THE MEONICS COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham a video,born again,News,video what born again is – what born again means

what born again is – what born again means

what born again iswhat born again means
studying to be the christ
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110622_000
Video file 110622_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham June 22, 2011 at 4:03 AM and giving you new life am I new life in you am I you now that in you new life exists that is new life existent in not other again not or but are you life all existent now all is ing me now in Paradise alling me not again to be other hauling me where are you or flying are you are you me that knows the difference now what I am where and what I am doing with two cameras or have I only one experimenting am I to bring you the word of I am to be or are you me now to being not else again waiting for are you me now’d the now’d bunch of no other again are you willing to be me no matter what you’ve been through or are you through a tunnel of shame no more are you but me all of you will you be me not worrying about shames ventures tudes of sorrow things of shame that’s tried to place upon you its banner of appearing its won’t be again in you for it of you is no more separate from me that I am and the id of other that only wanted to provoke a summary judgment against you and say you were something else and ego your shame to have life in it self of self other is no more and the congratulatory remarks of other are no more being congratulated upons anymore the tudes of sorrow for the tubes of sorrow and the diodes of shame and the microelectronic circuitry and organic othery is no more organicing you to be its machinery again’d and again you will know me who I am you who perish not again will you please?
  2. Will you be me who arises in the wee hours whether you’re sleepy or not and speak my words will you become them using two cameras or one eyes will you have on me or one eyed monster not being again two’d of will you be one who’s me speaking my words ways and loving lights other no more or but are you redeeming them all or but are you christ orbiting other not again what are you orbiting or breaking through many atmospheres now doing new things new ways with cameras of appeals or not or what have you camera’d no more again or Cameron are you mightily going to Cameroon or where are you Sudan ese’d no more are you christ will you be me speaking extemporaneously just like this will you be the propheting not other again will you be christ will you be the anointed Messiah carrying the anointed Messiah to them that you are to reveal to them that they are theirs there’s they are they are theirs there and they will be coming here’s and many will flyings many ways doing many things newly born ‘s will be in I am borns other not but I am the identity’s of faiths no more what had faith in me as other to grant me ownership of a body of other and have id self it in me and id me of itself to have separations existence in thought is no more is that clear?
  3. I give you me and I do new things with the terrified not or will I do many new lovely things with who are not afraid of me who are not afraid to be me who will be not afraid to arise and listen speak and be my words becoming my kingdom opened my mouth shut no more what will you be continued existence no more in thought other will you extemporaneously speak me will you prophet be in your country king dom being your kingdom opening your country being loved lovely or not or what will you be changing all about your Rwandans Sudanese situation or will you only have war rooms of terror no more will you be in the skies treating Malawi’s not or will you be changing everything about what you thought of Mauritanian or what are you knowing about Manchurian’s no more or are you all me in Paradise look mantras not of other are you in al Paradise now or El Paradise are you God in El God are you the only one there is are you worshiping no other but to hear the voice of you are I am I am am’ing I am one simple wooden Negro or am I black white wooden gray or blue bearded not again or but am I simply one whoever’s come to you to light your light being no other ignited by again are you christ will you listen will you speak will you surrender to be the leader led you are by no other with lead in your pants britches or what are you magnetics shame no more spinning molecules of or molecular are you no more molecularfied ‘s of will you be christ will you are your kingdom opened is if you will be you who are who are you will you be christ will you be me am I no other again am I all of you saying this rendering no evil for evil again will you forgiving be all will you be forgiving all of all they have done to you for you against you against your brethren or what have they headed be no more will you beheaded be no more will you be christ the head of one the one of head one all force field one is without force of other again sawing you off or cutting you off at the knees will be no more for you will be standing in the christ in the skies or will you be the skies’d christ disguised no more will you be gravity’s subject to no more for you are my subjects studying to be the christ Jesus the pattern (1) will you know me fulfilled will you be I am one voice speaking the voice of love the voice of Almighty are you all who knows me will you be incarcerated no more in grounds lands earth no matter what divisions divisivements you’ve drawn before what are you afters new lands or territories clean or pristine perfect in the skies will you be limitless will you be skyless no more will you open up two heavens not or one will you be me all throughout charms no more landeds in will you be lands of Lindbergh not or will you (2) be sky’ing opening up new territories into outer space or what space is there no more limiteds to if you unlimiteds are one will you be who opens new explorers mighty adventurers being will you study with me being me all knowing me like this will you be doing new things with new technologies will you be the christ transformed into christ that you were all the time were will be now not delayed again not transmogrified into other again nor radiant’d other to be radium’d down or dumbed-other you will no more be mutes of Paradise in lovely’s Eden or were you knowing anything about your Edens or lovelies all around you that you were limiteds no more will you be speaking the christ?
  4. I have said much I have given you everything I am I am speaks I love I am revealed you are that I am is teaching all we speak this way one blood ‘d one family one lovers of christ we all are in the christ in the skies not limiteds again appareling other to be regenerates other we’re not generates of for we’re not degenerates again we are generating christ generatives christ christ generating us to be no other are we the one we always were now creating not other again in our veins we are the limiteds no more we are the christ unlimiteds christ bearing christ not up under the burdens of other again for we are ups other not but we are christ in the skies living lodging where’s I am the unlimiteds are unfaithfuls not again to christ be the reproducers of christ that christ bears this way I love you all be one this day revealed is in your hearing will you be hearing the hearing ear will you be speaking the speaking mouth of one shame’s no more or is your heart opened is your rivers of faith no more unloosed or what are you damming up no more or are you pristine perfect knowing the difference and the most sensitive of all the most loving of all discernful of all honoring all christ is.
  5. I love you all I go now I do new things new ways and I am not worrieds about your predictions or interests other in for whether you’re interested in other or not condemn or not me or not I am I am not your menot again for I am me one son of a bitch no more daughter’d into reads other but reads my words will be all throughout the heavenspheres yours will be ones mine mine my mind mind yours with not other again please be the creators of I am this way I love you all day one’s here folks new beginning’s now I’ve said much in this little word loving word will you love me will you love your words not more than mine will you be mine not apparel’d in flesh other I love you christ be the christ alls known now forever’s one young always the dew of your youth will you have born again’s in the skies will you be understanding this all these things apparent not other again to be delayed new hope is now all hope is gone not before or have I changed everything I go now I come I am I reveal you are I am who will be be ‘s now good day I love you all I bow before you all this is Theodore Joseph Cottingham calling you I am christ I am that is you saying this revealing you to I am be the word ‘s of one coagulateds not in other again we christ the veins of no other again Elohim redeemed love christ be christ all christing christ revealeds now is the graduateds are be in my schools my school of one my school of the mighty many my schools of loves everywhere and you will know me everywhere I start them I go now I speak I worship words not again of other and in my temples clean pristine pure crystals other not again crystaling me to think otherwise other shames not again for I will shame none or will I not shame at all I will have none for I will have all everything perfect and who is perfect I am good I am perfect pristine what is the word the light in your brains of other no more be incarcerated in’s to for I end’s’d everything of that sort of thinking and thinking thought will no more thoughtster me on its Harley Davidsons of thought or will you heal all the riders of shame or will you write me and not be the riders of others words again will you not ride on just others thoughts again will you be piercing the christ no more as other but off the crosses of other will you arise now in the wee hours and be in the skies traveling places evident ial shames no more being in what will you evidence no more or will you evident the christ be in your genes me will you genes no other again please be me I love you all.
  6. What have I said will I be lessonating now will you be my methods procedures given surrendereds are to all each other be the christ the christ be not the bees of other workings for again and the inner workings of other will no more work you over for you’ll be the overs under not or will you be the christ overseers not other again oversee’d or will you be one authority king’d king in your kingdom will you be now all christ the authority of one lover’d by no other again I christ the christ and who are you I am I am you who one is king’d this day your kingdom’s opened the kingdom’s opened that one is that we king are of all one mighty many our lands not unknown to us again for we are real in the real being it the heads of no other incarcerated to’s stuck-to’s around again for we are around others no more that take us down or are we in the skies just there the just ones injustice’d we are no more by works other words other or looks glares shame of theirs for we will redeem them not or will we love enough to be the perfect will we think not of ourselves as idealized other will we be perfect the word is lovers of christ rejuvenating other not again what are you the relived christ live ‘d christ will you live the life of one I am this way that’s how I became what I am I am is.
  7. I love you all I have said much given much given you everything will you be the king in your country not again of other what am I redrawing or changing everything about the lines of faith everything cameras usage Ubuntu’s shame not again or are you Africans interest or are you imperiled no more again in AIDS suffering or am I the aid of mankind no more rushing to or am I changing everything transforming everything into Paradise again Eden’s of that Eden is was again of other is no more for I am christ revealing all things now new generation’s here transformation’s one transmogrified into other not again for I morph other not but I’m transmorphing other not but I’m transmuting shames words no more to be in my flesh embroils’d in.
  8. I love you all I speak extemporaneous words of christ and who am I all of you speaking the extemporaneous words of christ being the prophet of the king or the king or are you both and one two cameras not again needing or but are you changing many things about making the movies of faiths no more in your kingdom or are you all christ revealing christ to all in your kingdom being the one family is that God is not serving other again we are the unlimiteds christ in the skies being exploreds of no more but explorers we are releasing christ our brethren sistern of sorrow no more we are one’s one begetting the father the mother we are the father of christ sons of no other again the race of mankind is no more mankinding itself to ids be of other and the egos of suffering and shame that suffered in its want will no more want its shame and suffering to be each other’d by its again.
  9. I change everything and who am I one simple wooden Negro or am I white black gray or blue to you or what spectrum are you looking through or have you seen me no more as other will you I christ the christ I love you all I go now I’m done I reveal all mighty things Almighty to you to be Almighty chosen by no other to be otherfieds again I christ you reveal christ are one is this day the mighty many revealed in heavens be all now regenerating shames no more the creator’s one day’s here day one’s here folks the new generations who you are what are you creating what have you been in will no more be of what you have been in the past the past is over and done with alls new I proclaim I pronounce I decree love’s here folks I am you who love me hear me speak my way my words be the most gleeful of all the happiest in the heavens living lodging all provideds here be at my conferences seminars school ‘s of love one is are I love you I go now good day be me be with me be me one is redeemed the Messiah is redeemed that’s you first firsting you to be the firstborn now in the skies that’s what born again is that’s what born again means be the born again borning again you first to be the first’d light light I am good day see you I see you see me in you I am the you I am that you I am is the real in the real be now we one us are Elohim redeemed Adonai good day the limiteds no more the unlimiteds christ be reviewed by no other again or will you review christ or will you be christ thank you one cameras me or without no more am I everywheres now seeing alls as is I reveal all you are to ones one be in your Paradise creating it be now the king of priest of one is priest’d this day king’d by no other all kingpriest crowned are lovers of light I love you all good day amen.
  1. Consider reading “Jesus the Pattern” and “Jesus the Pattern – Book 2” of The New Beginning Series written by Theodore Cottingham please. These booklets are free and can be read and/or downloaded at the University of The New Covenant website thank you.
  2. Consider Charles Lindbergh.
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the words above were spoken and then transcribed by theodore cottingham, one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma, teaching all to speak the first-person words of christ who will learn how to learn this way.

University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us opening up a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays – and will soon meet each weekday.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website; click on Audio Files. Thank you for caring, sharing, and becoming the christ you always were. One be.

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