My name is Grace Cottingham

Love is upon the earth now in tangible form, governing with the values of love. I stand for love and the values of integrity that value every person on earth equally, ending discrimination and poverty. Love is far more than a set of feelings, for true love is a set of values that form our behavior and the very essence of every relationship. We can become a nation of lovers that change nations, because love is the greatest power any nation can operate with. There is simply no weapon that can defeat love.

I love grace for I love love and love forgives and births forgiveness as lines of communication in love transcend the molecular. We must now move on to our future and be not tied to the past nor its values nor its technology. I invite you to become a person of love in action, living a set of values where we love each other truly, eliminating the need for many laws. There’s a better way to live than just being a labor force for commercial interests, chained to a job that keeps us in debt. There’s a life we can live in this country that values each other no less than our own.

I stand for love and my name is Grace Cottingham bringing love to this nation and all who will stand with me to become a new creation of love in two shoes that affect every person around them, because, love is unstoppable.

I love you all.

Grace Cottingham

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This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham January 18, 2012 at :01 AM . . . . * * * * * This Lesson is part of Database 5 of the Central


5.1.025 (Database 5, Volume 1, Lesson 025) This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham February 12, 2012 . . .