THE NEW COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham 302,News Enter Me 101 knowing will you be the christ that enters the christ to be the christ’d one the one that you are were all the time

Enter Me 101 knowing will you be the christ that enters the christ to be the christ’d one the one that you are were all the time

Enter Me 101 knowing will you be the christ that enters the christ to be the christ’d one the one that you are were all the time
Jesus the Pattern you know
christ christ to all one be
are you the one
one that speaks
are you the head of christ
revelate the christ
changing how you learn
I teach I speak I record I transcribe
christ all one race in the heavens
ministers of The New Covenant
This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 111017_000
Video file 111017_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham October 17, 2011 at 7:28 AM bringing you paradise or giving you peace have I am I it that a peace of this world never discards again or will you be me making patrimony no more to other making hubris no more among other are you making anything that selfamony’d peace of other to other or were you only making piece by piece a divisiveness that only sawed you in half your in half being of quarters no more are you on a quarter system or semester basis are you round the clock no more or but years spattering me not again splattering of McSpadden’s I know or will I know a lot of spaddening not again saddening of or a lot of divorcing from hates words will I not be among the haters anymore that hate christ that only call an other so are you sewing not yourselves to hates words anymore unto hates words be sewed no more that sews you to a theories other will theoryized you not be have the eyes’d of any longer will you change everything about the christ that you thought you were not and so you will be the christ that you are not seething in realms other are you understanding these words to listen to them are you must understanding be a part of the linkage system of my educational system that knows no bounds of other are you rounding the clock of no other or the corners of me are you changing everything about what right angular’d you or are you writing the words of faith no more riding sliding into home plate not again but where’s home in the skies that’s now Lord Jesus’s not appeal of realms other or is it your realm of appeal not of other or are you the beings of light you thought were someone else or an Angel ‘s delight of other to be in congregations other studying other you will no more be the rabbinics law of or will you change everything about the Commandments of faith in your tenants of love un that gave you an un love to be or did were you just one that wanted to follow the law rules of mankind mankinding man kind of that won’t be anymore kinders of or will I change all of the kinda’s and the contractions whether you use an apostrophe or not will I change everything about how you read understand the faith law of other shall be no more shall I a cross walk through or shall I walk through crosses no more of other flaming burning or shall I change a lot about my words what how I do where I change everything about the territories of faith were there one but in Italy’s of pounds sterling not again or changing am I everything about the mark of Dutch zoos not but Belgium’s apparel will no more me or will you change everything about the Europeans Union or unionated not with notme again Greece’s approval or are you changing everything but Kartsonakis not or Gianopulos not or are you but changing everyone of me that notme knows no more as notme because a cross you came through to judge others not again as yourselves other to be other is not other’d by the judges of other again for you will not judge the 12 tribes of Israel again are you or will you change everything about what you judged how where what are you made of what are you making molecules not spin anymore changing your mind about other not being wrapped up in other are you changing?
  2. Know Cheryl’s love or what’s kartsing you no more again Dysons along edges other not but fairy godmothers other will no more be be’fattening me or will you change everything about the air light weight of me or will I have no weight circumstances of waitees that only make me wait want to or shall I not be in the queues of other again Q’s of mighty Llewelyn’s not but I change a lot of bonds about the molecular and the Maserati’s will be me not or will I have rocket beams of ships not again of other or shipped shit off to other won’t be again shaming the waters of uncleans or will you cleans me up now and wash my faces from the sores of mankind’s mind that you’ve shot shingled and shorn not again are you shoring anything or shaving not as in the past or are you shaving things not so close as margins other errors were for or are you changing everything about the exponential exponent’d are you not the maths hired for other again that only wanted a paycheck of other are you changing everything about what you needed where what you learned why are you asking the questions right will you be the writers of the questions right will you right the ships of others not or will you change everything about the shipped off ‘s to terrors world ‘s will you change everything about the died frozen and the wool dyed in other are you not the sheeps of the perishing again are you changing the deers of the faith or the Dees of other not but D damn other I won’t be G F’d of or will I change everything about the scales of mankind’s mind will I change everything about your f-word or strings are what not you envisioned in your mind to be made of other you won’t be again Gods special vessel or will you change everything what vassal’d you is no more vassaling other in veseline’s jelly not but a lot of jelly and oat bread will no more be be’changing thee or am I changing everything about the flours of mankind’s mind or fluoridic toothpaste or waters what are you dumping not carbonics in again your oxygenated materials through your mouths ot teeth or are you changing everything about the waters sugars of faith are you not attracted to again that only want to bloat you up and bloat your veins and blow you up after you die not or are you changing a lot about the explosions of faith were there one or are there no cartusions Cartesians again or exhumidans azumahduns not but a lot of Hezekiah’s will be no more or will 15 years you live no more or will everything be changed by them or 15 days 15 seconds 15 moments how long is one to live have you?
  3. Will you live now not the life of other that only wants a DNA of other sucked up by other sucking up to other wanting paychecks and bad lies in or were you only bad to each other wanting a bed feathers’d of to featherbed your dreams and fan your flames of other fanning you want be Debbie’s or will you change a lot about who you knew or know will you The New Covenant be and know will you covenant ize with no other again to be the deaths broad few or will you change everything about what mankind covenanted with or are you not the failures of Adam and Eve do you know anything about or changing everything are you the christ that will create all anew ‘s now all the news will you be about changing the heavens or Greece’s European unions or parliaments other are you changing everything about the divided houses of faith are you not faithalites again acolytes of carrying your religions torches into chambers other judgeships of are you changing everything about the awardships awardings of faith or were you only enchaining enslaving chainings other not but a lot of bushes of terror I make no more or are you burning down walls no more or bushes but consuming not other bushes again what chaining are you no more to Cheney’s purposes or but looking at my documentaries (1) of space outer space are you in no longer controlled by the in or out er molten cores of or changing everything about the molter cores are you molten’s not anymore boltons of or are you boltings from where you were bolts of lightning not in but I change a lot of paradise not again or do but other I be now or was I other not only or ignorant was I all of you only terrifieds and parafieds not again in paralysis other or are you not analyzing things to death again that only wants a paychecks profits dream?
  4. I change everything about the profits of mankind’s mind or are you profiting no more in mankind’s mind are you changing everything about the profit you want or the prophet you want or what do you want to be the profit of no other however I spell that do you spell it right or are you learning to feel think and be another not again led by or are you feelings not led by again looms of terror that weaved your circumstances by a line of terror won’t be a 12 again or will you changing be everything about what you ate about why how where are you now studying not leagues of terror voters in or are you registering a lot for not again the things of old or era or are you in a different error now or not the erafuls verified again are you changing everything about the maths of hate or what you summed were Data fied by other not again I know the facts and figures not of other or am I changing everything about the ameliorations of shape or Fourier’s transformations or are you one will you transform the transform s’d’able are you changing everything will you learn how speak will you commensurately with me or being me who wants other love no more or did you were you ever knowing or were you just put out placated and genes’d to other by other you won’t be again placations of mysteries other is no more ministers of The New Covenant’s I know far and wide I know what love is for became it I have become it I have now the genes of love and the genes of love I give you this way I teach I speak I record I transcribe I transmute not again or do I the mutes speak make now or do I heal a lot of things that caused you prophets harm however you spell that that’s okay not or will you values be living of a different kind of mankind’s no more of minds mankind’s of are you changing everything about the values of faith and the logarithms of failure what eyes beamed you or beams’d eyes are you not looking for again in are you changing everything about the affirms’d of faith or what covereds in you were are you not the coverings of faith wanting flaggings flagellings of flagamonies other not but immolations other will no more be where I set my self on fire monks’d of or Monkston am I going to or am I one no more of other?
  5. Am I changing everything about where I sit stand and walk in the heavens fly will you change everything about the faith of mankind’s mind will you not religionated want to be anymore sittin’ in ashes molten are you molting no more in other for other by other ‘s words won’t be anymore for I etch the christ not or do I change everything about the etchings of mankind upon the christ you won’t be of other anti’d of or will you christship regain no more in other or were you the put-out shutout are you the bases no more rounding of other are you changing everything about the bases of mankind’s military Pakistanis civilians not or are you the burqas no more wearing of burqa hearts other not but I change a lot of loves flagellings others won’t be emoluments of or will you be contributing to the poor no more of other are you poor affied countries no more by IMF’s dream do you have one or World Trade Organizations are you changing flagelling no more in other are you changing everything about the pearls of the Orient or the christ are you growing all of you by this way The New Covenant ‘s way of life are you the gene’d not of terrors again are you the christ all one race in the heavens are you the roams’d over no more however you spell that are you changing everything about the cardinals of paradise or the reds of future tense or the mitered hats of others that you pecked each others with walking down pompous isles of other will no more be the collar’ds or will you free the ankle chains of the base and the poor or the toothless homeless bastards that you robbed or were you the bastards of faith that only gave a bastion of faith bastardry of that you perpetuated in your ignorance are you changing everything now will you change you first will you be the christ will you christ the christ following the pattern of one the patternship of one that the Jesus of love gave you that gave you love that words won’t change anymore unto other or were you only mixed-up put-ups shutouts of other wanting to protect your kingdom or were you only ignorant bastards not led by again or were you the kingdoms light all of you GODS were that only blind ‘d the blind led by the blinded ways of the past that blinded each others and tagged each others gene for disapproval other or are you not proving other faults or are you not proving proofs again of other theorems of or postulates other theoremizing other will be no more or will you change everything about how you think reason and be the christ un not again please and thank you amen.
  6. I go now and I date back to BC not or do I change everything about your calendars and date not back to christ not or the future ‘s am I changing about the past am I no more am I changing everything about the futures lie in others no more for I am not the charms’d of the ignorant and the ignorants will not lie in me anymore their eggs of shame festoons of other I won’t be festivities of or will I be the datings of love no more calendars on or changing everything about your appointments are you who you with with you are you are love one loved all are knowing the faith words of other not again for you will change everything not again as other did or were you other led by no more otherfied by will you be by bye-bye ing a whole lot of things now not buying others words again chains on the open market to circumference you and only keep you here to till you die ‘s is no more for I dice-up crowds other not but Dysons love I’ll know not or fatty tissues will there be no more or but Linda’s love will I know all of you or me Budds of paradise or are you in the bloomings of faith no more Joel’s of love armies of hate no more are you referencing or mapping out the maddening’s no more maddens of or are you the matting of paradise no more however you spell that it’s okay not or are you changing how you learn will you be me not the offendaffied offenseaffied are you suspending your belief no more in other or are you changing everything about what you believed how and what pulpits in you were or wanted to be not again changing chaining to other won’t be again chainees of or are the presidencies of faith no more or but faith in love are you no more of other or but love in faith no more as other othering you are you changing everything no matter what your state status of love in mankind’s mind are you in love with mankind’s mind no more?
  7. Are you changing everything about love what you were in mankind of are you changing everything about your flesh the flesh of mankind is no more that race is over and you are not the finishers not or are you the finishers not bringing up the rear not or are you the first christ shall you be the last no more shall you be the first because there’s only one that you enter becoming the one that is time is no more and everything is perished that notme began are you changing everything not into notme again are you changing everything about the prophets of faith no more again shall be Muhammad’s Meccadine or are you christ all of you no matter what you cult affied in your regimes of heavenaffied are you no more of other chained to other worlds thinking of others?
  8. I change everything and who am I one that transcribe my words one that speaks one that talks about other not again or am I changing everything about the countries of the EU or the whole worlds are you Stratfor ting no more again or but Evon’s on paradise not but the Thames you will know and walk far and wide or fly in the heavens are you changing everything about the chains’d are you chain smoking no more or ankulars of faith no more anklets of are you changing everything about the jewelries of mankind or the tinkling symbols of faith are you no more the smoking mirrors or waving wands or smokes of that you absolve other oblations in not but I change a lot of things about the oblations of shame or what you have contributed to for what were why are you not the shamings use of you anymore?
  9. I change everything and who am I asking a lot of questions I have the faith of other not again am I immersed in I love love and I know the difference now because I speak because the teacher I am is is within me all are saying this knowing now understanding this because commensurate with love they have become or have they become the most humble of all because they have a leader not of faith again or the most humble of all that died for them to be them are they them of one that one is the christ not born of love un again the love of one heals all or are you the one that will heal all you knew or know will you heal all you have ever contacted or contacted you will you heal all that used you will you heal all that you used and ask their forgiveness will you forgive all that ask yours will you ask all to heal you not again but heal theirs use of you or will it matter what you profit or prophet will you change will you not be dependent on circumstances or love un anymore will you father the love of mankind no more in other mothering love of other genes of other are you changing the whole worlds now will you christ be christ that you were christ all the time christ are you knowing christ now in the face of your mirror will you look at christ will you be now christaffied not by other again wanting other anti no more will you be for you will be the christ if you exist or will you not exist in your genes terra fying others again?
  10. I love you all I speak just like this I speak I teach I love that’s my name that’s what I do that’s what I are one is am’d by no else I am sorrow no more I lift you up do you lift me up or your head in place of no other are you the head of christ are you lifting no headies again hedons of hedonistics of are you hubris istics no more zebraistics of stripes other I’ll no more be wearing in religions shame stripers of other prisoners of other I’ll no more be in their words wavings wands of I change everything about the spiralings of faith or the de spiraling others not or pivots of other rivets of other no more am I riveted to seats other sitting there I won’t be in their services or sorrowed on thereby rugs and rug’d I won’t be feets walked on again or will I change everything about the barefoots of faith or will you fly me in loves airlines of Jews not of terror or ethnics not of yours or are you changing everything about what yours are yous of terror is no more and Jews of other is no more or are you all Jewest of all or the one Jew or divisive not again are you all christ that one is no matter what your ethnicities failure will you not be born of again born in sorrow you will not be the words of mankind divisivating you and the aiding of you that only ate you into house and home other that wanted you to forfeit pay for everything with in genes other will no more be.
  11. I change the christ not again unto failures and who am I all the surrendered to be christ the father of the mother of one christ I am is I love you all I go now I have made many courses not or have I one Enter Me called you enter me 101 am I calling you now here to be Enter Me 101 knowing will you be the christ that enters the christ to be the christ’d one the one that you are were all the time no matter what you were connected to wore or been in with or the past slept years of frozen ions not or eons not other again or are you but going to all in different ways perish no more be the christ I love you all Jesus the Pattern you know I have given you one establish other no more be in the heavens my courses are fine Meology’s enter please and thank you amen good day.
  12. Accord me well no more else of sorrow or cords are you not wearing ropes of anymore collars of shame or robes of hate colors of sorrow you are no more but drabs of faith other you are no more you are changed in the twinkling of an eye or have you no eyes for sorrow anymore are you changing everything about the profits you saw no matter how you spell it both ways every time or are you changing everything about what you understand how will you write see read are you changing everything about the understanding of faiths understanders no more are perpetuating sorrows and sorrows spheres sorrows fields of for the fields of sorrow are no more spreading germs of other will no more be Germany’s love or will you change everything about the EU or the profit able banks or the spheres of other or will they not change you again or will you be the commanders of faith not again but the most lowly of all not again or the most humble but the king of kings is will you God all regard all not as other again are you Thomas More’s Utopia not again knowing or are you but loves love will you know Theodore Cottingham’s will you be me who I am one is not the sorrowfuls again perpetuating perpetuateds of I change everything who am I one simple at 302 South Sheridan will you all be will you all love me my words of freeing yours to be the words of christ christing you because you’re free to speak free the christ be that you delivered are?
  13. Will you shame un’s no more will you shame you ‘s no more will you use of you be no more to use other by change the love of no more other to un’s be anymore of mankind’s un’s again thank you love the christ be the christ christ to all one be be ‘d not by other again love the christ forfeit nothing else not or will you change everything creating all anew times over folks day one’s here the revolution’s here not or will you revolute not in terror or will you revelate the christ speaking this way everyday will you all please of every nation tribe and tongue bar none from your table or will you have communion with all the saints of not other sainting you to be divisives other will no more be the robes of terror no more inflict the pains of swords other and the spears of tipped other with their blood dried or not won’t wet you in their pants nor will their veins flow in yours nor will you flow in theirs or will you change everything about the bloods of wordkind’s man’s or mankind’s words what are the bloods of paradise how they work have I given you I change everything and who am I one that speaks this way because I simple am I died I love commensurate with love or exponential love do I have or know birth do you the delivered christ be thank you not the shames of other living in again wash your feet your minds head wash all with words love be thank you christ amen.
  1. Consider the PBS produced “FRONTLINE: Cheney’s Law” (2007).
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This is one of more than 3,000 writings extemporaneously written and/or spoken by theodore cottingham over the last 7+ years. Each of these writings is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant that forms our curriculum. A school like no other – the University of The New Covenant in Tulsa, Oklahoma exists to teach the surrendered of every nation tribe and tongue to speak the first-person words of GOD that will teach them to be not separate from what they were before the foundation of this world.
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112 USA
Please explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, interact with it, releasing what you see being said to birth something new in you; the revelation of one, the teacher being within you.
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.

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