THE MEONICS COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham Meology,Podcast This is the School of God in me. The Table of One seminars. The Revelation of Christ. 20230515

This is the School of God in me. The Table of One seminars. The Revelation of Christ. 20230515

This is the School of God in me. The Table of One seminars. The Revelation of Christ. 20230515 post thumbnail image

1. Blessed be The Christ no more for I am trying to connect you with it no more that’s me for I am Meonics blessed in my name and my name is Meonics one who will bless it be it and cough up not other blood in your soup will no more betroth me. For I am not trampled out in my courts again and I am the judge of me and I protect Christ, from it no more, for I am me in Christ’s body of one and the body of one will be Christ who choose it to be it that I am a one mighty race not in the conflagration of you, for I am no more the congregational in your affairs that keep Jesus apart from me, for I am it with a consciousness of one.

2. One mighty ones mighty to behold a race of light peoples peopled not from your Southern Earth or am I virginity in of mine bringing forth my word in sunlight not or am I The Son no more of. I am women in song not needing your energy supply of your molecules go bye-bye or do I change what’s spinning me around your chakras will no more influence me.

3. I am the healing Christ, Christians not again of it, for I am Christ Christing, the frozen no more to wait on another. I‘m no more in the solitude of your congregations. I‘m no more the repeating of your chants, nor your chancelry choirs in, or am I requiring you to be God, not; but I give you the choice who select me become me and I am my songs no more frozen in. I worship me, not, I worship nothing else again but I let me be me in the leaderships of one who will leadership me to be it the Meonics breath of Saviors other not again trying to save, connect, or be’light thee. For I am no more the light of the frozen chosen who elect it not but elected to be frozen in a pew.

4. I’ve neglected light not or are you no more neglecting you to be the Savior of you are you the real me you in breath clinging to a saviorhood of other no more. I am righteous in my own eyes, not, I am righteous me writing my words with the writing I am understood the revelating of the Revelation of Christ so be it here in your shoes you who honor me become me and become my breath you see in my light my schools that form not other in your veins. Have a light day, good day not of other.

5. I am changing it all and I am g’day mate not or am I bringing from the west it down not again or your Eastern Gate that’s closed walled off not again from me or am I rising in the skies of me I am forming a new me formant of no other I inform you to be Christ and form it it accordingly to my words which breathe into thee by your breath to breathe me, into comfort not but seclusion no more. The bliss of me will be reclining at you Table of not again for I am Table of One at doing seminars a’mighty reaching a populations of Earth to be Heaven’s in and I recline not at table of folly but I know what following you will do to me, not again, for I follow the leaders to be faithful not, I follow leaderships one at the Table of One seminars a’mighty purchasing a ticket not or will you see me in breath regarded being me I am the one of Meonics chosen to be me The Real Me the real me’s in and I’m a race of light beings mighty and preposterous not unto you but I am the living me throughout the ages of one cantankerous no more with.

6. I love you all this is the School of God in me I am the creator of the creators of who create me in breath theirs to be one solidified no more in failure but The Tangible Christ be The Tangible Me. Good day. Theodore in Eureka Springs with the School of God. Good day. Honor the GOD and be it. Thank you.

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