THE NEW COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham Meology There’s coming a time that all people will know, the Christ was them, to be it.

There’s coming a time that all people will know, the Christ was them, to be it.

There’s coming a time that all people will know, the Christ was them, to be it. post thumbnail image

Theodore Cottingham
June 13, 2022 1:25 a.m.

1. There’s coming a time that all people will know The Story’s about them; that there will arise a Savior, Christ the King, but… it’s ALL who will be it. “The One” to arise is many. “The One” is all of us who learn to become one and operate in the power of one. The One is MANY. All of us willing to BECOME The One is The One. We are ALL to arise, to be The King, of kings, all are, who will, conceive the word and birth it, in their flesh walking the Earth as kings. The Kingship of The One made up of all who will be it of every nation tribe and tongue, on earth, and farther, will know. All will perceive: the Christ was them, to be it.

2. It was not an election, or belief; it was transformation, for they were the seed of Christ, the seed of their word, and “they” still are, for we are all the “they” that now see, it was about ALL OF US all the time, the metaphor story was, the Archetype Story, meta story, story of all mankind, story of The Ages, that the ancients took from us.

3. Interpreting different things different ways ripped up apart and the Mind of One became “fragmented”, in ways of sorrow, pervasive. Mark my word, all will know, now, and come unto an understanding that all are God, and there will be great sorrow: “gnashing of teeth”, and what “they” forfeited … their Kingship.

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