THE MEONICS COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham 302,News,Tulsa record the christ all of you I teach how

record the christ all of you I teach how

record the christ all of you I teach how

create me I do
now know who you are
come out of the tombs now
all priesthood of christ christ being christ are one
how I teach
I am the pearl of great price
This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 111018_000
Video file 111018_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham October 18, 2011 at 6:59 AM without an agenda or do I bring you love to know love to love have not known other again or are you knowing not love again as was other are you changing everything about love the definitions thereof of no one else again will you be of procluded precluded occludeds other not in their veins again are you vaining nothings again o great glory tunes of love do you know will you be me Christopher’s blessing all around the worlds will the worlds you know be not afraid of again that you con sometimes centrate on not or are you but changing everything about how you put me together not again as Humpty Dumpty again or will you change everything about the Britons British Empire or the Irish Ireland’s of shame not again or changing everything about the budgets of mankind’s mind or havest thou none that thou havest thou way of sorrow is not precluded not or are you agenda’ing love now are you lovest will ‘t thou be no more wilted of others flour headed cabbage’d of I change everything about the moleculars minds of faith you won’t have again that appear only unto other to wait until you die to see me or were you only going somewhere else being used reused again or were you using yous again use of you will be no more for you will gain no more worlds or will you stop the use of notme will you chain ‘ge everything again not or will you but chain de-chain yourselves not unto other will you chains keep track of not or will you be a lot of proteins ase not enzyme ase again proteinase mease ‘d of not again meon’d are you seven equals one on are you one on’d by no other no matter how you spell that you are not matter’d by matter again or so great fools think or are you not the fools’d over again that only wants a mankind’s hide of beer ‘d growth not but a lot of growth no more stifles me steeples me in its stieffles not or am I changing everything about your inventory of faith ‘s words does it all vanish not or do you grow a new one or do you change everything about what you appear appearances in are you changing everything about your appearances in evil will you be no more sitting beside leather chairs or on couches soft britches of knowing needlework other will no more be for I’m Levi’s other not or am I changing everything about the prices of mankind’s mind that’s head ‘s been paid for or what are you heading not again or south but to Tulsa are you north or shames no more what polars reversals are there no more again but mighty now are you understanding me these things how I teach this way how I teach this way how I teach this way I teach I love.
  2. I love have become the teach or teachee ee of no one else or of no one else am I the moanee no more moaning about shames witnesses of sorrow will no more be’shame me and I will no more witness them or will everything be changed about the shames worlds of sorrow that you ‘ve created or are you not creating anymore again in your powers of one + one equals two not again or shall I change everything about the exponent’d exponential christ are you all plain clothes christ are you me Levi’s in the priesthood not of other are you all priesthood of christ christ being christ are one plus evil not again search engines of or are you searching my words to complete yours not again of evils are you changing everything about the vocabularies of faith my definitions knowing will you speak me extemporaneously words of love rather than hate faiths of mankind’s mind taking you down without commas or coma’s not having again being in that you only recluse want to make yourselves in worlds other a’frames aflames other not but changes I do a lot of things where I make a lot of change happen or do you not have the jingles bo jangles again or changing everything about the jangle’uared jugular’d are you not jugular veins anymore going after or changing everything about what throated you deep into mankind’s mind or are you sucking airs no more of other changing everything are you about the alcoholics of anonymous others or are you changing everything about the recovery ables of faith are you not Cheney’s Dick or are you changing everything about Dick Nixon’s or what are you dicking around no more in are you changing everything are you afraid of no language whatsoever or are I changing everything who is the celestial immortals not of other or are you changing everything about the nine levels of faith have you none or will you be me not dinking dicking around with other diddying around being biddies for other little chicks of will no more want others for you will know what mankind’s lays where or will you not be laid by stork’d by again on earths atmosphere of will you change everything or the heavens of were you did you create will you change everything about the earthlings of mankind’s mind or GODS were you all the time that GOD’d you yourselves guided were to here’s not or hearings are you in only of mankind’s words not again?
  3. I change everything about the hearings of faith or will you not effigies burn in me anymore mes of will you change everything about the meon’d not again or will you change everything about you you who will will you be you the real you will you know who you are God is are you one God knowing not the escalated other clauses in Santa’s of other not but I change a lot of claws ‘ses and the es’s of other will no more es to make me for you will know me exactly for you will create me on purpose ly other not again lies’d of change me not again unto your image other please and thank you amen I go now and I speak extemporaneously just like this all over the worlds do I change everything about the hea then and Heathrow’s other not or Gatwick other I’ll know not or getwick papers I’ll not have or will you have mine papers or mine christ of journals other not again lovelies of or will you change everything about the journaling of faith that only gives you diaries of hate or mortals wounds of other not re-creating other you’ll be for you’ll change everything about creations shame that created you or were you ‘s it?
  4. I change everything about the creators that create me well you will this time I hope I plea ‘d ‘s not again with other for plea ‘s I have given you many times or am I Levi’s of faith no more what am I changing the budgets of drawers other or are you drawing out no cards of other or are you closing all your credit ‘s now are you not crediteds with heavens other are you changing all the currencies about the heavens or havest thou any of electricities other are you changing everything about what thou needest need thou anything of this worlds again art thou redeeming it all are you changing looking into chaining not again are you Cheney’s love or law not wanting again Commandments of are you chaining not authorities purpose to you mankind’s mind of are you changing not the molecular again or but are you changing the molecular mind of faith or moleculars of are you not anymore redeems’d of or are you redeeming but all will you plea ‘d with no other again please and thank you I present the gospel of Jesus not or do I the pattern become do I the pattern know or become became the becomer I have I create christ I deliver christ I birthed christ now I do you see what all I do did and done will you be done with other will you not create o christ of other again that you want to rescue come you later for or will you not want some rescuer package to bail out your economies full of shit ‘s blessing and promises askew and askance of people who don’t value their word ‘s and value only pollsters tips and tipsters polls blood ‘d with dried tips not again or will I change everything about your budgets of PAC’s or will you change everything not about me political action committees other won’t actionate mes into other for I will be running from shames no more or for shames no more will you be pollsters tipping or wanting votes of will you voterage be no more of other will you vokerage be no more vicarage of other or will you need one of anything will you want need again or changing everything will you?
  5. About my words will you be ingesting others not again will you free yours that mine are the word is speaks this way do you know will you be me who speaks this way no matter what my diction grammar links to sounds like or curses in your refurb ulary or vocabulary what are you referring to no more again the shockings awe or the awe and shockings not of other what electricities do you no more have are you changing everything about the polars icecaps melting what are you the faiths no more of mankind’s mind in puddles other you won’t be pissing christ or will you change everything about the NEA what does or are you the educational frames of reference no more framing yourselves in to be molecular’ds monocular’d or monocular are you no more molecular’ds of are you changing everything about the governments of shame havest thou no more one are you changing everything about the parties of love not again or but in the heavens are you not dancing with Angels or but are you Angels all Angeling each other now that know loves the truth will you the truth love know I love you become the truth you are it who become it who know it become it who it become know it me I am that I am one in the heavens living nowhere else mortal ly of wounded of other am I changing everything about the immortalage of sorrow are you not the age of sorrow mortal ing yourselves with mort gaging your sorrows and mort gaging houses and mort als of other will be no more Mork and Mindying me or will you change everything about the Mindy’s that kind were to me will you be kind now the kindest of all God is will you be meek and sorrowful no more will you be meek and lovely will you love all the tunes of grace the sorrows of no more of other be’cluding thee occluding thee ‘s to others will no more be for I chain the gangs not of other or do I de-chain a lot of gang age now and the gangs of crips bloods and other things of thaws other will melt me out no more or will I change everything about your floods or ranges dry or not sought or not but what are you changing now everything are you willing to be the leaders of thereof of me will you be hereof hearing me hearing in Tulsa will you hear me first-person speak my words or yours are you speaking mine that mines is or are you the ones not of separations failure again?
  6. What are you reporting on cards no more of sorrow or cordless are you catalogs not of other vocabularindices of I change everything or do you change me not again into failures charm genes of yours are you that you thought no more of other are you thinking no more of other other as are you all ones one will you be one holograms decked no more of other decking out others not but that dicking of other will no more be in poll ‘s tip sters of other and polls will not dictate to me anything in your words of lambs other will no more lamb chop me on plates other that you steak for Christmas not or will you stake your temples no more in two twain will be no more for sorrow will not cut me up again on plates of bull sorrow you won’t be eating slaughtering yourselves you again won’t be eating meat ‘s of sorrow will you please you will know the difference what lambs you not again on quails plates pails of sorrow impelling impaling you won’t be again Palin’s of or will you all know me who love is one will be not be smiles of other teeth wearing or are you but loves all of you loving all in the skies elevating all not again above me are you my words knowing pale ing by comparison not again to others are you no co opticians with competitions other are you changing everything will you be the most learn’ed of all scholarly of all hands of other not learning taking you down learn’eds will you be will you know me will you look me up will you be me ascothizing other not but I change a lot of ostracizings of faith not or do you not ostracize the faith of God anymore or are you one that knows what one is in the skies are you no more the reliables of other or are you relying no more on others words are you the christ that will word me properly’s etching no other again in your genes what are you etchings no DNAs of anymore are you changing everything about what etched your DNA or changed the christ into you or what you bubulared of Bluble’s other not but a lot of singing christ I’ll know far and wide the Ungerman’s of or will you Rebecca ize me no more to be other will you see me seek me speak my words singing in the heavens will you be the happiest of all all Rebecca’s Becka’s not again Matthewing other not but a lot of christ will know me or will you all be christ knowing me because you will be singing speaking my words loving flowers not again of other or are you changing everything about the garden plots of shame not being again needing or will you tell all or be all the redeemer thereof in the heavens garden plots not or of Israel are you gardening no more Eden’s of sorrow are you changing Eden no more again to bar yourselves out are you changing all so barreds are not any longer barred out are you letting all in Eden yours will you eat of tables no more of sorrow where fruits of only ladened fears were served you will you not be mortals wounded in shames concubines anymore that only want to conquer words and wed others are you changing everything about the wed others are you changing all about divorcements of hates words or were you only mine all the time ignorant were you ignorants no more bred by please be will you?
  7. Will you be the christ that suffers shame not again or will you but wilt no more under pressure or will you know no pressure of atmospheres other will you be the christ born again in the skies not needing moleculars hydrogen or oxygenated other are you no more suffering the hydrogenated of other oils of havest thou any of peace or afflictions not again afflicting thou brethren of are you changing everything about the sistern that wooed you or are you wooing christ in the skies are you seeking my words will you woo them will you woo me to be me in me I am not wooed of voo’s other doo’s of other I am changing all of the list of terrors and the terrifieds other that only wanted classified documents to hide and shames be surreptitious in surreptitiously will be no more for I recognize everything or all things or am I one who simply is the lamb of faith no more that grew up that groans no more in terror but growns are the people of love I grow the christ do I develop create create me I do develop well the trainings of christ are known for I have given you the lessons of faith no more be breds by for I am the University ‘s of The New Covenant and The New Covenant’s me and I have found me I know who I am the pearl of great price of other not again being on my head over my head or paid for for I won’t be on the open market seeking your words again for I know what words are do and they of my father create me that I let loose not or do I create by letting loose of a lot of things I used to value and create love espheres not or had I only fears that I would be sorrowful if I did not accord myselves to their words I change everything about the wordeds or the un’s will you not be the un’s wordeds christ anymore will you the words of christ have be sorrows no more in worlds of other ensconce thee ‘s no more.
  8. I christ the christ and who am I one simple at 302 South Sheridan will you know me be knocking on my doors will you the front come to that faces Sheridan or christ will you face now being be will you be the christ you always were in the heavens not suffering shames again or will thou wilt no more again under pressure fused or precious few not again or am I but one knowing am I one was I a yearling year-long of other not but I have many years given you of christ words or have I become the christ all ones are all one are ones are one is developed this way I speak the christ live the christ words ears of other have no more for words other for I know the difference and I the news am and the news am I am the news is me I broadcast others not again or do I change but everything that I listen to or wanted am I changing but christ no more into sorrows spheres of other I will no more be linked to for I will link the words of shames no more but the words of love will know me or will I know them or will I be them in them that I am one the father and I one ‘s are one’d is one am I am sorrowful no more I create sorrows no more in my genes for you or others I create love ‘s love and love I do all of you equally seven equals on meon’d are Meology’s know and find I love you all Meology’s served here and I love at the tables of one give you my words just like this write me speak me sconce other not in en’s of other again please love you all.
  9. Teri’s faith not or will you terrorize me no more will you all be me and Francine’s Virginia not but I change a lot about coastlines of shame and that which went on in DC’s houses and white of other black of other blues of other far away and not I change all not the chain gangs of terror again pollsters of tipped blue ‘d others will no more be’blue me out or will you not be the greens with shame or envy I change everything about the budgets of love havest thou none or havest thou all unlimiteds are thou all me the christ immortal o great kings be of the kings one that the king is king’d this way at the table of mine love me love love be ensconced in no others again change the DNA of christ no more to be other thank you you were christ all the time now be who you were are timeless are now thank you rise be who you are honored please and thank you amen.
  10. Honor the christ be the christ that honors all for all of you are now know who you are and not be the fused befuddled again be the christ at 302 studying training for what delivereds deliverance will you deliver the christ all of you to worlds other to redeem all now changing all galactospheres universes everythings created anew I love all time ‘s done times under my feet is there no more time times over the new day’s here ones one amen be the new University ‘s of love the covenant’s me of one my non-negotiables know thank you never fear ing again speak me love me be one am I are loving you all good day see you I kiss you all I be you all I am you thank you for not ensconcing me in terrors again the genes of love know be develop train the christ to be God God you are be not ignorant again manners the christ manner the christ be at the tables of one know the manners of love and how to act be and perform others not again as sorrows but the performance of love you will know or will you know the resurrection’s will you be the resurrecters thereof of love will you come out of the tombs now will you not be ensconced in walking around deads anymore will you dead the christ no more walking around thinking you’re lives life lives of other having and immortals going to later?
  11. Be the kings of kings king all terrorize no more again thank you christ be the woodens no more in temples of sorrow be the temple not made with hands in the skies living where’s I do I love you all see you at 302 15 days hours minutes seconds be the seconds no more there is none alls firsts first thank you amen good day be broadcast me love me Skype me love me Skype me love me email me record me clip me off no more but click on your little recorders and record the christ all of you I teach how’s just like this where 302 Tulsa’s love know far and wide thank you amen.
* * * * *
This is one of more than 3,000 writings extemporaneously written and/or spoken by theodore cottingham over the last 7+ years. Each of these writings is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant that forms our curriculum. A school like no other – the University of The New Covenant in Tulsa, Oklahoma exists to teach the surrendered of every nation tribe and tongue to speak the first-person words of GOD that will teach them to be not separate from what they were before the foundation of this world.
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112 USA
Please explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, interact with it, releasing what you see being said to birth something new in you; the revelation of one, the teacher being within you.
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.

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