Theodore Cottingham with The School of God, Box 34, Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632 USA
1. I love you. Yes, I do. And my name is Theodore too. What’s yours? Or are we a bunch of Theodore’s life knowing about now that does the things I want to do are you doing them you too, that wants to be a man upon town no more? Or are you women in peace that do new things with the lovers around the world will you love them? Will peace be still you be saying no more but peace in action will you be peace lovers? Peace instillers? Peace disrupting not or are you disrupting a lot of brutality?
2. Awards now me are you awarding me to me that’s you? Will one breath you have that’s me between me’s no more discarded as? Will you work miracles now? My name is Theodore in two shoes Cottingham in a little school in Arkansas or has it begun all over this nation now around the world are my schools. And my school is going to be one that doesn’t perish again because it teaches the Christ to be it without dying again, sin shame of, but ascending into the heavens of me that creates new heavens award systems of the awarded me to me that’s in your mirror, and me art a race and the race of me Mes will be and God will be God again a race of not stuck in religions, trenches, or wanting an income? Or what have you come into, O God, the knowledge of that God you are, that God is a race that God you were before time began, before God was a construct, of your memory, a thinking disciple of?
3. Are you changing what you disciple, how you teach? What you live as? Where, you live, moving? Unto me are you me my words with? Will DATABASE ONE you know and understand the DATABASES I’ve procured for you not or have I let them live in me, through me? Have I given you my words set free? Are you setting me free in you to blow the winds, of shame no more, but change now I do a lot of things and I have told you what I’m going to do a little bit of. Or have I told you the earth changes greatly now because I will no longer forlorn be. I am raising my people to be me. I am raising the Christ to be it in the shoes of one who will be forlorn no more alone, in the thinking of me no more alone, in the divestiture of you or no more alone among the heavens the creators as the creators of creation anew is groaning not again in your frame of reference old molecules bound to.
4. I’m doing the things I want to do now and you see them and you will hear them and hear about them and you will see me as a witness to you that I’ve given you my words for years and you could have been me. You could have had them. You could have eaten them on your tongue and spitten them out not but loved them, cherish them, become them. For I talk about Christ to be it who in the women are having babies of truth with their words, and the minds of Satan will not be here anymore. For I will be known everywhere, for I seek it not, to save not, I seek me, to be me. And the speaking me will arrange to be no other, for they arrange their fortitude not the synchronicity of or are you asynchronous no more the God of? Or are you changing what God you serve?
5. Will you serve money no more? Eat mammon no more the afraidness of? Or are you asking who does what why? Follow the money? I am no more the greed controlled by you. I have given my life love and suffering I’m not in anymore of you, folks. I’m me doing the things I want to. I heal people. I heal them of their maladies, sickness and obedience to Satan that they don’t even know they are serving, when they serve God or not, they don’t know the difference.
6. Will you know Christ from Christian not again. Or will you know there’s no difference not again or will you be different the Christ this time? Will you look up? Will you be enamored not with the story of other no matter how credible it is, with the credibility of you, or the credulity of you or are you no more in credit seeking a blessed savior system that somebody obeys you not, but that you obey so you have good graces, stand in perfect favor?
7. I am tearing God down, not. I am putting it up not. I am telling you who you are. You’re a race of the Southern bastards no more that overtook this land. I’m no more the planetary systems that don’t know who they are, where they came from, what they’re doing, how they got there, how they raped were by the Southernage other.
8. I tell you this, I am perfect in my own sight because I became perfection, because I sought it not, I stopped separating from me. My word goes forth, you see. And I am my word. My word taught me I was it and it I am not a Southern outage of you or am I out with the apparel of me that looks like a man this day making this little video for you to see who I am in your mirror.
9. I am Christ with two legs, girls with long hair and short, men of beautiful nature not or am I changing at all? Characterizing Christ as a blessing not. Christ is a fortitude not to be other. Or is Christ the tenacity of who will study it? Who will creating it be the creators of? Who create me this way because you’ve had the secondary stamps of no other? Or will you no more take the mark of the beast? Or are you coming out of it no more beastualizing you each other of so you no more wear flesh all the time?
10. Will you walk the hospitals too, and empty them because you’re not afraid of their bomb threats but you’re healing each one simply because, you can, you do, love them all, no matter what they looked like or how they got there. Will you heal, the hospital systems not? Will you empty them, the churches too, because Christ, you are walking a man as women too. Women will you be Christ? Women will you see your opportunity to no longer be under man, to no longer be under God? This is your opportunity to be you, the real you, in breath flesh too, creating a new me. For I have given you me to do so.
11. And you are studying me if you will be me my words as my word of a school rises me now and me are Christ a race of a race of Christ that grows it up to be God most high, not the living of other needing on a crummy little planet cruddy of or am I changing what heaven exists in, what’s between your ears O God? What’s the nature of God, O God? What nature will you adopt no more or will you be it characterizing Christ, as a witness against you not again? Will Christ you be not the Cross of or Christianity either? That stuff goes bye bye not or will it no longer influence me? Will Christ you be the recognition of this day in your mirror to torment it not again with words of other that say you’re not it.
12. It is I am, I am anointed to do so, to be, to come I have come back again and I make my representation known to you not through the church of other. I am me, the common people in place, and I march out of your needs system and I heal the bodies of faith not but love in two feet I walk as a man, sometimes a woman too, sometimes both and, not binary’d by you. I am no more the binary’d system of you. I am Christ and I am love in love with it and love I am protruding with love I radiate love.
13. I come in the circumstances of me, you not subject to. So I will do the things I want to do and I heal people so they no longer need the eyes of faith, nor the torment of his resurrection. But I am mine, and I resurrect me’s in school, you see, I do a new thing with the lovers who will bear the Cross not again, but come through it before they hang there or death surrender to.
14. I am Christ in place. It’s my privilege to call you Christ this day. It’s my privilege to heal you to heal each other. It’s my privilege to change your system of government and everything else too, for I am here, in a man’s breath I do these things, for you to hear me, see me, be afraid of me not again with your powers, being the same one? I am a race, and I do the things I want and I have told you many times over and over throughout these years, DATABASE ONE starting first with, there are seven volumes, of faith not but love, numbered in a special way, a particular way to reference me, to link and map the words I am, to understand them so that you understand you, where you came from and what you do now, if you will, what you heal, who you heal? You first will you heal? Forget serving other not or will you serve you first with the questions I am about asking you have I given you a new numbering system this day not to be the algorithmic other or are you changing what you process, how words do you in?
15. I’m no more done in by your words baking in your system. I’m no more the thoughts of mankind limited by, limited to. I am Christ in two shoes faith with no more that conquers me to be other worshipping. Worshipping other is no more. I defeat Christ no more in the legs of me. The brains of the minds of one will be recognized now, and not be reflective of other. I Christ the church not. I empty a lot of things that only wanted to talk about me and do nothing but be afraid and hope that someday they would be raptured from this place because they hated it not, they just wanted to be elsewhere and think a thought so they wouldn’t have to do anything, they wouldn’t have to heal people, they wouldn’t have to love, forgive, they wouldn’t have to develop the Christ mind, they wouldn’t have to go where no man is gone?
16. I am asking you the right questions and I am going now doing the things I want to do, and I heal people. And a lot of people will be mad at you not but me, because they wanted their system to have income and control. But I abolish control from this nation not, but I control a lot of things not. I control me, my love. Or do I let love flow freely through you so that you will be you not hurt by you in your ignorance of who you are.
17. I am I am the most high I am. There is no other but me unless you create it. Your mythical subject of you like to talk about Satan and exonerate its power to talk about the Cross or defeat it or just sit under tables as honorary members do not or are you changing the honor you give the church not or are you but the judge of you?
18. The Judgment is here folks and I judge you Christ and Christ is a man not coming back for you. Christ is a person of joy that needs not this body, nor is gender recognized by or am I binary’d no more by you. I am asking the right questions of I am, to be it. I am a race of the Most High I am, I am. No matter how you spell that, look at it, carve it out of you not your initials in that tree. Or are you but changing the oath you took to be here? I’m no longer man under and it will no more combine, coagulate me with its death DNA of. I’m no more your words chunking out your memories, climbing out of death holes, fox traps with? I’m no more the sly regard of you.
19. I have been open with me. I have given you videos many for 20 years. I have followed you on your path not, but I have travailed in mine not again to do the things I was mired in clay of. I’m no more the model of your perception trying to pertain to or be perfect in your sight. I am mine. I obey not your law. I heal a lot of people and the systems of your brutality will go bye bye and not hurt me. I am every woman, child, and the children of inheritance you, will no more abort me. I am Christ in life. I’ve come back to tell you you are a race of Christ to be itGod grown up, if you will, but submit to no other. Be your voice. Listen who my energies to are listening to.
20. I am me’s and me’s I am are a race and I have explained much and I empty a lot of hospitals or do I change the politics of the political realm of you? Are governments changing, now caring about their people, caring about you ethics with integrity of the king are you most high, not worried about but being, no more the asundered race of you in slavery, wanting an income, a nine to five job or a vacation, a few trinkets to have, take your time, entertain you when among the planets you could be birthing a new me race of the cosmos expands this very moment are people coming to me to be me. And I raise a laundry list of you not. But I erase a lot of sins, not. I abolish separation from the king to be it. You wearing on your head the head of Christ being the crowned one who will commit no sin because separation is no more here, at the point of death not, but resurrection mine’s here.
21. And I have preached, taught like this I have. And I am plainer and plainer characterizing Christ, as a witness to you, against you not again, but you breathing its words to teach you who I am, that the Most High I am is a race, and I commit suffering not. I create miracles because I’m no longer subject to this atmosphere of your hate, brutality with? I am no more the excommunication of you for I have communicated very well, quite well, thank you. I have given you my life, love and peace if you will exonerate it in you and judge you, Christ too. Judge you off the Cross of each other’s words. Judge you Christ. Be the Christ witness of one in your mirror. Christ the life of your families, Christ the children, put the crowns of the obedience no more of other, wanting them to be obedient and obey other.
22. I’m taking a lot of crowns off not. I am abolishing a lot of death scopes of you will no more investiture me with your laws authority. I need none. I do what I want. I live where I want to go. I have friends all over the place, in high places I live. I change it all and I’m not your solar system begging for, I’m mine to replete me. And I am the repletion of Christ that no longer serves notice to you, not again. I am serving you notice right now, this day. I am here, I am back. My name’s Theodore Christ in suffering no more, to call Christ to be it. And that’s you who aren’t afraid to be it. It’s you who aren’t afraid of your powers. It’s you who will develop the powers of Christ to be Christian no more, and solemnity no more in the meditative theories of you. I’m no more the rights, rituals, practices of you practicing anything to obey another or have an income stream?
23. I need not your flaws and I am not flawed by you. I am the perfect me. We are a race. We have but one mind you see and we love each other, and we create distortion no more your suffering as. We are the frequency us and we flyer miles you no more needed. Or do we change miles per second? Or am I light that needs not your obedience school in. I change it all, and I am where I want to be at a moment’s notice, not, or do I just think it and it obeys me not or am I controlling everything not again to be separate. We are one minds of one. And the hoopla of your happiness will no more hallelujah me. I’m out with the worship band of you no more. I am banded up, needing your bandages no more. I am walking in truth because I heal people. It of truth heals each other, it of love loves each other no matter what your tribe and tongue, color having or not? Or are you all spectrums me the benefit of Christ knowing Christ shall come, to condemn it no more, but exonerate Christ in your school? My school does, exonerate you to be it, listening hearing Christ writing its papers to be Christian no more but Christ fooling around with toys no more.
24. I change it all. And my name is in love with love, truth as truth of truth being truth meriting saviors to be no other than those who save themselves first and heal the GODS now God be a race of light live love. I have told you much and I go do it and I’m lightning with your strikes not but I change a lot of things with the powers of one. Heal confusion not again but be Christ in your head the head you adorn with love now because you’re not neurotic of others neurons that program you.
25. I am light lived love and I live now forever because I always did, you do too. Where will you live O God? Not in isolation of you anymore, you placating you to serve some other God will you no more be the representative of healing a vicarious atonement, a vicarious government, a vicarious existence? I create life, a new life I live the new beginning of and I have created terraces for you not, but I change a lot of things. And you will be seeing from high places if you’re me the leaders of the scope of me enjoyment has who placates not other the toys with.
26. I love love and I defeat lovenot, for it shall no more have been here. I change time witness of me space to be no more placated by you. I have said much and often I make these miracles happen now because I choose to. And I choose you to be Christ. You too, doing the miracles I do now. I told you, do the miracles I do. Be who I am a race of Christ, be Israel on high not the landed other land of. I’m the Promised Land of me. And I promise you one thing: I’m here or do I promise you joy? Or do I promise you exoneration from you if you will heal me, you being it the love of that heals each other equally will you love each other? Will you love every tribe and tongue, every color of the rainbow?
27. Will you act out of spirits no more, but be the powers me unafraid of all availeth much not again the prayers of. I pray to me, not. I am in action this way, for I speak my words with words, I obey you not; I heal the worlds, for I have given my witness of me, again. And I go now, doing the things I want to do. And I heal people with love. And a lot will change now. Worried be not again about you if you will be me. It all taunts you not again. And worry will go away not or will I soon again move from this place? I’m in Eureka for now, Eureka Springs, Arkansas, doing the things I want to do as a common guy. And I love you all.
28. Heal the Christ, and be it this day, in your tongues? In your mirror, in your simple language that exonerates the Christ to be it, the indigenous to you. Heavens of the awards, come now I do with faith I have no more to be other. I’m living love and love you see it the face of every day in your mirror, if you obey it. Love each other. Exonerate Christ. Exonerate truth. Live the love of obedience no more to sorrow. Serve leadership no more. Lead out of servanthood. Lead out of where you have been and lead the Christ to be it and grow up God to be crowned by crowned GOD is a race of I am. SEE, that you have done it no more of sorrow’s ways. Lift up the perfect I am and be it. Please and thank you.
29. This is I am Theodore Cottingham with The School of God in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, USA for now. Healing I do miracles start, begin you yourself this day heal you curiosity be? Streamed of no other, be the livestream of me living love the life of that never ends again. Thank you. Good day. Share these words. Eat them and have the meals of joy forevermore. The price of royalty? Your kingdom come. Do this day. Be the royal you the regal you and crown I am to be it. Thank you. Good day. Theodore in Eureka, for now. Thank you. Good day.