I declare war on ignorance the christ is trained I change the knowledge the regeneration’s here folks all one priest of God my course is ready for you one one’d
I declare war on ignorance the christ is trained I change the knowledge the regeneration’s here folks all one priest of God my course is ready for you one one’d
I the race of christ am announced pronounced decreed proclaimed graduateds I am in the skies this way This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant www.unc.bz
thank you for forgiving all of their sins you first yours This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant www.unc.bz 4.1.067 Voice file 110901_000 Video file 110901_000v
bye-bye to all that was This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant www.unc.bz 4.1.066 Voice file 110831_000 Video file 110831_000v This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham August
I have brought you thee use of me will cease now you are not the clones’d of other again This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant
I have found THE ONE you are the one will you be the speaking me know the teats of religion no more I enter ME OF PARADISE 101 knowing far
I am not cloned by other again are you all christ begetting christ this way loving you all letting you know who you are where and why all changes
Meonic’ers are you Meonics of the First Degree of loves light and life going to the campus of ones light the lights of one all will you be at 302’s
the War on Ignorance I have declared are you all of The First Degree God is one collective will you start the Revolution of One of The First Degree will
see the christ go look in your mirror will you be in Tulsa’s love will you be one the temples of light the 70th weeks knowing graduateds are you the
force field one am I are you all 70th weeks knowing now 70 weeks perfect Database One knowing what first you are the christ surrendered are lovelies the most of
are you the born again christ all of you what are you willing to record to speak be the studiers thereof will you change everything speak extemporaneously will you be