I want no signatures on me of other for I will bank drafts be other not in or will I be banking’s shame no more or will I be constructing England’s in the skies not or is Israel’s Israel being are you all Israel chief of accord other not again or no chiefs and Indians not or are you all Indians Negroes not again or are you all divisive ethnics not again knowing or are you all the manners of the king at the king’s table being the kings writing ‘s writing the king’s words being the king of kings known this day are you will you be the king’s words proclaiming being the kings proclamations knowing memorizing being proclaimed now are you the king of kings all of you no matter what you’ve looked like in the past or worn lied with or taught others to be or do will you be the christ that christ all the christ now and amen.
  5. I go I bow before you all my time’s done I go share these words love lift and be the lifters of my head or yours will you be lifted on the throne of one be not the discouraged other again be the christ that needs no teaching other or will you teach all to be the christ now in the skies be led of no other God of God’d be taught by God directly God directly is teaching this way all you who will be not the led of bastardizations other again be the christ the ones anointed now I call you christ in the skies be.
  6. I love you all and I’m redgraves other not but I know a lot of Denise’s shame not but you’ll be looking up a whole lot of words or linking referencing mapping my words will you presentations making in the skies to all here’s I am everywheres and I go abroads not or am I instantly’s on now watch me ready for me be me who needs no other verification procedures again of others ever again be the christ the priesthood of alls now knowns are the priesthood of all believers me who becomers be who be me now beaming other not again be the christ and waves of no other will suck thee unders again to be subservients to thems I love you all christ be the risens this day all of you glory halleluiah amen.
  7. I love you be the christ the king’s speech ‘s know write my documents mapping referencing free yours proclaims now the mighty many at the table of one the fellowships of one all known my residencies are full and glowing overflowing not or am I one there’s I am here’s I am yous I am of one accords of no other again be the christ set free’s this day needing no other stuffs of failures ever again I free you all to be stuffed no more by words other again nor thinking minds of mankind’s bastardry again I love you all christ be thank you amen.
  8. I love you be the lovers of mankind’s no more that loves lovers above mankind’s love or will you be the ones that love all as christ love the church not or will you not be in church loving church more than me or will you be words me or worded christ will you be the word I am that I am I am is doing all new things with the surrendered be the christ and the periodic chart of table elements no more will element me at their tables for I’ll be the christ serving communion in the skies and I teach all this way how’s watch me I do this now on tape film I film a lot of things and I share just like this creates all anews I do new things with the surrendered be passing me along pass along other no more lines of for I’ll be the originals the christs is christ’d this way this day I love you smile be worries no more I christ the christ Easter’s here now’s now know me well me create me thank you I’m’s one I’m’s done I must go good day this way be glory hallelujah amen.
* * * * *
theodore cottingham is one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma
University of The New Covenant
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website. At the home page click on Audio Files.
The Fellowship of One are fellowship groups to study these words of Database One, Two, and Three. Each Fellowship group is a Chapter. Chapter 1 of the Fellowship of One is now meeting weekly 2pm Sunday’s at 302 South Sheridan Road in Tulsa Oklahoma USA. 

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I contact now I’ve given you the patternship of one please be roamings the heavens now cottingham, theodore. May 9, 2011 at 2:07 AM 3.2.149 Voice file 110509_000 Video file