I see the sun rising

I see the sun rising – in my face
blinding light – almost
as through the window I look east – holding a cup of coffee   chocolate to be exact – chocolate truffle coffee
as my eyes must adjust each time I look at the page to write  as I intersperse writing sentences and sips of coffee with looks as I can at the uprising sun rays penetrating
but not limiting me again as I need no light of its to see again
I move out of its rays   into the real
to be waveless   now   sightless not
unheard not   the now is
Wavelessland coming about   seen   unheard not
I love you all
Kingdom One opened
now is
all shall be
renewed not as is
but altogether new
I do it
you do it
all who surrendered are do it
together making new worlds
many membered The Christ is   all of us who are
not dimwitted by other again that gives only its light of darkness
We know better
we know the difference now
a day makes?
We make new ones far and wide
being them
the generators   not flawless – not
Flawless we are   the perfect
come forth now
blossoming as a rose not again in the light of tomorrow’s
Today is
alls new
I am
I am.
yielded to be
with the Christ
being the Christ
Saved sanctified by other not again
awakened by other not again
alivened by other not again
we – know the difference
we are – the makers of all things anew
Christ revealed   are
the new in The New
the new wineskins in the new wine flowing it just like this – writing new prose and poetry unfailing now
All things change
we change it all
yielded surrendereds to be the Christ
most meekest of all
leading all out of captivity of the sons of thunder that only wanted to captivate us in the rays of suns other.
We know the difference
we’ve become the real
it that loves
all the prophecies of the Christ
to be
it fulfilled
now is
in women also
and men
of every nation tribe and tongue
bar none
who will surrender
to be meek
perish not
perishing not
we live forever
in the perfect now
not alivened by other
Not “awakened” by other
but now now’d in the now
now is
Christ is
All many membered
the crown healed
all reigning in splendor
the greatest of all
in your servant
bowing before all
to lift you high
into the graces of other not
but one
The fellowship of one
known far and wide
king of all
who makes all Kings
Of the prophecies of one?
the revelator of one
yieldeds all to be
changes the earth (s)  ,s
Loving you all
this is
Theodore Joseph Cottingham
February 12, 2011 7:42 a.m.

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6.2.002 (Database 6, Volume 2, Lesson 002) This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant www.unc.bz This Lesson is part of Database 6, spoken extemporaneously byTheodore Joseph

my mind healsmy mind heals

my mind heals the writing christ writing mind one is cottingham, theodore. April 27, 2011 at 1:38 AM 3.2.134 Voice file 110427_000 Video file 110427_000v This is a LESSON in