What do you see being said

The University of The New Covenant is a school like no other. The values of the christ revealed in the curriculum are because the christ speaks them that the father is. Unavailed no more the veil is no more.
What do you see being said – is how the christ develops the christ to be the matureds following evil ways of practice not again to incarcerate us in our minds of freeness’not. All free now is proclaimed now stated declared instantly not but via process not or is it that The New Covenant is process? One. Amen. Selah. Amen. So be it it is to the who-can-see reveal it unto themselves first a new way of learning that limits not the learner in any way. The veil of achievement perished now is for the veil of achievement perishing is the separate of christ from the christ that is in all of us the real.
We are hewn from many branches or are we one tree real life being it one mind’d true real in from true real developing ture real truth being, exploited no more for mind’s gain that only wants money and achievement of itself ‘s standards. One will be known now that teaches this way to teach all this way of standards not, or is the standard of righteousness far above all others?
I am I am and teach this way I do at the University of The New Covenant this way internally forthcoming now and is the fullness of me now revealed in – the willing surrendered. Amen. Hallelujah. Selah.
I give you all things at the foot of your brow not, but in heavenly places     be me     in     of one     the one you were destined to be are   one I am   IF revealed you are in the words of the mighty magnificent IF you are willing and ready     to learn this way     the way of christ revealed through the words of one     BECOMING THEM! Alleluia – not separate again from my WORDS I teach this way – to be internalized by not other again – the mind set freed that I am – the intelligence of christ freed – to be scholasticized by no other again that draws a veil in the sand. Alleluia. I’m one FREED this day freeing christ IN all of you to BE the christ set freed tuition free. No one can charge for my words flowing like this   exchanging life   that never ends   The Fellowship of One knowing far an wide   deep in the things of me that reveal all as christ in my learning system that one with me IS     revealing me     IN. Amen. Alleluia. Learning my ways being them incarnate me – no other – for you will not be separate from me learning me. that’s what Meonics is all about in the School of me that reveals me to me this way – by my word   writing it   living   loving together   one
I am is
Revealed all this day is
Mighty many attend
Released being     the word I am     freed
Writing assignments and papers this day one I am.
What do you see     being said     written   on tablets ONE? Voice of the Savior being revealed Saviors is   redeeming each other through the process of becoming – scholasticism’s other not – but redeemed all will be in the mighty many school,s of the almighty king of kings the meekest of all   in the skies are of learning other no more.
I reveal alls
Externally I am now   see and unheard not be me
The lambs kind   king’d lambs all matured and lovelies are. Alleluia.
Study   at the Kingdom of One School in the University of The New Covenant – the University of The New Covenant all everywhere’s is
Thousands millions come
Surrendered are   who lead here
Listen and learn   I teach all things   this way
From the inside out   to be used of no other  all exchanging paper in grace and mighty miracles some – expecting grace other not – but revealing the mighty many christ are   in the fellowship of believers not, becomers who become the christ IN the Fellowships of One in the schools s of christ BEING the Fellowships of One not separate IN The New Covenant released IN the University that teaches all things this way.
I love you.
What do you see being said? I have given you lessonating procedures and plans to be christ, in your souls not again, for saving you are – Me! from being no other again. I am you crowned in life – brow’d by no other – I new ‘d am   in   at the table of one all things laid bare     all revealed is     you’re the christ     all are     ready or not
Will you be revealed this day?
Study here’s
I am.
Good day.
Document One? The lambs Book of Life writtens this way by all.
Alleluia. Redeeming all this say   ways I have given you clear are   clears are transparent living the christ life   of one   seamless
Regarded as christnots not –
Regard all as christ   revealed this day is
Investigate me explore me adore me all I do
Amen. Is this clear?
See me what I’ve said this day explained in christ language? Of one I am revealed.
Alleluia. Amen.
The closed learning systems perish now.
I am is released     in throughout the earths now to be all one
Is – I am released in I am teaching teaches this way
What can do you see   say   not perishing again are my many now   released   in the voice of one that no one can diminish again   hearing from me is   to be me   released in the earth Meonics is doing far and wide   to the surrendered   to be the surrendered in the Kingdom of One not perishing again from the earth ,s? alls new and getting new created again
The creators are learning how as this   my training program of one Meonics is   Meology surrendered to  
of no other again self seeking self   is no more
perished all notme began   is now
revealed are   the surrendereds to be my second coming in revealed are
this day   many mighty come   complete becoming   Me!
First light   of approvals of man   never wanting again
I am freed   free at last   becoming the first   I am again am’d by am I am. Released freed the christ freed   fee’s no one   but feeds all from the tree of life being it   incarcerated no more in flesh bodies of lust lusting for. Amen.
Alls anew in at the University of one, The New Covenant released revealed in my teaching system of one internally revealed is
Alls anew am.
Lookup my words IN my words of Database One and Two and Three soon   be here   mighty am   leading the Priesthood of All Believers  OUT of the miry clay of bodies other – again – the resurrection’s now. Amen.
One mighty many’d am.
Released all know about now –
In carcerated not again
Freed   at last   all second’d no more in Adam’s other.
I love you all.
The methods of the mighty released in the humble many that come now   seeking no release of other   from other   or will   no other exists now
Single focus ‘d be
Amen   the table of one at
Drinking coffee with me?
At airports IN the heavens?
Heavenly love all spread out
Never tentacles of faith in again –
All one   love is   freed at last
In my school   University’s One that one is all knowing My Covenant freed – not in minds man again to there to it self. BE the christ healed this day.
This is how I teach
Here’s I am
Alleluia one am
All the blood of the lambs words are clean now   all knowing   the assignment   of the onenots not anymore
The assignments never perish again   fulfilled are   fulfilleds are   who fulfill them
All awaiting is   on the one   who won’t perish again in the activities things of notme.
All brought forth is this way in the Educational Systems of One
Not others again reporting to for paychecks big fat or “skinny”   lean be   no more   but in the riches of the riches   or   simple   “old” me’s not or are you all mes now needing nothings of worlds o’er?
I do new things with the surrendered to be my second coming current understanding in I am this say and this say   by no other   only the surrendered   survive thrive   in my throckmortons not again – or will you need no salt of other in my meals?
I turn to pillars other never more again.
Freed I am at last –
Nevermore intercoursing with thought   that takes me down
I fly   ‘s now.
Eagles of other not
Developed matured christ is this say
This day   in the mighty
Humblest of all.
King King’d again in the simple who’ll believe and write being the Priesthood of All Believers tested again? Write and see   the salvation of the lord of other not again.
Learning systems of notme perish now – me not again
I fly’s now. Amen. Being men women and children of every nation   perishing not again. I we flys.
Write me my papers now   exchanging   love ‘s words
To be   the christ revealed christ   all of you one is in the learning system of one revealed this day in the University of One The New Covenant revealed in the Loves One Schools of Christ   One is – The New Covenant system   of man no more. I love you all.
Know my University perishes not again. I am all of you starting new schools in school creating developing I am’s this say – to not be perishing’s again. Alleluia. Amen.
One I am in the schools of one
The mighty many
Christs are
All christ is   released freed
Hewn from no other
The tree of life   freed in each of us that one is
One is   the father is mom’d of no other again
Carrying me to birth full term’d?
70 weeks     weeks? Months not again of the perishing in “4”-year school. Amen.
I love you.
Be Perfects IN Perfects Schools begetting the perfects now   knowing how to speak   articulate new constitutions in countries mighty
Israel is   in the skies
Promoting all? Only the surrendered who write this way I teach you all ALL things   new people making   craters on life other not again
Mars bars never needing for energies candies again.
Mars other?
I won’t be marred again in scarface’s sorrow for I won’t be wearing the words of the diced-up ‘s again. Amen.
Write my words   projects me? project me?
I’m one   with no projections other again
Needing no light rays other
I am the perfect crowned christ
That’s all of you   surrendered to be
In the learning system that avails no one other not or are you all CHRISTS now that one IS Elohim redeemed? None other but Christ ,s survive that one is
All regenerated now is
Regenerative be
Of the generations of one.
Adam defined redefined is
All lovelys are now
In the skies one
Perfect Perfected is
Theodore Joseph Cottingham
February 15, 2011

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