the proclamation of christ

the proclamation of christ
will you be in the Fellowships of One knowing all the words
cottingham, theodore. April 4, 2011 at 9:07 AM
Voice file 110404_000
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
  1. It is the will of Allah or God are you one that one understands now I am that I am is one that God is separate not again from the being of me that I am all supreme one that is knowing understanding these things becoming it that I am not separate again is that clear is this clear how clear can it be that I am a man God or one that am one one’d by one am that heard the call to be one not separate again from one that one is the one that all hears now that tells all Gods they’re Gods that aren’t separate from the Allah’d king or God’d king of other not or are you all one sharing beds of other not again or are you not in beds of lies or lives of beds other that farm your neurons or neurons farming yous are theirs not farming yous anymore or theirs whose are theirs is or how do are you spelling this these things will you witness me to perish not again or will you perish not again in the witness of me-other or am I other not other’d by again no matter what you called me in the past I am God not or am I God one who is that reveals all you are that I is I am that you are not separate from me again the voice of one crying in the wilderness no more for you will not be crying in the temple of shame anymore or are you not shamed in the temple of mankind’s mind that only wants to mankind your mind or with mankind’s mind are you not mankinding mind again are you light are you witness of other not again are you comfortable with complacency not again shall you be the light not or shall you be understanding these words these things that I’ve taught this way these ways these seven years that I’ve given you Database One and Two Three and knock knocking on your door shall you be saved or learning learn learning will you be coming in the skies to me are you there to learn to witness other not to or are you one me now that will be me now that understanding these things aren’t witnesses to other again that only wants a an accepted religion or a religion or an accepted acceptance from other will you not mankind’d be by other that only wants to sleep in or complacency lie in will you be the words of mankind ‘d no more will you understand my technical ities not or will you be southern Cal not or will you be calve’d not again in the words of mankind’s gold memories en?
  2. I love you all to study and know the words of Paradise not or will you say no to the words of Paradise not again will you give me your mankind’s mind for mine or mine will you mine so that you know mine separate from yours not again so that you will not have mankind’s mind ruling yous so that you will be not stomps-on’s and you will not stomped on each other and blood letting you want be bloodletted again by the yours or mine do you know your words are mine or yours are you claiming or defining definitively not or are you gambiguous no more gambling on the ambiguousness of nebulous nebulae not or are you lying in clouds other not knowing your daydreaming ‘s in are you put to sleep in ether’s other lying in or ethers ethereal other are you or surreals other are you beamings down of mankind’s mind to each other or do you know anything about the sunshine’s sun shine other or do you know me who perishes not without or within do you know me who christ is that all of you are who surface not in miracles other or are your words surfacing mes no more to be eaten-ups of others or are you ions shames no more burdens of Paradise in or are you burdening not Paradise birds of or are you not birds in wanting again of storks shame or who’s taking you to ships crafts how and what are you doing lying in where you came from or going to now are you listening to these words to know and understand watching these videos transcribing these words knowing yours are mine will you be now not separates not or will you be the king of Siam not or Zion ‘s not or will you be in the skies Jerusalem’s planetary circle not or the red of other not being again yellows charm or sulfur’s nature or sulfurite’d sulfuric acid ‘d will you not be in each others words to your common plates lie in each other no more that separates you ‘s from me for I will not be yous treating others that ways that only crawl on hands and knees or ruggerages lie in pews shames again of that will be no more however you witness me to me or will you not witness me to me or will you become me who I am the king of Siam or Zion are you all watching are knowing who I am the witness of other producers directors or am I directing produce not again to be contaminated by your words?
  3. Am I changing everything about gasolines fumes or do you have any of either or both are you me and mankind not again are you mankind’s mind not again driven by or led by are you in the wilderness not mankind’s mind again are you going to the Promised Land in are you will you be now developing it constructing Israel in the skies and loving me will you be me that is me not separate again perishing in the words of other is that clear is this clear how I am ramrodding other not again but presenting you Paradise to be in your genes not or are you mine yours or mine are you am I one ‘s one are you listening to these words to know and understand be ing tenacity ‘d charms by not again will you know and understand are you willing to learn to know and understand to know and understand willing be will you be mine who Paradises perish not in again or were you in heavens or hells creating which ones were you listening to either’s or or both and’s forget not or are you forgetting not your First Estate’d ones are you that all are ones of mankind’s not again are you all the christ the father is revealed this way the words of mankind or Allah God or God’d Allah not or are you all christ christing christ your brethren going to in far countries or planets charms not or are you all everywheres now not the ethers of surrealisms other surreal in again are you not cantankerous casket’d in again the words of other no more take you down for I’ll be in the skies preaching not or will I be reeling in not but I tell you this you’re not the mankind’s of approach other again led by nor driven into the wilderness by others to other’d be by other again for I call you christ all of you no matter what you’ve worshiped or been in or led by or driven by or exalted or putalted or catapulted are you no more in the minds of mankind’s memories or words of charms ions or beams or vectors of hate’s words that separates lies unto you or words separating are you no more unto others to craft ships of others to be diced by spliced by others words will you not be the eaten-ups of others again that bowls had lies between your eyes will you be me who’s o king are the king is the king of one ‘s I am I am and I am Siam ‘d not or am I all of you no matter what slant eyes you had for words other not or are you not slanted in the eyes of other refracted at beams other or lights photons hitting you or are you understanding DNAs charms or genetics christwise?
  4. Will you be the wise wisdom of christ will you be have cultivate crop other not again out of your mind or will you crop all other out of your mind having mine that mines others not or are you the christ leading all out of prosperity or into it in the skies needing nothing of molecular’s charms again what have I said and how have I said it how have you listened real are you in do you know anything about the words of christ that teach this way I teach all things and I’m not afraid about your words nor your transgressions nor your transcendings transcendence or are you transcendent no more or are you will you be in the skies not subject to gravity’s time’s space or spacetime’s gravity or are you ridiculous not or willing are you to be made fun of or will you be simply acceptance loving and christ leaving behind that you were all the time that saves your genes first or are you saved in your genes first the genetics of christ knowing the words of faith no more that gave you a label’s cult or words flow of other did you  charmed by were you your own words that worshiped you were in your temple that you worshiped with your worships light or light did you know anything about what came from or were going to were you the temples not of mankind’s again?
  5. Do you know me who I am I teach this way in pulpits not or do I in fellowships of one ‘s meetings or meetings of one do I give you just like this in the wee hours at 2 AM or 2 PM or noon meetings do you know anything about my meetings in Tulsa ‘s charm not or do you know are you coming here or Mecca in the skies do you know anything about abolishing obliterating or are you the constructor of Israel’s in the skies all one are that love is no matter what you called me in mankind’s mind again before or after what are you now the christ being real the transcendent is the real christ standing up knowing my words giving my words me just like this the flowers of faith no more for I am not the edged ragged in prosperity’s charm of other again seeking nor will I be acceptance-driven or looking for nor edged by nor ragged in for I will be the christ crowned in the kingdom of one the kingdom of one perishing never again that my mind is or yours not again infiltrated by being mine that wants mine or are your mind not wanting mine again or are you without want are you christ redeeming christ God is that Allah’d is isn’t other not or are all of you one no matter what you called me no matter what father you had or do you have all one father am I one that speaks this way to you all through you all to be all one I am revealed redeemed this way I am the resurrections now here’s I am folks and I’m telling you all witnessing you all or am I witnessing your behavior no more to be other led by or driven by other I’m not again and I am who am I one who knows who I am I am christ revealing christ you are that you’re the christ that died for your sins or not will you have one of separation again?
  6. Will you be the christ in the skies redeeming all this way your words first your lives first do you have one that one is ones are revealed this day this way I give you christ me all of you are christ me ing me this way Meology’s charm in not or are you without me of charms other again so that Meology’s crowd you’ll know not or will you be crowded outs of your kingdom not again will you be me o myelin’s sheath led by not again will you be axon hillocks understanding will you be neurons farms no more farmed by or words other or what are you genetics of christ knowing or being the geneticists of christ not or narcissistics other not but you’ll be looking up a lot of things in my words knowing the vocabularies of shame not again will you be me who knows this now who beams other not again unto your genes etching others?
  7. Will you be me o christ in the skies all of you not needing mortgages real estate’s shame again will you be me constructing Israel’s in the skies now I am’s just like this and I give you me my words perish not again I am videos nideos not but Nickelodeon’s not or am I TVs shame not again or am I words beamed satellites not from or am I everywheres free and clears I am not needing your monies shame again nor bloods on your hands nor words of other again to lead me into Paradises other that called hells were when you were there all the time were you heavens born again in or were will you be born again now in the skies that skies is born again and produced proclivity’d not or what is your proclivity to be mankind’s mind no more again led by or producing are you me mine one that my mind one is all of you are in the heavens not limiteds again to spacetime gravities other for you will know the genetics of shame not or will you be gravitationals other not led by gravitons or protons do you know anything about electrons shame not or quantum’d christ will you be all of you now who know me not neglectful’s Paradise in again that grows up clouds or skies or darkness other led by will you not be the lightnings of shame again led by others I won’t be again and I tell you this I love you all and I’ve led many astray not or have I led any into the kingdom or am I leading you to yours to you be the ruler in the christ that’s led by others not again that gives your life to you to know to be the king you are in the king of others not again are you the kingdom of one in the kingdom of one perishing not again in the words of other will you be the christ please all of you of every nation tribe and tongue no matter what label cult you were in or by words used or worshiped again in your temple will you be the light of one mankind not driven ‘s by again.
  8. I love you all and I witness territory other not but a lot of territories are given me not or do I fly over in or many am I coming out to be saved not again as other by the words of I am I am the lamb of other not again for I am saved by the words of other not again or am I was I ever the words of other saved by or led by others into wilderness others no more will be again I love you all be the christ risen this day the resurrections now no matter what you thought of me what I look like are you the I am that I am is the resurrections now believed or received become will you I am me who is the resurrections now the resurrecter’s here or are you it being you first first’d by the First Degree will you know the universities of hate’s no more precludings you or proclivities other not again in are you the mankind’s mind led by produced by no more that takes only waves and energies others by?
  9. I love you all to know me who am I the surrendered perish never again I have answered asked and given you ways of perishing not again or did I ever or do you give me who’s you that ‘s not again will you give me the kingdoms of one in perishing not again will you the crown of brows other be no more beaten by or led by will you be the king of Siam I am all I am everywhere no matter what nation tribe and tongue you thought I was in are you I am that I am ‘s of not other again for I am all of you one Paradise christ in knowing all the brethren of love’s love being all the Angels of christ christ being saved this way that you were all the time so you’re not anti ‘d again are you understanding this now all these things I’ve given you these seven years perish not again o great seven equals on be I love you all be in my courses be me charms not again charmed by will you be in the Fellowships of One knowing all the words of mankind not again but words of christ will be flowing this way freely and the rivers of life will all be one life that rivers is freed whole this day the proclamation of christ going to the proclamation of christ being the proclamation of christ all foreclaimed not but proclaimed all is freeds are free ‘s you this day are the ones who speaks me just like this the covenants of the new the Universities of the New Covenant’s mine find me well will you be me that finds me finding me well will you be me becoming me will you the king in the skies that creates all over again the new’s here regeneration’s now I love you all christ the christ I’ve said much in many words or many lessons have I given you 3 several thousands?
  10. Will you listen know me perish not again o great fools of christ be of no other again no matter what you called me in the past no matter what you Allah’d or christ’d in other genes or words will you worship others no more will you be me free flowing now the words of christ christ being let bloodletting this way that flows no other or will you be redeemed in your words by the lambs of no others blood again will cover or splatter yous for you’ll be the words of other no more led by you’ll be the words of the king proclamations kingings of letting all be the king equals are I am this way ‘s made whole one is in the  skies loving you all the bodies of Paradise perished not again or will you not perish in Paradise againwill you be me who loves this way will you come to my meetings or know mine or yours will you be creating schools this way knowing my courses how my word flows this way teaches all mighty all things  Almighty will you be led by no other again all of you one nation tribe and tongue of Israel in the skies my Israel is all of you Israel is Abraham is coming out of your land of other or were you in de-prosperity’s no more?
  11. Will you be not impoverished in other again will you be poverty’s standard of righteousness un’s no more of will you be the king that demolishes or obliterates poverty or prosperity of other will you be in the skies not needing moleculars other again will you be me who studies christ or beam the christ of no other again that words separates your or etchings of christ will you be redeemed plates spinning by not but you’ll need no plates of other at the tables of one I love you all and I provides all here’s I am loving you all I give you me perish not again o great christ be all of you today’s one the witness of one I am all of yous who perish not again speak me be me redeem me I am the christ you are let me us be one’s one all equals are seven equals on I love you I bow before you all good day perish not again be the christ love all equally amen be the king I am all of you are now understanding saying being placarded by no other again railroaded by you’ll be the king of kings in the skies ones is love you all good day.
* * * * *
theodore cottingham is one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Announcing: the University of The New Covenant’s Residency #3 will be in Tulsa this May 1-7.Experience the New IN the New Covenant of One firsthand, first-person this May in Tulsa. For additional information see the University website and theodore’s blog address below. Thank you.
University of The New Covenant
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website. At the home page click on Audio Files.
The Fellowship of One are fellowship groups to study these words of Database One, Two, and Three. Each Fellowship group is a Chapter. Chapter 1 of the Fellowship of One is now meeting weekly 2-4pm Sunday’s at 302 South Sheridan Road in Tulsa Oklahoma USA. 
Freely share these LESSONS with those who may value them. To subscribe to the email list of these LESSONS from the University of The New Covenant send an email to info-1 at

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