THE NEW COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham News to understand these words …

to understand these words …

I shall not want, or shall I have everything given to me, or shall I develop it, create it, creating it I am, all over again. Amen. Creating I am, I am, however you want to read that, this, I am creating I am and I am is I am creating all things anew who will be anew I am. Smile ing I love you. Smile ing I am – I am, whether you hyphenate punctuate me or not, however you want or shall you not want again to understand my words or how shall you read this now understanding these things shall you-we be one in one that one I am is? I love you all to know me understand me understand my blessing IN these words that I have given you so freely. That I have give you – so freely, soooo freely. Freely having been given I receive, the best of me not, or the all of me who will be me? I love you all. Fasting not, or ARE you the faster of the speed of light or faster? Tachyons my approval needing or not are you limiteds at all anymore?

I limit no one at all or do you become me the unlimiteds are one.
I limit no one at all or do you become me the unlimiteds, are – 1.
I teach tell and have TAUGHT in these words HOW to understand these words do you UNDERSTAND that NOW! EVERYTHING CHANGES!
Amen of, not of man of.
Awoman not or are you ALL of me now
In my words
Being MY WORDS in
Being me
Unfruitful not again
Bringing forth the First Fruits now
Unabated not, unabated and exploited not, or are you understanding a WHOLE LOT of things now, without LOGS in YOUR EYES?
Providing eye beams not, or are you not BEAMING your eyes to each other again
For rays of notme isms and ologies to cease now?
I change everything
And who am I?
The surrendered
Who I am is
The meekest of all
God is
I am
Good day
Ensconce me never again in your thought
Ensconcing me no more
Ensconcing mes no more
Release me TO BE the christ thou art
One I AM all of you to BE ONE, 1.
Good day
Christ me well.
My wells clean, and cleaned, by the word of I am, by the words I am, cleaned I have given you mine to be the clean, cleaner thereof of the temple? Not made with hands.
I light the light thereof
Never being separate again.
I am one.
Men of, other, no more.
I love god am whether you capitalize or understand me or not or are you APPLYING YOURSELF now, YOURSELVES now TO UNDERSTAND THESE WORDS OF Database One and Two shall you no more be again debasers of my words? I coming am into the words of me to be the words of me I am. Understand and being understanding all things now shall you be the creator thereof all things new, again?
Not being – wanters – this time?
I am I am.
Look ma!, no hands!, not; no BODIES!, of shame anymore incarcerating me! in the temple not made with light not, or am I, the light, of the worlds made whole now?
I am
I am.
Good day
I am be.
Thank you.
Come INTO my courses.
Be me; UNdiligents NEVER AGAIN!
Thank you.
Worry – for nothing!
Everythings provided here.
I am.
Diligents studiers here
Becoming me I am
Making all things new.
Now unto death not again.
Understand all things now
Given to the SON? DAUGHTER?
I am.
NEW! ‘d, by you, YOU!
Me are
Renewed, in the “faith” not again.
I make all things NEW
Rejoice now!
I “forsake” you not; I never did – now do me likewise, and reject me not again from being you
Who I am.
Good day
theodore joseph cottingham
March 14, 2011  11:23am.

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5.1.012 This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham January 25, 2012 . . . * * * * * This