Theodore Cottingham with The School of God, Box 34, Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632
1. Hi, my name is Theodore Cottingham with The School of God, GodSchool. I come like this just simply as a common guy to tell you you are God if you will be it too, for I am one and I am one who tells you you are to teach you I am here to teach you to teacher be to each other. For God has come, in, like a man or has it come in me; or am I it portraying, communicating that you’re it, if you will be it too, if you will learn how, if you will learn that you’re not separate; because we’ve been taught we were separate. We’ve been taught we were separated from God at birth or before birth or birthing are we a new race?
2. I’m cataclysmic, some say, but I’m just a common guy, you say now because you know me, I am. And I AM is a race that I am is a many peopled people, a race of races. And I am a race, of many planets, you see? For I create mine here. I hang them in place as they begin a new race that creates them themselves of so you see, consciousness is not as it thought it was nor as you have taught each other. For I am a many membered being I am Christ not the conclusion of, but just the beginning, of a common man, a common guy, that’s become God again because God I am, seeking I did, and I was taught. And the way that I was taught was through these words that I was given that I generated with my own breath as I sat and wrote many hours to create many documents of lessons that’s become Database One, that’s discarded not again. But you will glean me now if you want to be me and understand the allegories of shame no more concretize me in them to worship it.
3. I teach like this now where I come in many places doing many things out in the wild, the open spaces or little rooms on couches in living spaces of me I’m not the preacher you think I am, or am I just a simple communicator communicating to you this day that you can be God if you will because you are, but you must retrain the senses or are you sensory perception no more limited by? Will you feel the influence of me not the tactile touch with you? Or are you changing what you heal people with? Will you be speaking love, life, light, and joy healing to their joints, their miracle beings so that they enjoy God life of one, not or will everything change now because you no more need medicine? You no more need insurance against the brutality of others?
4. Will you love me? Will you make little recordings like this in every language my faith will go forward not but my face will be known, for I will be you in your mirror God as, God of, Godwords learned in God School to flow, to create me. Creating me is my message that I’m born with this day a new message, a new me to keep you on track of your rails not. But I derail a lot of things because I communicate effectively with my miracles in place. And I teach like this, and miracles happen because you understand revelation of The Creator that the Creator you are, that you thought was separate and apart from me; but I am it in your mirror for you see, we were all one race.
5. Are we not coming unto the joy of the Lord? Not again. Or the joy that the Lord no more rules over us, wanting his demands commands met? I’m no more the preachers of the law. I’m one simple one in Eureka Springs I look just like this today and look like this a woman tomorrow. Or am I all of you changing how you communicate what about so that you live the love I am, in place. Will you be me? Is the message. Will you be your sunshine not looking up to other? Or will you create planets in space? Are you changing how comfortable you are with me? With me will you be O Holy Spirit, O Spirit of God O God the Spirit of no other, the wind of, or are you moving here or through me are you going through the lessons like this that I post each day where you pick up your pen and you write words that assimilate me in me and put me together again? Oh, Humpty Dumpty, not again. But I fall not for your oath. I choose things like I choose to breathe them into place and create many miracles I do where I heal many a person, not to be the frame of reference of you limited to, for you are God race of one and God sees many miracles now at the hand of God with the word of God coming through you who will be it doing it too. Is that clear?
6. Is this clear, that I am not preaching, I’m teaching a love, not a law. And you will tithe no more to other heavy burdens with. I’m no more your tithing law and the laws of your receivership ship many out to terror not again. Or are the bankruptcy courts full and running over because death is rampant? Or is life, among the apostles not. But the disciples of me will be me doing the works that I do for I heal people and I empty hospitals. And you will be mad if you just want your revenue and to be busy seeing patients that you recommend pharmakeia, pharmacy of. I’m no more your farms neglecting either because I’m not the toxicity of how you raise me. I change the educations of one come forth and I’m not trying to meet your demands and I command you not to be mine of. I let you choose.
7. I ask a lot of questions. I’ve given you much joy if you will be it learning love to portray it not as folly but to live love, O God, and be it in God School this day I come to you because I’m still here in Eureka Springs for a moment, but I travel a lot and my word travels everywhere I go I preach teach and hold seminars. Or are you having a good time in life now because you know it never ends, so you take care of yourselves or do you take care of my Word? Will you let my Word flow through you that regenerates life anew? Will you learn to live, O God, your love and love your Word and let your Word heal you the way I do? Will you let you come through you, the real you emerging?
8. I change love, not, I adopt it no more to be sorrow or do I define it accordingly to these words that I’ve given you in the apostles of me, or are these recordings my apostles, my dictates not, but my recording me shall go everywhere for I plant the seed in you that you are me the tree of life generating regenerating a new one now, if you will, through these words that I let come through you or do you come through me? Or are we the portal of shame no more?
9. Are you looking up the Table of One in these words my mastermony of you not, but I am the ceremony of you not afraid of. I have mine in the skies of me, right here first, between your mirrors not your mirror neurons of or will you change what you see you as and heal the Christ or will you be a simple me, God in place? Will God you grow up to be who needs not that name God applied to you either? I’m a simple guy. I love live and I live love and I destroy a lot of brutality and you may wonder how in the world do I do these things? But I tell you, I told you for years I am Christ off the Cross. Or did I ascend? Or was I never buried here like you thought? Or are you changing the stories of Islam too?
10. Are you changing everything you think you do at midnight not or am I now communicating finally that it’s you, because you receive my words, that you are the word, the living adorned by you who sheepishly no more grin at another in separation.
11. I am loving you all, doing new things with the lovers to the ones who will be me or will you do that to me no more in separation to create me thusly separate am I no more if you realize it? The revelation of Christ is to be it. The revelation of God is to be it. God becoming it again is God people rich in joy and I enjoy each other now talking about God not all the time or enjoying sports or am I a regular common guy who now defeats the devil story of you that there ever was one?
12. I believe in God, not, I am it and I produce a God race because God I am living in 2 feet a common guy shoeing the gospel of you not away, but the shoes of you will fit me, or am I your size? Am I you, with breasts? Or am I you with a womb who will? The words womb if you let them, they create; they wound not again, but they heal the woundings of you that each other perpetrated against you and religion did a number on.
13. I’m no more the numbers of you crossed up about. I am not looking for your success rate, your pages in your capitols, or how you do infernal internments of.
14. I change it all and I ask you to be Christ, or do I ask you to begin there with the progression of mankind not again stopping there or worshiping it or denying its existence in anger or hatred, of your molecule? I ask you to be God regenerating me because I use that word, you see, because you’ve seen that word and used it so often and heard it in your lifetimes. But God is a person, not; God is all of us who I am is a race of perfect light beings that need not a thing from this earth. So I’m not perpetuating your gravity. I defy it not, I just pop out of it. Or am I surprised, no more to be a man, or a woman? Or am I all of you? In love with love will you love each other and create the life of one?
15. I go now I do this and the things of you will not prevail against me, for there is no war in heaven, for there is no war in my heaven and my heaven is right here between your ears if you’re me, and my me is upon a Cross no more. I have resurrected me in the words of I am I have schooled me. I have let me come forth. I have birthed my word in a solid man that looks like the form of you. Or am I talking speaking with you this day, appealing to you to be no more the Crossed up of. I ask you to be the common simple people who God are no more worshipping another. You’re the one! You’re it and with it comes responsibility not or are you writing me? Will you pick up your pen and write me to death not but life? Will you write me on yellow tablet paper, white tablets or every color of the rainbow? Are you speaking words of that flow forth with the healing me? I am healing joints not. I’m healing everything not but the healing me will flow forth in beauty and regal I am, not needing a thing from your Princess Diaries? Or am I O Neo on a Cross no more or the phone booth either or did I just come out?
16. I am God, one in flesh, creating a nation of lovers who will love each other, love each other’s children, love each other in communities being that perish never again in the pariah of you or will you change your zodiac now? Or are you no more astrology ladened with? Or will you change all the information of mankind’s mind that is so limiting, that limited you? Are you archaic no more the arcane you? Will you be the blessed you no more in rights and privilege to worship another? Will you heal you from God theory and be the simple one who becomes it because you learn this way, you’ve learned at the feet of no other but the voice of God that melts your stone? Or are you revelation of Him no more but her, the divine one that she I am has a womb for me and I am these energies, you see, that I am speaking with. I am healing the word I am.
17. And I have given you much in this broadcast and I ask you to broadcast it. Will you see? Broadcast this message. Will you rebroadcast me or will you be me that looks like you? Will I wear your face or will you wear mine? Or will we be the energies of one, a force field of no other, but the force of me will be felt now because I love and love has its meaning and its behavior and its dignity of breath, or shall I be indignant no more of anything you say?
18. I walk in honor of me and my honorees will be me, you see, for we honor each other and the kings of cross other will no more cross us up, cross our wires or rewire our brains otherwise. We are simple people of grace and beauty that need not these bodies to live for we live out side them not or do we no more need them? Or do we appear? to be creating a race? We do, and we are healing light, love and peace among the nations that destroys your status quo and your complacency goes bye bye about the gospel of me, and the gospel of you will raise me, not to torment me in confusion separation of.
19. I heal the Christ not, or will you begin there? Or will you begin to see that you are God and God will you talk with at the table of one just like this where I am recording me, sharing this with you to be me?
20. I am you and one race of light will love lovers and heal their children and time will no more be as thought and the darkness you enshrouded, you and each other with, will no more cover mes; for I am the arrangement of God perpetrating not or have I married me? To see you are a race in privilege and me is an honoring race with the integrity of one that writes the gospel of peace across our forehead, no longer needing the stone of you, your third eye with or not or what you think with, or shall you not think you’re a worm again anymore or sinner of an angry God?
21. I have no fear of God because I became the love I am and saw that love perpetrated by me, would enter me, and I entered my confusion not again. I gave up all the hate, anger and unforgiveness and became the revelation that I was seeking to know and understand and perpetrated the living in it. I am one, and the one of race one will erase no other. You can die out if you want to choose that way. But I am the way, of Christ not. I am the way of Theodore, one who loves you all. I’m in Eureka Springs with The School of God, teaching this way every day, every moment not or do I make multiple videos sometimes to prepare the way for you? Or are you the regal you now seeing your carriage, your chariot of joy, peace, miracles do and be afraid not of your power as it comes about now in your broadcast heal people, speak the rights of religion no more. But the healing me goes everywhere and I perform my seminars not. But you shall no more see the magic shows of other perpetrated miracles, no matter what you call them, sleight of hand or not.
22. I love you. I’m a simple guy, sharing with you these words for you to understand the revelation of who you are I am is a race of kings. The king breathes me, the energies of, to complete the task at hand, the mission: create me, recreate me as you. The message was all the time and love live among the nations, across the stars, makers of love who create it being one. I love you all.
23. I invite you to be me in The School of God. Amassing God. Amassing wealth. Or am I the wealthiest of all simply because I have the revelation, the understanding, the behavior? I lead out of where you have been, if you will be me, leading me no more to death. We were the same one all the time. And I have a voice, I speak, I live through the living me I have come. And the life of sorrow is no more here to be shared nor put on another.
24. I live love and I ask you to enjoy light. My name is Theodore in God School. The School of God in Eureka Springs. And I change the name now not or do I have many names for you or am I you who has the name of me? A simple, common guy not or are we all light people, the angels rejoice now? I do. And I ask you to also contact me. Live me, love me. Be in The School that rejoices the angels to be them all mechanized no more by the methods of you. Live love. Good day.
25. Theodore in Eureka for now. Live love, be the lovers, heal joy, and you first heal the love I am. Live richly, O King, and see the finite you dissolve into space, not, but your molecules will no more taunt you if you heal me completely be the one I am in love with love. Good day. Thank you for listening to these words, sharing these words, becoming these words right here in your heart that’s between your eyes not, but your ears, hearing me well, hear what I’ve said and shared this day. Be the kings I am a new race light live love, be, joy. Good day.