
(Database 6, Volume 1, Lesson 026)
This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant
This Lesson is part of Database 6, spoken extemporaneously byTheodore Joseph Cottingham June 11, 2012 and yet to be transcribed.
  1. The text of more than 2,400 of these Lessons are now searchable at www.unc.bz
  2. Meonics is the name of the First Degree in the University of The New Covenant. Enter Me 101 is the name of the first course everyone enters.
  3. Consider The New Beginnings Series booklets available free at University of The New Covenant website. The New Beginnings Series consists of Jesus the Pattern -1, Jesus the Pattern -2, The New Covenant -1, The Kingdom of Heaven -1, The Trinity Revealed, and The Priesthood of All Believers. Download and study them, share them freely with others and form study-groups around them. Thank you – for learning – and learning to let God teach you directly.
YOU speaking the first-person words of GOD is not a gift – it is not for any special group of people; it is the operation of The New Covenant promised to every person of every nation tribe and tongue.
GOD teaching mankind directly, how to be one voice, one mind, one body, of love perfected, is coming forth in fullness – not dependent on flesh. Guardian of your flesh you are no more. God is your father and God will teach you, teach you directly, regardless of your label, your background, your religion, or lack thereof. God will teach the meek who surrender to be taught in a relationship that knows no bounds with the one that has none. The boundaryless teaches boundarylessness. The measureless teaches the measured to become measureless. The incorruptible teaches that which has become corrupted in thought to learn how to speak the words that wash clean and befit the corrupted to return to incorruptibleness. The perfect that fell become re-perfect’d by becoming perfection that the father never abandons. Never does love die.
Be still, and learn who you are, who your true father is, and how the love one can be manifest in you so that your fount of love is never dry again. Let – you are the let -er. You let. You can only yield – not control – the teacher within, to teach you. It is a learned process and takes time, requires tenacity, and you die to everything you’ve been taught about this world, for it is not the real one.
The creator teaches from within you; the seat of authority that you have given to your mind you now offer to your father. You are the inviter. The invitation you make, but being silent and let -ing God your father speak. Invite God your father – the most humble of all, to sit with you. Yes, is this revolutionary? Will you invite the king into you to teach oneship with you inside you? Will you be the one that one is with, one am? Will you arise and bow before the king that lets you be one, and teach you how to enter his kingship? Will you exercise no other kingship over him? What will you allow your father God to teach you directly? Everything? Anything?
Be not afraid of your father the most loving of all – pristine perfect love, energy of one, needing no energy of other. Needing no molecules, no waves, just being pregnant with the spirit of God not, but delivering the word of I am – Mary being all of us, this way. You create by let -ing, the word flow. Flow the word of truth being not separate you become it and birth it – into the visible hearing realm.
God your father speaks at the table of one – where you have judged all things up unto now – in your sight and in your hearing, according to the dictates of man that has given you man’s. Mankind has dictated to you what mankind is and how it operates. That is no more. Mankind will control God no more – for YOU will let God speak – YOU will learn to be taught of the almighty, that the meek who become humble and learn this way, will be taught ALL things, and NOTHING will be hidden from the surrenderers. The surrenderers become humble as God is – not separate. Learning an entirely new lifestyle, a new life emerges. Yours not separate.
Your true father uses metaphor, teaching in a language with symbols and meanings you can understand, and mature in to learning the “hidden” things of life that God did not hide at all. God uses movies, books; everything we know and live about in this world, are now teaching devices to know the real and see what real is and isn’t. We now give God voice – OURS – to make our ears dull of hearing no more; blind of eyes no more leading blind to be blinded, we WAKE UP to the love that ONE is, becoming not separate from the love of God that speaks and teaches all directly.
God speaking words into you directly are not heard as an external voice, but “heard” as “sensed” within and given voice by you – that forms a learning covenant, a covenant learned by love; the fulfillment of the everlasting covenant God made with ALL PEOPLES EVERYWHERE who will surrender to BE his word speaking – not forming separation again. No longer stopping-up our hears, we speak. We become the priesthood of all – no longer religion’d.
The Everlasting Covenant is fulfilled by the New Covenant, operationalized in this manner. No Babel here. You are the one that lets, the word of GOD come forth through you; YOU are the one that births it. You bring it forth giving it voice, breath, breathing it; it birthing you into the new; stillborn no more, but becoming the FIRSTBORN – of many brethren of every nation tribe and tongue.
The VOICE of GOD you can bring forth at will, not; but surrender. Surrendered, you create it; for you were it all along. Now not deceived, you let surrender usher you into the king’s presence by being AT his table – being it. Let no one deceive you of the sacrament of birthing the voiceword of GOD daily. Free your prayers to be the prayer of GOD “praying” through you, you simply giving voice to what GOD is.
The highest form of prayer is not to pray your words to GOD, but that you let GOD’s first-person words flow through you, you giving it breath, speaking. The voice of GOD is in you, to teach you, to become not separate.
The New Covenant in action changes everything. It changes how we learn, what we learn, and the speed at which we learn. No longer limited to the curse of “line by line, precept by precept”, we surrender to enter the revolutionary process of GOD teaching all peoples directly about ALL THINGS without any WANT involved. It’s all by surrender.
Thus I have spoken this recording completely surrendered and edit not what I say or control what comes out. I died to say these words, and bring you to you a learning system that reveals The New Covenant in operation so you will learn it.
To learn more about what I am speaking of and teaching, see the University of The New Covenant website www.unc.bz
Movies are used extensively and referenced often in the University of The New Covenant. Linking these daily Lessons to previous daily Lessons allow you to learn to see that YOU are being spoken with by what comes through me without taint, without want of any kind whatsoever. And THIS forms a mosaic learning system of synergy, directed by GOD specifically for you, the surrendered, who will learn this way, the way of life. For all? For all the meek who will SURRENDER to be taught of GOD this way so that YOU will be speaking the first-person words of God and others learning by what you speak this way and all will learn from all to be free in a freedom we have never been taught about before. This was the message of Jesus. Lived before us all – see yours, now, for the pattern set before you. Amen.

For instance, a few items referenced in this Lesson include:
  1. Consider the book “Kisses from Katie” by Katie Davis (2011).
  2. Consider the movie “Shakespeare in Love” directed by John Madden (1998).
  3. Consider the movie”Howard’s End” directed by James Ivory (1992).
  4. Consider the movie “Inherit the Wind” directed by Stanley Kramer (1960).
  5. Consider the movie “On the Beach” directed by Stanley Kramer (1959).
  6. Consider the movie “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” directed by David Fincher (2011).
  7. Consider the movie”Watchmen” directed by Zack Snyder (2009).
  8. Consider the video series: Herman Wouk’s “The Winds of War” directed by Dan Curtis (1983).
  9. Consider the movie “The Truman Show” directed by Peter Weir (1998).
The above are mentioned in this one Lesson – used to connect, display, show, revelate, reveal – and link to the words given directly here as part of the teaching method of one – The New Covenant ‘s.God is speaking to all who will listen and learn how to be taught of the one that shows us all things now. Learn how these Lessons connect with each other and with other sources like books and movies that provide reference to what God is revealing to show us what never has been understood before.
* * * * *
The Database of One is organized in several Databases containing over 3,500 Lessons of the first-person words of God through theodore cottingham. Each Database is organized into Volumes and Lessons, and referenced easily with the format “Database.Volume.Lesson number” e.g. (6.1.001).
A school like no other – the University of The New Covenant in Tulsa Oklahoma exists to teach the surrendered of every nation tribe and tongue that what GOD is will teach all peoples ALL things, from the inside out, to be transformed into something not subject to the basic principles of this world. The teacher is already within you. Learn how to write speak and record the first-person words of GOD in the University of The New Covenant.
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112 USA
phone (918) 732-9140
Skype id: unc.bz
More than 2,400 of these lessons are now searchable on our website. Explore these lessons and begin the adventure of life that transforms yours if you let it, the word being formed in you study it, interact with it, releasing what you see being said to birth the word through you; becoming it, becoming a new creation not subject to time space and gravity.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love as given us in The Central Database of This University.
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us a new way of life not dependent on the past. The first chapter of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays.

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6.1.006 (Database 6, Volume 1, Lesson 006) This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant www.unc.bz This Lesson is part of Database 6, spoken extemporaneously byTheodore Joseph