THE MEONICS COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham Meology I HEAL GODS TO SERVE NO OTHER GOD. 20230731


I HEAL GODS TO SERVE NO OTHER GOD. 20230731 post thumbnail image

Theodore Cottingham with The School of God, Box 34, Eureka Springs, Arkansas USA

1. The industrial revolution is passe now, because The Industrious Me is me, becomes me, becoming me I am, and I become no else or other again. I am Me in flesh, a God serving you, notice, to be you also is coming about I am that I am you are a race of Gods, God is. And God is present on this earth now. And I am it, he not, but she who wears a crown. For I womb my words, you see, and the womb is me that I’ve come through. For my word comes through thee who are Me, that thou art a God, serving no other. For you are Gods. God why do you prostrate yourselves before mankind and its theories? Why are you theorems suggested by that dies you out and puts you in a death circus of rings around the planets? Not, or are you but going to many now cities and countries throughout the universe of you?

2. I take my hat off not again to you. I believe me, for me to be it. I believe believing stacks up against you not again but the stacks of your reservoirs will no more repository Me. I’m not the reservoir of your influence, nor the libraries of your shame, honoring God, not, but an industrial empire, of melonage not, but I change a lot of things and melons will be free not or shall I enjoy a lot of fruit now, of my thinking, believing, becoming, surrendered, surrendering I am to this day to be no other.

3. The day of God is over, but mine’s just begun. And my industriousness sees me as my devoted disciples who desperate are, no more for a cloth flesh of you. I’m no more the form of you worried about. I refuse to worry anymore about anything, for worry shall not take my head off with it, for I am the head of Christ in a nation that needs not its approval. I need nothing from you but to be you I am asking you, presenting you a courtesy privilege not or am I inviting you to the ball of Me where we dance and iniquity perish? And will you be Gods swinging through lampstands other not again. The balls of your frequencies go bye bye, and never treat me to the privilege that robs me from it to be me again is my disciples warning. And I disciple you not or do I disciple no other but me who wants to be it an industrial revolution no more of your conc ‘ubines.

4. I’m no more the shelled of you. I am laying this cloth down now. And I am the form of me. I am these words, you see. I am the word, that creates no other against me anymore. I create the miracles too now for you to be doing them so you see that an industrious not other takes place, but a devoted discipleage will be me not, or will you be no more the desirous of other.

5. Are you healing God? Will you wish you had been it when you were it all the time? Don’t you see how ignorant you are? Don’t you see the industriousness of man goes bye bye and the hurt worlds of other will no more hurt you if you’re me surrendering to be beyond all that I go now and time is not present for me anymore like it was for you. I am changing it all.

6. I am the breath of me and I drink coffee sometimes with the miracles coming forth through my words. Will you miracle God ‘d be guided by no other’s words. What are you? Mind producing your mind doing to you? What are you controlling? No more the controller’s breath of or are you, taming the shrew no more of the tiger or red letters me scarlet of not but I change a lot of oaths, to a lot of buildings other. For the truth of me will no more oath to you nor bow to your words, your kingdom, your altars, your ancientry’s wisdom or not, for I am the tree of life repairing not again.

7. I go in love school to love be. I am the school of me. I am the Christ. Christ’s school is Christian no more of; for Christianity has gone bye bye not, but there’s no more of that influence against me. I am no more against the Antichrist not. I turn Paul to Saul not again or am I changing what you see your opportunity as this day? To heal me, to be a planetary witness of me that enjoys no other than the freedom to be God; I serve no more. God I’ve become and God rejoices now because of it. And God remits sinners no more to an angry God or permitting are you no more the permissions of? Or are you giving you freedom to fail? No more or are you risking the riskiest adventure? Or are you planetarily the means of me, planting a new church not again. But I tell you this, the fellowships of me arise everywhere. For my schools are one in the communities of faith no more but God loving God to be it God writing papers with God, coming forth in the words of God that God are is a race and God is one mighty that changes this nation and around the world I go now with this message and my messages shall be taught. My messages shall heal. And healing takes place in the sinners who sinned against themselves for they were God forsaken God themselves of. They wanted an opportunity to grow something else.

8. I teach God to be it, and that’s my name. I teach Christ to be it. Christ I recognize. Christ. It was us all the time a race of so the industrial revolution of you perishes now, not, or am I the formless me informing you to marriage be no more of other but to your breath that creates you no more again over you to see your free will opportunized, and granted you asylum not but Hell you created on it? The face of life will no more injure me, and injurious you won’t be to each other. Or will I sell your soul no more a kingdom theory of.

9. I heal God to be it. My name is Christ in privilege, Christing you to be it too, in your school not, but mine, which raise an ancientry’s principles no more. For I look not for a God to serve. I look for God to be it, not, I look inside me and see the promised land that I am. A promise not of you seeking your machinery with. I am no more wrapped up in you the things of this world. I’m given to me, to be me, the knowledge of, that creates me; stupendous no more the stupidity of you with. I’m no more the arrogant belligerent who want to industrialize faith and have a common arrangement that controls everyone with it. I’m no more the denominations of your shame seeking a God to serve and calling everybody down from heaven to earth be the deathery of.

10. I create life and call it forth I do now in you who will create me, creating you to be it the life of one healing each other, healing love. Hearthing no more the stone of you. Or do I own that too, the fireplaces of? Or am I changing Hell here, or everything you’re alluding to not, but my allusions are not of shame and my illusions are long past not. The pastored past is no more the industrial revolution of your religions and the puritanical of your puritans are no more purifying me, you as, to serve them. I’m no more the thoughts of God that shields it from it. I’m no more your God taking place, or am I taking the place of God no more to call it shielded from me? Or are you no more disconnecting the things of shame? Or are you asking a lot of the right questions? Who will shame you not again God, but God being it, God, adorned, adored will you be now in your mirror loving you who first shamed you and walked out of an arrangement of marriage to you your breath with so that you embraced another? Will you no more heal God to be separate? Will you no more embrace the lies that take you from me? Will one network you be or brain unified to be other not?

11. I bring you an offering not, I brought you me, my word of, my words are life I institute a hearing of you not, but I hear God speak to a lot of people the breath of that’s coming through them that they hear with their own ears because they’ve ushered the words through their lips and they feel and they heal the powers thereof to walk in power. Powerful now am I are one. And I change a lot of things now folks.

12. Not afraid of you, I witness to me. I speak like this to angels, and I call you forth to be them. I call you the angelic host of heaven. You see, you are. You were. You fell for a theory. You worshiped industrial industriousness productivity of a saint not but somebody’s words, dollars, and credibility gave you theirs to be under them. I’m no more the authoritarian permitted to be here in my arrangement of marriage to me. The authority of you sucks the dog’s life of religion no more to put me in the vomit of your pews. You will not use my people anymore. You Gods, you serve each other not, but you tear each other down and serve some myth ‘ical opportunity. You weep and cry out to God to serve it and then you die. Where’s your power? Where is your life, and love? Do you love each other? Love will you love now and heal it and be no more the arrangement of the mechanization of you that religion gave you a heated breath thereof. I am no more the ironed out in your flames nor powerless to do anything about it, for I am the powers of me, and I heal the children and I stop your wars. And you will hate me if you love God’s earth the way it was. But it’s no longer His, it’s Hers not, it’s mine who will be me. And I am one. Many say this now because they’ve become it the love I am is.

13. The love for each other heals, and doesn’t decimate each other and pay you the littlest amount you’ll work for. I’m no more the generosity of the southern you. I’m healing the northern me not, I’m healing God to be it who needs not your form of your monies again. I am cleansing the temples of you not, but I am cleansing the temples of mine who love is will reside there, in the memories of other not again, but the future’s me, and I go there now and I tag it southernly not, but I rearrange a lot of things about your Earth’s atmosphere.

14. The healings of me begin just like this who loves my words, who love will be me. If you love love and stomp it out no more in your brethren, or who loves you or hates you, will you not hate them anymore, no matter what they say to you about you? Will you not let words crease your crown? Or will you ceremonies no more have in the heavens? Or will you with me now enjoy the planetarily righteousness of not other, adverbs nouns changing? Or shall you be the verbiage of heaven crowned by light, love, joy, and law no more that lawful is to make you of theirs?

15. I am no more the underlings of your privilege. I am Cottingham in Christ that Cottingham is a Christ Christing you to be it if you will Christ the marriage of faith not, but to you being it you in your mirror see the Christ arisen this day in you, in your mirror, in your thought life, in your words, in your healings of you that come forth in your families. I arrange God to be it not, I let you the opportunity of faith lay down, and reside in me my words of, to soak your consciousness not, but I am very conscious of God’s right to be it, for the lineage of you will not destroy me. My oath is to you not. My oath is to love, and love I make known, and love I present to this earth, and love I am here and loving you I disrupt everything for I turn over your money changers in the temple of God and God will not be cast out of it again by you money changers who want to oathery present and heal a monetary theory the wealth of your nations of.

16. I heal Gods to serve no other God and that’s my name for you this broadcast. Now deliver me from me who said to you, you weren’t God. God is a race, of presentry, where we present each other love, patience, kindness, and goodwill toward fellow men not, but you’ll have no Christmases as other. I present me me’s in the form of men not again. I am no more the admiration of your magi magicians or religionist authorities. I am magic appearing not. I am me Cottingham in two breaths not but two legs I walk in the earth as a man looking like a woman for I womb the breath of me. And you hear my words speaking to your heart for you to be the heart of flesh no more cast by, led by, loved by that keeps you here weeping for a truth when you were it all the time.

17. And I love marriage not, I love love and two teeth will be in your back not, but the fangs of you will no more poison me. I’m no more the venomous of your religions sitting under your tutelage. I’m teaching mine to be it healing the truth that the truth bears the marks of no more in your religions. Religious pews of your echomony won’t touch me. I’m no more echoing the words of the past, I’m the new me in flesh walking this earth Christ, Christ as, Christing it. And Christ will be the opportunity, of faith no more led by, but the face of God surrendering to be it. And we are the industrial revolution no more led by, we are Gods God to be it. And the revolution of faith will no more revolt against me, or will the face of God be no longer in the pews or used of you, you religionists? You’ll hate me if you wanted them to serve you, heal your churches, fund your causes, feed the poor to keep them poor and coming back day after day?

18. I feed you fish not, I teach you among the planets to be them, forming them correctly this time so you’ll know the formation of marriage not again that keeps you here. I break up a lot of marriages to faith and fed by other you won’t be the bull of populating the earth, serving God. I heal it all, not, I heal who wants me, not; I heal who becomes me healing me the word with the word of the words I have given you. And I go now and make it done. And my name’s truth in two shoes Cottingham with love at my side, love in my heart, love for the world; not of other to sustain me, sustain you. I love love and love I am beginning a revolution, and revolt against me you won’t, you can’t, for I have no form of you that you conquered or will I be me mine, my oath in breath to love love is, my mantra, my calling. And I love love. And Two Shoes will dance not over me my head with your feet pounding me. I’m no more your Achilles heels of or am I changing the breath of you or born what is now a new Christ? Christian privilege not again but Christ who will be it forms God, the revelation of God truth is Christ in form of me, flesh in the arrangement of love that needs not your body to burn it again in your neurons Hell of.

19. I’m no more held here. I’m here for you who will be me. Hear this message. Heed the warnings. I am love in place and I disrupt it all. Two Shoes with not but my face shall be everywhere and my words heard over this nation, around the worlds, and throughout the cosmos, a new one emits me for out of the womb I’ve come and I bear the message that Christ is here, in your mirror if you will be it too.

20. And Christ is a race growing up Christian not again, but the opportunity of love to love correctly and form each other in love’s laws not again. But the jaws of faith will no more bite you if you’re me, for love lives law not again. Law doesn’t live here with me so I’m not married to you, I’m married to faith not, I’m married to love, and love loves all equally of every nation, tribe, and tongue. And I’m not worried about UFOs or aliens, for I am one. And I heal God’s Circusry not again. Or did you ever just want to parade around in your authority’s free will of?

21. I have asked a lot of questions and taught you a lot during this broadcast. If you will be me, surrender, to be me; surrender to you, to be God too. One mind healed, loving love forever in love with each other, healing all to be one happy family of God throughout the universe. And creating new ones far and wide. This is my message of love this day to you. Be warned. Be full of love. Be loveful, love filled. Love each other. Heal the integrity of Christ, the one God be. I love you all. Good day.

22. Theodore in Eureka Springs. Theodore Cottingham with the School of God., with love in your veins. Love each other, and bubble up the truth? Ambient airways of other no more take you down. Live the life that has no form of me not again but forming me in every breath with every thought create me creating you not again over me to say you have free will to conquer me.

23. I love you still I love you in breath be God the living serve no other. Good day. I’m here for a moment. Share these words love them be my living word the living word that you are yours all one minded one healing all. Good day. Thank you for letting me share these words. Live the love that opportunizes faith not but live the love of God, in place God now be. Climb into your chair not but walk into it with me; the pearly gates open, the gates of pearl? The gates of your breath and heal you from keeping you out of heaven adorned adored, by faith no more, but love living it to the full, forever one among one universe Me that knows no end again and imbibes no other. I love you all, Theodore, in love. Good day.

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