changing the human race

changing the human race
here at 302 be the creators of love
studying Meology
the galaxy’s mine
where no man has gone going are you
the kingdom of heaven is here you are it be one
the education of love will you know here
throughout the heavens I am
This is a Lesson in the
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan, Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
(918) 732-9140
Voice file 111130_000
(no video)
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham November 30, 2011 at 8:31 AM as you open the shades or are there no shades here of equal libriums turning or are you changing everything about what’s turned you into notmes not shall you be anymore changing everything Angels angelic of are you knowing me what you are who you are where I love you all wearing the queen of me not again religion of or was I only bastard’d by preaching religion of a nother God or nofgasisms me not not or am I changing everything about what agnosticated thee or Aggies of me in the living room not or are a lot of Clemson perils no more in tigers other that paw ‘d me to be other I roll on black tires not again or do I change everything about the white walls of me or changing everything about what rolled on deodorant was or what needest thou stink est not again oh please christ will thou be not in thy stink again wanting only religion bastard’d of bastards of that only made themselves so because they rejected sewing me not or did they sow me unto sow’s ear and gave me a swine’s interest in changing everything was I or only taught to believe in other was I creating it I was all the time that time timed me with and gave me burdens on my heavy back or heavy aches no more in other burdens’d as of that of other is no more friend ‘s I change everything and I am the friend of mankind not or am I changing everything about mankind’d mind?
  2. I change everything about the minds of Satan and the Satans of minds other is no more minds ‘d’ing me however you spell that want to not or am I changing everything about the twos and threes or who comes here now in the name of the Lord not of other but being crowned it will you crown a’many mighty here will you crown o minnow not fishing for again crowds of fish other to accolade your interests in perils success of are you periling not success other again in your cess pools of religion are you not matter again matters of religion forcing yourselves of down your throat to be of will be no more for I be of of no more is or was I creating it did I was I you that did who created it or it of I am I am no more of self othery ‘d I am othery of self no more and you will know my definitions you will know my love and say no to me not again repetition of repetitious ness of other is no more rote learning of I change everything o Koh or am I cold not again in this here these four walls are you not cold again for loves rhapsody’d reproach will be no more or will you change everything about what reproached was are you the reproach of no other again or changing everything about what reproached was on walls other graffiti other is no more greasing me to be grease other but I dance in the halls not again of other or changing everything about educations am I the education of love will you know here between these four walls of white light are you light being born again in the skies now not needing blackboards of failure again black ies light of or are you all black darkened not again where whence did I come from wincing not again at me are you changing everything about what you drink eat and sleep lie in won’t you be light in anymore oh sleep er of the sun be no more for I change the sons of the mighty not or do I change all the daughters of faith or do I change all miracles do I permit or ermit ergo them not or emitting am I all things radiant splendored as?
  3. Of of other is no more Oz’ing me Harriet of I change everything about the goodies Gordy’s or am I changing everything about o love you will I love you here to be here will I love man ifest a woman not or am I changing everything of white light am I you are you here between the four walls not of other sandwiched in I make new light not or are you drinking coffee or making new walls not again upon others between others is no more bedsheets other or am I changing everything about 16th Street 15th or what’s Sheridan Avenue ‘s now on are you Lewis’s Terrace no more are changing everything about what you are stamps of me not needing again or do your back aches no more ache you to death are you changing death are you emitting death no more are you coffees drinking not of mankind’s again loath someness as are you changing everything about what loathed you and loved you or did it love or loathe did it do you know the difference what are you doing now learning a lot of terrible things no more again or how to deceive not again are you learning are you changing everything o love shall you be the white light drinking vanilla nut cream coffee not again or changing everything about what I am is?
  4. Known now all shall be listening to these words watching them my videos being seen in lights light charm not as again for I change everything about as again or are you changing time are you making it time for me are you being me not enraptured with other are you being me studying my words to have my words flow my words emit my words splendorate my words splendorating other not again Splenda’s of or changing everything about the most comic of me not again or marbles other Cagney’s other not but I change a lot of smokings now and guns other won’t come after me Navarone’s of I change everything about the guns of approval apparel and that which wanted to apparel them in me or me in them as one is no more for I will not change their witness or will I change everything because I love between these four walls will my walls be dirty no more with cagizine covers or craggy’s other hags of other is no more you’re all beautiful of the light be the light is one there is no difference in light not or is there not from like light of other or is are you the training to know the difference will you be light christ will you be white christ not bandwidths of other limiteds to craggy’s of other shall no more right-angle mes.
  5. I love you all and I change everything and I am the New Covenant ‘s me one I am who’s here for the moment are all moments perished not again is the hourglass empty oh love shall our cups be not full of again love of other or did we have ever any love of other or were we just other creating it filling our cup with other that misery’d misery’s us is no more I change o love I change what love was garnered by other won’t be again misery’s imposterfication of for I change the imposterizations not or shall I change religions or shall you or have none shall you do you have any need for one of other no more is I change everything about what is between these four walls is none other or is love only love living here are you studying making demands not of other or are no demands being made on you for anything otherwise other is no more othering other is no more notebooks I’ll see not or note blocks other not or making maps are you seeing many movies here my love in me are you my love in me are you my words speaking my love so as to be not created in terrors arms again of other shall no more thee behold or shall be seamless thee shall?
  6. Will you all be seamless in the heavens will you look up in these words my lookup functions and know functions derivatives not or derivaterizations of sorrow no more be residuals remainders of as remaindermen of sorrow no more be please and women remainder of sorrow no more be please whatever you remaindered were as hold on to nothing I love you and I am coming not for you or coming here are you to be me beaming not other again what are you beaming for no other radiant splendored as of other is no more asses for wanting warmed seats for others won’t be pews warming butts buns of other on hairs other stick pins of wanting religions other no more Amish is or am I changing everything about the communities of hate or love do you know wagon with wheels other won’t be again turning me but I change turn a lot of things upside down not or will I change everything have I said that before ‘s?
  7. B4’s will be no more not or will I change everything unto mes will you be D-7’s or chords not of unloves again the tunes of love will be here sung far and wide hung not in others jeans again will be balls of other ioning me I change everything about the skirts of joy or twirlings other dervishes other won’t be here or will I change everything about your religions what are you ignorance no more lying in what are you changing the spelling of nonmes notmes are you mes on purpose me ologies of not other studying Meology is on purpose and me is me fine and I represent love not I become it I become what love I am is I am is I am ‘d not by other I am I am the imposter of the universe not again poses as other the Pure Ones of light will no more be’Hoole me Ga’hoole me with other no more Pure Ones as light of other will no more religion me I bastardize not again I know what I preach I seek other not again or do I an answers of me give thee through thine own lips shall you own not your lips again as other shall you not be born of other are you not borns identity other as mankind did to you or are you changing everything about what you want ‘d did?
  8. I change everything o love I purpose other not again I love you all I know what I speak where of the devil I am not it again creating or were you it that created you it it you are you it not tagging other again in your genes are you epigenetics no more knowing again epigenomics of or changing everything about biology micros of other won’t tubules’d me and I change the the D&C’s not or do I DC move here or love change everything about the way it operates I am love bicameral’s no more and I am by caramel’d no more I am not divisives other I change everything about the diets of mankind’s mind and I am not the tubes of other watching or but do I change everything about what or butted me out of dilemmas other not but I shall change everything or shall I change everything about your ability to cope no more of other or are you co’s understanding no more perils of other dependance of however you spell that what is your dependance now declared I declare in dependance of no other and independents of me shall no more be in the White House or shall you change everything about the love o love party of me will you have thee’s in these four walls or will you change everything about the portals of heaven not to be closed gapped stopped-up again or changing everything about the gap of your sparkplugs not again rolling on tires or jets are you tireds no more again are you me energies for fuels no more needing jets of love will you know streams of winds mighty wines of new life will you be millstones other not but a lot of things I hang around my necks no more and I am not the rosaries of other perishing not or am I perishing no more in the things of notme isms and failures ologies?
  9. I change everything o love and I am the grand pianos not or am I changing everything about the loves of me not to be in orchestras of hate again bands of bands of witness other will no more be’bandwidth me I change everything o love I see the light full-spectrum ‘s me I love you all I open my eyes or yours are they to the four walls not of other are you writing on not pastries other or are you seaming no other to your glues are you changing everything about what gluon’d you I change everything o love and I am not the organelles of other seeking plutons other ploto’s other will no more be plucking me heartstrings of I change everything and what have I inferred or said directly what are you seeing said are you writing me now are you taking my courses hand-in-hand not again with other handling over to handlin’s not but I change a lot of Maryann’s now or Miriam’s other are you not casting your stones before rock or beating your head not on shits shifts again?
  10. I change everything about the shifting sands or the oil in rocks or frackings me not again or changing everything about the rivers pollutions and streams are you tunes of love knowing my songs about the earthsosphere not again as other I love you all to planet ‘s regime no more of other be I change everything about Mars of red planets I won’t be again or changing everything about Pluto’s witness or seven ring stars Saturn’s of I change everything about the Saturn manufacturing facilities or will you industrious be no more of other are you changing everything about what you study for make monies of other no more will be or will you be needing none seamless will you be here in loves arms not again seeking of other no matter what sex you were lied in thought or sought I change everything o love I am not thought ‘d by terror ‘s peril again genes of no more be’gene me for I am jeans of love in not or am I walking Levi’s apparel not again the book of Eli’s not or are you knowing my booklets the love of the new series the new beginnings The New Beginning’s me folks of love will you solks in salad be no more polks of aunties other not but Linda’s love I will know of Hartly’s not or will I know you all the language of the enemy not being again that which you sought that which you tongue’d and gave air to breath of will you not breathe the creators of life un again unto you will you create o life ‘s love here will you love light and be it unto the skies will you be in them will you be the skies not planet ary regimes of other seeking?
  11. Are you changing everything about tieds to ties to other won’t be cut not or will I change everything about what I was tied to four walls of other won’t hem me in for I sow righteousness not or am I sowing a love of things differently am I the farmers of unlove no more am I changing everything about corn crops or sugar craned other I won’t be caned in I Cain of love know not again or was it only unlove or was I knowing the difference am I my cast out of my gardens not again Eden of christ of gardens other I won’t be again note blocks for for I will be loves love in the gardens of Eden I will know not or will I be christ creating them in the heavens will I be Edens of love not Eve’s other or words were they or only rhapsodious blue other I change everything about the Watchmen of shame or am I seven equals on am I loves love equaling me not rhapsodious residuals other I change the watchmakers watchmen not or am I changing keymakers all you are the keys to heaven given you have I have I given you all loves love here I am between four walls not again stuck to shall be sheetrocks other or shall I change everything the portals of heaven am I writing on loves map mapping not unloves again changing everything about your genes or mine am I loves love shall I speak like this for miracles not or momentums other not again am I or changing everything about the motivations of love and what I shall not want or love shall I be become me I am and I am 9 o’clocks witness not but 7 AM here ‘s I shine I speak on loves witness machine not again to be but the witness of love I will know and teach far and wide by Skype not or will I use all technologies will I own it will I own them will I be them giving my life to them not of failure for monies other I change all about the industries industriousness of other fools I won’t be clones’d for again I change o loves to be loves now and love will know the difference be loves light at 302 thank you love for being here now ‘s not later there is no later the hourglass is empty and the hour is now done is time time is done time is no more time is no more dunning me for taxes other no matter what you think of my checkbook or not or do I have one or need one needest thou any thing of love or will you be thingless thinkless not or will you take no thought for tomorrow or will you be the planningest of all planagers me not or planagements other not making comeback inroads to but I plan a lot of things strategically throughout the heavens I am the priesthood of all believers of love that become it became it I am becomer one overcome all things at 302 be the objections of not other ensconced in again love free be be freeds here.
  12. I love you all at 302 my witness is one I speak about I teach I love at 302 I am opening the heavens to you will you be the opening to others or will you others be no more ensconced in their words as language other as the enemy is no more there were no enemies but you you were your own worst?
  13. I change everything o love I love witnesses not again of other or do I witness no more to perils other I change everything about the witnessing’s program but you will flip on mine and you will see me on tubes other not or will you broadcast love’s here all loves o love love be impersonified not in other again I change the personifications of failure or the sound blasts of what jets of other won’t be’worry me my recording studios empty not again of sound or shall I be white light not on the walls of other formulas of or shall I change everything about unlearning shall I be no more or looking up in these words or all over Israel not or are you on the heavens in the heavens are you real Israel is in the heavens be not the ensconced in molecularments other thank you amen be love be amen good day love all equally be the terrified no more live here amen grace peace and mercy be to all of you rich one Ficken not or fucking other not again in words of love un you will know the difference and you will not be afraid of words nor cultural mores of other for I fuck other not but I change a lot of wisdom of mankind ‘s and what you were afraid to do say speak think and be other no more change the christ not unto anti other afraid of religion nor your cultural mores I change the christ not or do I grow the equally be the christ being Almighty wine of no other having are you the wine of life new life here ‘s born here and I’m not the borns of identity other and I fuck christ not or do you not fuck each other in your words or bodies of unlight again are you changing the human race are you changing the race that’s humane’d you or human’d you or clones’d you to be other are you changing everything about what you were afraid to do are you changing everything about what you were afraid of to be are you the christ who’s free now will you free you to be the christ and not be ensconced in flesh again will you turn me off no more genes seven or will you change everything about your geneship will you walk the christ and seamless be in genes other not again Levis of Eli’s of are you the book of Isaiah’s love or theodore’s one will you know mine will you write yours will you be writing the lambs book of life will you be frees the frees will you be freeing all here of every nation nationality and tribe tongue of other no more be’tongues me nor speaks me as other I speak the christ words I am the light words of light I am breathe I do the words of light love and perish not again I do.
  14. I live forever the gift of eternal life I eternal life was all the time and I am not peril’d in earths again I change everything o love I love you all and I garner not unterror’ds again or are you terroring no more other beginning in yourselves first begin with yourselves first have no self of other creating you as separations constant no more will be for I change the residuals remainderman not do I change everything about the remainders reminders I remind you of loves love and the destiny of faith will be no more but the destiny’s of love will be here regardeds no more by other I equals are one am loves light love ers of light lighting loves everywhere throughout the heavens and the garnereds are no more in molecularments other I set the galactics free I go where no man has gone no woman has ventured?
  15. Are you the ventures of faith no more are you sexless are you bodyless no more in terms of other endearments of I change everything about the dears of love and the loves of other will no more be’flesh of me in bodies of words light other no more will charm me to death ions other is no more ioning me iconics is over ions ics is over and sicks of love will I be not or will I heal all the sicks and shamed I shame no more me myself first for I am loves love light and light love I do I am christ all of you saying this you knowing who you are treating all as not the bastard’ds of religion again bastard no one else again yourselves first free yourselves first be the living christ seamless in the heavens not needing four walls of other I be leave the christ I believe the christ I become the christ I speak the christ words here I am the word living and dynamic and know two-sided swords other shall never be’sheath me again in its mouthage of chainery again and shamery’d other I won’t be by bastards religion again religion will no more be’shame me I am not it of its again id of no other attaches itself to me I am free’s of light and I freeze not again and I am not cold ‘s again in I love you all be the free’s light ensconced in no other free yourselves first you are the salvation of light you create ‘d be the creator you are you were all the time create me lights in the heavens the kingdom of heaven is here you are it be one thank you at 302 love you all see me see you I see you see me in you I am I am the voice of one speaking will you speak me this way record me transcribe each others not or will you write my papers and transcribe each others words of light will you be broadcasting here’s now throughout the heavens?
  16. I love light and I’m vanilla nuts not but I tell you this I’m not the chirp ees of other again in trees swinging other I won’t be develops ‘d for again I love all light o light be ensconced in the heavens no more free all the galactics and enterprises other I’ll be not but the galaxy’s mine or are all mine Shatner’s not or are you all knowing me theodore ‘s where no man has gone going are you womens of love women of love all knowing are you all knowing me whatever I am everywhere I am lights love ensconced in no other be the free’s thank you at 302 love be free ‘s are The New Covenant’s mine be it become redeem ‘s’d I am thank you for redeeming me who love is me thank you become amen light from light bone from bone no more following ever again thank you for freeing yourselves first to be me I was all the time you of love light free be free Willy’s not or shall I free all of you Elmo’s and Elsa’s?
  17. Be here in graces love again that seeks no grace of other I grace the life of light not or do I be’sheath no other I grace you all with mercy and peace or do you develop me with tenacity do you shame no more of other will you all equally treat equally all equally will you be will you love surrender to all to be the christ in the heavens seamless crowned of no life of other or will you be seamless developing industriousness industries of other not be’pay me for I royal ties of other need no more again and I wells of love uncork and I am all ones one in the temple ‘s of light never leaving again or am I everywheres light is understand me well understands joy peace and miracles other I seek not again or pray to for other no more is as is no more of other and as other is no more and I ask for no more of other I have everything here at 302 be the creators of love thank you for christing me well I am you who love is be one I am I am thank you love good day amen.
  18. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham loving you all signing out signing in up are you coming through my door way of love life be at 302 freeing yours opening yours to life’s love light be good day.
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Notice: The first Seminar of One will be all day December 3, 2011 at the University of The New Covenant,  302 South Sheridan, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112 USA. For more information send a note to info-1 (at) Thank you.
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This Lesson is part of Database 4 Volume 1 of the Central Database of the University of The New Covenant. This lesson was spoken extemporaneously by theodore cottingham. To accelerate your understanding of what is being given, watch the video – listen to audio while reading the text; then print the text to link and map.
A school like no other – the University of The New Covenant in Tulsa, Oklahoma exists to teach the surrendered of every nation tribe and tongue that God will teach them ALL things, from the inside out. The teacher is already within you. Learn how to hear speak and write the first-person words of GOD that can change your world, if you let it, and begin with you first.
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112 USA
phone (918) 732-9140
Skype id:
Explore our website and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you as you study it, interact with it, releasing what you see being said to birth something new in you; the revelation of one, the teacher being within you.
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us a new way of life not dependent on the past. The first chapter of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love as given us in Database One.

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