THE MEONICS COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham Meology I am raising an army of light connecting me my mind with who will be it. 20230612 video

I am raising an army of light connecting me my mind with who will be it. 20230612 video

I am raising an army of light connecting me my mind with who will be it. 20230612 video post thumbnail image

June 12, 2023

1. I’m in abeyance not of you again thinking I’m self-described as horror makes it out to be after I’m flesh, or am I me in flesh creating an opportunity, the opportunity of, to be Christ in comfort in flesh too that you see walking around in your mirror of life will you be not comforted with failure. For I am no more the genes of the interpreted thee about for I am mine and my Genetics of Truth are mine and an army of truth bearers descends now on Eureka or do you all transcend me the light of no more to have it your way of in breath other will be no more for I make a million answers not but the answerees of thee will go bye-bye who only wanted an authority of to theoryize them. I’m no more the theory of your eyes holding you back nor the concretes of your girdles your neurons in.

2. I’m Theodore Christ in comfort of thee not but me and I make amends with you not, I change the countryside’s me and the country of Christ will be the origin of and I go there now and I seek a you not again to be me. I let you allow to be me you, and I am one, not soaked in riches of yours anymore wanting a thing, for I have no needs. I am am and I make my way known and the world’s witness of you will not imprint me to negativity be about you or anything else. I’m the positive me with the crown of one I am, of one mind, and healed I am with where I go to thee not again to be seen as separate or am I connecting me my mind with who will be it thee who in comfort are now, about all things not but most things will wary be about me no more.

3. I wearing me am out for you not again. I’ve given you my words and I go stall not again the stalwarts with but I look up a lot of things in Database One not again, for the data of my perfect genes are me and I rise now in love to love it who will breath breathe to the original me to be it in an army of light bearers, stroke not faring you again. I’m one not needing your death series died to. I’m one in the likes of me forever with joys crown of one. Good day.

4. See, I have said much in this little broadcast to love you as me I do love you all Theodore in Eureka Springs with The School of God. Be it according to you not again as separates. Be the Lord I serve not, or the one that you served in the past, but be the Lord’s army no more God about who was another. Who is another no more comes, but I am here I am folks raising an army of light and live I do in the arms of one. Good day love.

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