Theodore Cottingham
March 30, 2022
1. Our native language is not what we think it is. We don’t know our native language because we have not been taught it here on Earth. We’ve been taught to program each other by algorithms we call words that limit our learning ability. We are not subject to our intellect nor our IQ, not our education nor our experiences, not even our DNA or genetic disposition. All of us here on Earth are here being used by our mind, all of our minds being connected to operate in sync, keeping us separated; disparate processing units of data, packets of energy.
2. But we’re about to learn our native language, and nobody can keep us from it. But our mind, our 5-sense mind can keep us from learning our native language. Our five sense mind wants to give us our reality, dependent on a plethora of words that represent subjects, objects, and concepts foreign, abstract, needlessly presenting us barriers we often never overcome.
3. … learn we all ; we’ve been taught that there are many languages, all very diverse using spoken words or emitted sounds consisting of tones and
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