1. The standard of me is me and Meonics is my burden not again to Meonics be of me I am a saintlyfied one not again seeking to have answers for me for I am my own answer. I am thee upon a Cross no more. I am you who will love me and it be in School I am with me being me at the Table of One and I work out many miracles not but I am one in the flesh of thee who will be me Meonics of a burden not again upon you.
2. I seek the soul of a Savior not again to bequeath it to remedial other. I am no more of the remedy of your affairs seeking to quell an uprising, I’m mine and I’m rising up the leaders of me shall be one I am equal with, equal to, the me I am and ones mighty ones will be in breath again clinging to Saviorship no more of hollow Sovereignness other for my mind is not hollow you about but I’m hollering no more for a Jesus to come for a Savior to be born in Jerusalem I am me I am sovereign I am and I am a man you see girdled in breath not again as. I’m a woman too and many will be women in the song of breath that doesn’t incarcerate them anymore.
3. For I am love one in two shoes walking a mighty miracle walking with me to be me in breath a cordi ‘ality not of you for I am no more cords breaking not. I am cordless with this kingdom and your perpetudes will no more perpetuate me in the things of you that cord me here to you to you be so ignorant of who I am a race of light breathers gather now who will breathe me become me for I am the breath of my Savior’s kingdom not or am I in breath no more indebted to you.
4. I am changing it all and my name is breath in The Savior’s Me I accord no other but I have a new one not I fly now and beginnings me is beginning me I have begun me I do new things with the flying flyers of me. I love you breath be the Saviors thereof that heal me healing me’s I am unafraid of you who have breath only of you. For mine stinks not unto you not or will my breath be clean now clinging to no others I am the breaths of God bringing it into place. I love you all at light speed go speak the one I am. Good day love. This is Theodore with The School of God in Eureka Springs all over this world and farther I go now to the Tables of One to take my words for you to breathe me I am one in love with you all. Good day.