THE MEONICS COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham Meology Create Christ, the living one that’s you The Message was all the time. Conceive it this day. 20230819

Create Christ, the living one that’s you The Message was all the time. Conceive it this day. 20230819

Create Christ, the living one that’s you The Message was all the time. Conceive it this day. 20230819 post thumbnail image

Theodore Cottingham with The School of God, Box 34, Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632 USA

1. Hi, my name is Theodore Cottingham with The School of God, Christ in Eureka Springs brings you this message. Christ to be it. Christ you. Christ will you receive the message to conceive it in you the conception of to bring forth the birth of the living Christ that’s you in your shoes. That, the message is, the messengers of. Christ have you arrived at the belief theory that it’s no more other than you who will be it? A race too! A race of Christ where you’re one and all will be one and one will be many and ones will be the Christ, of suffering no more. So you will leave your flesh behind not, you will walk in it to heal the earth and each other, if you loving are to be the Christ, will you love me? Will you love it, that it is one body, of races that cross time and space?

2. Will you be drinking coffee with the miracles happening now because I pronounce them, I do them, I ask you to do them in front of you to you. I ask you to be Christ. I ask you to conceive it this day. The blessing of Him not, but her who will have a womb for me will be my word. My words coming forth, you see, are formless genderless and they form me, the appearing, my appearing in of me, that you wear this body and be saved from you that look like you. Be the redeemer. You redeem you from the curse of what you thought life of was. I’m no more conceiving you to be in separation. I’m the separator not again in my belief theory. System of beliefs You won’t conquer me with either. I have healing in my veins, for I heal people, because I love them. I don’t send them to death chambers, to look up an ancient’s recording or words that tell them submit to death.

3. I honor the king. The King that’s them that’s you listening to this the King in you I honor to be you who will conceive it who will birth the race of Christ the King to grow it up to be God in your shoes healing a nation leading out of where we have been so incarcerated in us between two ears that we thought was intelligence of some kind? Debased were we by each other? Debased were we by ourselves? Were we based not the factors of ten on or are you changing your numbering system? Or will you be not the algorithm’d me that think you’re an intelligent Christ not, but some design that makes you die, that makes you separate from me, that makes you usable by others?

4. Are you just to pay taxes and die? Come on now. Let us reason together? Will you conceive the Christ and be it in your veins healing people with light, love, and peace. Joy to the nations now I proclaim because I’m not the production of you, your light with. I destroy your light that said I must die, that I am not God, that I was raised here by, parents not but some God seedling not again or am I sapped no more by your power that wants to rob it from me, kill and destroy my power, render me powerless by yours so I would do what you want so you would control me my income, my production of my energy. You slap me in the face like that no more you ignorant people that only want to birth Gods who are Saviors not, but the ignorant perishing so you use them up like toilet ‘tries . Will the trees of faith you no more be benign in or were you just cancerous to each other, eating each other’s powers up or rendering them useless? Will you no more be the ignorant, so ignorant, of your ways that cast each other down? Will you no more tear the angels down? Will you render God useless to you no more, or seek an entity other than you are the responsible party of you.

5. And I use sentences and words like I want to and I reuse some in the same paragraph to be multiple sentences in or how are you punctuating God this day God are you actuating God the curse no more of? Will you curse you no more to have to go work for another God are you serving God no more that robs you from it? Your Godhood with or of God are you no more the conception of the seed that doesn’t produce it? Will the trees of life you be begging no one for a job or anything else again?

6. Will Christ you heal, in your families? Will Christ you heal the Christian no more of, for all the Christian mess of entanglement with all of your burdens to please a God a Lord God of will no more be because I am he, not, I am she with a womb for the God of light, the original one me I am knowing the difference now and I render yours useless not or do I, render your powers abated from the earth so you no more have influence in me?

7. I am the fluent Christ, about Christism not Christology of your Christendom, but I am Christ mine and I’m the common person me of every nation, tribe and tongue. There, you see, the message is, and I render yours useless that wants to separate it and say it’s a Christian marriage to faith, or faith pleases God, or who is God? Not ignorant of God will you be the seed of the perishing no more?

8. I deliver God, to the knowledge of God I have brought you and you eat what you want. You eat these words you see and you become the trees of life indigenous to soils not again that keep you here stained in blood. I change it all and my regal light is white, of every color of the rainbow, of every energy spectrum known to man and not. For I am women in peace, generating my seed. And I am not the sapling of you grown by, torn by, teared by. For you will produce no tears in me, nor cause my tears to fall for sorrow’s purposes again.

9. I change. The healing of me begins, for I heal mes. And you’ve nothing to do with it not, but you control a lot not, but you control you the conception of and you will die out with your power, if you seek to do so, surrendering to it that which consumes you. But I am no more the consumption of mankind’s mind that creates it in a follicle, a folly, a vesicle, a vessel of you creating vassals of Lordship terror.

10. I defeat terror on this nation of Christ I am Christing it the newborn me, the newborn you, who will be it you to discuss the new birth and know what it means to be in terror no more by night or day, or asunder under the knife of another. I’m no more pulverized by your thoughts, your hammers, missiles, or anything you devise to conquer me. I’m no more death surrendering to so you cannot kill me. My word goes everywhere, for I am the energies of one who will be you, who will see me and conceive it the word of. And their words won’t be broken by you who want to interfere, to just cause interference patterns with my energies, my breath?

11. I breathe God into place, for I have the breath of God for you do too. Don’t you understand: God is a man not, God is a woman, or is it not binary’d by you androgynous of or do you know anything about God the form of? The Holy Spirit are you the Spirit of God holy will you be in your own genes, genetic of truth? Will you hear anything about God and understand it differentiating Lord God theory and all the mess of the messages you’ve made to take mankind down or were they all angels that invaded each other after they left behind theories of? Or are you changing all that you know about God and healing it now in you, your families, girlfriends, boyfriends, lovers of The First Degree will you graduate now in the heavens of The Schools of One that majestic are that majesty make of the common people who have been used by God, Gods other than God, God was nevertheless mighty or are you recreating you in the likeness of you, to die? Are you just wanting to sow fields on moons and stars and recreate your races to die again?

12. I stand before you as Christ is raising up Christ School to be a God every one of you that graduates me, upon me I rise in the airs of me, not the rapture of you waiting for according to your waiting theories, I abolish from the earth. And I abolish a lot of things, a lot of dependencies that you had on foods other, toxic crops are you no more to each other spraying pesticides are you no more the epistles of or are you changing everything that you digested you as this day?

13. Will you see my metaphors and heal them not to be sprayed neutered by or will you change the reproduction of me to reproduce Christ in you the word of the seed as the seeds are. My disciples are me, and I lead out, whether you call me a metaphor for Moses or not, I am a common man. I am nothing special. You could have been me doing the miracles too, and I attract crowds not, or do I just provide proof? Or are you looking up my videos, studying my lessons that I have prescribed and provided you for years to come to the knowledge of the revelation of Christ, you being it so that you don’t rob it from each other or you will you change God not unto an other again, some entity of, somewhere off in a far place, upstairs?

14. I’m no more the man you thought I was, not, or am I a simple me? I am simply in Jerusalem not, but my head is, not yours to toy with again. I’m no more the Head of Christ dissolving it to be your witness over sovereign creation of you or anything else. I created me. I created you not, you did. And you created you as sovereignty not, you ruled in your kingdom but submitted to folly. I’m no more the duped of your religion and the duplicity of your kingdom will not rule me.

15. I’m the ethics of the king restoring the integrity of honesty, light and preaching no sermons of you, but mine are preached everywhere, for the duplicity you reigns not, again but duplicating me I am by my word who heals the nations, who restores heavens to heaven. And heaven, will be the key to rejoicing not, but understanding the revelation of the Kingdom of God gives you the key if you will surrender to turn it, to use it not for other. Or will you beg for monies no more the freedoms of? Or will you enjoy me, cursing not the other? Or will you enjoy me who does the works? I do, obeying you not again.

16. Your laws perish me not again, for I institute laws not the regal of. I am the regal light me. And I king the king the girls first who will have a womb you see for this revelation of Christ to be it in your skirts, dresses, pants, leggings, no matter what they wear. You will not divide me and crop me up again for your purposes, O you Satans who have ruled the Church and so many mosques and temples and been the obedient not, but the slavery drivers. I cast you out of my kingdom not, you cast you, and you forged your future in hell not or did you separation create from mes and divested the kingdom of righteousness, light with not, but darkness, your tongue with? Your tongue created you? Your tongue reality created for you were you the living, adorned by faith are you no more the fucked up fickle of? Or will you change what you think cursing is or will you curse me no more to obey you?

17. I set freedom free. My name’s Christ in two shoes Cottingham what’s yours? My name’s Christian not again nor the torment of your religion, no matter what you called it, label it or required men or women to do. I change it all and I am benign, not cancerous to your earth, or are I on mine? And my earth is healed from your gospel of Christ to separate it and then worship it and call it some edification of other edificizing to sizable be in your kingdom with your inflated ego, your hubris, your checkered clocks not, but I check a lot of things off my list no more. I’m done. And I go to my Father’s house, not; I go to mine, for I am the King of me. I am one, you see one. One, on e, all ones. Will you be The One I am seeking, to obey no other be the leadership of Christ who understands it to become it you lay down your life of sorrow and you lift up His not again an entity of whatever you thought in the past or were taught or taught by.

18. I command you to be Christ, not, I let. Lead I do out of where we have been so ignorant of our power, love; and choices to obey you I am no more driven by your Holy Spirit. I am mine and I am holy unto me, sacrificed no more to you. I sacrifice to your kingdom no more. I defeat God’s Earth and all of its armies and all of its heavens and all of its obedience schools that teach servanthood servantship and obedience to the Most High who doesn’t even know who it is, what it is, where it is. So ignorant are you no more producing the blind that robs the blind and dupes the poor? Are you no more the interest of the capitalization on your capitalistic economies?

19. I change it all, and you will hate me if you like things the way they are. But that’s okay not, it won’t rob me from my stance or who I am; for I know who I am now. I know what my purpose is and I go do it. And you will know these words. You will know this message and King the King if you’re me who do it, in solemn surrender not or rejoicing will you enter the Kingdom of God that’s you right this very moment? Will you see that you are created equal with me, to be me, the king wearing the crown of life, the trees of, and crops not stolen by you again the low hanging fruit of.

20. I develop Christ to be it in the nurture of one, admonition of the most holy. The kingdom of God resides you see in you to be it, but you must develop it. You are not given to know all these things inherently, for you will run roughshod over me no more. You must develop love and surrender to be loved and love love preeminently first and foremost the imminent me rises and I emanate my words and I have put on YouTube my words and my laws not, I have no laws not, but the law will be to love. And love is established in this face and the face of God is you who will be it and reject it not again. For you are the Kingdom of God and the kingdom resides IN you not, but you are it. The thinking devices of no more control you to wear a face that’s man’s or woman’s.

21. I am genetic not of your truth, but I am mine. I have brought it forth. I have kingdomized the kingdom of Christ, or have I made it simple for you to understand, with videos aplenty teachings of my words that teach you to be Christ; no more the latter reign in. Or are you changing all my disciples no more to be servants in your kingdom, wearing a crown not but walking around broken hearted, defeated, bodies of despair?

22. I heal your churches not, but I heal my kingdoms. And my kingdom is one O-N-E. And I’m here and devastated you will be if you love God to be other than you. I am in your mirror. I am he, not, I am she with a womb for love and I have loved it and love has taught me what I am, who I am, where I came from I go to now and I be’witness your belittling not, but I am not the brotherhood of you. Or am I changing the sisterhood of Christ? Or am I the simple me? Walking in faith not but love. I power miracles now because you can’t defeat them and your words will no more stymie me. I’m not the product of your faith or teaching of law, or that I must comply with yours of anything that you want to impale me with.

23. I am no more your swords drawn against you or am I reflecting truth, in the miseries of you not again. I heal truth to be it. I am the seed of sorrow no more. I am the conception of Christ lifting up in my word is beauty, truth, and obedience not to you your words with, but the kingdom of Christ shall experience freedom now and freedom will be free, you must develop it first, though. You crown your life of freedom to wear the crown of Christ that you develop that you were the drafting tables at, no more destroying it in each other or you, your families or anyone else please.

24. I do what I want and I devastate your incomes some of you, for you will not live by robbing the poor anymore to keep them blind and dependent on you. I develop truth not, I am the trees of it, and I have come back and I am establishing my kingdom of truth with it, the true of. And the accuracy of you won’t distort me again in what you believe. I heal the truth and wear it. And that’s why I’m not subject to this kingdom anymore that requires me to wear a cloth skin frame of?

25. I change it all and my name is Christ in the earth, two shoes with this day asking you to be it too. Develop Christ. Heal God. Heal your friends, heal your family first not, heal you, love you first and foremost heal you love you God the kingdom of reside in the seed the conception of marriage to no else. Other doesn’t exist, right? Or are you writing now about the right me, left behind no more. I’m no more leaving you behind, I came back and you choose, diligently you purpose you each day. You look at you in the mirror every time you see someone else will you curse them no more? Will you create life and love it? Will you create the kingdom that heals? Will you empty hospitals too? And not need doctors, of law to lawyer you?

26. I change it all friends and I call you friend if you will be it my word. Heal the nations, torment people no more. Love God and be it, because God is not a concept, or were you it before the conception of concepts took place in your mind?

27. Will you be Beatitude’d be no more, or will you change what you know about me and look up in DATABASE ONE for my approval not, but if you want to be me, you will look up, you will study me, know my lookup function, how I reference things, and the scholastic standards of me will be adhered to for the acceleration of you, takes you out of here not, but to heal the people and me a kingdom establishes righteousness of the light. And here I am, folks, back. My name is Theodore Cottingham Christ in love with Christ being it the seed of the conception me the revolution of the revelation of one all being it. Crowned by love. Crown me in your mirror, crown your families, crown life light and love with the beautification of joy rejoice and know it’s all meant not to be sorrowed again. But you can create by your choosing for you have free will, not, you are God and you can do with it what you have chosen to do. You can change and love lives here with me and I am all over where I want to be at a moment’s notice I am gone or am I here preaching to you, teaching with you, to teach others, to obey the law that says you must die not again. Heal the God I serve not; heal God and be it.

28. I’m teaching you to lead out of where you are. And if you want to die, you can. But I lead you to the breath of God to be it, issuing commands not, but love. Orders of love? I am my anachronistic not, but I am no more the bells of you going off or sirens your privilege of. I change. And the peacefulness of Jerusalem is in me. I am it, not thwarted by your justice system. I heal the assembly of me and I assemble it now. And the bodies of light, the bodies of one, will remain so insolent not again, your solace with. But the peacefulness of Jerusalem is on my head not again to destroy it, but in me I am all things perfect and peacefulness reigns in heaven because I have adored it to become it. And I lay my life at its feet not, but I have become what I am again. Be the real me. The original one. The original you. In love with love. Good day, Theodore Cottingham in Eureka Springs with The School of joy, light, love, peace and action now. And the miracles never cease me again.

29. I do what I want and I live where love lives. I am me in Eureka for now. Do what you want? Do what I’ve asked? Create the Christ, Christian no more. Create the living one that’s you The Message was all the time. I’m back. Be me. Good day.

30. Share these words. Study the lookup function. Study DATABASE ONE and DATABASE TWO, THREE, FOUR and FIVE hundred videos I have on YouTube, my channel? I deliver God from God theory, now talk about it no more. Be in action. Thank you. Good day. Live these words and love them. Teach Christ to be it. Change your messages you preachers of the law and everything else. Change your mosques and temples to no more reflect separation, but be The Covenant I am with me who be it, in law not but love. And I’m it in two shoes Cottingham Theodore’s one. Be one too. Good day.

31. Record like this and heal the nations. Heal me I do, at sunset not, but right now with love in my shoes provide the miracles be willing to surrender to be the real you wearing the crown of I am life again. Good day.

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