Can love start a school? I say yes. Love speaks. Love listens. Love communicates. Love woos. And love is articulate. Curious. Diligent. Ever learning. Not boring, stagnant, or insistent on perfection; never cruel. Love is without hubris. Love lauds, praises, encourages. Love never hoards. Love is generous. Love is happy, joyful. Love creates. And I’m creating a school because I’ve become what love is, and love is powerful.
Love is starting a school because love wants to be known and create a race of lovers, loving as defined above. No longer limited to nature, classical physics, or the five sense mind, love is ready to regenerate creation in a new model that allows love to flourish and recreate without limits. So we need a new school, one where we operate from the inside out; where “line upon line and precept upon precept” is ancillary but not central to learning. We must redefine what we must learn and how we learn it; becoming it, a new race of. This is a race of Light People.
My school is light, light based, teaches by light, and creates the creator of it; as one, being one all connected to all ones. Breaking down the walls of separation, pettiness, finiteness, and ignorance; light creates by let; for “let” operates by the heart with a different set of values than does present flesh.
This is a school for light people who will learn by the light that they’re it, that they are their own source, maturing it into the regeneration of Paradise. We’re returning home. The portal home is through us. The gate is inside. Accessed by love, matured by tenacity, humility is central in this school; to all its operations. It’s a different way to learn, a different way to live; to create, constantly, by your word, emanating not from your five sense mind but your light mind which you develop and mature the creation of; because you’re in charge of you. You’re the master of all that you are, and you have all resources at your fingertips, not; but within you. You’re limitless, actually.
This school is about becoming who you really are, again; creating your way back home, establishing it here, seamlessly, timelessly. Time as we know it cannot incarcerate us, nor can space. Bonds of molecularization cannot withstand our love. In love, we are all powerful; but only in love can we operate, learning to learn the model of the ages, not; but that which we are and learned by before time began. Ready?
Creating The School of God in Eureka Springs,
with love, loving you all….