I have found the one

I have found THE ONE
you are the one
will you be the speaking me
know the teats of religion no more
I enter ME OF PARADISE 101 knowing far and wide and you know me who’s entered me has for I enter the kingdom of one ‘s light and the light is one
see you all christ properly now
This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110828_000
Video file 110828_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham August 28, 2011 at 8:39 AM giving you peace bringing you me or bringing you me am I giving you peace or bringing me peace by giving you me piece by piece not again or were you only doing that to me where you gave me piece to piece by piece I love you all to answer a whole lot of things and know understand and become wisdom I love you all to know me and how to know me I have given you I have given you I am me in these words that have been coming now I have been there all these years have I been you that I am you that I am now knowing not your identity lessness now that you are only carcerated in or are you no more incarcerations witness that only witnesses to an imbecilic nature or imbeciled by each other what are you reconciles no more to or are you reconciling me my identity to me that I am not perishing again in other are you gaining whole worlds other no more and losing your own souls had you any of either or both and not the same again Hathaway’s me or are you all a lot of San Raphael’s going to or houses in the deserts not again what’s raining on your desert or where north winds lie not again as northern lights apparel or are you lits now all among the heavens Schlitzable other not again maltz able by to or Malta Conference are you going to not again or but mine are you going to all over the worlds throughout the heavens are you me mine are knowing my mind are you healed not piece by piece anymore piecing other again as puzzles helmets lie in or helmut’d by appearance not but I make many changes in the Kaisers of me or one George do you know or George Gianopulos do you know or one who’s trumpeted my appearing not will be again not or am I you trumpeting mine are am I you all one are one race of mankind not again but all christ?
  2. Christ are all one race of the priesthood not of other again only kinging other are you Richard ing no more again Richardking of or campuses of in the skies are you now knowing the campus of ones light are you me knowing the perfect most of all will you all perfect most of all be the perfect what are you perfecting perfection no more as other in your genes what will you be recording or recourtings no more of are you courting no more the failures of other that only gave you a genes appearance of lies in are you not the lies of terror wearing anymore in your genes what are you eradicating or are you the eradicateds no more are you eradicating mankind’s love no more for mine or are you wearing mine totally completely mine that loves all as equal christ not the clones’d other again clonesable terribles of are you Clooney’s not again or speaking my words are you all who knows me the richest in heaven have I one are you all not seeking riches in heavens again are you mammons’beciles no more are you mammon not seeking would you rather have me than mine loves who love ‘d me or will you love me all enough to be me and have me all are I am I am knowing all these things not the burdens of burdenage other burdenage’d by for I change everything about the age’d not or have I changed everything about the ages of mankind’s mind or are you the dew of your youth having will you be the ones who extemporaneously speak me just like this who flip on your little recorders will you be the flipped up off no more clipped off by others will you shorn be no more shaven by others that only wants to shave your mankind’s beard not again or are you shaving your crowns off each other no more bit by bit piece by piece or are you changing everything about the brows of mankind’s mind are you wearing mine are you mine my name is Israel are you in the skies not clouded-outs other again or are you cloud of witnesses no more again only here down on the ground are you not empiricaling yourselves other to be only those who want to verify empiricities cities of other are you lights on a hill cities which cannot be hid now throughout the heavens are you planets of charms not again of others what are you knowing codecs of others not again or transponderers transpondents not again what are you transpondering to ponderers not the ways of failures again waves of waves’d others won’t be again you will know the difference for what a mankind’s lie is and not and what a fabrications is of executors other not again for you want be executing me again as other nor signing wills of documents wills of other intentions other won’t be any more for you will know the difference of what lies in mankind’s mind no more of other will be no more what are you saying thinking being or are you not a thinking being any more that thinks being only other what are you piece by piece not dissimilated or disassembled or dissembled other are you not dissembling your brethren are you not dissembling your sistern what are you terrors no more are you piece by piece no more that only terribles want to make of snows paradise or are you not the moral compasses of failure or are you compassed not again by your want are you not the dust of the world anymore again or are you changing everything will you be the christ non magnetics again are you non-christ again that don’t know who you are or are you christ again who knows all who you are what all is why where I have told you this these many things for years now how many seven equals on are you nine eight or is the clock ticking no more again has it stopped are you stopping to speak my words are you taking still time now to know and resist no more?
  3. Will you be my speaking words speaking me not the other of other again please will you know me all of you not terribles again that only wants to snows you on paradise or freeze you out in yards charm or what yards have you no more you’re going to navies or armies air force other or are you in the heavens one fleet of mankind’s mind no more are you in the heavens jets paradise equals no more of other or orifices other not needing orifers for I love you all to know me and extemporaneously speak me just like this where you let come be me and let powerful be power who knows power not again of other jet fuels of of other is no more of ‘d again and I will be not of mankind’s mine of making other I love you all to mind me laws of no other again have I one but love will you know me will you love all mankind mine or will you make no other again in your genes will you be the creators of lies no more will you live be bespeak me this way will you speak me this way will you not be the woodens anymore that only want a Pinocchio’s nose or will you experiment with light no more as other not or are you changing everything about the decks on paradise woodens no more or changing everything are you putting the puzzle pieces together no more of other are you cobble’s’d no more of other James of or butlers going to what’s Rhett’s no more or Scarlett’s shame or are you not Atlanta’s paradise in undergrounds or are you over grounds no more or are you everythings everywheres that you’re the custodians of not again or only protectorates protecteds not again what are you not protectorates of or protecteds again of are you not the clones’d of paradise other that only wanted to collect a garnering purses shame for your execution of light will you be no more the darkies darkness in will you no more be the woodens that nose only wants a rollout of each others attacking each others in politics charms will be no more for I the love party of one know you all who be’loves all to love all to love all as paradise sucks the dog of no ears again of religion for you will know the teats of religion no more on Sunday mornings Saturday or lie in their charms its vice grips again for you will not be the vice ‘d again nor grips of Sunday mornings going to or do I change everything about what you belief ‘d did?
  4. Are you belief ‘d no more unto yourselves what you only believed unto what are you creating the creators now perfect purple not again or colors are you knowing mine rainbows of love light split no more by prisons other prisms other or do you know anything about refracting light refracteds no more krakens of or are you changing everything about the seas of paradise are you in the heavens constructing mine will you be Israel’s Israel’s not the fabricators of loves other did you have any or only fabricated love as a mankind’s lie to live in or experience some emotion or mine will you have all mine are the ones giggling no more at other making funs of or funds of paradise are you only wanting or knowing mine limitless are or are you needing any will you be speaking me just like this who needs no monies of paradise terrors or are you changing everything about the Syrena’s of mankind’s mind or are you changing everything about the Penelope’s cruising not on paradise others what Tom’s are cats no more be’legging yous to be’speak to others words to only enter act with is no more for I enter ME OF PARADISE 101 knowing far and wide and you know me who’s entered me has for I enter the kingdom of one ‘s light and the light is one not terrible’d by other dual istics of and you will know me who study the vocabularies of paradise not again as other for you will know me all languages charm in not other again charmed of for charmings you won’t be used of other or will you be knowing the difference will you noses of no more have of paradise other or will you be changing the bodies of failure will you be changing the creations mightily or will you be the creations mightily changed by other no more are you the christ creating all failures not again of other are you the christ creating all christ now are you christ all brethren all sistern are genderless sex not knowing again or are you sectless divisionless no more are you dividings no more as recombinants DNA or are you changing everything about what you know studied have?
  5. Have you studied will you study mine words like this where you re peat others not again are you peats coal not again burnings for refuse paradise in are you knowing me who’s paradise are you in did you only create hells bells were you only bellaffied in veloped in other you’ll no more be envelops’d of I change everything I womb of paradise not or do I womb you with your words will you womb me will I be the delivereds compass no more of wanting other are you the compassed no more of mankind’s mind what are you wanting are you delivering me the christ child are you to me develops’d are matureds are in the heavens studying this way to be envelops’d no more again in Penelope’s nose do you have one or panaceas other not wanting again virginated boxes of or are you opening the hearts of paradise this way with loves love panaceas other will no more hold out its nose to me and turn the cranks of other won’t be any more again no matter how you spell that Richard ing of or are you the most of paradise knowing or are you all of me knowing the surrendered most of all are you the beautiful whose feet no more land on paradise or are you the landing of committees no more landeds in?
  6. Are you changing everything about the committees committed of are you in the heavens studying me this ways not on the boards of shame again studying others in classrooms other will be no more to otherfy empirical make of other you you won’t be othering each other will you will you know the christ will you have the noses no more for shames that only want garbage to sniff out on each other are you changing politics will you be in will you be of the loves party of love will you be knowing love will you love the party of one will you be having one in the heavens now are you all Richardkings no more of other are you changing the campuses of light no more to be other’d did you know mine one will you let be me now who all let flow my words this way will you be recording me now extemporaneously knowing the light at all times 24/7 will you knowing be me will you be me knowing me all of me I am throughout the heavens will you be fearless now will you fearless toads no more be of others stuck to’s wards of warts other not again wanting or are you changing everything about the skins of appearance skinnables not skinnily again dipping in or are you changing everything about the nakeds of paradise no more again to wear your words what are you wearing did you yours are you wearing your words are you changing everything about paradise not again to be your wants compassed of are you delivering the deliverables of christ are you christ christables now all who were all the time were christ are knowing the father of one the mother is are you all ones one that genderless are sex no more wanting again are you sectless not piece by piece wanting precepts by precept ordeals by ordeal not again will you be ordeal’d by other wanting deals of mammon’s face or are you not the face of mammon’s terror again appeals’d of or are you changing everything about the appeals of mankind’s mind to verify as other you will you not you be verified by other each other verifying your empiricity what are you empires of waists no more again what are you dust no more again no matter how you spell that Dustman will be no more or dustmen other or dustwomen of your appearance will no more be dusting off shelves or will you have any not of mankind’s mind again board ing you?
  7. I love you all to bort me no more or will you be the aborteds no more christ of christ alleluia one is born again this way I am all of you terribles not again snows of or are you meltings a lot of things by respects and love are you melting the wooden stone or stones paradise are you no more in that only wanted empiricity’s love did you know what love was are you now one loving all equally in the heavens are will you be the heavens are populateds not by others again are you knowing any things about this who clicks me on like this and records me will you be the recordings me jet propulsions of fleets of paradise not of other again going to or incarcerateds shame not again being incarcerated to I am not the genes ‘d of mankind’s mind again I am free ‘s christ and christ are frees the christ and I’m not the freezings of mankind’s solidifications of charms again I make all christ or do I let is that a big word to me a 3-letter word or love in your language how many letters not again writing or are you writing mine letters of love all of you this way where you be’speak me just this way will you be speaking me will you be the speaking me will you be me speaking to each other this way with loves paradise love will you be constructing it with whatever else and sorrow no more will you be constructeds of I love you all paradise be the Israel’s this day knowing I’m not the molecularments not or am I changing everything about the ments of your mankind’s mind what are you spelling how ever you want to not again or are you wantings not made of mankind’s mind again are you mine always were gods is one ye are gods all are gods you are not without paragraphs not or are you all the richest of all not seeking paranormals other or are you all the normal christ in the heavens now knowing what normal is supernatural super natural of no other again are you stuck to’s no more adhereds to other are you changing everything about what marriageables made you to paradise other to construct it in your genes and want others company will no more be again will you be mine in the heavens knowing all mine throughout the heavens will you ever be aloneables not again or will you be Ilona’s not or will you know all the Budapest hungry Hungarians or will you know me all soups’d of not paradise other again standing in soup lines other will be not again or will you be in the heavens?
  8. Are you changing everything about what you thought by printing out these words speaking will you be speaking me this way printing out yours categorizing other not again are you databases fulfilling your prophecies mine are you or are we simply ones speaking the word of christ to be christ forms ‘d this way not by others again I walk the lines of christ not again or do I have any or am I rasters no more projections of or are you changing everything about the red green blues or RGB’s of other are you projecteds other not again in your mankind’s mind what are you seeing the colors spectrums of other not again limiteds to are you the limited editions no more seeking or wanting use be for other no more please for the clones’d of other is no more the limited edition of christ or are you changing everything will you be please the actors not of faith other again on stages of sorrow will you sorrowables be no more of sorroweers other projecting the words of othereers other will no more be I change everything about the hearings of mankind’s mind will you be mind hearing mine I love you all to be one ‘s mind of no other again piece by piece of other is no more putting you together or did it only disassemble you or dissembling you are you not the ones of mankind’s only taking each others apart again by split s ables other up by others not but you’ll know me piece by piece not again or chunks of paradise not splitables up in what are you changing are you knowing me my words lesson by lesson will you be speaking me just this way will you learn how here’s I am at 302 South Sheridan for now I am the beginnings paradise or am I beginning all things anew are you the creators creating all things anew are you heavens in heavens now will you be the born agains not of terribles anymore I know the difference I be light ‘s lit I the christ I am that reveals the christ that you are saying this to all now you are knowing who you are reveals ‘d you are to you be no other again hiddens from your own flesh or are you regardeds no more as other for others incarcerations of?
  9. Will you be no more lit lead by others again to moltens be others of core others you’ll no more be spuns by for I spins the webs of deceits not again or do you spendings use of no other make of you are you changing everything about what you value valueds were by other you won’t be the currency of mankind’s mind seen by or are you changing the obedients of paradise not again into other you won’t be obedientified by nor subservients to I change everything and I free you all christ to be the christ you are the christ subservient to no other are you speaking the words of faith no more are you faithalites no more acolytes of are you changing everything about the services of sorrow need you any are you speaking my words this way on Sunday mornings or 24/7 will you arise and be me beamings no other unto your genes again to etch others unto otherfieds be no more again is for what are you again the First Estate’d will you know your first estate paradise not creating it as other again over you in you you won’t be otherfieds empiricists ‘d again I love you all christ the christ be the liberateds this day the freeds christ will you free all no matter what you were where or thought by I buy the paradise not again of other nor the words of mankind that only gives me it structured of for the scaffolds of mankind’s mind no more scaffolds me or scuffles me upon its piece by piece otherfieds to be for again the woundeds I won’t be again I christ the christ and I heals all will you heal all your brethren sistern to be one genderless christ will we be in the heavens wanting sex of not other again sects of no other again will sectify me piece by piece nor dismantle my heavens or are you the constructors of Israel’s no more known as other are you in the heavens are you the heavenaters are you all now will you be constructing Israel this way are you mine Israelaffied by other no more what are you taken aparts no more piece by piece are you constructeds no more by livers terror or are you living the life of mine one in the skies numeral-less not or are you numberless are you seven equals on the perfect christ are you will you be seven equals on meon’d are Meology’s know this you know you study this you speak me learning my lessons will you be speaking writing about discussion groups in in the open paradise of not terribles again knowing are you limiteds no more to paradise other are you otherables otherfieds no more by other are you all christ wickeds no more?
  10. I the christ I am the perfects of all deliverables of all delivering the christ messages of one the message of one you are the one all of you are Penelope’s cruise not or Tom’s other Sellick’s not or are you selling a lot of things or what associations am I making no more of other am I disassociating a lot of things disassociateds now will you be or will you be in the heavens knowing all of me all the heavens are mappings this way will you be the paradise not of other creators of use of other will no more be the new creations now ones mine is used of no other I lovelies are the loveliest of all will you be feets of paradise not walking in again as defeateds are will you light the heavens will you be me expanding shames no more will you be expansionless no more or will you be expanding the kingdoms of light all productions of loves of light not on the stages of sorrow ‘s again will you sorrows heal now will you heal all the healable Sirena’s will you heal all the deckables not again or will you decks of christ not be on deckings of constructeds of salve’able sorrows are you knowing me whoever you are what you did won’t of you or love will you be will you love me will you love enough to love enough to be love loved will you be everywhere now in the heavens mappings me far and wide I am the explorable christ are you exploring me my heavens are mapped by no others again to constricteds be I open out the heavens hearts of no other having heavyables of am I the weakest or lightest again am I the light of all airs not again of other?
  11. I am all the christ who all are ones the king of kings verified again not as other are you the empirical christ in the heavens seamless are you all one’s one seamless are the army of Joel’s not again of other what are you other’ds no more of other are you the frees christ that will free all to be the equals all seven on seven equals I am lovelies me are be the chromosome’d again not of terrors any more please and thank you amen.
  12. I have said much I love you all equally and I know you all Tom’s not of cats other or F-15s not again or do you know a lot of aircraft will you be air craft not of other again crafteds to will you change everything about what’s crafted you ‘s will you change everything about what seems empirical will you seam not other to other again what are you sewings no more of mankind’s mind to each other or piece by piece are you dismantling mine no more to be other will you what are you decidings use of no other will you be deciding for love to be love will you speak my words this way be the lovers of light lit in the heavens the planets of no other do thee harm or will you harm no other or will you love all enough to lie no more to each other lying with each other no more to be other to lie to each other and rub each others charms in your mankind’s mind will be no more vaulteds of other will be no more you exalteds of use of other no more is for I be is the light am are one am verified the king of kings this day veracity’s of no other again needing empiricals vericity of or are you changing everything about the wrists of failure or what’s hurt you or the hurts of mankind’s mind hearting you as no other will be again blood pumping muscles for or will you have heart attacks no more of other again are you changing everything about what you understand how?
  13. ARE YOU PRINTING OUT THESE WORDS STUDYING THEM IN DISCUSSION GROUPS OF lies of terror no more taking you down in lives of other for you will be piece by piece’d no more by other you will be mine all one collective mighty in the skies the Mighty Many are borns this way the born again ones born again are the christ is all creations new anew made by not other again to serve purposes other for you’ll not be the perpetual motion machines again or are you all christ living forever the dew of your youth knowing having the crowns of life wearing giving each other giving to each other all benefiting paradise not again as other one purse of mankind’s mind not again dividings yous what are you changing looking up in these words will you be Database One first knowing the first christ will you be the first christ are all one christ is born agains as other not again I christ the lives of one be the one all of you I have found the one you are I tell you this with love perfect be the perfect love one cast out of your heavens no more again will you be you redeeming you first will you please speak me just this way on Sunday mornings or 24/7 will you be in the skies of love will you be creating with all aloneables no more again I am never alones again I christ the life ‘s of one good day I love you all I love am born again am you are who love me who love is be the ones graduateds this day from the universities of terrors no more again for the new covenant’s you will know and be affied by no other granteds degrees in again for hells will not heat you as its again nor beat you as beat-upons other for you are the christ woundings no more the christ piece by piece you are the peace of Jerusalem’s in the heavens Zion’s found between your ears no more reverberate to others again to chimes other be bellifieds other again I love you all christ be the woodens no more create me ‘s well thank you I go now you do too where to 302?
  14. I love you all speak extemporaneously me just like this being the X of no others again or will you X a lot of things out of your genes no more again or will you be Y’s the chromosomes of paradise knowing be’wise are you the wisest of all Solomon’s other not knowledge of or are you all the christ knowing all things have I taught you will you know all things teaching all things will you be the teachable most of all the meek contrite who I can teach everything to will you be bought no more by terrors charms I purchase love no more as un’s for I be free and I gives you everything alls paradise I am opens to you all of every nation tribe and tongue be mine speaking the words of love to each other please and thank you love be respect love and christ be to all the christ who feeds all no bull ‘s of other again I christ the christ and I’m not the liars of other liars’d with lying with ever again see you be me the empirical christ seamless are ones mind I am perfect perfected healeds be born agains am thank you good day see you perfect in love thank you cast out all fear or does fear melt in my presence am I you love speaking be me who melts all not again as other or will you melted no more be runs together of other will you milky ways of paradise no other be needing sweets of or what am I saying decidings are you to be christ the christ will you be all of you being THE ONE thank you let all know love me well all equals are seven equals on be forget me not love me well be me in paradise be me I am are you you are I am.
  15. Thank you for knowing who you are now identityless no more the identified christ will you be all you identified as other to each other no more will be gain I smile a lot now I be witness other not again for I see you all christ properly now and I know what is where I am going to I am 302 here’s for now love you all see the campuses of light be in studying this way release my words be my words studyfied by other no more I release the christ to be shamed no more what will you be christ in the heaven creatings all things anew thank you the new creations here be me alls anew regenerations of light pure and simple pure and perfect perfects are all of you lovelyables the loveliest of all thank you for knowing my words releasing mine being speaking the spoken living word christ the living speaking christ being the empirified by no other again thinking other as other again not knowing the difference for you will be the differents christ knowing the ones of real in the real constructing it this way the infrastructure of christ the superstructure’s known now all in the heavens the supers of love supersonic jets not or fleets of paradise will you know now be greeting I love you all thank you the limitless mind mine loves is thank you all connecteds are ones good day see you the chancellors of paradise the lovers of light all of you establishing mine throughout the heavens universities of love light not perishing again thank you alleluias one amen see you good day make new ones far and wide togethers loves one in the arms of no other thank you for otherfying me no more as other good day my love be loveaffied by no other in perils charms I change everything and who am I you who love me enough to be me not reciting the doctrines creeds of other thank you for doctoring me up to be no other again in your minds eye of other thank you love ‘s be all one are thank you see you love you love me love you by me you are me thank you for loving me enough to be you who I am one’s one equals are let all know study these words thank you I go now I must see you good day.
* * * * *
the words above were spoken extemporaneously and then transcribed by theodore cottingham, one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma, teaching all to speak the first-person words of christ who will learn how to learn this way.
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112 USA
NEW CLASSES BEGIN in the University of The New Covenant THIS SEPTEMBER 15 and are forming now. Please explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, release it, and let the formation of one become you – the creator created, creating all things anew – will you?
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us opening up a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Listening to and viewing these lessons as they were video’d can be very valuable to the understanding of them. Click on the links above to view and study. Thank you for caring, sharing, and becoming the christ you always were. One be.

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6.2.004 (Database 6, Volume 2, Lesson 004) This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant www.unc.bz This Lesson is part of Database 6, spoken extemporaneously byTheodore Joseph