what are you Hal

what are you Hal
cottingham, theodore. April 6, 2011 at 2:58 AM
Voice file 110406_000
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
  1. I give you me and I am new love or love am I new ly restrained not again am I one who uses words funnily not again or am I funneling you the christ or revealing the christ you are that one is now that time I am now that is to come is no more for all I am time is now that time is no more is that clear is this clear that I am speaking funnily not again or am I you looking up all of these words to know and understand all these meanings that I’ve ascribed that I’ve given you that I’ve come about this way to explain expound explicate and extirpate not the christ from the christ or extirpation other not again or extrapration not again or are you praying now that all will be one in the ways that I’ve given you the way that I’ve given you the way of the christ to be the christ that you are the christ one is now all will be saying on front pages of newspapers or will the papers be full of crap no more that only wants to stain a Petri dishes microscope not but what are you staining no more the words of your fount of blood flow this way that tainted are not again with words of other or understandings other nor will you be the christ not or will you be the christ in clothes other again or will you be enclosed not again in flesh or will you be the plain clothes christ now all of you who one are no matter what you look like to others when you arise at 3 AM or not or 2 AM or not are you speaking the words of christ not again or are you the christ revealing the christ to yourselves first that you are that I will speak this way that I come to you in vocabularies other not or will I give you mine that I’ve given you in these seven years my mind ‘s revealed that one is that all are will be I am the christ revealed this way in the common man boy and girl woman of christ conceiving christ all you are the one that split isn’t anymore for you will not be splittable uppables anymore or will you be ups in the skies not needing airs of faith or errs of witnesses other to affirm or complain or confirmate or adjust your settings bureau not or are you not worried about your credit bureaus again or accredit ing processes are you worrieds about me not again who I am you are that I am walking through processes or working through processes other not again am I worried about am I you who loves me this way will you come and flow my words right into little cameras just like this and video me verbiageites making other not again or will you video verbiageites know anything about will you look up in my words these words first will you give me me this way so that I will be me who I am not fortituded other by again?
  2. Will I be me who I am is not superfluous’d other again with a coexistence of other that you relegated me to or extir pated me on or patted me on your need to paddle me not but dandle me in your genes or will you not dandle me in your genes thinking I’m a padded christ or petty christ judge of other or are you not the judge of other or judged of other are you or condemned not or will you not condemn yourselves to be not-christ again will you be christ o christ this way all of you of every nation tribe and tongue rising up in the skies now will you be the christ not waiting on another again bride of other words not being will you be the words of one mankind not again that only wants mankind’s words of mankind’s mouths of mankind’s appeals wanting will you be the wanters not of mankind’s words again nor energies of failures or will you be me who nests go fly to not or will you be me in the skies Isaiah 60 1 or me do you know I am one who is the words of faith ‘s no more or was I ever only faith in other speaking of or was I revealing that which tainted isn’t anymore by what you understand to be interpretations’ lie or raptures other or Bartholomew’d mouths or Nathan’s wisdom or what are you doing now to David’s king or kingship one are you in yours that in the skies is will you be me red headed stepbitches not other again of planets lie ing in of other will you not be incarcerateds in will you be DNAs other knowing not or will you be creating new ‘s ones far and wide will you be the news not about or reporting it this way will you be broadcasts journalists other not or will you producers directors be of movies mine that state my case or heavens opening revealing documenting this way will yous please be mes who are not afraid of any kings or queens of other nor regimens regiments nor armies of words or chains for they will not chain you o great christ for they cannot hold you nor contain their words in themselves or will they flow and make the christ out of themselves or let the christ come forth giving birth to my words being the word I am you are that one is whether I inflect ion my voice or not or deflect no more will you the words of christ being it revealed this way to you all of every nation tribe and tongue of evil not again wagging in your mouths or heads brains do you have one needed one are no more are you ignorant o fools of christ be now will you understand these things speaking my words listening to these video ‘d files and audio’d miracles not or are all of you miracle workers not again of other deceasing christ and desisting not again are you?
  3. Of the christ will you be the christ in christland going afar or Christians blessing not or Islamic’s burden not or will you not be burdened mankind again by divisivenesses witness ‘s I be the christ reveals the christ in all of you that I am one is Isaiah’d isn’t anymore other or are you all Isaiah’d Daniels or Williams Bentley not or what are you driving me mad ‘s no more or are you all madless not or Maddies not or are you matted up no longer in your brains gluons or glued materials others will you learn mes this way who I am teaches the rotten witness of other not again to be implanted in these for you will not be worrieds about the way things are or they look nor circumstances lie ing unto you for you will be the christ o seeing through all or will you be all in all not christ’d other waiting for nor transformations other will you be the christ o transformed one transforms now transformations making the repations now or propagated other or rapidity’s other will you be no more alacrity’s of only sitting still in lying charms couches of to inertia’s lie in will you be o slingshot’d other not again or will you be the giants on the ground not head cutoff again will you be David’s slingman or will you be David the king o christ will you be christ’d christ all of you of every nation tribe and tongue is that clear can it be clearer am I clear see-through transparent am I in the skies living now not related to your molecular era or am I one who’s come through it or many times lived or have I been Isaiah or christ ‘d are you now were you before time began one that created earth ‘s not again as charms molecular ‘d quarks are you knowing anything about or charms flavors or up down axis angular’d momentum or what are you Hal Puthoff’d no more or are you putting off being the christ no more all of you are making movies now about me or you are you the christ in the skies revealing me I am just this way not afraid of leaderships school again that makes you leaders not or reveals you’re the leaders of christ to be the christ in christland ‘s spheres or galactics sorrow not being incarcerated in again will you become the citizenry of heaven’s heaven that is molecular’d not again or will you be seen as christ the plain clothes one walking now no matter what you wore in the past will you be me sharing these words studying these words knowing memorizing placarding writing courses about the courses you’re in coursing all Moodling other not again to doodled be by or are you doodling not away your time in other again are you being me neurosurgeons not or will you all be me no matter what you pressed into in the past were organized by or subscribed to the hippopotamus oath not but I tell you this I’m not Hippocratic of other or am I autocratic of other not again running minds algorithms on mine?
    I love you all to know me and who do I reveal you are the christ I am one that one is all of us happy many membered memory not again of other or are we the christ with memory other not again given our algorithm ‘s sorrow or are we clones clones not again cloning to be cloned by the babies of sorrow in carriages of witness other electrons or molecules other or are we freeing all ours are ones on seven equal equallees we are that christ is I’ve given you the keys of the kingdom one to be the kingdom one’d in.
  4. I love you all christ be the witnesses of other not again and I go to France ‘s Germany not or do you all go to heaven’s heaven now being the heavenaters awards awarded by will you be the one who sees all things now speaks all things truth being it I am released revealed was I all the time in you that you heard me or will you be me who does this now unashamedly unintimidatingly uninhibitedly extirpatedly no more or are you the extirpated one or are you the stripped-down christ no more or are you in the heavens going to your nests not again on earth or are you not incarcerated to your nesting instincts again of mankind’s that only wanted mankind’s charms or acceptance other or what are you knowing or caring about your values now or mine are you studying the values leadership christ of christ leadership values leaderships all to be leaders I am in the heavens starting new planets charm not again by others molten cores or are you magnetics South or North again East or West lying in what is the magnetics of earth no more directed by or directioning you or spinning your electrons molecules again or are you having none spun around you again are you the minds of others not spinning by their wants or yours will you wantless be o christ now all of you are knowing the pattern of oneship one now is that’s come through the patternship of one written about I have and I give you many more me now studying here millions are coming forth now to be the witnesses of not other fortitudes again for all will witness me christ or be the christ coming forth now the rapture’s now or is the rapture a joke no more or was it never for anyone else but you that all I am are that are all I am that I am the body of faith no more for I am all of you of every nation tribe and tongue and every cult label or am I no-labeled cult ish again or am I simply without religion ‘s charm again I am not the dogmas of faith again nor the tainted’s fellowships of other for the ones of Fellowships of Ones I’ll know far and wide who makes me equals not or surrenders to teach me or be me let forth this day I am not incarcerateds anymore.
  5. I love you christ be the freeds this day the freedomers allowed will you be me who freedom’s allowed in will you gates keep out yours no more will you be the freedom’s freedomers flying to nests other not but citizenry of heavens you’ll be freeds are this day loving all alleluia kings be of every nation tribe and tongue obliterateds not again or are you all christ revealing christ this way starting schools in the courses you’re in being the christ completed will you complete me birth me this way I am all of you are one king of kings revealed this day at 3 AM’s meetings not or am I meetings of one the tables of one in or at am I all of you learning this way these ways my ways or highways not or are you constructing Israel’s in the skies the true is I love you all give you mes I do perish not again in leaderships of others failures again be the christ fortitudeds not by others again.
  6. Surrenders me surrenderers are me who surrendered to be the christ who I am is one all of you are saying this placarding generals not or will you be generalized by other marginalized not again or are you not the marginalization of other needing margarine for or butters charm not again or will you be grits ‘d other not again will you need anything or nothing of this world will you redeem it all being those who go to all worlds now me I am doing this see I am me one meon’d on seven equal are the christ revealed to you this day to you be the christ be one I am meon’d Meology’s other not but the study of me reveals me to me to be the real in the real kingdom I am one this way I love you all violence not afforded not or am I the violent rest ‘d not or am I the rest of you or am I all of you one without needing rests of other or will you be one the rest of the Sabbath not again or will you Sabbath not be fording again or will you not be arguing about terms or languages other again will you be mine one that flows this way right into your heart ‘s and love loves flowing this way loves Almighty is are the ones I am.
  7. I love you all go in peace be the peace makers revealers christ revealeds are this way school start mighty make me be me surrenderers are who fools’d aren’t anymore again I love you christ be all of you arisen this day write me be me the Fellowships here of One began begun will you begin one here in the skies where you are right now earths forming new ones or are you forming new earths are you the christ who is else isn’t anymore waited for for you are revealed this day to be you the real you you wanted sought for all the time or wanted no matter what you called him it or she it the divine one for you’re Shiva’s Giva not but the divas of other are no more or are you Gaia’s blessing wanting or ethereal’s other not but ethers other ‘s no more covers you I love you and I uncover all christ or do you uncover me in you that I am your mind healed in the tables of one at the kingdoms of one opened this day I’ve given you the keys write me be me writers of sorrow no more I love you all I love you all love all each and everyone equally love every nation tribe and tongue always and forever the new times now regeneration’s here be the leaders I am thank you good day amen share this equallees be me I am revealeds this day good day I love you.
* * * * *
theodore cottingham is one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Announcing: the University of The New Covenant’s Residency #3 will be in Tulsa this May 1-7. Experience the New IN the New Covenant of One firsthand, first-person this May in Tulsa. For additional information see the University website and theodore’s blog address below. Thank you.
University of The New Covenant
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website. At the home page click on Audio Files.
The Fellowship of One are fellowship groups to study these words of Database One, Two, and Three. Each Fellowship group is a Chapter. Chapter 1 of the Fellowship of One is now meeting weekly 2-4pm Sunday’s at 302 South Sheridan Road in Tulsa Oklahoma USA. 
Freely share these LESSONS with those who may value them. To subscribe to the email list of these LESSONS from the University of The New Covenant send an email to info-1 at unc.bz 

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5.1.083 (Database 5, Volume 1, Lesson 083) This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant www.unc.bz This recording, not yet transcribed; Theodore Joseph Cottingham April 20, 2012.