THE MEONICS COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham Meology This is The Message of The Angels for The Angels. 20230827

This is The Message of The Angels for The Angels. 20230827

This is The Message of The Angels for The Angels. 20230827 post thumbnail image

Theodore Cottingham with The School of God, Box 34, Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632 

1. Are you willing to learn from you this day, through you, the words that I speak to you, that you receive or are you not conjuring up other to follow? Will you lead you out of where you’ve been taught by men? Will you lead you into the womansphere, not again, or will you but be a planet, regime, that rejoices now with the creators I am? Healing I am doing a new thing, a lot of new courses starting so that you course you not unto uncharted waters of failure, but charting I am a new course now and I’m Enter Me 101 promulgating not you as but a way to enter truth social not of you. I tell you I am the truth, condemning you not again but being me I’m telling you I am me I am a race of Gods. God covers it no more up in flesh. I am out in crystal, crystal and pure form, not or am I the words of me creating something new? In you are you perishing not again with the scope of the vast resources that you limit yourselves to or are you but one whose framework was dumbed down and mentioned in the Bible as created by man? Created by God that was or are you Lord God’s series not of?

2. Are you man no more afraid of Gods, Lord Gods? Will you be people of the truth that understand the truth, that are willing to live the truth and share it and heal it among its people? Will you be among the planets no longer afraid of them? Will you gather dust no more in your dustbin? Are you willing to learn from you through you that you are the perishing no more? Are you willing to burst the veil? Are you willing to tear it down by its rivets because you speak the truth, you’re willing to live it, obey it not or is there no obedience standard that you must comply with to satisfy someone else? Are you but God? God’s God are you guided by no other’s words what are you running on your mainframe this day?

3. I change it all and I teach to be influenced by you, not again or do I teach the influence of you to heal you, and heal each other, and your children of every race, nation, tribe and tongue? Will you love each other? Will you heal the countries of influence not the strong men of? I change it all and you will hate me if you love your drug cartel or will you change the brutality award systems and no longer award influence to those who truth social of make it theirs? I’m not the truth of me not, I’m my own of you not. I’m truth in two shoes Cottingham telling you you are a system to learn from without the system that disposes of it. I’m no longer a truth temporary of you. I am permanent in me. I woke up or did I dig me out of my grave or are you looking at who’s come back to save you, not again. But I tell you this we all redeem each other not or are we starting a new standard race of that includes the perishing not again or will none perish who know how to teach us that we are the teachers of us are we willing to be who teach us to be the teachers, and the teachees, the teachors too? I am the students and faculty and staff are not separate, for I am The Schools of me, religions not again of. For I teach truth to be it in the cosmos you see that you are collected not of folly and rendered unto death. I defeat death have; the systems of me in place, and I am standard of my solutions of you not but I tell you this, I drink coffee with the lovers who will heal the nations, who will be simple people not in brutality of their hubris again.

4. I change it all and my time is now. My name is now upon the earth and the healing me, the mes that are me, defeating armies of you because they speak not, but I do, and I speak with love, and terrible I am to you because I defeat your income stream, not, or do I change the way this world runs over me not again shall I lay down and play dead, waiting for death to assume its privilege over me. I am no more used by you, your tongues of. I am no more waiting in death for death to take hold of me. I am many, my name is Numberless. I am Infinity, and I lack nothing, but you to heal me not or are you my child not again or are you but growing up to be God will God demand that you mature in the things of me that heal people, that let them go free from their sins not or will there be no sins because there’s no separation, the senselessness of?

5. I am sensations me, not. I am truth in action, and my name is Theodore, King of the Jews not or what’s your religion in purpose of you or are you religionless, or just dogmatic about having none or are you changing everything, O God, to the purpose of mankind’s not again to corroborate it, to influence it, to perish the teaching of? The truth are you no more led by scientific principles or are you it that exists before time was born, to not be a religion again of.

6. I change it all, and the truth tellers me will be no more assumptions other cast by. I cast your standards asides not, but I will no more forge you, and you will no more cast me in your castes. I change it all, and my name is Afflictionless, and I heal the terrors of the terrorist not again who sit me on a pew, want me to pray on a rug, worship a God, a deity somewhere or have the rights and rituals they command me with? I defeat your religions and I am religionless and I am not Christian, I am Christ, not the metaphors of using again not or am I but Christ, Christian not again or am I correcting it or am I changing your Bibles not again or are you but studying DATABASE ONE Jesus my pattern Jesus my failure not again or were you all, here you are again.

7. Are you all my disciples not or are you but God creating God, the cyclical Israel not again afraid of itself. I am the Jews of Heaven because I choose to be the race of truth that knows what it is to heal a nation and Proclamation make of my Promised Land opened this way to open yours not by me, but my words you can see me, what I’ve done for you to you not again. But there’ll be no vicarious atonement talked about here anymore.

8. My ways are truth and I heal people and I love to do what I obey not again, but enjoy. I enjoy you being God over you, to you, to correct you, to heal you, to teach you you are God too. Your families are also, and Gods is a race that smashes midnight not again the pumpkins of or are you changing your tunes of Heaven? Are you the families of Christ no more Christian about? Will you change what you’ve adopted as your terror tactics, or will you no more be the strategic of Heaven’s best award system so bent out of shape that you don’t understand it and you award terror for joy not knowing the difference, eliciting judgment of you to judge each other and crown the confirmed?

9. I am no longer the dementia’d you and I mention your name not or will I heal you if you heal me not or am I you who heal I am a race of I am a race who’s forgot its name not again The Forgotten Race of? Are you healing God, a progressive system, not of failure.

10. I understand Christ is you who will be it. I understand love that heals. I understand emotions that don’t terrorize again anymore for any purpose, for your brutality goes bye bye, and saves a nation I do from itself. It’s called Israel not again in the skies or is it, the guise no more of your disguise. I heal Gods, God in fusion no more to your confusion. I am no more the fused you to each other in congratulatory remarks of your confirmation of hearings.

11. I change it all and I appoint who I want to and I appoint death not again to be over this nation and brutality you will not be the brutal nations of hating each other hearing only of your power that’s God’s not but some force you obey, the Lord’s systems of? I’m not the Lord of your authority. I am king of the girls who heal the king who will have birthed the word that love is the powers of one grace a nation, and I’m healed in America first I do the things I want to do. For I am here in Eureka Springs, a little city, of tourists mainly, gathering here at sunset not, but I shall be rapturing me I do enraptured with the moment of you not again your wrappings with. I turn the tourniquets loose not. I reveal the heavens are the blood flowing of me that light is without affliction yours so you will know the body’s moments no more of truth or will you no more be the Cross upon the crossed up affairs of?

12. I change it all and I speak like this and I teach the livers who will live me. And we are God a one, race of, all one interconnected the mind of, and I’m no more hearing you slovenate over me. Your slovenly race will no more distribute my kingdom messages. For I am messaged of me taught this way that I am me a race of hearted, heated arguments no more. I’m no more the demanding you. I demand your ways go bye bye not. I heal the influence of me and my truth goes everywhere because it is the truth is my universe me prevails in joy love and peace so I destroy a lot of unlove and your brutality will no more rape me. I am the kings. The kingly race of one that establishes all kings to be it. A race exiting now paupery and your Popes will have no influence over me. And your policies will not prevail, nor power will be, in my incencensure not or will you censure my words no more? Will you love yours no more to teach you darkness of? Will you isolate yourselves in friction no more? Will you be the molecules no more contained by, detained by? Your thinking will no more heal me to keep me in prison yours of. I’m no more the thinking web of you. I thank you for leaving not. I surrender to death not again nor the ways that you have pummeled me with teaching me to be isolated from the truth and learn yours, among men’s mind.

13. I change it all and I am women for truth not. I am women for love not. I am love in place the gender of heaven and heaven makes its oathery go bye bye not. But I tell you this I stand in love love and I heal the girls first who will have a womb for brutality no more but love and love lives here in me and issues the Truth award system of one who will heal it the humble do and humble will be the reward systems in humility that learn the truth to speak it be it because I learn this way. I learn through my words. I heal my words or do my words heal me?

14. Am I cloth no more the veneration of or will you change it all and vinegar have no more in your Saul or will you change all the mixed up religions of who did what or will you deny there’s a God no more? Will you be it in humility’s standard of one, the righteousness of he who knows a savior not, but she who becomes the womb of I am teaching I am to be it a race, of golden thread not of you. I am no more the silver hair lining or the rigid gold standards. I am the truth of love and the love of truth that bashes it no more in the head banging of you. I change your music not. You can die with it. You can beat yourselves to death with beats of other but I am no more pounding me with the fist of me in ways of you. Your waves will not touch me. I am the seas of joy on and I ski without a boat, without a rope, Mom.

15. Or are you looking up in these words who will love me? Will you love you enough to learn from you is my message this day I crown the King of Kings who will wear the king’s robe and garner it not unto salvation other or a message proposed to you. I am revealing The King to the kings for you to be it King’d by your kinging breath. Kingly be in your appearance now to you and take no oath of folly to be under another or linked in shame to a standard’s words that demand you be sovereign not, but subservient. I ask you to be the sovereign you in the sovereignty I am of I am a race of kings, that exit not Jerusalem not or are you changing all that you know about the meta Heavens will heal you be rejoicing now because you simple are enough to have coffee with me in a little town in Arkansas are you coming to to have seminars to enjoy them? To erase the past not or heal the memories or are you healing your future’s me? Will you be the future’d me Christ as Christ of; Christian not again.

16. Will you heal the healing love that purposes to be it, not demanding other serve you? Will you heal you and develop leadership that leaders deny no more? Will you change how you think about leaders, leadership, and truth? Will you no more deny your power, you leaders of the cosmos? Will you counsel be in affliction no more? I heal the earth not. I heal heaven to be it and heaven between your ears heavens now adore me for me is a race who heals it and I am healing God to be no more the cyclical you dying of sickness, disease, decay, and demands of following other. I am no more the brutal awarded to you or the brutalees or the brutalors, but I am the teachers of righteousness who write my words upon their tablets of stone not again but hearts of love, and I live in the heavens of me and I rebuke your mentality but I heal mine, the loves of one. And brutal brutality will no more be on the earth so if you loved that you will hate me for I destroy your authority to prevent me from being me and the women, the children, and all who will bear my name that I am. And I am I am raising a nation. That’s their name too, because we are all one. And one mind will be healed from your isolation and the diplomacy of your brutality. Your duplicity goes bye bye and I hurt the Earth not, I heal it to be heaven here. My reward systems are in place, not your gravity with your gravitational systems.

17. I’m no more your waves led by your dots and dashes of your Morse codes with your syllables will no more entertain me, entreat me, to be the slovenly you. I am the sovereign me taking my crown and putting it into place with the lovers who will heal it, healing me to be you I am the race of God, not enigma’d anymore with you. I love joy, peace and enigmas shall no more sail the seas of me. I love love. I love live. And I live love with joy impermeable by you who think I’m other, so the earth changes, me not again.

18. You didn’t think I would come back like this, but I did. I’m a simple man with my words the values of the kings and the kings will be one a race numerous and numberless the infinity’d I am raises a Cross not again in isolation of you. I change it all my name is Theodore Christ upon the earth in the shoes of I am who will be it now who will teach each other you first to be it you who heals you redeems you who loves you be I am the truth. I wear it because I’ve become it. I became it in my forehead, my brow, my brains, or am I one not in affliction of you. I am not tormented by you again. I am bringing justice to truth and truth wears the light, and the light bodies me shall pervade a nation now and prevent the truth no more being distributed by me. I love live and social I am among the heavens and the heavenly bodies of light will no more be your Holy Spirit worshiping for I am The Holy One of me and we are holy and sacred to rejoice in, not the rites rituals in you promising a Promised Land else and other of. I heal it all.

19. Know DATABASE ONE. Keep the fools out of your kingdom or will you change how you learn and what you learn from, your mouth of peace will you live in the understanding that Christ is one, a meta story not of you, but I am me, and I have taught you well and I teach you well to teach you to learn from you the word I am, that you are generating a peace school too, if you’re me. For I am many, and my school perishes a nation not but many shall change their name and live in love’s fools no more, a fool hardy of.

20. I give love to live, and the injections of love will no more go away. I make my posts known far and wide, and the demandings of you will recede, and powerless will become. For I am not the angrimony of you. I teach Christ to be saved from untruth. And Christ will rise with the kingdom of one and be back that looks just like you. For I teach my girls to be leaders, and you will no more rape them, you men and your authority; your demanding religions go bye bye. And I hurt the earth not, I heal it and its rivers, and you will no more dump into them anything, of your truth; your wastes will no more waste me away.

21. My name is Love in Two shoes Cottingham, with a school of grace peace and warriors not, but lovers who change the earth, heal you by changing your circumstances, change your power not or will you live it now through your own mouth will you heal the words, the systems of abatement not abating you again. I change it all, and the filtering you will no more filter me out of me. I am love in place, and I take mine now. I live love with the crowns of one who heal the testimony of righteousness, yours not again, but lovers love living law no more. Live love, teach yourselves the new covenant me, I am be. Out of grace not, but graceful with love, not the slovenly you making excuses for.

22. Heal the lovers I am. Forget vicarious atonement, and atone for you only you, for you’re the one who redeems you with your words, by your word and how you live now to heal the nation I am. Heal the lovers, be in love with law no more. Love each other. Heal the children, heal your children, heal your families, heal your nation, of truth be it in the skies. And Lord Israel will no more be the slovenly pace of religion, nor the race that wanted to wait for another. I am all peoples on earth changing, not. I am the humble rejoicing with who will learn the ways, of the Lord no more, but the angels Race of One heals it with joys a’mighty, amassing burdens no more but healing love. Deliverance of the angels is now proclaimed in who will be it, the living love of one. One mind healed shall be this day. And it’s a new day, the new covenant Me says so; believes it not, or writes the law right here between your ears what are you writing this day Love O God, not law with. Love the love and heal the angels Race of One proclaim the I am race the one who loves who love is, loves all to be under law no more change the way you learned of me from me to be love in motion the actions, reticent no more to proclaim failure for the laws that led you astray. I am no more the wandering you in the desert of confusion. I’m Christ in one proclaiming Christ is all of you who will be it too. One race of gods growing it up to change the heavens and be the heavenly form of no other. Live love. Enjoy me. I’m in Eureka for now. Theodore Cottingham with The School of God loving you to love be. Study these words and share them, link them, map them. Learn how to learn from me that you is we are a race of lovers living love with the accelerated methods of me that change the nation’s scope of joy. Live among the cosmos, no more conflagrated by you. I love you. God be. Thank you. Good day.

23. This is the message of the angels for the angels. Live love and be it. Listen to these words over and over and memorize them not or will you transcribe them, for me or you, or what are you writing upon your mind when you do? The law of love no more, but love lives in me that I am is the one I am at the table of joy, peace, love forevermore The Promised Land of me I am opening to all who will be it loving love, learning how, school be The School of God this way I teach, I learn. I formulate me without the formulas of you. I love you. Flow me well, O God. Heal each other with love. Good day.

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